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a/n: my midterms is done, and i did well!
thank you so much everyone for your warm and sweet words.
anyways, i'm back!!! :)

third person's pov

"it's getting late," ryujin said as she turned her head around, noticing that the breeze surrounding them is getting more colder for their body to sustain and starts to get worried that both of them would get sick if they stay out here longer.

"we should head inside now," ryujin added as she reached her hand out, a single drop of rain landed on her palm. "i think it'll rain out here. we should go back." she said as she glanced over at lia who is standing behind her, tucked in on her purple sweater.

"sure." lia answered back at ryujin and walked close beside her. she rubbed both of her hands together to keep them warm and realized what ryujin said was true; it is going to rain. lia looked over at ryujin and started to get concerned about her condition that she might get a cold, she slowly reached out for ryujin's shirt and pulled her over to her as if asking and looking for attention.

ryujin noticed and raised one of her eyebrows, "what's wrong?" she watched over at lia who is standing behind her, who has the same height on her shoulder-length.

"i can lend you your sweater if you want to so that you won't catch a cold." lia said as she looked at ryujin with a worried facial expression. "here, i already used it last time now you should too."

"no, it's okay. keep it to yourself." ryujin refused as she held both of lia's hands to stop her from giving the sweater. "i'll be fine, don't worry." she said and gave her a reassuring smile.

lia was about to answer back at ryujin but she remained silent and nodded back at her as a response. she tucked her hands inside the pockets of her sweater as she sighed heavily.

"but you can hold my hand if you want to." ryujin murmured softly, trying to make sure that she was the only one who heard her say it and not lia.

"hmm?" lia said and turned to look at ryujin because she was sure that she heard ryujin say something but it wasn't clear to be heard that much. "what is it?"

"oh, nothing. i said you should keep on rubbing your hands together so that you'd stay warm." ryujin said as an excuse and lia agreed on her statement. ryujin turned her head to the side and smirked a little as she ran her fingers across her dark blue hair.

they started to walk downstairs and went to the kitchen on the first floor. yeji and the other two were still sitting on the dining table and as soon as they saw lia walk inside, all of them stood up and they all looked concerned.

"lia! thank god, you're now here. we actually thought you were mad because you ignored us earlier," yuna said as she ran towards lia's direction and clinged on her shoulder. "well, whatever it is. we're so sorry, and chaeryeong also confessed that she felt guilty for asking few more ice cubes. she said she'd not ask for any next time. we love you!" yuna said while pouting and hugged lia gently, her arms around her unnie's waistline.

"it's okay yuna." lia said as she tapped yuna's head lightly like a gentle baby. she looked over at yeji who is also looking worried and she told her that everything is okay and there is nothijg for her to be scared and worried about.

"lia, if you have any problems, you can talk to me and i'll listen. okay?" yeji added as she held lia's right hand and gave her a warm smile. "i'll always be here for you." lia felt enlightened knowing that she have lots of people around to support and help her when she is feeling down and is enough to make her feel okay already.

after a minute, she felt a light tap on her right shoulder and turned out it was ryujin. she gave her a blank expression trying to give her a "what is it?" sign just by her eyes. she noticed that her mother was standing beside ryujin, looking over at her.

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