Hikikomori (No Game No Life X...

By RoyaleAbsol

12.9K 378 44

Across a virtual world of 1s and 0s, three siblings find themselves trapped in a world where everything is de... More

I've returned (A/N)
New World
Blind Faith
Mind Games
Strategic Confrontation

The Will Of The Pledges

1.1K 43 0
By RoyaleAbsol

I take a peek at Steph. She's thinking deeply about what to pick until she eventually settles. Until she looks at Sora's smug grin and begins to melt down a bit. Typical. She's thinking longer and harder until she settles again.

They show their hands....






Stephanie is in shock.

Sora: Bet you didn't think that I was in your head as well as you were in mine. I know you thought you would win 2 out of 3 times if you went with scissors. Thats why I said I could only win with paper. Frankly so long as you lost or tied, the outcome would have been the same."

Steph sighs.

Steph:"Fine, I'll find you a place to stay."

Sora: "Oh, that's quite alright."

Steph: "Huh?"

Sora looks to Shiro.

Sora: "Little sis, what was the bet as per a tie?"

Shiro: "You said that we would give a hint as to why Stephanie she was cheated. And that she would do a favour for us in return."

Sora: "And what was the favour, dare I ask?"

Shiro: "You never said."

Meanwhile, I'm rewinding the entire conversation pre-game. When it came to discussing the circumstances of the result being a draw, he DIDN'T confirm anything...

...he just taunted her.

Of course! Such a brilliant plan could only have been thought up by Sora. He stands up and walks towards her slowly...and quite menacingly as well. I take a seat on the bed, blocking the access point in case things take a turn for the very, VERY worst.

Sora: Now...I bet your wondering what it is I want you to do for me...."

Sora...don't you dare...

Sora:"I want you...."

A drumroll is playing in my head.

Sora:"....to LOVE ME!"



He prances around our room like a little fairy tale elf before stopping in front of our bed.

Sora: "Did I not come up with the most genius plan?! Now that she'll fall in love with me, we can live straight into her palace because ALL pledges must be upheld!!!!"

That...was his plan...? He really went through all this to get a single girl to love him? Really? I'm honestly speechless.

Shiro isn't exactly fond of this plan either. And by that, I mean she's crying into my arm whilst repeating the phrase "I don't want Brother to leave me.". I put my arm around her to console her and glare at Sora.

Y/N: "All that JUST to get a girl to fall in love you?! You do realise it was just as simple as betting all her stuff?"

Suddenly, Sora stops celebrating his 'achievement' and freezes. He can barely even utter out a single word. When he eventually does, it's just that: a single word.


He knows I'm right. It just takes a moment to sink in properly.

Y/N: "You just couldn't keep it in your pants, could ya?"

That's when he comes out swinging. He grabs his own head and melts to the floor, lamenting his disassembled plan and unleashing of his 'desires.'

Through her tears, Shiro speaks up.

Shiro: "You said you never wanted a girlfriend."

Sora stops freaking and turns to face us. He's gone silent all of a sudden.

Shiro: "You...told us that we were all you needed."

Sora stares at us. We all made our own pledge back in our own world. No matter the circumstances, no matter the coming of time, no matter what came each our ways, Blank would never disband...never stray away from each other...no matter what...we were all we needed...Blank vs the world. And he just broke that pledge...

He begins to apologise profusely, hugging us and promising he'll never abandon us. I peek at Stephanie.

She's just staring at this meltdown. She's blushing bright red. Is she...actually falling for him? Maybe so but it also seems like she trying to resist our bet. She's got her head against a wall, mumbling something about 'fighting the power'. But does she have the willpower?

Sora: "Mind if I call you Steph?"

Stephanie: "Why of course not!"

She has a huge smile on her face. In other words, No, no she doesn't. These pledges really do have a strong grasp on people. I decide to test it for myself.

Y/N: "Do you think Sora (and the rest of us) could stay at your place?"

Steph: "Well, sure!"

God damn, she's REALLY trying to resist. But it just isn't doing any good. It's kind of funny watching her try ever so hard. Despite that, I'm still kind of miffed that Sora almost abandoned us for her. So another idea pops into my head.

Y/N: "If you want her to love you so much, then you gotta return the favour. Go ahead, you obviously don't need us! Go be with your new 'girlfriend', you jerk!"

With that, I push Sora towards, causing him to trip and land right on top of Steph...

...he's got his hand on a rather sensitive spot as well. Steph blushes as Sora lays on top of her. He doesn't make any effort to get off. Just as I thought...jerk. Steph covers her mouth. She's blushing again...

...she's enjoying this! Or is she? With a sudden leg swing she throws Sora across the room and into the closet and...

W-wait, what? NOOOO! I rush to the door before Sora leaves my line of sight. But it's too late, he's gone and I crumble to the ground, snivelling like a little weasel for my brother to come back to me.

I can feel a pair of confused eyes on me. They're Steph's but I don't care. All I want is Sora back...my Sora...you promised you'd never leave me...Sora...where are you...my dear... big brother? I'm sorry for every despicable thing I did to you, every horrible thing I ever said, I only act like that because I don't want to lose you because you're too important to me and if you ever left me alone then I would...I would... I would...

I sense a familiar figure down at the end of the closet. It's Sora! I get on my feet and rejoice in his arms. A smaller set of arms wrap around his waist. They're Shiro's.

Shiro: "I'm... I'm so glad your safe, Sora. I don't know what I would have done without you!"

When we come out of closet, Steph is staring at us weirdly.

Steph: "So, are you three brain damaged or something?"

Honestly, I've had enough of her for now. And I'm apparently not alone in that thought.

Sora: "Hey, Steph?"

Her whole demeanor changes back to being all lovey-dovey from the very second the words leave his mouth.

Steph: "Yes, Sora?"

Sora: "Could you take us to your palace now?

Steph:"Well, of course! Anything for you, Sora! Just follow me!"

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