My four 'body'room mates (Rea...

By Jack2the7ripper

25.1K 328 217

After a brutal ancient, the sole survivor of the ancient (y/n) revived a blow to the head. Amnesia was the re... More

A 'accident' and a book
The chaos gods for non-40k fans
Four deadly
Meeting the room'body'mates
2 weeks later
Relaxing...then that happened
New face (short)
Judgment day
News part 1
News part two
News final

"Let me help you see,"

1.7K 34 12
By Jack2the7ripper

Can anyone guess where I got that line from?


When Asia awoke she was no longer in pain but was in comfort of a soft bed and the weight of a heavy blanket covering her a pillow that felt like she was laying on a cloud. Confused she arose from her sleeping state and looked around to find she was in, this room she was one she didn't recognize. As she moved the sheets off her body she noticed something, she was no longer nude but wearing what looked like a pair of sleep wear on her body as she questioned it she then remembered what happened.

Raynare was trying to take her twilight healing but before she could take it a stranger appeared before them and killed the fallen angel before saving her. Standing up she looked around in the room she was in and walked to the door before opening it to revail a long hallway. Exiting the room and into the hallway she could hear the faint sound of something.


It was like a pattern of something as she walked down the halls she found a staircase that held a red carpet on it as she began to walk down it as the sound got louder and louder. As she arrived at ground floor she heard a pair of footsteps coming forth as she turned to the a fallen angel? In fear for her life she turned and ran for the door but as she opened it she almost lot her footing and fell into the void below. About to fall she felt a hand on her shoulder that pulled her back into the house and onto the floor.

Holding her head she looked up to see the fallen angel again this time she could see more than the black wings. A pair of horns rested on her head which made the nun confused as the black winged angel looked her down.

???: "I won't recommend leaving this place unless you wish to be lost in the warp,"

Asia got up as she looked at the angel and spoke.

Asia: "What are you?"

???: "What am I? Not who am I?"

The angel asked as Asia was nervous that she might have angered the angel but only smiled as she looked at the nun.

???: "Well if you must know I am a succubus and my name is Albedo I am Master (y/n) right hand speaking of whom he must know that your awake,"

Asia's  blood ran cold...a succubus?! Not good! She need to run but before she could the succubus gently took her hand and began to guide her down the hallway she came from. As the sound of metal on metal grew louder and louder Asia was fear for her life as she prayed to god to protect her in her dire time and hopefully Issei would save her. 

Albedo turned to her with a smile as she opened the door to a room and when they entered a blast of heat overwhelmed them as Asia covered her face with her hand to shield herself from the heat. As the heat died down slightly she moved her hand to see what was before her, there resting before he eyes was a large forge that hand molten metal flowing though it and in the middle of the forge a single man stould there with a hammer forging away at something on the anvil.

Dragged forward she was forced to a kneel as Albedo spoke up.

Albedo: "Master our guest Asia is awake,"

Stopping in mid forge the master lifted his head as Asia looked up to see the shirtless man whos body was covered in scares and that held a eight pointed star tattoo on his back. As he placed the hammer down he turned to see the two as a pair of steel white eyes looked down at her and the succubus as Asia was speechless. On his chest many scars littered it just as his back had but more tattoos rested on it but they where stange tribal like markings. Walking over to them he spoke in a familiar voice.

(y/n): "Good to see you awake Asia how was your rest?"

Looking up at him she didn't speak as he looked down at her, Albedo turned to her slightly offended and was about to say something to scold her about not talking to him but (y/n) spoke.

(y/n): "Is my form offensive to you Asia?"

Asia blushed before shaking her head.

Asia: "What? Nononono! Its not a matter of fact its quite handsome-Oh why did I just say that I'm sorry,"

She only received a laugh from the master as he placed his hand on her head as she stopped blushing as she looked up to see (y/n) looking down at her.

(y/n): "Its fine I'm glad to see you have made a full recovery seems like my own healing magic is successful,"

His own healing magic? But how she held Twilight healing unless...did he take it for her while she slept? Holding out her hand she thought of her powers as they came to her fingertips which must have made (y/n) realize what she was thinking.

(Y/n):"Don't worry I won't have stolen you powers my sweet for I have my own,"

As she looked up to him he placed a hand on his chest as he did this black fire roared though out his body and in its place a steel grey shirt was in its place. Looking down at her she looked up as he smiled.

Asia: "Who are you?"

(y/n) smiled as he looked down at her.

(y/n): "I am (y/n) chosen vessial of the dark gods,"

Asia blood froze again as she looked at him fear filled her body, Dark gods? Was he some kind of heretic? A devil like Issei is?

(y/n): "No I'm not devil,"

Asia: "What? Can you read my mind?!"

(Y/n): "Forgive me Asia I'm still trying to get use to my new found powers but again I am no devil am I as human as you are,"

Asia: "But you have a Suucubus as your servent how is that possible,"

(y/n): "Simple I was the one who turned her into a succubus,"

Asia Held no words as she looked at him and he looked at her.

(Y/n): "You have questions,"

Asia: "Yes..."

(y/n): "Than let me help you see,"


There you go 1039 words my fam, I hoped you enjoyed this and with that I'm going to bed.

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