My Perfect Destiny

By Mollydx3

109K 2.5K 1.1K

Nevaeh and Damon have known each other since they were in diapers, both born to teenage parents. Damon is Nev... More

My Perfect Destiny
My Perfect Destiny - Chapter 2
My Perfect Destiny - Chapter 3

My Perfect Destiny - Chapter 1

27.7K 1.6K 1K
By Mollydx3


Life is full of ups and downs. It's like a storm. However, after the rain, there is always sunshine. And sometimes if you're lucky, you'll have the chance to see a rainbow.

I was born when my parents were only teenagers, but my life growing up was completely normal. My mom was just seventeen when she got pregnant with me, and my dad was eighteen. She had plans of leaving the country until her pregnancy test came back positive so I guess you can say she had to put her dreams on hold in order to keep me. My dad was my uncles best friend at the time so that obviously caused some chaos, but other than that everything was perfect. My father never left my mother's side and he stood by her throughout her entire pregnancy with me. After I came into the world I was simply everything to them, and unlike most babies born from young parents, I had everything I could ever dream of. But most of all. . . I had the most amazing parents in the world.

I also met an amazing boy along the way. Damon Blazington. We met when we were only about two months old, and we spent our childhoods growing up together. His mom was a teenager too when he was conceived, except his dad didn't stick around, so his parents weren't together like mine. We were just innocent little babies in diapers when our friendship started, and now he's eighteen years old and I will be in just a few months, and we're in our senior year of high school.

We have done everything together ever since we were little kids, so this isn't like a normal friendship where you only know the person for a few years. Him and I met when we were so young that we don't even have any memory of anything, whatsoever. When we were just four years old I gave him his first kiss, and my first as well, quite obviously. According to my parents, Damon and I would act just like we were a real couple, holding hands, playing together every second of every day, sometimes arguing about who gets to use which toy, and so on.

All that little kid stuff. And then we grew older and started elementary school together, never leaving each other's side. We were scared to death to be apart and it's still the same way to this very day, well for me at least. Middle school was the hardest, mostly because Damon became so popular and I just wasn't. I went through an awkward stage where I stayed on mute and didn't talk to anyone else but him, so people thought I was weird. But I didn't mind, as long as my best friend, and my other half, was right by my side. And thankfully he was.

When freshman year in high school started, everything became a lot better for me. I tried out for the cheering team and got in, and made tons of friends, the sweetest girls ever. Of course Damon was immediately Mr. Popular the very first second we started at this school, mostly because of his charming and sexy good looks, but now it's safe to say we're both pretty much on the same page. He's in the crowd of well known guys while I'm with the well known girls.

He plays on the football team, and I jump around on the field to cheer for him. His reputation is the bad boy, the ladies man, and the player. He's never been in a relationship before and he's not the kind of boy to fall in love, but he has the biggest heart. He is by far the sweetest and most caring person ever, and he's my other half. Everyone in our school who aren't our friends envy the friendship we have, mostly the girls because Damon and I are together practically every waking moment. Now we're finally in our last year before we graduate, and nothing has ever scared me more than this in my whole life.

You know why? Because Damon has no idea what he wants to do with his life. What if he wants to move far away? We live two streets down from each other so it's just about a five minute walk to his house, but what if he doesn't plan on staying here? What if my best friend leaves?

It's not that I'm clingy. . . That's not it at all. It's actually a very simple explanation, except even thinking about it breaks my heart. Damon, my other half, my whole world, is the love of my life. I've been in love with him ever since he pushed me against my locker when we were thirteen and kissed me long and hard, although he didn't take it seriously because we were still just friends. But for me, it was real. It was perfect. It's our destiny to be together. But there's only one problem...

He has no idea.

It's a beautiful morning outside, the warm air gusting in through my opened window, as I'm quietly getting ready for school. I turn off my curling iron and happily stare at my reflection in the mirror, admiring the big beautiful curls I now have. I sit down on the stool at my vanity, opening my makeup bag and pulling out everything I need. I put on smokey eye shadow and I put mascara on my long thick eyelashes, before I pull out my clear lip gloss and apply it to my full lips.

I pucker up, making the popping sound with my lips a few times, before I glance down at my neck and realize it's bare. My necklace! Oh shit. Shit! The necklace Damon bought me for my sixteenth birthday is no longer secured around my neck, it's gone! I never take it off, ever, no matter what! It was the most beautiful thing in the world, a thin silver chain along with a pink diamond heart dangling from it. I've never been this worried in my entire life.

"Mom!" I nearly scream, covering my hands on my cheeks, rushing to my feet in horror. "Mom! Will you please get in here?"

My door suddenly is pushed open, my mother darting inside looking pale white, as if she has seen a ghost. "Nevaeh! What's wrong honey?" She nervously gasps, running over to me and gently taking my face between her hands. "What happened?"

"My necklace," I sadly whine, feeling tears filling up my eyes as her face drops, and she releases a sharp breath before she drops her hands onto her hips. "Sorry I got you so worried... But Damon got it for me, and I'm freaking out right now. Damon spent his money on it and I never take it off, and now it's gone! What am I going to do, mom? I lost it--"

She rolls her eyes and deeply sighs, before slowly shaking her head. "You didn't lose it, Nevaeh. I have it, relax," she assures me, as I let out a sharp breath, falling onto my bed in pure relief. "You're lucky it didn't accidentally get thrown out. It was under the table in the living room. God only knows how it ended up getting there."

I anxiously and fake laugh in response. "Yeah... God only knows," I carefully mutter, but I know exactly how it got there. Damon and I were laying on the couch watching TV and he started tickling me, and I fell onto the floor. He rolled on top of me and we must have wrestled for twenty minutes, and that must be how the necklace got there. 

"I'll see you downstairs before you leave!" My mother happily exclaims, about to turn around until I jump up onto my feet and I tightly wrap my arms around her in a hug. "You're welcome."

"Thanks mom," I softly sigh, before pulling back to widely grin. "You're seriously the best. You're a freaking life saver! If I lost it, I don't know what I would have done. I really would have flipped out though. So thanks for finding it."

"Mhm. You're lucky I love you," she sarcastically mumbles, getting a laugh out of me. "You look beautiful. I can't believe I made such perfect daughter! Well, we." She quietly laughs.

I immediately smile at how wide her smile is, as I gently wrap my arms around her waist in another warm and loving hug. "Thanks mom," I carefully whisper, closing my eyes in peace.

"Damon called the house phone, and told me he's down the street. He said you wouldn't answer your cell."

"Oops. It's on vibrate."

"I figured. Just giving you a heads up warning," she playfully explains, winking as I anxiously sigh. "Or should I say the love of your life? You know, since you're obviously head over heels for him."

"I am not. God. We're just friends," I quickly rush out, defending myself, but I know it's completely useless. She knows how I feel about him, because I'm her daughter. Of course she knows what someone in love looks like... Her and my dad are still so deeply in love that it's seriously unbelievable. They're always hugging. Always kissing. Always holding onto each other. She knows me.

My mom and I are practically best friends, because we're so close. We just have an amazingly tight bond, probably because in my heart I know that she didn't have to go through with her pregnancy. I know my mom and dad love me to death because they kept me, even though they were teen parents. She leans forward to quickly peck a kiss on my cheek, before she leaves my room. I happily make my way to my awesome walk in closet, with tons of clothes and shoes entirely filling it, having no idea what to wear for today.

Completely relieved that I didn't lose his necklace, is when I try to figure out what I have. It's not Friday so I can't wearing my cheering uniform as an outfit, so what should it be? I skim my fingers over a bunch of shirts, but then one immediately catches my eye. A light peach colored blouse, with flowers designed into the material. I take it off the hanger and I drape it over my arm, grabbing a black jean skirt to go with it, as I toss them onto my bed. I begin to take off my tank top, pulling it over my head until suddenly the door flings open, crashing against my wall.

I quickly yank it back down to cover myself, laying my eyes on Damon, which is entirely unexpected. His big and beautiful light blue eyes are his best features, along with his luscious lips, amazing sense of humor, great personality, and I can't forget about his smoking hot body. Every part of him is perfect. He's wearing black jeans, bulky boots, a dark red t-shirt, along with his black baseball hat wearing it backwards, over his shaggy brown hair. I suddenly snap myself out of my daydream as I realize his mouth is now wide open and he is staring at me in silence, almost looking excited and definitely speechless. And that means something's wrong. He's never quiet! It's almost like he possibly got a quick glimpse! Oh that's just great, Nevaeh. Just perfect!

"Ugh! You idiot! Ever heard of knocking?" I shout at him in horror, rolling my eyes and sharply exhaling as he walks in like he owns the place. "Hey! I'm talking to you, Damon. Don't ignore me like that. I'll kick your ass."

He plops himself down onto my bed, smiling up at me like a little kid, with his adorable 'I'm innocent' face. "Hey, calm down. Why're you so mad? I've known you since we were weeks old and you still haven't let me see you without your shirt on. It's getting a little old, don't you think? Most girls would be throwing themselves at me by now," He sarcastically states, as I cross my arms and release a short breath. "Kidding, baby girl. You know I'm just messing around with you."

"You're such a jerk sometimes," I quietly mutter, him playfully winking at me as I walk to the bed, reaching my arm down to grab the blouse until the unexpected happens. 

He firmly takes hold of my wrist and pulls me down beside him onto my bed, before quickly rolling on top of me. Shocked as hell, staring up into his gorgeous eyes, is when his body presses against mine and he happily smirks at me. I nervously gulp because he doesn't know what this does to me, and the sad thing is he does this kind of stuff all the time! He's always teasing me. It drives me crazy!

"I am not a jerk," he quietly lets out, his tone deep and husky as I anxiously hold my breath. I breathlessly take in his scent, the smell of the cologne he always wears, and it's amazing. His dark brown messy hair slightly covers his eyes as a slight grin plays at my lips, because of how adorable he is. I reach my hand up and gently brush it away from his eyes, so I can have a better look into them. Why does he have to be so attractive? "You're right though. I never knock. I'm really sorry. From now on I will, okay? I promise."

Of course, I can't help but smile at him. "Alright, fine." I quietly sigh, completely giving in, forgiving him as always. "But only because you're my best friend. If it was any other guy, they would have been kicked in the nuts and burnt with my curling iron within a blink of an eye."

He chuckles, my heart racing at the sound of his laugh, as he rolls off of me when I least expect it. It tears at me emotionally but I just shake it off and let it go, rushing to my feet and taking my blouse in my hands, holding it against my chest. "That wouldn't surprise me," Damon says, propping his back up onto my pillow, his hands resting on the back of his head as his eyes lock with mine.

"Shut up," I softly giggle, blushing out of nowhere, swiftly turning around and facing the wall as I hang my shirt and my bra over the chair in front of me. "Don't do anything sneaky. I don't feel like leaving my room to change just because you barged right in without even knocking."

"My eyes are closed," he mumbles, as I turn my head as fast as I can to glance over my shoulder, noticing his eyes are wide open and still locked on me. "Well I mean they were..." He mumbles, joking around before he quietly chuckles again.

I look back at the wall and slowly pull off my shirt over my head, exposing my bare back to him. A part of me actually likes it in a way, which gets a sheepish grin to overtake my face. But thankfully he's unable to see it. I grab my bra and slip my arms easily through the straps, reaching behind me to clip it together, but I'm having the hardest time! Ugh, how embarrassing! I'm half naked in front of someone and I can't even do the damn hook by myself. A small groan of frustration runs through me, until I feel a warm sensation against my shoulder, only to instantly realize it's a breath.

"Here, let me do it for you," Damon quietly offers, as my whole body tenses and I feel his fingertips brush against my lower back, slowly tracing up until the contact breaks and he takes hold of the straps. He hooks it together for me and unexpectedly wraps his arms around my waist, gently hugging me, and probably able to get a peak at my cleavage if he looks down but it doesn't matter to me. "There you go."

I even out my breathing for a few seconds before I'm able to softly answer. "Um, thanks."

"Hey, where's your necklace?" He unexpectedly asks me, almost sounding hurt.

"Downstairs. It fell off the other night when we were wrestling in the living room," I softly let out in a relaxed sigh. My tone is quiet and hushed, slightly hoarse as I anxiously clear my throat. I want to pull away from him with one part of me, but the other part just wants to stay wrapped in his arms, so I take his wrists and I wrap them tighter around me. He leans the front of his body against my back, with his chin easily resting on my shoulder as I close my eyes.

"You okay, Nevaeh?" He suddenly asks me, his voice nothing more than concerned, as I quickly open my eyes, repeatedly nodding in response. Obviously, I got a little lost in the moment.

"Yeah! Of course. Obviously," I say reassuringly, before he unlocks his arms and steps back, and I pull my blouse quickly over my head. I turn to face him and I notice the cute grin he has on, before momentarily looking down at my bed as he hands me my skirt. "What, do you want to help me into this too? I could really use some help taking off my cheering shorts," I playfully tell him, as he rolls his eyes and lays back down, making himself comfortable.

"Don't worry I won't look this time. But hey, it's not my fault. I can't help the fact that you're fucking beautiful," he tells me, as I raise my eyebrows in happiness, before he covers his face with one of my pillows. And I'm thankful he did this or else he would see my now blushing cheeks!

I step out of my booty shorts and I slide up my skirt, zipping it up and buttoning it before lifting my head expecting him to be staring at me... But he's not. He didn't lie to me. The pillow is still completely covering his face, as a sneaky thought comes to me and I happily listen to it. I hardly jump on him,  him letting out a deep and mumbled groan from my knee accidentally plowing him in his stomach, but I can't help but laugh. He definitely wasn't expecting this from me, and when he flings my pillow across the room and stares up into my eyes is when I let out a squeal under my breath, standing up and quickly hopping off my bed and heading towards the door.

"You're not getting off that easily, baby girl!" I hear him loudly say from behind me, as I turn to glance at him in laughter and he suddenly picks me up like I only weigh ten pounds, before he throws me over his shoulder. I can feel tears forming in my eyes from laughing so hard, as I hardly pounding my fists on his lower back, but he doesn't let me go.

"Release me!" I sarcastically exclaim, still happily giggling, before I cup my hands against his butt and I firmly smack it. "Nice bum, where you from?"

"Your bed!" He seductively races out as his come back.

"Woah woah, wait! People are going to see my underwear! I'm wearing a skirt, you jerk!"

"I'll be doing everyone a favor then, huh? Everyone's going to get a look at that sexy ass of yours. You're going to have to get over it!" He sarcastically says, as he opens the door.

"No no no, wait! I need shoes, Damon!" I loudly gasp, suddenly nervous. "I can't go barefoot to school! That's disgusting! You know how many germs are on the ground?"

He quickly turns us around and he races into my closet, bending down to grab a pair of my black high tops that definitely don't go with my outfit, but it doesn't really bother me. "You're lucky you mean the world to me, or else I wouldn't have given a shit and I would have made you go without shoes. You see how lucky you are to have me as your best friend?"

"I'm so lucky," I quietly rush out, trying to not sound so positive about it but I am. In total honesty and in reality, I do know how lucky I am to have him. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, and everything in me hopes to God he thinks of me the same exact way. "Okay, put me down now please. I'm wicked lightheaded! I'm seeing stars now, Damon."

"Are you on drugs, Nevaeh Knight?" He asks, chuckling afterwards as he walks out of my room and down the hallway, still firmly holding his muscular arm around my body to keep me right in place. "Because if you are, I think we need to talk. Remember... Hugs, not drugs."

"I'm going to kill you!" I anxiously breathe out, very uncomfortable as we walk through the living room, and I notice my mom sitting at the kitchen table with my dad.

I instantly notice his hand holding over hers on the table, of course like always, before he unexpectedly leans to the side and plants a kiss on the side of her head. He's reading the newspaper in front of him while she stirs a spoon in her coffee mug. They both turn to silently stare over at us as I slightly wave, looking casual because this isn't the first time he's done this to me. This is like a once a week kind of thing. My mom expresses a quiet laugh as she covers her head over her eyes.

"Oh gosh," She quietly giggles, releasing a long sigh and I slightly wave to my dad.

"Oh, hi daddy! Morning!"

"Good morning angel," he cautiously lets out, eyeing Damon I can tell before shaking his head with humor. We have a really tight bond too, but in a different way. I know I mean the world to my father, and he is really overprotective sometimes, but with Damon he doesn't worry. Everyone in the world knows how much we care about each other. I'm definitely considered a daddy's girl, but I love my parents both equally. He runs his hand through his hair before lifting his hand to lovingly rub my mom's back. "Have a good day at school. Actually learn though, okay?"

"Oh we will Mr. Knight," Damon proudly states, continuing to walk us towards the front door without even stopping for a single second. "Nevaeh's almost as smart as I am."

I hiss under my breath, "Ugh! You're not smarter than I am!"

"Love you. See you later Vaya," My mom calls out behind us as I let out an annoyed and uncomfortable deep breath. Gosh, times like this I want to kill this kid.

When he opens the door, I push it closed behind us, bursting into laughter once again at how strange this must look from another persons point of view. I mean come on! If I saw some guy carrying a girl over his shoulder like this, I would assume he was either a kidnapper or some kind of rapist, and obviously he would be a creepy weirdo! But nope, this is just us. Our type of friendship

Once we get to his red truck, he pulls down the back of it, and easily places my butt onto the ledge so I'm sitting in the back. Not understanding what he's doing for a few seconds, is when I realize he didn't place me on the ground because I would have stepped in dirt. I smile as he grabs my ankle and puts on my shoes for me, tying them afterwards, as I silently and passionately stare at his perfect and handsome face the whole time. Everything about him is just so amazing. He has not one single flaw. He's beyond perfect, and he has the biggest heart, and I want it. My one wish upon a star would be for him to fall in love with me, as deeply as I have fallen in love with him. 

I love him with every ounce of my soul and everything in me. I love him more than life itself, and without him my life would just come crashing down in the matter of seconds. Damon is not only my best friend, but he's my soul mate. Every time I'm around him, all I can see is him. Nobody else matters. All that I focus on is his eyes, those eyes that hold so much love and passion in them. My heart races and skips beats whenever I'm with him, just like it's doing right now. I just can't help it. I love Damon Blazington so much that it's scary. But he doesn't love me back.

Once I'm ready to go is when his beautiful eyes lock with mine, turning my insides into mush, and making my heart pound rapidly in my chest. Damon looks at me differently this time, which is really strange and confusing, but it's almost like some kind of deep thought has crossed his mind.

But before I can say anything and ask him about it, is when he crookedly grins, staring down at my lips before he speaks. "Your face is red," he quietly mumbles under his breath, as I gulp and slightly nod in response, but unable to answer him out loud. "You okay, baby girl? It looks like something bothering you."

"Nothing's bothering me," I quickly say, faking a grin as his eyes instantly narrow.

He lifts his hand and carefully brushes my hair away from my eyes, and from the stare he's giving me I know he didn't buy it. "I know when you're lying," he cautiously whispers, barely any sound to his voice as I try to catch my breath. I can't help but frown though. "Nevaeh."

"Damon," I sarcastically mutter, trying to lighten the mood and change the subject. And thank God it works out for me, or else I wouldn't be able to stay quiet.

"Okay. Whatever you say. You ready, best friend?" He questions, before he gently places his hands on the bare skin on my lower thighs.

"Yeah best friend," I happily mutter, practically whispering, gazing into his eyes in nothing but peace, comfort, and love. "I'm ready."


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