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lia's pov

From: 09*********

Hi! Yuna said you were looking for me earlier. I got your number already and saved it on my contacts. She said you were with another girl, perhaps its your bestfriend, i think.

Anyways, how are you today? I hope you're doing fine :)


i widened my eyes trying to read the message clearly despite the darkness surrounding me. i read the last word from the message which made me feel um, things. i could feel how my rosy cheeks were tinted light pink as soon as i finished reading the message.

it's as if a cold rush of wind passed by my heavy and warm heart leaving a light effect on it.

it has been already twenty minutes and i am still struck on the screen, thinking on what to do next after receiving her message. should i reply back? what should i say?

i laid my back on the cold wall behind me groaning in frustration trying to keep my self up. i closed my eyes tightly before helding on tightly on my phone while muttering words. "i should reply, right?" i asked myself, playing with my phone on my hand circling it while biting my lower lip.

"what should i say?" i said while scanning around the dark room. "i mean, it's kinda rude if i didn't reply back. so i definitely should, right? yeah, she already sent me the message so is she waiting for my reply right now? is she also looking forward to my message? what am i saying?" i told myself before burying my entire face on my pillow, groaning again.

after minutes of arguing and talking to myself i finally had the courage to click the reply back staring at the empty message section. i was about to type when i heard loud thuds coming on my door.

i quickly glanced at the door thinking that maybe it's mom this time, and maybe she's waiting for me to get downstairs. i slowly looked back at my phone before sighing deeply and turned it off, sliding it under my pillow.

"come in." the door slowly creaked open revealing mom's figure outside, her eyes already locked on mine. i can see the worry drawn on her face so i flashed a weak smile at her. mom pushed the door back before walking close at my bed, sitting on the small chair infront of me.

"lia? i thought you were gonna come downstairs." she spoke softly. "well, your dad left already. he said that he's glad to see you healthy now." mom said while still looking down, playing with her fingers nervously.

"mom?" i said. "are you okay?" i asked her as i slowly reached for her hands before wrapping my hands around hers, trying to calm her down. "and if you knew, i wasn't." i honestly answered which made mom's head lift up to look at me with her eyes widened.

"mom," i said before breathing heavily. "you do know that i never liked him around. but why didn't you tell me at the first place that he's coming over?"

i saw how mom's face dropped before looking down, "lia. i'm sorry, it's not like i wanted him strolling around our house. it's just," mom said and i can tell how she was close to breaking down just by her voice cracking. "it's just i miss how we were used to be back then." she said in a low tone and i can say that she sounded serious on that line.

"and as a mom, i always failed on making you happy. i did eversince you were a little kid, i failed on making our family complete and stable, and now we're facing difficulties and struggles. it hurts on my part seeing and watching you grow without your dad on your side. that is why, i still can't believe that eventhough i try my best on picking up the broken pieces our family has, things cannot sink in to my mind thinking that we wouldn't be the same as we were back then." mom spoke in a soft voice, and i can see how her hands were trembling in nervousness. i slowly moved closer to mom, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug and i can feel how she hugged me back.

nobody like you • ryujin & lia Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat