kiss to kiss | jungkook ✔️

By justonekookie

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so you're telling me that you want to spy on our friend's first date together? · • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • · ➳ short st... More

author's note


2.3K 150 73
By justonekookie

"I couldn't fall asleep so I couldn't help but listen to the audio you sent me."

I covered my face groaning. This is so embarrassing.

Jungkook walks closer to me. He pushes my hand away from my face. My pinkish cheeks were radiating under his bright smile.

"Sooyeon, you're so cute."

He pinches my cheek and I frown at him.

"Can you stay with me for a tiny bit?"

His eyes twinkle as he nodded his head. His arms brushed against mine as he sat next me on the bed. His wet hair tickled my cheeks.   

I grimaced. "Did you even dry your hair?"

"Uh whoops?"

I groan as I grabbed his towel ruffling his hair with it. 

After a couple minutes, it was finally damp. Not wet but good enough.

He tosses the towel onto the chair as pulled the bed covers in an upward motion. Jungkook steals a glance at me before asking, "Can we talk about what happened back at the bar?"

"Which embarrassing part are you talking about?"

"Hmm the part where you think I was going to hit you. I don't understand why you would think I would hit you?"

I looked away from him. I didn't really want to talk about it. He grabs my hand clenching it. His fingers interlaced mine. 

"I-actually- wait do I have to talk about?"

"I'm just trying to understand you more"

"Can I think about this first. I don't even know what to say or talk about."

He nods wrapping his arms around me. My eyes looked at his before I moved my face slowly towards to crook of his neck and shoulder. My favorite spot.

He smelled too nice. 

"If I tell you, can you not tell Minhee. I trust her, but it's just that I don't want her to see me differently."

"Whatever we talk about here, stays here."

"W-When I was dating Joohwan, I was really happy. He was my first love, but sometimes I felt like his love for me was too much to handle. Whenever he got angry because I did something stupid, he would accidentally hit me. He couldn't control it and I didn't blame him."

Jungkook wiped the tears off my eyes. He held me loosely like I was some fragile condiment. He held my hand tighter telling me to continue.

"But he always apologized the next morning when he saw my bruises or scratches. He told me it was a spur moment of rage. He would do all these romantic things for me so I would forgive him. I had no time for myself whenever I was with him. I couldn't go anywhere because if I did he would get angry at me. He kept saying it was for my own good. I would get taken advantage of if he wasn't out with me."

Jungkook strokes my arm looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Jungkook it's fine. You didn't know about it."

He nods bringing me closer to him.

"One night I decided to surprise him on our one year anniversary. I went to his apartment with wine and food, but instead of him welcoming me in he was fucking my classmate. On our anniversary of all days. He didn't care about my feelings; he only cared about himself the most. What's worse is that she didn't even know we were still together. It was humiliating to find out that he slept with all my acquaintances and friends except for Minhee."

"So fucking embarrassing that I didn't even know he was cheating on me."

Jungkook pats my head softly as he mumble curse words. "Oh Sooyeon..." He pressed his cheeks against mine. "Thank you for telling me."

I smiled meekly the tears started rushing out. I really did feel better talking to someone about my pain and struggles.

He wipes my tears away as he reached for the tissue box on table. He passed me a couple tissues and I made tissue dumplings with my snot and tears.

"Sooyeon, where did he hit you?"

I looked confused as I pointed to where he first struck me. My cheeks.

Jungkook lowers his head softly kissing my cheeks.

"My mom told me that kisses help make the pain go away"

I softly laugh before pointing at the second place, my back.

He kisses everywhere on my back and I giggle. It was ticklish.

I pointed almost everywhere inch of my body:  my arms, legs, and head.

Whenever I pointed at new spot, Jungkook's painful expression was stretched all over his face. 

Jungkook couldn't believe how many spots I pointed to. He whimpers out the words, "...why did he hit you everywhere?"

After pointing almost everywhere, there was no more places I could point to.

"There's no more right?"

I lied nodding a yes. "Just one last place."


 I pointed at my lips.

a/n 4 more chps till the end! vote/comment? nxt update on thurs

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