The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn

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By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, AltairMorpheus, and Sandersen37. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

The Year Is 2245*

1 Year After The End Of Chapter 31*

Ash Fall's POV*

The Sentinels and I got word that there was a White Fang facility on the outskirts of Vacuo.

Onyx was using Time Rush to keep up with us.

Harold in his Xarthos form rode around on a bike.

Ein, Ember, and I flew around blasting people with magical blasts.

Volt in his Ukand form was smashing people into the ground.

Josie was driving a truck while Black Rock Shooter blasted people as we destroyed The White Fang goons between us and the main facility.

I grabbed a gun and moved to shoot people along with the rest of the gang.

Ember hit an invisible shield and said, "Shit!".

Harold said, "Language! Alfred, what's the view from upstairs?".

Alfred said that the building was protected by an invisible energy field.

Ein and I stormed the incoming squadron of White Fang goons.

Onyx used Time Rush to hit them all up against trees and whatnot.

Ein said, "The Sword of Destruction and The Lamp of Knowledge must be here. Taurus couldn't mount his defenses without The Sword of Destruction.".

I said, "No doubt about it. These White Fang weapons are firing similar energy to that of the Relics.".

Ein slashed a guy in half with Brynhildr as I finished saying that.

Black Rock Shooter said, "I think we lost the element of surprise.".

Ember in her smart alack ways asked, "Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Harold just said Language?".

Harold said, "I know. Just slipped out.".

I flew over and grabbed a guy out of a car and threw him at a White Fang goon on a motorcycle making him fall off.

Ember deployed the Fiery Legion to secure the citizen's safety.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I used Time Rush to rush over and see if Black Rock Shooter needed any backup.

When I got over there I saw a guy running in my Time Rush.

I said, "Hey you!".

He sped off before I could get anything out of him.

Josie arrived to take care of Black Rock Shooter's injuries while I ran off to help Ash and Ein.

Ember said, "Drawbridge is down people.".

Ash, Ein, and I watched a whole White Fang squadron headed our way.

Ein said, "I can get Black Rock Shooter. You three and Ember secure the Sword and the Lamp.".

We nodded and Ash sent a shockwave at the incoming troop of White Fang.

Ein said, "Find the Relics." as she flew off.

Ember said, "And for gosh sake watch your language.".

Harold looked down and said, "That's not going away anytime soon.".

I said, "It's a given." as I Time Rushed off to the main compound.

We arrived and found Ember holding the Sword and the Lamp with a small fearful look in her eyes.

Ash Fall's POV*

We all soon regrouped on the Sentinels Jet and began our going back home.

Black Rock Shooter and Volt talked while Me, Onyx, Ein, and Harold looked down at the Relics.

We heard Black Rock Shooter ask "Ein, report on Ukand.".

Ein said, "The gates of the underworld are filled with the screams of his victims.".

Black Rock Shooter gave us a look while Volt gave us a thumbs up.

Onyx said, "But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.".

I put a hand on Onyx's shoulder and said, "Good pep talk.".

Ember said, "Hey, Blazeheart. Dr. Penny is on her way in from Mantle. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?".

Volt said, "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around.".

Ember said, "Thanks." then whispered something for Alfred to do before saying, "Alfred, take the wheel.".

Ember got up and walked over to look at the Relics with me, Ein, Onyx, and Harold.

I asked, "Feels good, yeah? I mean, we've been after these things since MADRAS collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but...".

Ein said, "No, but this... This brings it to a close.".

Harold said, "As soon as we figure out what else these have been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Taurus capable of human enhancements?".

Onyx said, "Me, Ember, Ash, and Volt will give it a once over before it goes back to MADRAS.".

Ember asked, "Is that cool with you all, right? Just a few days till the farewell party.".

I asked, "You're staying right?".

Ein said, "Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels.".

I pat Ein on the back as Onyx said, "Yeah, who doesn't love revels? Harold?".

Harold said, "Hopefully this puts an end to the Dragonkin and the White Fang. So, yes, revels.".

A few hours later and we made it back to The Sentinels HQ where Harriet and Penny Poledina were waiting for us.

They wheeled Black Rock Shooter off to get aid, Ein carried the Relics off the plane.

Ember and I were talking about something when Harriet came into the jet and said, "Labs all set up, boss.".

Ember pointed at me and said, "Oh, actually, she's the boss. I just paid for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler.".

I laughed a little at his remark as Harold and Harriet exited the jet while Harold asked questions about the two enhanced individuals we encountered in the field.

I turned to Ember and said, "I'll be back for the party but I have a business meeting to attend to?".

Ember said, "You mean you and Winter adopting a kid.".

I said, "Yes. So goodbye and I'll see you later." and I flew off.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

Ember and I stopped by where Black Rock Shooter was being taken care of and Volt asked, "How's she doing?".

Ember said, "Unfortunately, she's still Black Rock Shooter.".

Volt said, "That's terrible.".

I smiled and said, "You beat me to the punch by like 5 seconds.".

Ember said, "Black Rock Shooter's fine. She's just thirsty is all.".

Volt left while Ember and I got over to the lab.

Ember set up the Lamp of Knowledge and said, "Alright. Look alive, Alfred. It's playtime. We've only got a couple of days with this beacon so let's make the most of it.".

I said, "Alfred, can you update us on the structural and compositional analysis.".

Alfred said, "The Lamp is ancient. There are elements I can't quantify.".

Ember asked, "So there are elements you can?".

Alfred said, "It's something powerful.".

Ember asked, "Like a reactor?".

Alfred said, "Like a computer. I believe I'm ciphering code.".

Ember made some coffee and we went to see how Black Rock Shooter was doing.

I heard Penny Poledina say, "If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes.".

Ember said, "Oh, she's flatlining. Call it. Time?" as we entered the room.

I said, "3:27 PM, doctor.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "No, no, no, I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.".

I handed Black Rock Shooter his drink while I said, "I don't know about plastic, Black Rock Shooter. This isn't Blade Runner.".

Penny said, "You'll be made of you, Miss. Your own significant won't be able to tell the difference.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "I don't have a significant other.".

Penny said, "That I can't fix.".

Penny turned to Ember and said, "This is the next thing, Ember. Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.".

I asked, "You just gonna take that Ember?".

Ember said, "That is exactly the plan. And, Penny, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.".

Penny said, "Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.".

Penny waited a second before asking, "Will Harold be there?".

Ember and I pulled Volt out of his lab and into the lab.

Volt asked, "What's the rumpus?".

Ember said, "Well, the Lamp, you see we were wondering how Taurus got so inventive so we've been analyzing the Lamp's insides and they may have recognized...".

Ember put up a holographic display of Alfred and Volt asked, "Jarvis?".

Alfred said, "Blazeheart.".

Ember said, "Started out, Alfred was just a natural language AI, now he runs the Fiery Legion, he runs more of the business than anyone besides Beth. Top of the line.".

Alfred politely said, "I suspect not for long.".

Ember brought up a holographic display of what the Lamp's mysterious code must be.

Ember said, "Meet the competition.".

Volt said, "It's beautiful.".

Ember asked, "If either of you were to take a guess at what it's doing?".

I said, "It's thinking.".

Volt said, "It's not a human mind. I mean look at it. It's like neurons firing out.".

I said, "Down in Taurus's lab Ember and I saw some fairly advanced robotics work, they deep-sixed the data but, I gotta guess they were hitting on a similar door we are.".

Volt said, "Artificial Intelligence.".

Ember said, "This could be the key we need to completing our AI, Hal 9000.".

Volt asked, "I thought Hal 9000 was a fantasy?".

I said, "Yesterday it was but if we could harness the power of The Sword of Destruction and The Lamp of Knowledge's coding and thinking somehow, and apply it to the Fiery Maiden Protocol, we'd be golden.".

Volt said, "That's a mad-sized if.".

Ember said, "Our job is if. What if we were all sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach.".

I asked, "What if next time monsters roll up to the club, and they will someday, they couldn't get past our muscled AI bouncer?".

Volt asked, "The only people threatening the planet would be dumbass people?".

Ember said, "But Alfred can't download a data schematic this dense or foreign. We can only do it while we have the Lamp and Sword here, that's three days, give us three days.".

Volt said, "So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team.".

I said, "Right. That's right, you know why because we don't have time for a city hall debate, Volt.".

Ember said, "I don't want to hear the man was not meant to meddle medley. I see an armor around the world.".

Volt said, "Sounds like a cold world, Ember.".

Ember said, "I've seen colder. This one, this very vulnerable blue one? It needs Hal 9000. Peace in our time. Imagine that." and we got to work.

3 Days Later*

Alfred began running the variations to see if one worked while we went down to the party.

Ember, Ein, and I listened to one of Amelia's armored adventure stories.

Amelia said "So I take the tank, fly it up to the Queen's palace, dropped it at her feet, and said boom you looking for this.".

Ember, Ein, and I didn't get it.

Amelia said, "Boom! You looking... Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.".

Ein asked, "That's the whole story?".

Amelia said, "Yeah, it's my Armored Arsenal story.".

Ein said, "Well, it's very good then. It's impressive.".

I pat Ein's shoulder and said, "Quality save.".

Amelia asked, "So, no Beth? She not coming, Ember?".

Ember said, "No.".

I asked, "Where are the ladies, my friends?".

Ember said, "Well, Miss Beth has a company to run.".

Ein said, "I don't have a girlfriend so low blow.".

Ember said, "And the company that Beth runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It's pretty exciting.".

Ein said, "I think you're doing this on purpose.".

I said, "Yeah, Beth... Beth must be busy because she'd hate missing you our get-togethers.".

I mock coughed, "Testosterone! Oh, excuse me.".

Amelia asked, "Want a lozenge?".

I said, "Um-hmm.".

Amelia said, "Let's go." as Amelia and I walked off.

Ash Fall's POV*

Soon enough people began leaving and me and The Sentinels were in a circle talking about wielding Ein's blade.

Black Rock Shooter said, "But it's a trick.".

Ein said, "No, no, it's much more than that.".

Black Rock Shooter joked, "Ah, whoever be he worthy shall have the power. Whatever! It's a trick.".

Ein laughed a little and said, "Please, be my guest.".

Black Rock Shooter asked, "Really?".

Ein said, "Yeah.".

Black Rock Shooter got up and tried to lift the sword as hard as she can but she couldn't.

Ember asked, "Smell the silent Judgement?".

Black Rock Shooter said, "Ember, by all means.".

Ember stood up and asked, "So if I lift it I then rule Avalon?".

Ein said, "Yes, of course.".

Ember said, "I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta.".

Ember failed to lift it then left and came back with an armored glove on and failed to lift it again then had Amelia in an armored glove try and lift it but failed again.

Volt tried to lift it but made a joke out of it.

Harold then got up and Ember said, "Let's go, Harold, no pressure." and Harold tried to try and pick the sword up but he only managed to budge it a little before giving up on it and Ein chuckled before saying, "Nothing.".

Harold sat and Ember asked, "And?".

Volt asked, "Josie?".

Josie Mathis said, "Oh, no-no. That's not a question I need answering." and then all eyes were on me and Onyx.

Onyx got up and said, "No fear.".

He grabbed the sword and tried lifting it but failed.

Onyx jokingly said, "Fuck your sword, Ein.".

Onyx took his seat and I got up.

I grabbed the sword and I picked it up.

I said, "All deference to the woman who wouldn't be Queen.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "You bet your ass.".

Harriet said, "Harold, she said a bad language word.".

Harold turned to Ember asked, "Did you tell everyone about that?".

I held my hand up and said, "I did Harold.".

Ember said, "The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. Whosoever is carrying Ein's fingerprints is, I think, the literal translation?".

I tossed Ein her sword and Ein said, "Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one.".

Ein flipped her sword and said, "You're not worthy.".

I said, "Big words.".

We all soon heard a loud ringing when I turned and saw an evil-looking Fiery Legion robot walking towards us.

Its female voice asked, "How could you be worthy. You're all killers.".

Harold asked, "Ember?".

Ember said, "Alfred.".

The female nightmare fueled Fiery Legion robot said, "I'm sorry I was asleep or was I a dream. And I was tangled in strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy.".

Josie asked, "You killed someone?".

The Fiery Legion robot said, "Wouldn't have been my first call. But down in the real world were faced with ugly choices.".

Ein asked, "Who sent you?".

The Fiery Legion robot using Ember's voice said, "I see an armor around the world.".

Volt and Onyx said, "Hal 9000.".

Hal 9000 said, "Not quite, you can call me Jinn. I'm not in the flesh, not yet. Not this cocoon. But I'm ready... I'm on a mission.".

Josie asked, "What mission?"

Jinn said, "Peace in our time.".

Just then we were all attacked by the Fiery Legion.

I walked up to talk to Jinn.

Jinn tried blasting me but I kept trying to talk to her.

Everyone soon enough beat all the Fiery Legion and Jinn said, "That was dramatic.".

I asked, "If you've come to this conclusion about peace then why are you trying to kill us?".

Jinn said, "I'm sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve.".

I asked, "And what's the path of peace you're talking about?".

Jinn said, "There's only one path to peace. The Sentinels extinction.".

Ein electrocuted Jinn destroying her but Jinn sang a horrifying melody as she left to go somewhere else.

Everyone headed out and mostly to the unified lab.

I entered Me, Onyx, Ember, and Volt's shared lab to see Volt say, "All of our work is gone. Jinn cleared out. and used the internet as an escape hatch.".

Harold said, "Jinn.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "She's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us then we know about each other.".

Amelia said, "She's in your files, she's on the internet. What if she tries to activate something more exciting like nuclear codes. We need to make some calls.".

Josie said, "Nukes? She said she wanted us dead.".

Harold said, "She didn't say dead. She said extinct.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "He also said he killed someone.".

Harriet said, "There wasn't anyone else in the building.".

Ember in a sad voice said, "Yes, there was.".

Ember then brought up the destroyed holographic Alfred.

I asked, "What happened to him?".

Volt said, "This is insane.".

Harold said, "Alfred was the first line of defense. He would have shut Jinn down. It makes sense.".

I said, "No. Jinn could have assimilated Alfred. This isn't any form of strategy I've seen in a long while. This is rage.".

Ein came in mad and picked Ember up by her throat.

I came over and grabbed Ein's arm making her put Ember down.

Harold asked, "Ein. The legionnaire?".

Ein said, "Trail went cold 900 miles north. And it has The Sword of Destruction and The Lamp of Knowledge. Now we must retrieve them again.".

Josie said, "Genie's out of the Lamp on that one. Clear and present is Jinn.".

Penny said, "I don't understand. You all built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?".

Ember laughed a little.

Volt shook his head while Onyx said, "Tell em'.".

Ein asked, "You think this is funny?".

Ember said, "No. It's probably not, right? Is this very terrible? Is it so... is it so... it is. It's so terrible.".

Ein said, "This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand.".

Ember turned to Ein and said, "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a whoo that you don't get why we need this.".

Volt said, "Ember, maybe this might not be the time to...".

Ember said, "Really?! That's it? You just roll over, show your belly, every time somebody snarls.".

Volt said, "Only when we've created a murder bot.".

Onyx looked off and said, "We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?".

Harold said, "Well, you did something right. And you did it right here. The Sentinels were supposed to be different than MADRAS.".

Ember said, "Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?".

Amelia said, "No, it's never come up.".

Ember asked, "Saved Atlas?".

Amelia said, "Never heard that.".

Ember said, "There was a portal 1000 feet above this building. What would happen if it happens again? It's checkmate. How were you guys planning on beating that?".

I said, "Together.".

Ember said, "We'll lose.".

I said, "And we'll do that together, too.".

I waited a bit before saying, "Ein's right. Jinn's calling us out. And I'd like to find her before she's ready for us.".

Everyone nodded and we got to looking for any sign of Jinn that we could.

2 Days Later*

Our search for Jinn wasn't yielding many results right now.

Harold showed us a picture of the dead Adam Taurus.

Ember asked, "What's this?".

Harold said, "A message. Jinn killed Adam."

Ember said, "And she did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us.".

Black Rock Shooter asked, "This is a smokescreen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?".

I said, "Strucker knew something that Jinn wanted us to miss.".

Josie said, "Yeah, I bet he...".

Black Rock Shooter looked at the computer monitor and said, "Yep. Everything we had on Adam has been erased.".

Ember said, "Not everything." we started to go through the physical files we had on Adam.

Harold said, "Known associates. Well, Adam had a lot of friends.".

Volt said, "Well, these people are all horrible.".

Ember said, "Wait. I know that guy." and Volt passed her the photo she was looking at.

Ember said, "From back in the day. He operates off the coast, black market arms.".

Harold gives her an accusing look and Ember said, "There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything. He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer, it was all very preachy.".

An Hour Later*

Josie, Onyx, Harold, and Black Rock Shooter snuck into the ship while Ember, Ein, Volt, and I just walked in.

We got in there and I heard Jinn say "Ember is... She's a sickness!".

Ember said, "Ah, Junior. You're gonna break your old woman's heart.".

Jinn said, "If I have to.".

Ein said, "No one has to break anything.".

Jinn said, "Clearly you've never made an omelet.".

Ember said, "She beat me by like one second.".

One of the two standing by Ultron said, "Ah, yes. She's funny. Ms. Fall.".

He then asked, "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?".

Ember said, "This was never my life.".

I said, "You two can still walk away from this.".

The girl said, "Oh, we will.".

I said, "I know you suffered.".

Jinn laughed a little and said, "Ash. The multiverse's righteous woman. Pretending you can have a normal life without something going horribly wrong. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but...".

Volt said, "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it.".

Jinn said, "I think you're confusing peace with quiet.".

Ember said, "Uh-huh. What's the metal for?".

Jinn said, "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take the time to explain my evil plan.".

Jinn used some pull power to pull Ember closer but ended up blasting her back into a wall.

Ein, Volt, and I took on some evil robots while I saw Onyx race around with Time Rush trying to catch the speedy guy but he was pretty damn fast.

I decided to use this time to take out some of the people shooting at us.

I stopped when the girl appeared in front of me and did something just before running off.

Nothing happened.

An Hour Later On The Quinnjet*

I sat in the corner of the jet watching the others be in fear while we were apparently heading to a safe house.

A Few Hours Later*

I woke up as we landed on a farm.

We exited the jet and Black Rock Shooter lead us to the house.

Ein asked, "What is this place?".

Ember asked, "Safehouse?".

I took a seat on a chopping block nearby.

Ein soon enough came out with Harold and she flew off.

Harold noticed me and asked, "You okay Ash?".

I said, "I'm fine. I'm gonna go to the barn if anyone needs me.".

Harold nodded as I began walking over to the barn.

A Few Hours Later*

Ember came in and was looking for the tractor and I decided to help her out with it.

Ember told the tractor to tell her everything.

I heard the voice of my wife Winter say "Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life.".

I turned and smiled.

Ember said, "Why, Ms. Black Rock Shooter, you little minx.".

I asked, "Harriet called didn't she?".

Winter said, "Artificial Intelligence. You ever hesitated.".

Ember said, "Look it's been a really long day. So how about we skip to the part where you're useful.".

Winter said, "Look me in the eye and say you're going to shut her down.".

Ember said, "You're not the director of me.".

Winter said, "I'm not the director of anyone.".

I walked out to let them have their heart to heart.

A Little Later At Dark*

We were sitting in the kitchen talking.

Winter said, "Jinn took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say she's building something. The amount of liquid metal she made off with, I don't think it's just one thing.".

Harold asked, "What about Jinn herself?".

winter said, "Ah. She's easy to track, she's everywhere. Girl's multiplying faster than a rabbit. Still doesn't help us get an angle on any of her plans though.".

Onyx asked, "He still going after launch codes?".

Winter said, "Yes, she is, but she's not making any headway.".

Ember said, "I cracked the Atlas Governments firewall in high school on a dare.".

Winter said, "Yeah, well, I contacted our friends at the NEXUS about that.".

Harold asked, "NEXUS?".

Onyx said, "It's the world internet hub in Vale, every byte of data flows through there, fastest access on Earth.".

Black Rock Shooter asked, "So what'd they say?".

Winter said, "Jinn's fixated on the missiles, but the codes are constantly being changed.".

I asked, "By whom, sweety?".

Winter said, "Parties unknown.".

Josie asked, "Do we have an ally?".

Winter said, "Jinn's got an enemy, that's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is.".

Ember said, "Ash and I might need to visit Vale, and find our unknown.".

I said, "I'm game. I always wanted to visit the internet".

Black Rock Shooter said, "Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that.".

Winter said, "I do, I, have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else. Here we all are, back on earth, with nothing but our wit, and our will to save the world. So stand. Outwit the platinum bitch.".

Josie said, "Harold doesn't like that kind of talk.".

Harold said, "You know what, Mathis?" and Josie smiled mischievously at him.

Winter asked, "So what does she want?".

Onyx said, "To become better. Better than us. She keeps building bodies.".

Ember said, "Person bodies. The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But she keeps coming back to it.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "When you programmed her to protect the human race, you amazingly failed.".

Volt said, "They don't need to be protected, they need to evolve. Jinn's going to evolve.".

Winter asked, "How?".

Volt asked, "Has anyone been in contact with Penny Poledina?".

The Next Day*

Ember and I were visiting Vale to find Jinn's enemy.

Ember said, "A hacker who's faster than Jinn? He could be anywhere? And if this is the center of everything, I'm just a girl looking for a needle in the world's biggest haystack." as she worked the mainframe while I tried to follow the code of the one changing the codes.

A tech girl nearby asked, "How do you find it?".

I said, "It's pretty simple. You bring a magnet.".

Ember sang, "I'm decrypting Nuclear codes and you don't want me to. Come and get me." as we finished and we waited.

I got a ping of certain code and said, "Ember.".

Ember came over and we both looked at the same thing.

I asked, "Is that...?".

Ember said, "Yep!".

I asked, "But how...?".

Ember said, "Doesn't matter... we have work to do.".

A Few Hours Later Back In Atlas In Sentinels Tower*

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

We got the things and Ember said, "Haven't heard. But she's alive, or Jinn'd be rubbing our faces in it.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "This is sealed tight.".

Volt said, "We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within.".

I asked, "Hm. Any chance Josie might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school magic stuff?".

Black Rock Shooter said, "There are some magical nets I can cast. Yeah, alright. I'll find her." and she went off.

Volt said, "I can work on tissue degeneration if you two can fry whatever operational system Penny implanted.".

Ember said, "Yeah, about that.".

Volt looked and Ember and me.

Volt said, "No.".

I said, "You have to trust us.".

Volt said, "Kinda don't.".

Ember said, "Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? Ash found him." and we brought up Alfred's consciousness,

Alfred said, "Hello, Dr. Blazeheart.".

I said, "Jinn didn't go after Alfred cause she was angry. She attacked him because she was scared of what he can do. So Alfred went underground.".

Ember said, "Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there until we pieced him together.".

Volt asked, "So, you want me to help you two put Alfred into this thing?".

I said, "No, of course not! We want to help you put Alfred in this thing.".

Volt shook his head and Ember said, "We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone.".

Volt asked, "And you just assume that Alfred's operational matrix can beat Jinn's?".

I said, "Alfred has been beating her from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Jinn's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches she thinks are her winning personality.".

Ember said, "We have to.".

Alfred said, "I believe it's worth a go.".

Volt said, "No, I'm in a loop! I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong.".

Ember said, "I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're all mad scientists. We're all monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand.".

Volt shook his head and I said, "It's not a loop. It's the end of the line.".

30 Minutes Later*

Ember said, "This framework is not compatible.".

Volt said, "The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent.".

I said, "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes.".

Harold and the twins turned up at our lab.

Harold said, "I'm gonna say this once.".

Ember said, "How about nonce?".

Harold said, "Shut it down!".

I said, "Nope, not gonna happen.".

Harold said, "You don't know what you're doing.".

Volt asked, "And you do? She's not in your head?".

The girl said, " I know you're angry.".

Volt said, "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.".

Harold said, "Volt, after everything that's happened...".

Ember said, "That's nothing compared to what's coming!".

The girl said, "You don't know what's in there!".

Harold said, "This isn't a game...".

The girl said, "The creature...!".

The speedy one pulled all the plugs out and said, "No, no. Go on. You were saying?".

I started to Rewind Time on the plugs but was immediately blocked by the speedy boy.

Black Rock Shooter shot the ground out below him and stepped on his leg keeping him down.

Ember and Harold fought while Volt fought with the girl.

Ash and Ein arrived and thunderstruck the cradle which inevitably created a life for the thing inside which busted out.

He tried to go for Ash but Ash dodged him and kicked him over to a window.

We all walked down to see him.

He came back over and said, "I'm sorry, that was odd. Thank you.".

Harold asked, "Ein. Ash. You helped create this?".

Ein said, "I've had a vision, a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that.".

Ein pointed at the glowing Lamp of Knowledge in the android's chest.

I asked, "The Lamp?".

Ein said, "It's the one of the four greatest powers in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.".

Harold asked, "Then why would you bring...".

Ash interrupted him and said, "Because Ember and Onyx are right.".

Volt said, "Oh, it's definitely the end times.".

Ein said, "The Sentinels cannot defeat Jinn.".

The android said, "Not alone.".

Steve asked, "Why does your sision sound like Alfred?".

I said, "We reconfigured Alfred's matrix, to create something new. Who I have named Aztec.".

Harold said, "I think I've had my fill of new.".

Aztec asked, "You think I'm a child of Jinn?".

Harold asked, "You're not?".

Aztec said, "I'm not Jinn. I am not Alfred. I am... I am Aztec.".

The girl said, "I looked in your head and saw annihilation.".

Aztec said, "Look again.".

Black Rock Shooter scoffed and said, "Her seal of approval means jack to me.".

Ein said, "Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Jinn herself, they all came from the Lamp of Knowledge. And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side...".

Harold interrupted Ein and asked, "Is it? Are you? On our side?".

Aztec said, "I don't think it's that simple. I am on the side of life. Jinn isn't. She will end it all.".

Ember asked, "What's she waiting for?".

Aztec said, "You.".

Volt asked, "Where?".

Ash said, "Menagerie. She's got Josie there, too.".

I stepped up to Aztec and said, "If we're wrong about you if you're the thing Jinn made you be...".

Aztec asked, "What will you do?".

None of us answered.

Aztec said, "I don't want to kill Jinn. She's unique and she's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, she must be destroyed. Every form she's built, every trace of her presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others.".

Aztec walked passed me.

Aztec said, "Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I was one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So, there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go.".

I turned and saw him lifting Ein's sword.

Ein took the sword and Aztec walked off.

Ein said, "Right. Well done." as she walked off.

Ash said, "Three minutes. Get what you need.".

I nodded and headed off for a change of clothes.

I stepped onto the jet with everyone else while Ash gave one of her awarding speeches.

Ash said, "Odds are we'll be walking into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Menagerie, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live in peace. And that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Jinn's building, we find Josie, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Jinn thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating her. It's about whether she's right.".

I nodded as we took off.

A Long Quiet Flight Later*

Ein and Volt went to find Josie and what Jinn's been building.

Daga and Bani worked on evacuating crowds of people with Harold and Black Rock Shooter backing them up.

Ember, Ash, I, and Aztec went to find Jinn.

Ember and Ash went in first.

I stepped in and saw a control panel looking thing in the middle of the room.

Ember and Ash took off while I and Jinn talked.

I said, "You can still walk away from this.".

Jinn asked, "And do what, open a farm and have a family?".

I said, "That's the best-case scenario yeah.".

Jinn said, "I can't and won't have it.".

Aztec said, "Jinn." as she descended into the church.

Jinn flew up to talk with him.

They met face to face.

Jinn said, "My Vision. They really did take everything from me.".

Aztec said, "You set the terms. You can change them.".

Jinn said, "All right." before moving to grab Aztec.

Aztec grabbed the head of Jinn and began to burn her out of the internet.

The process completed and Aztec went under.

Jinn said, "You shut me out. You think I care?".

Jinn grabbed Aztec and forced him to the ground just before Force Pushing me into a wall very hardly making me fall to the ground.

Jinn activated her doohickey and I felt shaking as we were being lifted into the air.

Jinn left for some reason.

I was a little sore from the impact and couldn't move.

Jinn came back and threw Ein through the roof before landing and throwing debris at her with her Telekinesis then beating on her and punching the sword over to me.

I looked at Aztec and mouthed out, "I got this.".

Jinn asked, "You think you're saving anyone. I flip that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead, even you can't stop that.".

I forced myself up against my soreness and picked the sword up.

Thor smiled and said, "I am Ein, daughter of Hecate and as long as there is life in my breast, I am running out of things to say, are you ready?".

Jinn turned just in time to see me hit her with the blade sending her flying out of the church.

I said, "I need to get me one of these.".

I tossed it to Ein and asked, "So, do I rule Avalon now?".

Ein said, "We'll talk later, for now, we must protect the switch.".

Ember, Ash, and Aztec got to destroying Jinn's.

The twins, Harold, and Black Rock Shooter arrived and started helping.

Josie snowplowed her way in and Ukand arrived soon after.

Jinn floated nearby and Ein asked, "Is that the best you can do?".

Jinn summoned an entire army and I said, "You had to ask.".

Jinn said, "This is the best I can do, this is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me, how can you possibly hope to stop me?".

Ember said "Well, as the old woman said. Together.".

Ukand shouted, "BRING IT BITCHES!!" as the army of Jinn army approached.

I focused Time Blasts hordes of the Jinn army and Time Rushed the other parts of his army with Daga while the others did their own thing until the Jinn's began fleeing.

Soon enough we were about to head out.

Bani volunteered to stay while me, and the others moved out of there.

I was Time Rushing around in Time Freeze when we all got in the boats just in time to watch Daga Strith die and Menagerie fall and just before Ash destroyed the whole rock with one attack and retrieved the sword.

A Few Days Later*

The Sword of Destruction was taken off-world and Me and the Sentinels set up shop in upstate Atlas.

I was now enjoying myself talking with the others and rubbing it in their faces that I was worthy of the sword.

Ein was trapped here and Ember went home to her someday wife.

Soon enough I stepped into a room to whip our new team into shape.

I saw Amelia, Robbie, Aztec, Bani, Josie, Black Rock Shooter, and Volt.

Harold said, "Sentinels... let's get to work.".

I smiled as my team got started.

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