nobody like you • ryujin & li...

By izeiya

40.2K 1.9K 534

"why do I keep an eye on you again and again, oh my god what is this feeling?" // nobody like you • shin ry... More

n o t e
n o t e (2)


1.4K 94 25
By izeiya

third person's pov

"hey, lia. am i late?"

ryujin said while removing the hood on her head and untieing her shoes off. lia watched ryujin move every second before opening the door wide for her to step inside.

"late? no," lia added while brushing her hair gently and realized that she is wearing really short-shorts right now and she feels extra embarrassed and shy that maybe ryujin might notice her clothes. "they just arrived ten minutes before you came. you're just right on time." lia said making ryujin not feel sorry, and when she grabbed ryujin's bag to help her; her mom came by and greeted ryujin.

"hello, dear!" her mom spoke before leading ryujin the way inside. "no, it's okay if you wear your shoes inside. be comfortable around the house, and besides; you're my daughter's friend afterall." she said while tapping ryujin's back gently and she smiled at her.

"ah, good afternoon ms. choi." ryujin said before reaching out for her hand asking for a kind honoring-gesture when lia's mom suddenly pulled ryujin close for a tight hug. the surprised expression is obviously seen on ryujin's face when she was hugged and smiled warmly afterwards.

"we don't do that here, we do hugs as greetings. and you can just call me auntie choi." lia's mom answered before pulling ryujin out for the hug. lia watched how her mom and ryujin communicate with each other and ryujin seems to be really comfortable with her mom.

"thank you, auntie choi." ryujin said and her beady small eyes landed on lia following with her warm smile, making lia feel flustered again. "lia really inherited auntie choi's kind personality and gestures." she said with a bright smile still plastered on ryujin's face, her eyes still locked onto lia's.

lia noticed ryujin looking at her so she smiled back at her before looking away because maybe ryujin might notice that her cheeks are starting to become reddish.

"ah, you two should go upstairs now. i saw the other three went to the guest's room earlier and i'll just call you all when it's already time for snacks or dinner."


"wow, finally," yuna said as soon as lia and ryujin entered the room with the three girls' loud voices which can even be heard outside the room. "i thought you were dead."

ryujin threw her bag towards yuna, hitting her and followed with yuna's loud screams and complaints. "well surprise bitch, because i came back from the dead now." she said before fishing out her phone outside from her pockets and sat down the chair beside the desk.

yuna stood up from her seat and slapped ryujin's hand with her phone on her palm away. ryujin gasped on yuna's sudden bold action and when she was about to hit yuna's shoulder,

"no phones during sleepovers, jinnie."

and by that ryujin's lips curved into a small pout and crossed her arms aggresively. "you could have slapped my hand harder and i wouldn't even complain if you'd pay for the repairment."

"i brought some snacks for us to eat!" chaeryoung said as she took out bags of chips from her bag.

"oh yeah, i also brought some extra napkins for you chae." yeji said. chaeryoung thanked yeji and ryujin just spoke all of a sudden, asking why they were talking about menstruation, she said that it sounds weird and awkward.

"wow, jinnie you really have the audacity to say that girls talking about menstruation is weird," yuna said while raising one of her eyebrows at ryujin. "it's not like you haven't experienced these bloody releases."

"can you even shut up for once, yuna." ryujin said as she threw one of the pillows placed on the desk to yuna.

"lia, come here and sit with us!" yeji said while tapping the vacant seat beside her, offering it to her friend who hasn't been moved an inch or talked, standing on the corner of the room. lia observing and watching her friends' bright and jolly aura made her smile and giggle upon seeing them feel comfortable and happy.

"hey hey, since it's still early," yuna said while sitting on a cross-legged position, looking at everyone with her bright and wide eyes. "it's still 3 in the afternoon so how about we play a game to lessen the boredom?"

"yes, games are fun." chaeryoung said in a straight face while clapping her hands. although her facial expressions doesn't show much excitedness, well her voice tone does.

"what game?" lia asked catching yuna's attention before straightening her back up on her seat and speaking out.

"hmmmm, since we still don't know each other really that much," yuna said while rubbing her chin looking around. "how about we play, "truth or dare"?" she suggested and everyone's eyes widened except for chaeryoung who squealed while nodding multiple times agreeing to yuna.

"sure! we should spend our free time playing games," yeji said while tapping the pillow gently placed on her lap. "and i guess, truth or dare sounds good. how about you guys?" yeji turned around to look at lia and ryujin.

"hm? yeah, sure." ryujin said in a low tone while turning her hair into a messy bun. "whatever you guys think is fun, i'm good." she added before sitting on a cross-legged position too and leaned closer to lia who is sitting right infront of her.

"me too," lia said, smiling. "let's start."


"ryujinnie is first!"

yuna exclaimed while pointing at ryujin who is obviously zoned out, looking from afar and is suddenly surprised from yuna's loud voice and her index finger pointing at her.

"what? me?" ryujin asked, looking very confused. "why me? yuna is just pointing at whoever she wants to, this is unfair. how about we like, um--- spin the bottle for a fair game?" she suggested and everyone agreed to her.

"yeah, whatever jinnie," yuna said. "you do it." she said while glaring at ryujin. chaeryoung gave ryujin an empty bottle and started to spin it around waiting for it to stop and point at someone. after a few seconds, it finally stopped infront of yuna.

"well shit."

yuna cussed leaving everyone crack loud laughs across the room with yeji hitting the floor with her pillow while laughing.

"yeah shit," ryujin said looking pleased from the result. "so, truth or dare?" she said while taking the bottle away from the middle.

"truth." yuna said rolling her eyes over ryujin, fixing her seat.

ryujin slightly smirks who is obviously thinking of a question to be thrown back at her friend. "do you have a big fat crush on kai?" she asked making yuna's ball of eyes widen all of a sudden and catching everyone's attention and the four girls were anticipating for yuna's answer.

"kai? who's kai?" chaeryoung asked breaking the silence across the room.

"you mean, huening kai from the college of engineering?" yeji curiously asked, looking at ryujin.

"are you silly? i don't even know him." yuna complained sounding nervous, her voice cracking a bit and flashed out a slight smile. "i take back what i just said. i choose dare."

ryujin smirked once again before speaking out, "i dare you to tell us whether you like kai or not." lia giggled a little upon realizing what ryujin is up to with her sudden questions on yuna who is actually nervous right now.

"you're so unfair!" yuna said, hitting ryujin on her right shoulder with her hand. "what's up with these questions? i'm out." she said, slowly standing up from her position.

"eeeek, yuna's guilty." ryujin teased, in a high-pitched tone sounding like a baby. "you're just going to answer "yes" or "no". or maybe, hmmmm. yuna's avoiding my questions, maybe she's----" ryujin was about to finish her statement when yuna quickly closed her mouth using her bare hand.

"seriously, i'm going to hit your head if i hear another word from you." yuna said with her hand still on ryujin's mouth.

"don't worry yuna, you can tell us." yeji said confronting her. "we wouldn't tell anyone about our secrets, only the five of us can know about it."

"what? i ain't admitting some love confessions here," yuna said removing her hand away from ryujin's mouth, rubbing it on her shirt. "i don't like kai." she answered which made the four girls look at each other in confusion and disagreement.

"you don't like kai, because you love him." ryujin added letting yuna hit her using the pillow on her hand, and ryujin's entire body hitting the cold ground. lia noticed her and helped her sit back up.

"but, you really don't find him attractive?" chaeryoung asked making yuna think deeply.

"uhh, i do." yuna said before curving her lips into a small frown. "but i really don't have feelings for him; and i really won't." she said before taking the bottle from ryujin and spinned it around once again. "i'm finished, now it's your turn."

they all watched the bottle spin again and finally it stopped infront of chaeryoung. "alright, ask me questions."

"truth or dare?" yuna asked.

"truth." chaeryoung immediately answered.

"hmmm. tell us your first impressions on each of us here!" yuna said, and chaeryoung made a straight face while nodding a little.

"ryujin, hard to approach. yuna, bubbly and talktative. yeji, sassy and cold. lia, shy and intelligent." chaeryoung answered and is smiley while looking at her friends infront of her. they all laughed at chaeryoung answers and started to tease one another using her descriptions and impressions.

"the only impressions which i think is right is yuna's." ryujin said while chuckling and yuna glaring at her. "and lia's." she said landing her eyes at lia's who is timidly moving and both of them smiled back at each other.

"honestly, the impressions chaeryoung had to yeji is the same with mine on the first place." yuna said, raising her hand before laughing a little. "and turns out it was wrong. yeji is really kind and warm-hearted, she always takes care of me such as lia-unnie does too. which is why i really like her, yejinnie; i love you!" yuna jumped on yeji's position, hugging her tightly and yeji feeling flustered, thanking her endlessly.

"i had the same thoughts too with lia," ryujin said before facing lia who is sitting on her right side. "at first i really thought lia was the type of person who isn't easy to talk to. and i always thought that lia is really compassionate, tender-hearted and gentle. and she really is." she said and lia looked at ryujin, a sheepish smile drawn on her face. ryujin tapped lia's shoulder gently and lia shyly nodding a little.

"can ya'll stop with the flirting right infront of me, seriously?" chaeryoung said, slamming the bottle on the ground disturbing the moments her friends is sharing with each other. "manners, please. anyways, three left." chaeryoung finally spinned the bottle and it stopped infront of yeji.

"yes! finally!" yuna exclaimed with her hands on the air as if she won on a draw game. "i've been waiting for this moment. i have a question to yeji-unnie glued on my mind eversince this game started." yeji smiled at yuna who is really excited on it.

"okay. show me what you got." yeji said.

"do you like hyunjin?" yuna straight up asked making yeji flinch on her position.

"no." yeji immediately answered trying to smile calmly. "i don't like him. that guy is really annoying. and i don't like annoying guys. he isn't my type. and guys like hyunjin are trash, he acts really stubborn and stupid. psh, he thinks everyone on the school likes him, well i don't! ugh, he's really so dumb and so full of himself! it's like whenever he teases me, on that way he'll make me fall for him, well sorry but, no! he's really not attractive and handsome, he looks like an ugly fat-ass frog who is covered with dirt all over his face. i don't like him!"

yeji continued her complains and explanations on why she isn't interested on hyunjin, and the four girls remained on their seats watching yeji shout and scream her voice out, letting out all her frustrations from hyunjin. they all stared at her, wanting her to finally stop from talking.

"okay, okay. chill. we get it." yuna said stopping yeji from talking. "you don't like hyunjin. can you stop now." she suggested and finally yeji calmed down and stopped from talking. they all breathed in belief and went back from the game.

"lia and ryujin are the only one's left. here goes nothing!" yuna said before spinning the bottle around again. while the bottle was spinning, lia looked at ryujin who is beside her and is patiently waiting for the bottle to stop too. she doesn't know why but her heart is beating on a fast pace now, maybe she's just nervous for the consequences and questions she'll receive later on.

finally, the bottle stopped on lia and they all gasped in awe. "lia! okay, truth or dare." yuna asked. lia smiled nervously before answering, "i choose dare." they were all surprised on lia's answer because finally someone chose dare rather than truth.

"hmmmm," yuna said. "how about you point one of us who you are really comfortable with these days. or who you really like to be with!" she said making everyone agree. lia gulped before nodding as a response and she already knew to herself who she's gonna choose.

"well, that excepts yeji because you already know her and you guys are really close!" yuna said.

"how about we um, turn around? and you're just gonna backhug us for some extra thrill and excitedness! ugh, this really makes me nervous tho." chaeryoung suggested and they all made a thumbs-up sign. the point suggestions was already fine and okay for lia, but when it had suddenly changed for a backhug rule, her heart suddenly made the flutters and her stomach with the butterfly-tingles hitting again. of course, lia already knew who she's going to choose between the three, and they all turned their backs at her waiting for her arms to wrap around their body.

"lia, i really like how you bring some snacks over for us," yuna said. "and you are really pretty, do you even know that?" ryujin suddenly pushed yuna to stop her from talking nonsense and yuna just slapped her back before frowning.

"i was just trying to catch lia's attention and maybe she'd pick me, ya know?" yuna said.

lia looked at them from behind while tapping her fingers gently, trying to calm herself down and stop herself from being really nervous. she turned around at yeji who is standing behind her and gave her a sign, "go on! pick whoever your heart wants." yeji mouthed at lia and smiled at her. pick whoever your heart wants. lia turned to face her friends' back and started to walk.

"this is making me nervous as fuck rather than the recitations we have on class." yuna said while swaying her body around, and cannot make her body sit still.

lia started to walk around waiting for the right drill. and while the three girls were waiting for lia, ryujin sat on the corner patiently waiting. she isn't really expecting but ryujin knew from her heart that lia would choose her.

after a few more seconds to spare, ryujin finally felt arms encircling around her, giving out a warm hug behind her and realized that it's lia's. she felt how she leaned her entire body close on her back, hugging her tightly and lia locking her fingers to make sure the hug is locked in between them, just the two of them and lia rested her head above her shoulder. ryujin doesn't knew why but as soon as she knew lia hugged her, she smiled unknowingly.

lia leaned her head closer to ryujin's while resting her chin above her shoulders before whispering, "thank you ryujin." and with that she suddenly moved out from the hug. ryujin and lia caught each others' eyes and they shared warm smiles with each other.

"ahh, i was expecting. i'm hurt. very hurt." yuna said while holding her chest. lia laughed at yuna's actions and expressions.

"okay, lastly." yuna said pointing at ryujin. "ryujinnie, the asshole. truth or dare?" she said.

"truth." ryujin straight-up answered as they all sat back on their seats again.

"hmm, have you ever been so close with someone?" she asked making everyone turn their heads to look at ryujin waiting for her answers. ryujin rubbed her chin before answering.

"i did." ryujin said before smiling. "i've been really close with someone back then. she's really amazing, and she really takes good care of me. i really miss her since we haven't seen each other for like, years now. i hope she's doing well now." she said while looking down. it was obvious how ryujin's aura suddenly went down and blue when she talked about that particular 'someone' from her past.

lia noticed how ryujin became blue and sad when she shared her experiences about her close friend. it seems like she has really grown so much with that person, and she really misses her so much. that made lia really curious about the person ryujin is pertaining to, how close is ryujin with her and how much more of the memories they had shared with each other.

"perhaps, do we know her?" chaeryoung asked ryujin. ryujin moved her head up before shaking her head off.

"no," ryujin said before sheepishly smiling. "you guys don't know her."

"well then, can we meet her?" yeji said.

"i'm not sure," ryujin said. "i hope so."

lia watched ryujin talk positively about her close friend. her heart flutters just stopped out of the blue. it seems like ryujin really loves and admire that person. she's really curious about the stand and the description of ryujin's close friend. is she pretty? is she kind? is she also caring and sweet like her? lia breathed deeply while watching ryujin who is beside her.

"i guess someone already caught ryujin's heart back then."


(A/N): omg i'm so sorry for the delayed updates! i had zero data balance back then that is why i couldn't update :((
so sorry, but here's the update you all have been waiting for! thank you so much for patiently waiting. i love you all. ♡

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