F.E.A.R. Elite - First Encoun...

By LaydamDanielDinglasa

250 5 0

A fan-fiction story of Magical Girl Raising Project, setting in the Corporation Wars. This is a prequel story... More

Interval 01 - Inception
Interval 03 - Escalation
Interval 04 - Infiltration
Interval 05 - "Redirection"
Interval 06A - Interception
Interval 06B - Apprehension
Interval 07 - Retaliation
Final Interval - Revelation
Epilogue - Aftermath
Extra: Theoretical Questions Explained About The Story

Interval 02 - Initiation

19 1 0
By LaydamDanielDinglasa

6:00 PM
Monzen Town Harbor
Nabuka, Japan

Two helicopters are seen flying on their way to the harbor.

The soldiers of the SFOD from the JSDF are now being deployed by rappelling down at the front gate.

Soldier 1: Let's go f*** some s*** up!
Soldier 2: Just keep your cool, and your pants on.

Soldier 3: We are at the gate. I would like to send in some of my guys, but I think we'll need an overwatch for this one. How about you?
Daniel: I'll find a way to open the gate.

Daniel heads on to the cargo sideway route, leading to a backdoor entrance and exit. He goes inside.

On the way finding the stairs, a corpse of a warehouse maintenance worker falls off the railing.

*blood dripping*

"Incoming Signal.. Unknown Origin"

He goes into the control room, and pulls down the lever to open the gate. He can see them in the window clearly, as they enter the the area.

On the way back, he is hearing nearby gunfire, seeming that they are under attack from unidentified hostiles.

"Incoming Signal.. Unknown Origin"

*gunfire noises*

Soldier 1 (radio): S***, what the hell is that?!
Soldier 2 (radio): Everyone, get back!

Commander (radio): Viper 2-1, what's your situation? Viper 2-1, come in! What the hell is going on?!

Daniel comes back to regroup with the team, only to see blood-red skeletons of their corpses. He begins experiencing the same activity, causing his own telepath to contract.

Daniel: ...? No, it can't be.. Is this liquification?! HQ, this is Dinglasan. They're--- *groans pain*

He hears a voice from his own telepath.

?: Who are you, and what were you doing in this place?

As he sees the one who is speaking to him, it is a figure of a elementary female student, but the activity subsides quickly before he could get a clear view.

His vision returns to normal.

Commander (radio): If anybody is alive, rendezvous with Brigade General immediately!

Daniel goes into the cargo warehouse, and sees a dying worker.

Worker: They all.. started.. shooting...everyone..
Daniel: Who?
Worker: Those..mysterious...soldiers..

He hears a gunshot noise in the next room, as he sensed them that many of them are nearby.


Replica Trooper 2 (Echo 3, radio): Echo 0, report.
Replica Trooper 1(Echo 0): Nothing to report, all secure here.
Replica Trooper 2 (Echo 3, radio): Be advised that you are to sweep the area for any intruders. Return to checkpoint for 40 minute intervals.
Replica Trooper 1 (Echo 0): Copy that.

He stealthily takes out the clone soldier.


He goes to the filing office, and opens the door. Some of the clone soldiers sees him and started shooting by suprise.

*gunfire noises*

Replica Trooper 4: Target spotted!

Daniel evades and starts shooting at them, while flanking and using his slow motion ability.

*gunfire continues*

Replica Trooper 5: Look out, he's trying to flank!
Replica Trooper 4: He's too fast!

Daniel took out the patrolling team of Replica Soldiers. In the next warehouse, tracking down the Replica Soldiers to find out what they are up to, he comes across an almost-dead hostage.

Hostage: The demon... If that thing they experimented on demonstrates more power...Something terrible will happen...and it will be the worst... Origin.

The hostage dies, as Mimori contacts him on the earpiece radio.

Mimori (radio): What is Origin?
Daniel: I don't know, but I think I want to find out.

He hears voices, seeming they set up an ambush for him. The lights are all suddenly turned on.

Replica Soldier 1: Hit the lights!
Replica Soldier 2: Get him!

*gunfire noises*

Daniel counters the ambush. He shot the clones with his slow motion ability. He goes through a corridor, seeing and following a figure of the middle grade school female student. She disappears into thin air like ash.

Daniel: ....?

"Incoming Signal.. Unknown Origin"

*reverse speech whisphering*

?: Is someone there?

Daniel: ...?

The paranormal activity ceases, as he finds another blood-red skeleton corpse. He goes to the back storage room, and sees an opening in the wall.

Reaching the exit door, the homunculi appears and triggers explosion through the entire room as Daniel stepped back.

Almost cornered, he is blown away from the explosion through the glass window.

*distorted explosion*
*glass breaking*


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