Chapter 5

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i didn't do the lyrics to the reprise but you can still listen to it above. (h/c) means hair color!

Yagi and (Name) walked in a mostly comfortable silence in the dimly lit tunnel. She was switching between petting Izuku, playing with her hair, and looking at Yagi, trying to keep her stares unnoticed.

"Stop fucking staring, dumbass," Yagi said, looking over to the ecstatic girl.

(Name) only smiled and looked forward, still buzzing with excitement. "You know, you're very handsome when you don't scowl," she commented. "Very attractive."

Yagi turned bright red at this but didn't say a thing. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Didn't think you had it in ya back there, blondie," he said. They passed a skeleton that had a sword through its chest. (Name) shuddered and looked up at Yagi.

"I know!" She exclaimed, her grip tight on the frying pan with Izuku on her shoulder who was smiling at Yagi too. She cleared her throat and looked away, slumping her shoulders a bit so seem a bit more chill. "I know," she said, calmer.

She pulled her hair behind her ear when Yagi looked back at her with a questioning gaze. He shook his head at her. What the fuck am I gonna do with her? he thought with a sigh. (Name) glanced at Izuku and he still had his smile on his face.

"So, Toshi–can I call you that?–where are you from?" (Name) asked, walking a little bit quicker to keep up with the other.

The two passed barrels of all kinds of sizes and Yagi put a hand up. "Woah, I don't talk about my shit," he said. "But, I'm interested in your fucked up one. So have at it, hair for brains."

(Name) just rolled her eyes. "It's (Name), Toshi," she reminded. "Anyways, no background check on my hair, or my father—"

"Not the plant bastard on your shoulder either, huh, princess?" He cut off, nodding to Izuku.

The girl blushed at the name and shook her head. "Chameleon," she corrected. "And the chameleon's name is Izuku."

He rolled his eyes and (Name) smiled because she knew there was no bite behind it.

"Look," Yagi started, "if you wanted to fucking see the shitty lanterns, why didn't you just leave?"

They stopped and he turned to her, the light in her face. (Name) looked around nervously.

"Well, um, you see—"

Suddenly a pebble fell down and hit her on the head. She looked down to where it landed and the ground started to shake. Yagi and her looked at each other and she was confused.


They both looked back and saw light, and then Iida, Tokoyami, and Shouto. Yagi grabbed the girl's arm and shoved her in front of him, yelling "Go!"

The girl started to run with Yagi right behind her, gathering up her hair so it would be easier to run from the guards. They came to an opening outside but it was a dead end. It was some sort of dam, something that had to do with water.

They made it at the edge of the cliff and saw a ladder going down, and their eyes traveled to another opening from below. That was their way out. Suddenly two people emerge from a blocked off hole, looking up at the two. One had very pale skin and the other had burn scars all over. Dabi and Shigarki, Yagi thought. Those fuckers!

"Shit!" He yelled, looking for another exit.

"Who's that?" (Name) asked, pressing closer to Yagi's chest.

The spiky blond just shook his head. "They don't fucking like me," he answered.

The guards came out from the way Yagi and (Name) came out, stopping in front of them.

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