Tangled (Bakugou Katsuki x Re...


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*crossposted on quotev by me, @p-bubzz. plz show me sum love over there too<333 this will be short bc i'm goi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New fic?

Chapter 4

1K 25 14

here's the song for this chap. but i didn't write the lyrics down😌✌️

While Yagi and (Name) were on their trip, there was a rustle in a bush in front of them. The girl jumped, hiding behind Yagi with her frying pan out. She was visibly shaking and the man wanted to throw her off him.

"Wh-What is that?!" She asked frantically. The rustling in the bush was increasing as she jumped onto Yagi's back, chest pressed against his muscular form. He tried his best to keep his blush down to a minimum.

A rabbit bounced out of the green mess, twitching its ears and tilting its head at the two. (Name) nervously laughed and climbed off the spiky blond who felt cold at the loss of contact.

"Oh, well..." the girl said quietly in embarrassment, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and looking away. "Guess it wasn't anything bad."

Yagi looked at her. "Be careful," he said bluntly. "It can probably smell your fear."

(Name) smiled and watched as the rabbit hopped away. She shoved the angry blond playfully, smile faltering when he didn't give her a reaction. "Sorry. I thought it was ruffians. Or thugs," she said, playing with her frying pan in her hands. "Father told me that they were everywhere."

Yagi turned to the girl with a thoughtful look. "Ruffians and thugs, eh?" He said to himself.

He gave the girl a smirk. (Name) looked at him with big eyes. "Yes?" She asked. Yagi chuckled out his nose and crossed his arm.

"Ya hungry?" He asked. "I know a good spot to eat. Best fucking shit I've ever tasted."

The girl nodded slowly as he grabbed her wrist. "Wait, if it's shit then why's it good?" She asked while she was getting dragged away once again by her guide.

After walking for a couple minutes, the two end up in front of a bar of some sort. In the front it has a sign that says 'WELCOME TO U.A.'.

"Uh," the girl starts. "Th-This doesn't look like—"

"Shuddap and follow me if you want something," he grumbled, dragging the girl to the doors of the rough looking place. "You're gonna love this place."

(Name) gulped as he slammed the door open. Her eyes were wide as she looked at her surroundings. She gasped when everyone's eyes were on her. Some were wearing helmets with horns and most were in tattered clothing. She held out her frying pan and waved it around, breathing heavily. Yagi leaned in, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Smell that?" He growled. "Take a deep breath and tell me what ya smell."

He pushed the girl through the crowd of ruffians and thugs as she looked around frantically. "To me, it's smells like fucking B.O!" He laughed haughtily.

She stopped abruptly when she felt her hair getting tugged at and quickly pulled it away, stumbling forward.

"That's a lot of hair!" A guy with black hair said as it flowed through his hands. "The hell she need it for, man?"

Yagi clicked his tongue. "Fuck if I know," he grumbled. "What's in your hair, elbows? Is that blood? Fuck, blondie. This bastard's got blood in his hair!"

(Name) backed up into a big body and squealed, turning around to point her weapon at the person. He looked back with a glare and she yelped. Yagi approached her and sighed amusedly.

"Ya look like shit, hair for brains," he teased as she jolted to turn and face him. "Maybe we should bring your sorry ass home. And get my crown back."

He grabbed her again and pulled her to the exit. Before they could leave, a man with spiky red hair slammed the door closed with sharp toothed grin. His hand was settled on a thin paper that had a face on it.

"Good to hear that nickname not being used on me, Toshi," he said. He nodded to his hand on the door. "This you?" Though he knew the answer.

Yagi glared at the man and looked at the paper. He shoved the finger that was covering the hair part of the face away and grunted. "Fuck if that's me. Look at the shitty hair. I'd rather have your ugly hair than that ugly ass cut," he growled.

The red head faked a pained expression. "Bro, our hair's the same!" He said pointedly. Then he smirked. "Ojiro, go find some guards."

A plain looking man with a tail nodded and left quickly. The shark toothed guy dropped the paper to the ground and leaned into Yagi.

"That reward is gonna get me outta here," he said, eyeing the angry blond.

"Hey! I could use the money!" A guy with big lips said as he pulled Yagi away. "I need new baking supplies!"

A pink girl grabbed the wanted man away. "Whatta bout me?!" She cried. "I'm the the broke one!"

Suddenly everyone was onto Yagi, pulling him and shouting things (Name) couldn't even make out because it was layered over by another thing. She tried her best to get to him, hitting people in the backs with her pan but it did nothing. She sighed exasperatedly, looking around for something to help her.

"Hey fuckers!" Yagi yelled out while he was in a choke hold. "Get your dirty paws offa me!"

"Leave him alone!" (Name) yelled, moving around to look for an opening. "I need my guide back!"

Suddenly the ruffians had Yagi in a position where the red head from before had a good shot at a punch in the face. He reeled his fist back, moving it around when Yagi tried dodging the hit even though he hadn't swung.

(Name) climbed a stool to stand on the bar table, throwing her hair around a branch that was near the top of the bar. She pulled her hair taut and let go, the branch smacking on the top of the red head. Everyone was still as she started talking.

"Put him down!" She cried with a pleading expression. "I have no clue where I am! And I need him to take me to see the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my whole life! Haven't any of you crazy people had a dream?!"

Everyone turned to the desperate girl, faces blank. The red head slowly turned away from Yagi and started walking to the girl. A man with multiple arms hung the spiky blond to a hook on the wall as he watched with a worried expression.

As the red head got closer, (Name) cowered back. He pulled out a big sword from his back and stopped in front of the girl.

"I... Had a dream, once," he confessed quietly. He threw his sword to a blond man in the corner who had a tuxedo on. He jolted awake and looked terrified.

"I know my teeth might scare you," he started with a grin at the girl. "But I'm a manly man!"

Everyone whooped at that. He poked at his hair but still had his friendly grin. "I'm Kirishima Eijirou, but you're can call me Eiji! This also isn't my real hair, so doing get worried! I dyed it red and it takes a long time to get it to stay up like this. I've never wanted to be scary, I just want to be manly! And my good 'ol friend Yagi here is manlier than me!"

A guy with blond hair and a black lightning bolt shoved next to Kirishima with a big smile. "I'm Kaminari Denki but you can call me anytime!" He said loudly. "I've wanted to find true love for the longest time, even though I look dumb and act like it. I'm a lover, not a fighter!"

Again, everyone whooped at this. More people were surrounding the confused girl and less were paying attention to Yagi. He growled at this and tried getting himself off of the hook he was set on. The same pink girl from before and guy with black hair walk up to Kirishima and Kaminari.

"I'm Ashido Mina and this is Sero Hanta!" The girl introduced enthusiastically. "I know I look like I'm outta this world, but trust me, I'm a normal girl like you!"

Sero nodded and laid an arm over her shoulders. "An I'm just here because they're my best buds!"

Kirishima nodded to the guy with big lips. "This is Sato Rikido! He bakes and it's the best thing you'll ever taste. Maybe if we meet on different terms best time you could taste some of his baking!"

The man with pointy brown hair nodded and Ashido jabbed a thumb to a guy with a pointed head. "This here is Koji Koda. He collects ceramic unicorns and he can talk to animals! He's a quiet fella that one, but he's very kind!" She introduced as said man waved shyly.

(Name) smiled and waved back enthusiastically, forgetting about Yagi all together. "I'm Shouji Mezo," the man with a bunch of arms and a mask over his face said. "Like Ashido, I know I look different but I promise I'm a good person."

(Name) looked around at everyone, taking them in. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "This is so cool!"

Ashido smiled. "I've always wanted to live in the kingdom and sell clothes, but I've never gotten the chance!" She said. "That's my dream. To one day dress the king and queen!"

"I've always wanted to be a hair stylist," Sero said with a toothy grin. "I could cut yours if you wanted!"

The girl quickly shook her head. "No!" She said loudly. Everyone jumped at her outburst and she looked around nervously. "I mean, I really like the way my hair is right now! But your dreams are fantastic!"

"Alright, alright," as raspy voice said, annoyed. "Lets go blondie! I don't have all day! I need my shit back now."

Everyone turned their attention to Yagi and Kirishima walked towards him, pulling a dagger out of his belt. He pulled it close to Yagi's throat and grinned at him with his pointed teeth.

"So what's your dream, Yagi?" He asked.

The man chuckled and shook his head. "I don't 'dream' like you extras," he said.

Then he was pulled off the hook and thrown into the middle of the crowd. He was about to yell something out before Kirishima threw a knife right next to his boot with a smirk. Yagi rolled his eyes.

"Course I gotta dream," he said, crossing his arms and looking around. "I'd be livin' on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone."

Everyone looks at him to finish, even (Name). Yagi feels proud and he smirks. "Surround by enormous piles of money!"

The whole bar lit up at this and started cheering. (Name) was the happiest she has been since seeing the lanterns from the tower for the first time in her life. Suddenly she was picked up from her armpits by Kirishima and placed on top of table. She looks around and grins.

"What's your dream, cutie?" Kaminari asked over the noise of the crowd cheering.

"I've always wanted to see the floating lanterns in person!" She confessed. "Every minute that I spend outside of my tower makes me never want to go back!"

She was twirling around before her foot got caught in her hair, forcing her to trip and fall backwards. Yagi was quick to react and he caught her, a smile on both of their lips. She was pulled away by Ashido and Kaminari and they danced
with her. Yagi glared at the trio having fun and then Kirishima came up from behind him, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"I can tell already, bro," he said, watching the girl interact with everyone happily. "I mean, I would be like that too if I were her guide to the kingdom—"

Yagi pushed Kirishima's face away, but there was nothing meaningful behind it. He just let himself smirk with crossed arms, watching as (Name) played with Shoji's arms. Kirishima smiled at his friend's reaction and patted him on the back.

"Go get 'er, Tiger!" He yelled, shoving Yagi to (Name). He grinned when the spiky blond stumbled and the girl laughed, grabbing his hand to talk to other people. Sero walked over to Kirishima and nudged him.

"So..." he started with a lazy grin. "What's the news with your bestie and that girl?"

Kirishima laughed but never took his eyes away from the two. "Nothin' you need to worry about, elbows," he teased before slipping away.

The fun ended suddenly, when Ojiro came bursting through the door with a tired smile on his face. "I found the guards!"

Yagi's calm demeanor quickly shifted to his old irritated one as he grabbed (Name) and pulled her away from the middle of the bar. Suddenly Iida walks stiffly into the bar, a hand placed on his sword with the blond and bird head guards by his side.

"Where is Yagi Toshi?" He asked, whipping his head left and right. "Where is he?"

He walked towards the bar, unsheathing his sword. "I know he is in here!" He said, looking carefully at everyone's face. "Aoyama, Tokoyami, if you have to, turn this bar upside down."

He passed by where Yagi and (Name) were hiding, right under the bar table Iida had just looked over. The two looked at each other, the girl much more worried than Yagi by the looks of it. Yagi was worried too. He knew what the kingdom had in store if he were to be found and turned in. Death.

Once Iida was further in the bar, Yagi poked his head over the table he was hiding under and spotted Dabi and Shigaraki. He quickly ducked back down when they almost catch his gaze. They were wearing cuffs and looking menacing as ever.

There was a dagger that was pointed at Yagi's throat when he settled back down with (Name) and he held his breath, looking up at the wielder. Kirishima was looking at the two, then shifting his eyes to the floor with the bar's symbol painted on.

"Hey, my good 'ol friend Iida!" Kaminari called, trying to give Kirishima time with Yagi and (Name)'s escape. "How's it like at the kingdom? I heard you were promoted ever since your brother—"

Ashido harshly elbowed him and chuckled sheepishly. "I think that's so cool, Iida, that you're a captain there now!" She commented with a grin. "How are you, Aoyama? Still as fashionable as ever!"

Aoyama sparkled as he flipped his hair that didn't move. "Oui, oui, mademoiselle! I've got it done in such a way so that I can sparkle! Because I cannot stop twinkling!"

Shoji nodded over to Tokoyami in a greeting who just grunted in response, hands on the hilt of his own sword. "You seem to like your job, Tokoyami," he said though it was muffled by his mask.

Again, Tokoyami just grunted, looking around the room of ruffians and thugs. Possibly even thieves.

Kirishima pulled a lever that opened the ground, lowering into a secret tunnel. The three crawled to the opening, looking down at the darkness. Kirishima smiled softly, looking at (Name) with fondness.

"Go," he said softly. "Live your dream."

Yagi smirked, still looking at the tunnel. "Hell yeah I will, shitty hair," he said proudly.

Kirishima's eyes narrowed as he looked at the guy to his left. "Dude," he sighed, shaking his head though he had his smile still on his face. "Your dream isn't manly at all. I was talking to (Name)."

Yagi scowled and looked over to the red head. "Don't use her name so casually, hair for brains," he growled lowly.

The girl just giggled at this and looked over to Kirishima with soft eyes. "Thank you so much, Eijirou," she said before kissing him on the cheek gently. They could both feel the heat radiating off of Yagi but they both ignored it.

Yagi clicked his tongue in annoyance and crawled his way through the opening, grumbling about how they were going to to 'get caught at this point if they were busy eye fucking each other'. Kirishima shook his head again before (Name) gave him a hug, nuzzling her face in his chest.

"I'm serious," she said quietly before moving away. "I am very thankful, Eiji. This is one of the best moments of my whole life."

Kirishima grinned widely and flexed his arm, showing off his sharp teeth. "No problem, (Name)!" He said, quiet enough so the guards couldn't hear him over the bad small talk his friends were trying to initiate. "Now go, before that angry hedgehog blows up."

The girl nodded and crawled after the spiky blond, a smile on her lips. She caught up with Yagi and l bumped her hand over his unconsciously. He had a lamp with him and it gave off a soft glow. (Name) checked around for Izuku with her hands and the chameleon squeaked when she tapped on his head, making sure she new he was still there.


"I'm pretty sure this is the guy you're looking for, Iida!" Kaminari said, pulling up a short man with purple balls as hair. He grinned lazily and pulled out his arms.

"Ya got me! I also heard the kingdom has some hot guards with big boobies!" The pervert said excitedly.

Tokoyami glared at the weirdo. "This is not a joke!" He said. "This man should pay for what he did. With his life."

Aoyama comes down from the upstairs of the bar. "No sign of monsieur Yagi, capitaine Iida," he announced.

Iida was about to protest, but there was a familiar neighing outside. Everyone's attention was to the door when a half red and half white horse emerged, nose up with narrowed heterochromatic eyes. Iida smiled.

"Shouto!" He called.

The horse was quick to sniff the ground, following the scent of Yagi and an unfamiliar feminine one, stopping to the left by the bar top. He brought a hoof up to point to the ground and Kirishima smiled nervously.

"There's nothing there!" Kaminari said with an nervous chuckle.

Sero put a hand on Iida's shoulder to stop him from moving but he shrugged it off and walked to where Shouto was.

"What is it, Shouto?" He asked. The horse tapped on the lever and Iida walked forward, placing a hand on the stick that looked out of place. He gave the horse a look, as if to confirm that this is what he was looking for. Shouto just nodded and Iida pulled.

"Wait, no—!" Kirishima said but it was too late. The floor boards opened up and Iida smirked, his glasses flashing white.

"Let's go. Aoyama, stay with the other two thieves and make sure they don't get away," Iida ordered as Tokoyami followed his captain and his horse down the passage.

Aoyama nodded. "Oui!"

Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina looked at each other with an awkward look, knowing they messed up. The single guard looked at the two men who were in cuffs and gulped, holding his sword up to them. Dabi rolled his eyes and head butted him, making Aoyama go unconscious and drop his weapon. Dabi caught it before it fell to the ground with the blond guard and Shigaraki turned backwards, feeling Dabi break the chains with the sword. He tossed the sword up and Shigaraki caught it, Dabi turning around this time and waiting for Shigaraki to release him with some difficulty. They stretched and looked around the bar where everyone was frozen still, waiting for someone to make a move.

"C'mon, Shigaraki," Dabi mumbled, jumping over the bar table to his left, said male following. "We've got a thief to catch."

The two disappeared down the passage, following the guards that followed Yagi and (Name). Kirishima sighed, walking back over to his friends.

"Denki," he started, "I told you to put the lever someone less conspicuous!"

The boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair gasped dramatically. "What?! So now it's my fault?!"

"Well, kinda," Mina commented, looking away. Sero shrugged when Kaminari looked over to him for his opinion.

"You guys!" He wailed. "I didn't even want a stupid secret passage anyways! If we'd just turn in Yagi like we were supposed to do—"

While the four of them argued about who was at fault, the male with purple balls as hair stumbled out of the bar, wanting to get free air. He turned and suddenly a sharp dagger was pointed at his neck by a man in a black face mask and littering hives on his temples.

"Where does that passage lead to?" Chisaki asked menacingly, pushing the dagger but not hard enough to break skin.

The small guy gulped. "Knife!"

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