Female Frisk and Chara x Male...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

203K 4.9K 2.5K

I can't believe I'm doing this Cant get this out of mind no matter how many days passed Welp hope you will b... More

A distant memory
Chapter 1-Past Events
Chapter 2 Oh no
Chapter 3 Little visitor
Chapter 4 Glow
Chapter 5 Falling Angels
Chapter 6 Caretaker
Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked
Chapter 8 Judgement
Chapter 9 Falling into Place
Chapter 10 Monsters
Chapter 11 New Playmates
Chapter 12 Magic?
Chapter 13 Trouble
Chapter 14 New Roommates
Chapter 15 Order up
Chapter 16 Just Vistiting
Chapter 17 Outcomes
Chapter 18 Reload
Chapter 19 A Fight
Chapter 20 Conversation
Chapter 21 Training
Chapter 22 Secrets
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Another
Chapter 25 Cook
Chapter 26 Story
Chapter 27 Glass
Chapter 28 No Mercy
Chapter 29 Hidden Room
Chapter 30 Morning
Chapter 31 Shopping
Chapter 32 Normal
Chapter 33 Movie Night
Chapter 34 Red
Chapter 35 Honesty
Chapter 36 Unexpected
Chapter 37 Nightmare
Chapter 38 Bad Timing
Chapter 39 Trapped
Chapter 40 Gift
Chapter 41 Plan
Chapter 42 Trip
Heads Up
Chapter 43 Flowers
Chapter 44 Accomplish
Chapter 45 Sweet
Chapter 46 Hot
Chapter 47 Spar
Chapter 48 Gossip
Chapter 49 Basket
Chapter 50 Call
Chapter 51 Dream
Chapter 52 Settle
Chapter 53 Kingdom
Chapter 54 Dress Up
Chapter 55 Clone
Chapter 56 Tux
Chapter 57 Special
Chapter 58 Conversation
Chapter 59 Form
Chapter 60 Original
Chapter 61 New Underground
Chapter 62 Greetings
Chapter 63 Castle
Chapter 64 Surface
Chapter 65 Blaze
Chapter 66 Chat
Chapter 67 Family Reunion
Chapter 68 Ink
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Error
Chapter 71 Truce
Chapter 72 Forgiveness
Chapter 73 Crystals
Chapter 74 Touchy
Chapter 75 SS!Chara
Chapter 76 Door to Door
Chapter 77 Dance Lesson
Chapter 78 Round Two
Chapter 79 Bath
Chapter 80 SS!Toriel
Chapter 81 King Bonely
Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2
Chapter 83 Bright Sky
Chapter 84 Blackout
Chapter 85 Blind
Chapter 86 Humming Bird
Chapter 87 New Universe
Chapter 88 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 89 Temmies
Chapter 90 Temptations
Chapter 91 Smut-SF!Chara
Chapter 92 Tems
Chapter 93 Couch
Chapter 94 Babe
Chapter 95 Crown
Chapter 96 Prize
Chapter 97 Truth
Chapter 98 Properly
Chapter 99 Make-Up
Chapter 100 Dinner with her Parents
Chapter 101 Returning
Chapter 102 Back Home
Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting
Chapter 104 Judges
Chapter 105 Sleepover
Chapter 106 Grilby
Chapter 107 Sweet Shop
Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 109 Coffee
Chapter 110 Sweet Shop
Chapter 111 Movie Night again
Chapter 112 Flower Arch
Chapter 113 Invites
Chapter 114 Blood
Chapter 115 Ceremony
Chapter 116 Speech Speech Speech
Chapter 117 First Dance
Chapter 118 Duet
Chapter 119 Birthday Present
Chapter 120 Grey Door
Chapter 121 Black Swarm
Chapter 122 Gatekeeper
Chapter 123 Eyes on Family
Chapter 124 Words
Chapter 125 Trap Door
Chapter 126 Deal
Chapter 127 Materials
Chapter 128 Preparing
Chapter 129 News
Chapter 130 Babum
Chapter 131 Artificial
Chapter 132 Void
Chapter 133 Popo
Chapter 134 Sparring
Chapter 135 Just hanging out
Chapter 136 Date with Frisk
Chapter 137 Ebbot Park
Chapter 138 AMS
Chapter 139 A Long Chat
Chapter 140 Soul Touching
Chapter 141 Answers
Chapter 142 War Cry
Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1
Chapter 144 Date with Chara Pt.2
Chapter 145 Date with Chara Pt.3
Chapter 146 Second Best
Chapter 147 Good News and Good Byes
Chapter 148 Return to SF!
Chapter 149 Bringing Along
Chapter 150

(Y/N) Profile

2.2K 24 17
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Species-Artificial Monster
Soul Trait-Unknown/Undetermined 
Abilities and Powers
•Kinetic Absorption-Any physical object hits his body or magic clothes will be absorb and converted to his own energy then stored into his soul

•Kinetic Delay-Any physical movement or action made by (Y/N) will be delayed.If used on a person they won't know what hit them unless (Y/N) explains it..Which he most likely won't

•Kinetic Conversion-He can turn any Kinetic or Magic energy in his soul to a different kind of energy such as fire,plasma,heat,creating matter,Lightning and potential energy which he can store unstable energy inside an object no matter the size or object and make it into a bomb on a high level of explosion

•Hyperkinetic Exertion-Capable to create strong winds,earthquakes,storms,ear bursting shouts,and any physical force he sends out with a simple flick or movement with his body he can sends out a destructive force destroying the land or target

•HyperRegeneration-Capable of regenerating a limb or any part of his body.If his whole body is destroyed but his soul remains he can regenerate a his original body but has a mental problem due to his brain being destroyed

•Soulless State-He can take out his soul and live without it if he wants to feel nothing.He can survive without his soul due his capability to absorb kinetic energy and use it to survive without a soul

•Energized Body-Using the absorbed energy he can increase his speed,strength and reflexes to perform inhumanly possible feats

•Ability Absorption-If he makes any physical contact with anyone, he can steal or temporary take away a person's magic or innate abilities

•Magic Absorption-Can steal anyone's magic by understanding the flow of magic within the target to flow through (Y/N)'s body or contacted body part

•Energy Manipulation-Capable of distorting or deform matter as long it has energy. Such as light, fire, electricity, plasma,radiation or a person's own punch/kick or movement

•Magic Corruption-By overwhelming a magic created material,with (Y/N)'s own magic,he can take control of the desired target and manipulate to his own control

•Determination-If he is Determined to survive or protect the ones he love.He will get stronger and ignore all damage to him

•Full Body Control-Can manipulate his own body to any height and capable of moving small amounts of his blood, if it his outside of his body

•Mental Endurance-Due to his constant mental abuse and Gaster's mind erasing powers.He slowly grows an endurance to any ability that erases or manipulates people's minds<Hinting when Frisk's and Chara's "Load File">

•Jactitation-By sending out a small powerful magical energy blast from his soul causing the target(s) to faint or feel nauseated from the energy sent out to disrupt the flow of magic in the target(s) soul.He can specify his targets around him if he's around targets he doesn't to faint or feel nauseated

•Assimilation Shield-As a Last Resort he can surround his body in black and white concentrated energy that is capable of converting any matter that touches it and assimilates it to the energy shield

•Energy Barrier-Thin or dense energy field that can appear anywhere and ignores all laws of physics.Can take hits as long the energy created barrier has enough energy to take the hit

•Impact Absorption-Any explosion or blast will be nullified or absorb then will be converted to energy

•Self-Sustenance-Replenishes his body by using stored energy in his soul

•Metabolization-Can regain his energy by eating anything no matter what it may be, like...a person's life force,dirt,lava,light and literally any matter

•Binding-Robs an objects or person's movement and making them appear to be paused in real time.Capable of momentarily paralyzing the target of it is going at blinding speeds<Hinting when Muffet's Pet or Error Sans tries to pull you with their strings but fails to do so>

•Physical Endurance-He doesn't flinch in any damage that is inflicted upon his body due to his hellish life in the Sub-Lab and Monster People's abuse

•Magic & Soul Sense-Able to sense anyone with a soul or any form of magic near him like a sixth sense

•Hostility Sense-Due to his abuse in the Lab he is able to sense anyone's hostility towards him or from anyone near him.

•Sixth Sense-Able to detect the slightest movement around him and feels the magic in the air to know what area,terrain or building is in his vicinity

•Instincts-Unconsciously moves his body without a thought when something that could damage him unexpectedly comes at him
Weaknesses and Problems
•Mental Attacks-Anyone stronger than Gaster's Mind Manipulation Powers can potentially hurt (Y/N)'s mind

•Emotionally Unstable-He doesn't know what's real, if he is struck in an unforeseen event.If he's Sad or Angry he will turn into his demonic form<Tell you later I swear>and doesn't see the reality before him as real and think it's another one of Gaster's mind games

-If he is face with an unbelievable or heartbreaking reality he will lose all sense of self and his body turns pitch black with his eyes glowing white and his soul turning pure bright red with the light or area around turning pitch black as well.The moment this happens the whole Universe goes mute and all anyone could hear is a slow heartbeat coming from (Y/N).If his love one dies he is dead set to kill and destroy anything in his path without Mercy,except if the people he cares about are around, he will instinctively protect them from harms way.Note:It is impossible to make him snap out of it until the target(s) are no longer existing

•Physical Contact-Doesn't like to be touch by Monsters

•Trust Issues-In his younger days he tried to make friends with the monster kids.It started out alright but turned dark as the monster kids gang up on him with their parents due to the parents hating humans
Small Info
•He doesn't care getting hurt
•He doesn't care about himself or what he has
•He just wants to be left alone
•He doesn't see his friends as monsters but actual people.He thinks Monsters are nothing but trash and have no sympathy towards them
•Lived in the Lab for 10 years and was experimented every hour
•Speaks multiple monster languages by just hearing them constantly
•Friends to all Spiders
•Keeper of Secrets
•The only Survivor of his Artificial Monster kind
•Dislike to most Monsters due to his human appearance and was discriminated despite having a Monster Soul
•Tells the truth because sooner or later Gaster will just erase their minds once (Y/N) causes another panic<Meaning he was force to fight monsters...And sometimes pull massive pranks on the Monster Community>
•Knows the Human Skeleton Structure equal to God himself.He knows what bones make it possible to disable a human's/skeleton monster's magic by destroying a certain bone in their body.Also what bone hurts the most when it is being pulled out of his body or when it is destroyed
•Dislikes Monster Scientists
•Doesn't mind eating anything but there is a line to what he won't put in his mouth<Poop or anything that vomit causing or fowl smelling is a Big No No>
Knowledgeable in any form of Health problems in the Monster Anatomy due to his time in the Entrance of the Underground where sick Monsters we're struggling to live.And the only Monsters (Y/N) felt somewhat responsible to Save<Secret>

•Well verse in science,math,culinary culture,  architecture,carpentry,landscapes,businesses,puzzles,mazes, political views, Monster Community, human weapons, Monster Weapons,Monster Anatomy, brewing,baking, all types of known magic,medicine, and self defense.
•King Asgore-A person who genuinely raised (Y/N) like a father and trained him in his high compatibility with fire magic

•Queen Toriel-A person he sees as a Goddess who cured his scars and stitches all over his body when they first met.But Gaster erase her memories every time (Y/N) was badly hurt or mortally wounded

•Prince Asriel-The first friend and person (Y/N) trusted when he was young.Asriel showed nothing but kindness and care the moment they met and
(Y/N) sees Asriel as person he will sacrifice his life for

•Gerson-Teacher.The most knowledgeable person about the Human-Monster War and (Y/N)'s teacher in battle strategies

•Undyne-Friend.Loves to bring (Y/N) and Alphys along to spar or train.Loves fighting

•Alphys-Friend.Loves to bring (Y/N) to watch anime with her and watch her favorite shows and genres.Likes to make Fanfics

•Grilby-Undetermined. Slowly getting to know him.But (Y/N) likes his passion for cooking

•Dog Squad-Best friends.Always play dodgeball, game of catch and hide and seek

•Endogeny Squad-First crew you hangout with when (Y/N) was training with the Royal Guards in Hotland

•Royal Guards-Sees (Y/N) as a great training partner and some envy his popularity within the Guards despite (Y/N) never really boasting about his strength

•Loyal Royal Guards-Sees (Y/N) with great respect for knowing his trouble times and non violent nature when Monsters hurt him in his life and will always look out for him in the Kingdom

•Muffet-First Monster who tried to save him so (Y/N) sees her as a guardian angel who always takes care of him when he needs it

•The 13 Judges-Group of Monsters who knows almost everything about every Monster and hidden secrets within the Underground.Also the people who pushed (Y/N) to be the strongest monster in the Underground with their harsh training and unmerciful attitude...Due to the War
•Always looks uninterested most of the time but puts on a smile with his friends or people he cares about
•Likes color black,sweets,coffee,delicious food and naps.Especially Naps
•He likes to be alone and finds opportunities to explore the Underground where nobody can track him
•Enjoys Music and sometimes plays around with Echo Flowers to sound like a choir or a small group of singers
•Enjoys making Asriel smile and see him growing to be the Future King
•Has curiosity to anything that attracts his attention
•Likes flowers
•Judges people for who they are, not for what they did or how they act
<These are all Facts during his time in the Underground.And Trust me there is a few more chapters.This Book is here by Officially Finished as of June 17, 2020.This book started on January 20, 2020. Thanks for Reading >

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