Destruction in Disguise

By Manikadixit

282 67 28

Christine Karev: 'You can't make your heart feel something it won't.' She is very well aware of the fact and... More

Part 1 - I. Hate. Mornings.
Part 2 - Chocolate
Part 3 - School's a Bitch
Part 4 - Unwanted Arguments
Part 6 - Noah
Part 7 - Ralph
Part 8 - Beginnings
Part 9 - Outings, or not?
Part 10 - Better Outings
Part 11 - Priorities

Part 5 - Visits

14 4 1
By Manikadixit

5) Visits.

I jumped up from the couch and literally ran into him, but he didn't move an inch. I hugged him while my feet did not touch the ground even with my height of 5'7. Cuss my height.

I looked up at him and beamed, "Idiot! I missed you!" He laughed, "I missed you too, half."

We untangled and I went to sit on the couch again. He did a once over of my form and shook his head, "You will look good even in a sack."

I threw him a smug smile, "Well, I know I am sexy, babe."

Then I returned to the TV and he went further into the house before mumbling something like, "That, you are."

I was so content right now. But earlier, I felt bad when I talked to Noah like that. I don't know what was it that bugged me, so I just said what I said.

But I got to say something when he was so rude, right? I know everything about him but that was the first time I talked to him.

Well, it was not his fault that he didn't say something, till yesterday, he didn't even know I existed.

So I just let it slide and went in to join my parents who were welcoming Roger. He was surrounded by both of them and they were asking him questions about how his life was.

Roger was 19 years old and was taking online crash courses. So he could stay wherever he wanted to and attend the classes.

He used to go to clubs and stuff, a lot. And he also didn't like the fact that parties weren't my thing. But since I was his best friend, he used to drag me too.

He did not leave my side for even a second. And hence, I couldn't talk to any of the boys there.

According to them, I was "off limits", probably because I was Roger's best friend. And boy, was it frustrating.

He came back and smiled at me, "So, how you doing?"

I sighed dramatically, "Oh you know, everybody doesn't have a life as cool as people who have nowhere to go when it comes to studies. So I have to wake up early, and attend my school and do the assignments and study hard."

He chuckled, "Okay, now you're rambling. And hey, I also have assignments and stuff, it's just that I don't wake up what you call early in the morning." He scratched his head.

I shook my head, "I know, dude. I do. You have literally nothing on your plate."

He laughed, "Wow, I have got a blunt bitch for a best friend. How fortunate."

He looked me in the eye and said, "Seriously, half. How have you been?"

I smiled at him and jumped in to hug him, "Just know that your presence is more than welcomed here. You were really needed here, you know?" And that, I knew gave him all of the answers.

"I missed you, half. I really did." He breathed.

With that, he detached himself and got up and started to leave, "We'll talk later. Gotta go and change."

I mumbled a small "yeah" and went back to watching tv.


Roger's parents, Aunt Jenna and Uncle Charlie, came in two hours later and we were currently seated at the dining table having our dinner.

"So, how's school been, Christine?" Jenna said. Oh, only if she knew what junior year was.

I said, "Great, just great." With little to no enthusiasm.

She smiled at me and went back to chatting with my parents.

I looked up with a glare directed at Roger sitting across from me, when he kicked me under the table.

He gave me a knowing smirk. Apart from the fact that he knew how junior year sucked, he knew that I liked someone.

Though I never mentioned it to him directly, for reasons unknown, he knew.

Let's hope that he doesn't get to know that "someone", because based on his reaction when guys misbehave around me, he wouldn't exactly be happy to see Noah's attitude.

I shook my head infinitesimally, signalling him to wipe off that smirk.

He kept smirking. Boys.

Later, when we were done with the dinner, Roger said, "Why don't you all go to the living room and let us kids do the dishes?" And of course, my parents were more than happy about it.

I groaned. I mean, which child likes doing dishes? It is basically a punishment is disguise of a household chore.

I strolled into the kitchen with Roger following me. I pushed myself up to sit on the island, with my feet dangling. Roger stood in front of me, with a smile, he said, "What shall I bring you, Your Highness?"

I carried on with the façade and said with a smile of my own, "Well, for now a bowl of ice cream and telling me the reason for that smirk would do." And then I started laughing.

He shook his head, "What am I to do with you?"

Then he put on a serious face and said, "I know that you like someone, Chris. And as much as it pisses me off, I am going to find out and see for myself."

I tsked, "What, are you playing the daddy now?"

When I said this, he leaned in and deepened his voice and whispered, "I would love to be your daddy, hun. All you gotta do is ask."

I pushed him away and started laughing, "Ugh, gross, gross, gross, Roger. Now I'll have to take a bath. Also, that was a cliché AND a cheap move." I deadpanned.

He grinned brightly. Boys.

After a moment of silence, he said, "So, where are we going tomorrow?"

I shook my head, no, "Not we, Roger. You. You have to visit all your aunts and family friends first."

He furrowed his eyebrows and legit whined, "But I wanna spend time with you and this meeting thing's gonna take a week."

I smiled and said, "I know, but that's what your parents asked you to do."

He jutted his lower lip out and said, "Okay, mommy. You are no fun."

I laughed and got down and started walking out of the kitchen before shouting, "Do the dishes and also don't ever do that I-should-pout-so-I-look-cute thing because that was not a pout, it resembled a constipated face."

With that, I went into my room with a small "hey" from Roger as a protest.

That night, I went off into slumber with a smile on my face, content.

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