Petrova Princess (1)

By jadeleigh2001

538K 7.9K 1.2K

What if tatia had a younger sister who ended up becoming klaus wife but when he cheated on her she left him n... More

His daughter
The new mikaelson
Her rules
Why now
Anger or Shame
Captured in a picture
Sister time 
The party is over
Adding cast
Hope is talking
Big Brother
Talk with Elijah
Father and daughter
Who is Jason
Living with regret 
Moving forward
The fight for Zoella and Margot
Time to talk
Missing two
Zoella and klaus
Add to the family
Needing closure
Father daughter time
Becoming a mummy
Elijah and Katherine
Act 2
True emotions
Living with regret
A daughter in pain
I'm pregnant
The Wolf
 three against one
I'm here
Grown-up talk
You lied to me
Living with Jealousy
The pain of the truth 
We all need help
Thank you
Not an update

Where are they

13.2K 248 27
By jadeleigh2001

After my talk with klaus ,it was time for dinner. I feel if we're going to try, be a family again we should have a dinner as one. this might be one of my worst ideas ever, I did marry Klaus Mikaelson.

As I walked in the living room were the Mikaelson are sitting looking anxious " what's wrong with all your faces "

Elijah looked at me"Hope is missing, she's not on the grounds or anywhere in the house. Do you know where she is "

Looking at them all" she kind of got far it's not like she knows anyone,she's in a new place as well. Monte Carlo is a big place she wouldn't go out on her own would she"looking directly at Hayley and klaus

Before they could speak Katherine walked in " oh but she doesn't know someone. who can show her all the bigger sites in Monte Carlo"

Klaus looked at her "Who"

Katherine looked at him like he was an idiot" Margot she's missing too. she's not in her room or at the stables I've checked, her car is gone so it seems that the girls have went out"

The Mikaelson looking nervous " without my permission. they can just do that"klaus shouted

Looking at him "they are not babies. They can make decisions for themselves. I don't know about hope but Margot sure as hell doesn't need your permission. If she wants to go out, have fun she can. should you be happy she spending time with hope"

"Something could happen to them. they could get hurt or someone could hurt them. they could be in danger" klaus said

"Is this how are you raise hopes to be scared of the world. she can't go anywhere without big bodyguards protecting her. that's no way to live your life your make her a prisoner "Katherine said at the Mikaelson

"We're just trying to keep her save" Rebekah said

"There is a difference between keeping her save, locking her up. that poor girl is been sheltered her entire life she can experience. I think as she is too afraid to upset you. she can't even go to a party with her sister without all of you ready to go kill someone. that's no way to have a relationship with your daughter. if you think your going to do that to Margot you have another thing coming"

"I will do what I have to do to protect my child" Hayley said

"But that's the thing you're not protecting her you're suffocating her. she needs to be able to experience life she needs to have her heart broken because that is what gives her strength to get back up and start again. you can see in her eyes she is scared to even have a boyfriend because she knows that you want to kill him that's not wait for your child to grow up" looking at klaus

"All we've done her entire life is trying to keep herself "klaus send

Katherine Look to him "we get that we do she's been put in situations where you have to protect her keep her away from the world. she's 16 there is a world out there that she wants to see. she wants to do it without you, that's okay to let go of the rains just a slight because she know at the end of the day she has a home wait for her"

The Mikaelson looked shocked and they knew that me and Katherine were both right " okay maybe we have put too much pressure on her to stay safe all the time. I just wanna know where she is now. I guess it's a default setting we have spend so much time protecting her now she not a little girl anymore. She grow up"klaus said

"That's life they grow up they make their own mistakes. They  just need to know that we'll be there to catch them when they need us " I said unaware that Katherine was sat on her phone

"By the way I found them" Katherine said we all look at her

"How were are they "kol asked

"Well from Instagram they've been all over Monte Carlo shopping, drinking and partying check it over yourself" Katherine pass me the phone

Seeing my daughter all over Monte Carlo having fun especially with hope it just made me happy to know she's enjoying herself

" does hope have an Instagram account" I looked at the Mikaelson

"I think so, why what are you doing "  Rebekah asked

As I type hope name into Instagram " because she's a teenage girl out exploring and having fun mostly likely documenting it I was right "showing the Mikaelson my phone

"At least we know where they are and if they're having fun we should just let them. we can have a discussion with them in the morning about permission as you said but my rules are staying the same as long as Margot text me then I'm fine with her having her freedom are we all in agreement" looking at at me all

"Yes "they all replied

"Good so who's hungry" I smiled at them

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