His roommate is...

By drearymistakes

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Cassandra Clay who likes to be known as "Cas" has to move in with someone who is renting out a room since she... More

Chapter 1 / The search
Chapter 2/ Meeting the roommate
Chapter 4//Study group
Chapter 5// His new girl
Chapter 6// Hanging out
Chapter 7// One month later
Chapter 8// Study and more study
Chapter 9// Sunday
Chapter 10//Let's stay in it's pouring out there
Chapter 11//The move
Chapter 12// The secret
Chapter 13// The invite
Chapter 14// The truth
Chapter 15 // Coping
Chapter 16// Trying to get in touch with you
Chapter 17// Too late
Chapter 18// Results are in
Chapter 19// The wedding
Chapter 20// Five years later
Chapter 21// Remembering
Chapter 22// You're invited
Chapter 23// The big party
Chapter 24//You want the truth huh?
Chapter 25// I love you and that's final

Chapter 3// College day

651 20 22
By drearymistakes

Today is the first day of college but I can't seem to get out of bed. My first night sleeping here at my new home for the time being felt a bit weird. I mean I just met the guy so I guess it's normal to feel weird sleeping at a new residence. With knowing I don't want to be late on my first day I push off the blankets swinging my legs to the end of my bed. I stretch my arms over my head as I crack my toes against the rug. I stand up walking to my closet I need to look good at least on the first day. Looking through I take out a black and pink floral button-down shirt, blue high waisted jeans with light gray vans sneakers. I have my bookbag all set up already which doesn't have much because it's only the first day.

After I lay my outfit out on my bed I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth then shower. I haven't heard any sign of Dylan being up. Must be a heavy sleeper. I turn on the shower as I step in after taking off my clothes. Cleaning my body and washing my hair I step out wrapping the towel around me as I open the door walking back to my room. I wrap my towel in my hair as I put on my clothes. I rub lotion along my arms- as I next moisturize my face ready to put some mascara and pink light lipstick. After that I grab my blow dryer taking the towel off my head then start blow-drying. Next, I style my hair in a braid letting it fall down my back. I grab my perfume spraying it all over myself then I set it down and grab my backpack and phone.

"Mhm, something smells good," I holler coming down the steps.

Walking in the kitchen Dylan has a plate of scrambled eggs with eggs and a tall glass cup of orange juice. He pushes the plate closer to where I guess he wants me to sit. Oh boy, I'm I about to have another lecture.

"Thank you," I tell him as I set my backpack and phone on the seat next to me. I drink some orange juice then set the cup down to eat. I wonder if he'll cook breakfast every morning that'd be great.

Dylan finishes what he was doing then sits across from me. He bites his bacon then looks up at me. "So, have a good first day but no troubles okay? If you meet a boy fine but don't go kissing the first second you meet him and kissing always leads to-"

"Yeah yeah- ew come on," I groan grabbing my cup.

He looks down forking some eggs. "anyways what do you want for lunch? I can pack you food?" He assured me as he was eating the eggs.

I wiped my mouth with a napkin finishing my plate. "No- I can eat there. I think I need money though but I don't think I'll be hungry." I let him know stepping to the ground. I grab my backpack swinging it over my shoulder then grab my phone putting it in my front pocket.

"Okay... Well, have a good first day." He finished standing up gathering the dishes.

I just smiled nodding turning my heel to the front door. I grabbed my car keys that were hanging. I turned the knob of the front door opening it the sunlight hitting me then closed it behind me. Ah, this is either going to be very eventful or shameful.


This campus is huge. There's lots of kids everywhere. Some who have been here for a couple of years it seems and others who just started like me.

Some boy turns his attention to me smirking, "hey new fresh meat." He snorts brushing his shoulder across mine as he passes me.

Ugh, I hate stupid boys like that. I brush it off rolling my eyes as I take a look at my schedule. N201 that's got to be on the second floor. I swear if I'm late on the first day. Since it's the first day I also should keep in mind to sign up for a few clubs. I pace up my walk up the wide long stairs of the college. All of the signs of the classrooms are getting higher so I must be headed in the right direction. N201 yup this is it. I breathe in and out before entering the class. Now one foot in front fo the other I walk in and this room is ginormous. There's a bunch of students everywhere laughing and talking. Wow, I never realized how shy I was till now.

I set my bag down while I sit in the fifth row alone away from others. Well before the class fills up. Right now I'm in English class and this class is for about two hours long. At least the chairs are comfortable. I sigh leaning back looking up. Out of nowhere someone sits below me in the fourth row with her friends. She's very loud and is laughing very much. This is going to be fun.


After an hour passed and everyone introduced themselves. Well, before my professor got tired of hearing people's names he stopped after the fifth row. The girl below me her name is Becky, shoulder-length black hair with blonde streaks, wearing a blue flannel with fishnet tights and a jean skirt, with black painted nails. I seemed I have been staring the whole time so I look away.

All a sudden I feel my phone vibrate. When the professor looks away I unlock my phone. It could be no one but my parents so I have to check. Nope, it's Dylan.

"What room is your class in? Are you sure you won't be hungry?" - Dylan

I squeeze my brows together. What is up with this guy he isn't my nanny.

"Dude, I'm sure I'm fine."

"Just tell me,"

"N201, what your not-"

I hear my professor stop writing on the chalkboard so I look up and see Dylan with a brown paper bag.

"Oh no," I whisper to myself. I cover my face sinking into my seat.

"Is there a lady named Cassandra here?" My professor shouts.

Oh, kill me. I sit up raising my hand.

"Ah, apparently you forgot your lunch. Please don't interrupt my class again." He finishes scolding at Dylan. Some kids laugh.

Dylan looks up at me then walks up the rows. When he reaches me he smiles, "I know you'll be hungry just take it."

"Your unbelievable." I snarl taking the bag. Dylan purses his lips wiping his thighs as he takes a step back then walks down the steps. 

I notice Becky watching him. "Oh, la la-" Becky turns her head back to me, "Is he your boyfriend?" She questions twirling her hair with her index finger.

I squeeze my brows, "No," I shrug my shoulders.

"Hmm," she looks away.

I close my eyes shaking off the weird energy from Becky. What an eventful yet shameful what to start my freshman year of college.


After the embarring morning, I had. I had a free period so I walked around looking for signs for clubs to join. I enjoyed reading a lot and studying so I was looking for clubs like that. I stumbled upon a study group of all different grade levels. I actually like that so maybe the upperclassmen can help us lower classmen. I write my name and phone number down. A girl showed up as I was signing. I smiled and handed the pen to her. She didn't say anything neither did I. I guess I'm not the only shy person here.

The next classes I had weren't as bad as English was. None of them made us introduce ourselves which was great and oh yeah no Becky. I guess it's pretty too judgmental to judge her now but I don't like her. And I ate the lunch Dylan packed alone in the giant cafeteria. Some were whispering giggling at me probably because they have that class with me. Well, I'll be known as the lunch girl.


When I drive home I sit in my car. I don't want to go inside and face the amount of homework I already have. Well, it's not going to finish itself. I take the keys out of the ignition stepping out of my car. I walk up to the front door unlocking it as I step into the house. I leave my shoes by the door then hang my keys. I let my bookbag fall to the ground as I step further in the house.

"Dad I'm home!" I shout taunting Dylan for making a fool of myself. Seconds later he pops out from I don't where then strolls to me.

"Enjoy the sandwich?" He smiles sitting on the single couch.

I roll my eyes scoffing, "why- why did you do that I told you I wouldn't be hungry this isn't middle school it's college Dylan college." I assure him using my fingers to make him understand better.

He shrugs his shoulders, "your living here and I don't need to hear your mother or father calling that I left you there starving okay? And I think it was a nice gesture. Even your friend with the blonde and black hair thought so." He finishes rubbing his hands.

I cross my arms looking up at the ceiling. Blonde and black hair? Who is he talking about-

"Becky? Your talking about Becky?"

"I don't know her name." He high pitches his voice.

I laugh, "Black hair with blonde streaks. She was wearing fishnet stockings... She is not my friend." I tell him as I plop on the couch.

He leans his head back eyeballing me. "She seems nice give her a chance. College is all about making friends. And she's pretty cute."

I squeeze my eyes shut, I wanna vomit. "Well, I'll have friends when I get accepted to the clubs I signed up for," I tell him. Magically my phone rings. I stand up facing away from Dylan.


"Hi is this Cassandra? I'm one of the participants in the study group club. I'm Chase Hent.

"Oh, wow hi yes this is Cassandra though if it's not a problem I like to be called Cas."

"Well, Cas I like to welcome you to our club I'll be looking forward to seeing you just come to the room the flyer says alright? I'll explain everything there."

"Wow, thank you so much! Bye-bye."

I hang up the call excited with joy. I jump at a man clearing his throat. I turn to Dylan.

"Wow, I forgot you were here," I admit.

"Right I don't live here this isn't my house. So who was that on the phone?" He asks sitting up resting his elbows on his knees.

I sit down where I was setting my phone on the coffee table. "Uh, remember I said I signed up for study groups I just got called by one of them and I'm in." I squeal clasping my hands together.

"Wow, you must love to study." Dylan taunts.

My eyes stare back at him, "I do, is that too nerdy?" I ask with jazz hands.

Dylan blows a raspberry, "No, I just didn't know. So what's the name of the host?"

"Chase Hent." I tell him putting my feet up.

"A boy," Dylan smacks his tongue. "He probably liked the sound of your voice and let you in."

"Dylan you are so sexist. Do you like the sound of my voice so you let me live here?"

Dylan looks at me in a way that I got him. "No!" He shakes his head then sits back. "Just be careful okay?"

"Yup. Always am."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter:) Remember to vote and comment!

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