Pokemon Journey

By dianealmera

38.7K 459 127

I was dared by my cousins to make a Pokémon story. So as a quick disclaimer I don't own Pokémon I'm also just... More

Only The Beginning
Kanto Part I
Kanto II
Kanto III
Kanto IV
Kanto V
Kanto VI
Kanto VII
Kanto VIII
Kanto IX
Kanto X
Kanto XI
Kanto XII
Kanto XIII
Kanto XIV
Galarian Visit I
Grand Festival

Galarian Visit II✨

1.1K 22 4
By dianealmera

Once the they arrived at the hospital many of the kids ran up to them all wearing happy smiles and excited faces as they all walked towards a couch

"Hello" a shy little girl with messy white blonde hair and bright amethyst like eyes was wheeled in from of May "I'm Monica"

"Hello Monica were you the one who made this ribbon for me?" May asked showing off the ribbon

"Do-do you like it?" she asked shyly

"Of course in fact I love it" May said smiling

"We love watching your battle against Cynthia you were awesome" a boy with bright blonde hair and bright blue eyes said grinning at Paul "I'm Alfred"

"Your battles are amazing I've watched everyone of your battles ever since you became Kalos Champion my favorite was your first" a little boy with wavy wheat blonde hair and amethyst like eyes said shyly making Alain and Ash smile the boy was adorable

"Thank you what's your name?" Alain asked smiling

"Matthew" the little boy said smiling "Oh I also have a friend who can't leave his room can you two please visit him?"

"Of course" Ash said before they got up and walked with Matthew leading them a really decorative room with a TV and a little boy on the bed watching what looked like Alan's first battle against Ash

"Hey John look who came with me" Matthew called excitedly making the other boy look up and gasp

"Your Alain and Ash the champions of Kalos and Alola!" he said smiling widely

"Hi John" Ash said smiling before Pikachu jumped infront of him smiling "Looks like Pikachu wants you to pet him"

"Really?" John asked hopefully before he reached out to pet the electric mouse earning a coo from the rodent "He's so soft and fluffy and warm"

"I remember this" Alain said smiling as he watched the television

"It's my favorite battle and John's second favorite" Matthew said smiling

"Why?" Alain couldn't help but ask

"Your Charizard is just amazing and your mega evolution is almost as great as Leon's Dynamaxing Charizard" Matthew said smiling

"And what's your favorite John?" Ash asked smiling gently as the little boy continued to pet Pikachu

"You against her" John said gesturing towards Ash happily

"And why is that?" Ash asked still smiling at the little boy

"Because you two were just so passionate when you battled you two are my role models when I get better I want to be just like you two" John said making both of them smile

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Alain?" Ash asked her boyfriend cheekily

"I'll ask a nurse if it's alright for him to leave his room" Alain said before he left

"Do you two want to watch a live battle against Matthew gets to pick Alan's pokemon while you choose mine?" Ash said smiling softly

"Really?" John asked excitedly

"Yup" Ash said before Alain came back with a nurse behind him

"Were going to the battle field behind the hospital there you two can meet our other pokemon and choose" Alain said as he placed his hand on Ash's shoulder

"Ready John?" Alain asked as the nurse placed his necessary IV's before Alain placed him into the prepared wheelchair before starting to push it towards the elevator with Matthew holding Ash's hand while Pikachu sat on John's lap happily enjoying the little boy's petting

Once they arrived at the battle field both Alain and Ash released their six chosen pokemon that the boy could choose from

"John this is my Unfezant, Greninja, Sceptile, Lucario and Gardevoir" Ash said smiling as all her pokemon seemed to like the little boy

"Matthew you already know my Charizard don't you, well this is my Unfezant, Lycanroc, Gallade, Garchomp and Kommo-o" Alain introduced also smiling

"Are your Unfezants mates?" Matthew asked looking at both Proud Pokémon

"Yes we are little one" Ash's Unfezant said nuzzling the boy's hand

"Yes they are oh and you two can choose two pokemon each" Ash said still smiling

"Charizard if that's OK" Matthew said smiling

"Um Greninja is that alright?" John asked nervously

"They said sure" Ash said chuckling at Greninja and Charizard' s expressions

"Yay!" both kids cheered happily

"Everyone take care of them alright" Ash said before she ran towards her place with Greninja while Alain did the same with Charizard

"Ladies first" Alain said smirking

"Alright then Greninja Night Slash!" Ash called out before Greninja sped towards Charizard with two dark kunais

"Charizard counter with Thunder Punch!" Alain said before Charizard launched himself towards Greninja his fists engulfed in lightning

Meanwhile as the two pokemon exchanged punches Matthew and John had stars in their eyes, other children and some staff started watching the match all in awe at the raw power both pokemon had

"Water Shuriken!" Ash called out her voice holding so much passion

"Dragon Claw!" Alain called out clearly enjoying the match just as much as his girlfriend

As both pokemon clashed a many by sanders started to stop what they were doing to watch one person in particular was greatly intrigued

"Let's go Greninja!" Ash said as a tornado of water surrounded Greninja

"Alright then Key Stone respond to my heart Charizard Mega Evolve!" Alain said smirking as bright yellow tendrils shot out of his key stone bracelet

Everyone was in awe at the sight of a Mega Evolved Charizard and Ash-Greninja both pokemon practically radiating power which also showed as they clashed against each other with full force

"Water Shuriken!"

"Dragon Claw!"

Upon clashing Greninja and Charizard both started to feel all the hits they've taken as the exciting match reached an end resulting in a draw as both pokemon fell over due to fatigue

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Matthew and John said happily as everyone else just clapped loudly

"Thanks" Alain said as he and Ash returned their pokemon and he walked towards his girlfriend smiling softly at her

"Great battle" Ash said before they walked over to the two kids

"Thanks" both trainers said before they saw their audience who were now clapping loudly

"That's was great!"

"Such strong trainers!"

"Oh how lovely they're so cute"

"Ahhhhhh what a cute couple!"

"Wow it's the Alola and Kalos Champions! How cool!"

"Maybe we should head inside" Alain whispered into Ash's ear

"Yeah" Ash said before Chairman Rose came out

"Ah there you are sorry people but Champion Alain and Champion Ash need to head inside now" he said as Ash and Alain guided the boys inside after they returned their pokemon

"Thank you Chairman Rose" Alain said as Ash pushed John on their way to his room

"Of course it's not everyday that we have foreign champions in our beloved region"

For the past five days everyone went to the hospital allowing the children to play with their pokemon, teaching them all they knew and just enjoying themselves. May loved spending time with Monica, Paul was always with Alfred, Alain and Ash were always found with Matthew and John. On the last day everyone decided to give special gifts

"Why are we here Dr. Diane?" John asked as Matthew wheeled him into a room

"Well we have special gifts for you" Ash said as she walked into the room

"Wow really? " All of the kids said excitedly

"Yeah" Paul said smiling "Alright then who's first?"

"How about future Mr. And Mrs. Sycamore?" May teased making Ash blush, Alain smirk and the kids giggle

"O-Ok" Ash said before she and Alain pulled out two Premium Balls

"Wow thank you!" the boys said smiling before looking at the pokeballs in awe

"Well what are you waiting for, open them! " Monica and Alfred said excitedly

When the boys threw their pokeballs into the air releasing a Ralts and and a Pidove both being shiny

"These pokemon are offsprings of pokemon specifically our Unfezants and my Gardevoir and Alain's Gallade"? Ash said smiling at the two boys who were bonding with their new pokemon

"Thank you so much!" they said smiling

"Monica this is my starters first daughter" May said smiling as she gave Monica a heal ball after Monica released her new Torchic the little chick pokemon started to nuzzle the little girl's leg

"I love her!" Monica said happily

"I guess it's my turn" Paul said smiling softly at Alfred

"This a very special baby he is every inch his dad and is just as powerful" Paul said smiling at the little boy giving him a Quick ball

"Thanks" Alfred said happily before throwing the Quick ball up releasing a energetic looking Elekid "Oh my gosh I love him! I love him! I love him"

"You all promise to take good care of them alright" Alain said smiling

"We will we promise" the kids said smiling "And we promise to cheer up on for your league and Grand Festival"


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