Chapter 6

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i'm back uglies the song/scene doesn't work on here so just search up dancing scene tangled on youtube or something idk

Bakugou slowly woke up, feeling something wet drip onto his cheek. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking a couple of times before they settled on an angry horse that was huffing, soaked with water.

"I hope you're here to apologize, you half-and-half bastard," he said smugly, snuggling back into the grass.

Shouto neighed and grabbed Bakugou's boot with his teeth, dragging him away. The spiky blond started to yell curses, clawing at the ground to stop the horse from pulling him away. (Name) and Izuku woke up with a start, the chameleon turning red as the girl sprung up with her frying pan ready. Their eyes settled on Bakugou who was getting pulled away from the royal horse. She gasped and dropped her pan, rushing over to the helpless male.

"Give-him-back!" The girl grunted through gritted teeth, pulling on her guide's arms.

Shouto just shook his head side to side as Bakugou was telling curses. His boot came loose and slipped off his foot, leaving Shouto behind with it in his mouth and the other two flung in the opposite direction. Bakugou landed on (Name) and grunted while the girl just giggled. Shouto narrowed his eyes at the two and spat the boot out of his mouth, stomping towards Bakugou. (Name) got up quickly and stood in front of Bakugou, her hands out trying to stop the horse from getting any closer. Shouto just neighed, moving left and right to get to the thief.

"Woah, woah, hey!" The girl said, trying to calm down the angry horse. "Easy, boy, easy!"

Bakugou was backing up into a tree as Shouto was paying attention to the girl on front of him, slowly calming down. The girl had a smile on her face as Shouto's gaze trailed up, seeing the green chameleon motion his hands down like he was telling him to calm down. He sent a questioning gaze to the animal.

"Now sit," the girl said, moving her hands up then down.

Shouto neighed in protest but he was lowering himself, barely touching the ground with his butt. The girl shook her head and sighed. "Sit..." she said once again. The horse sighed and plopped on his butt with an embarrassed look.

Bakugou watched from behind, an unreadable expression on his face. "What?!" He exclaimed.

(Name) just smiled and started scratching under the horse's chin, watching as he reacted happily to the affection the girl was giving him. She praised him, telling him that he was a good boy as Bakugou was trying to protest. He was actually feeling a little jealous that the horse was getting more attention from (Name) then he was. He pouted, crossing his arms and watched them.

(Name)'s eyes trailed down the horse's ears to his head to his eyes, looking at his collar of sorts. "Shouto," she read. The horse neighed happily and she giggled. "What a good boy, Shouto!"

Bakugou scoffed and stood on his feet, pulling his boot on. "Oh, come on!" He complained, walking up behind (Name). "He's a bastard!"

She started rubbing up and down Shouto's neck and mane, giggling when she head his tail thumping on the ground behind him. Bakugou watched with a sour expression and Izuku was smiling.

"Aw, I bet you're all tired from chasing this bad thief all over the place?" she asked, babying her voice a bit. She was petting the horse's face and he neighed slowly with a sad expression.

"Excuse me?" Bakugou interjected, looking at (Name) in disbelief. "Are you really—"

"Nobody appreciates you, do they?" the girl asked, cuddling up to Shouto. The horse decided to snuggle up to the girl who was holding him. Even though he was very appreciated in the kingdom, he still snorted and shook his head.

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