Tangled (Bakugou Katsuki x Re...


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*crossposted on quotev by me, @p-bubzz. plz show me sum love over there too<333 this will be short bc i'm goi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New fic?

Chapter 3

1.1K 31 35

another song for u lovelies

Yagi jolted awake when he felt a weird sensation in his ear. It was wet and warm. He looked down to see he was tied up to a chair with gold hair.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled, pulling his arms up. They didn't move an inch and he growled, looking around frantically for his captor. His eyes followed the trail of what bound him and it ended with a girl. "What is this shitty excuse of rope..."

(Name) held in her breath, squeezing the handle of her frying pan. "You can struggle all you want," she said, voice wavering. "I'm not afraid of you."

She walked towards the male and he squinted, trying to make out her figure in the darkness. He grunted, jumping in the chair. Not scared my ass, he thought.

"I know why you're here," the girl said quietly, walking into the light. Yagi's eyes went wide. She's... beautiful, he thought. Yagi flushed and shook his head violently.

"Who are you and how did you find me?" (Name) asked, tilting her chin up to look down at her hostage. She brought her frying pan up, threatening Yagi.

"Fuck," he muttered. His eyes settled on the girl in front of him. "How the fuck do you not know me? I'm Yagi fucking Toshi."

The girl walked closer, pointing her weapon in his face. "Who else knows my location, Yagi Toshi?" She asked, glaring at the man.

Yagi glared back. "Who the fuck cares?" He seethed. "Look here hair for brains—"

"It's (Name)," she corrected.

"Whatever lady. I was out for a morning run with some bastards and found your tower so I climbed it and–fuck! Where's my satchel?!" Yagi asked, thrashing around in his binds.

(Name) smiled at his reaction. "I hid it," she said proudly, crossing her arms across her chest. "And you'll never find it."

Yagi gave her a blank stare. "It's in that pot over there, ain't it fucker," he growled, nodding his head to the left where a yellow pot stood. The girl glared at the man and smacked him again with her frying pan.

"The nerve of this guy!" She exclaimed. After she checked that he was 100% out cold, she quickly grabbed the satchel out of the pot and looked around. (Name) looked over to Izuku who was on the ground by the leg of the chair. He pointed his finger over to the staircase behind Yagi. She nodded, walking over to the bottom stair and pulled up the top, shoving the bag into it and shutting in quickly.

"C'mon, Izuku," she mumbled, picking up the chameleon and setting him down on Yagi's shoulder. "Let's get this show on the road."

Izuku sighed and nodded, turning to face the man's ear. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue in, and moments later Yagi jolted awake as the chameleon fell to the ground.

"Fuck!" He shouted, rubbing his ear on his shoulder. "Would you stop that, shitty woman?!"

(Name) chuckled. "Now your precious satchel is hidden where you'll never find it," she said smugly. Yagi glared at the girl as she started to circle around him. "What do you want with my hair? To cut it?"

Yagi made a confused face. "The fuck?"

"Sell it?" She asked again, coming close behind him.

"I wanna get the fuck outta it, blondie!" He said, thrashing around. "Who the fuck wants your hair anyways?!"

(Name) stared at him blankly, turning her body to face him. "You...wait, you don't want my hair?" She asked, confused. But Father said—

"Look, shitty woman, all I was doin' was running from the stupid guards and climbed your tall ass tower to stay hidden. End of story," Yagi explained, narrowing his eyes at the girl.

She pointed her frying pan at the man in the chair. "That's–You're telling the truth?" She asked softly.

Yagi flushed, keeping his hard glare. "Yes!"

(Name) raised an eyebrow, eyeing Yagi. Izuku popped out of her hair and climbed down her arm, staring Yagi in his carmine eyes. They both had a stare down before the chameleon slapped Yagi on the nose, causing him to snap his jaw the the animal. Izuku quickly moved away and the spiky blond bit onto the frying pan, growling like an animal with rabies.

"You damn nerd!" He yelled, trying to pull himself out of his restraints. "I'm gonna step on that green bastard, let me go!"

"Hey! Calm down!" (Name) said, stepping away. "I'm prepared to offer you a deal, Yagi Toshi."

The girl walked over to a wall and Yagi gaped at her. "What–Who the fuck said I'd be makin' a deal with you?!"

(Name) grabbed her hair and pulled, making Yagi spin on his chair and face plant into the ground. "Look here," she commanded, climbing up the ledge to her painting.

She pulled away the curtain and looked at the male who was on the ground, cursing at her. "Do you know what these are?" She asked innocently.

This bitch! he thought. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You mean the weird lanterns they light for the shitty princess?" He said through gritted teeth.

(Name) smiled. "I knew they weren't stars!" She said to herself. She cleared out her throat and looked over to Yagi. "Tomorrow night they will light the night sky with these lanterns. And I want you to take me to go see them," she explained. "In exchange, you will be my guide. You will bring me to see these lanterns and bring me back here safely, and then I will give you your bag."

Yagi rolled his eyes. "No fucking way," he grunted, flipping himself to his side to fully look at the girl. "If you were fucking listening before, the kingdom wants my head."

(Name) looked to her friend and he shook his head. The blond girl jumped down from her painting and walked slowly to Yagi. "Something brought you here, Yagi Toshi," she started, pulling the angry male up from the ground. "Perhaps it was fate, destiny—"

"A shitty half-and-half horse," he responded with a scowl.

"I have made my decision to trust you—"

"A terrible decision," Yagi added.

"But trust me when I tell you this." The girl yanked her hair and the spiky blond fell forward. She grabbed the back of the chair so the two were face to face, barely any room to breath. "You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick, but without me, you will never find your precious satchel. Ever."

Yagi clicked his tongue, looking the girl in the eye even though he felt his face and ears heat up. "Let me get this shitty deal straight with ya," he started. "I bring you to see the shitty lantern show, bring you home—"

"Safely," (Name) added, looking in his eyes.

"Safely," he grumbled, "and you'll give me back my satchel?"

(Name) nodded. "I promise," she said slowly. "And when I promise something, I never go back on it. Ever."

Yagi looked to the chameleon perched on her shoulder that nodded in agreement. Yagi stared at (Name) a little longer before shaking his head. "Ya know, I really didn't want to have to do this, but..." he sighed, lowering his head to stare at the ground. He looked up with sparkles glittering around him, smiling with his teeth at the girl. "I want to see your cute face," he said in his raspy voice.

The girl looked at him in disgust. His voice doesn't fit up to his face, she thought with a shudder. Yagi's face went back to his normal scowl and he grunted. "Fine! I'll take you to see those shitty lights."

(Name) squealed and pulled away from the chair. "Yes!"

Yagi's eyes widened as he fell towards the ground once again and (Name) winced. "Haha," she said nervously. "Sorry..."

The angry male growled. "Just get me outta this shit!"

Once he was out of her hair he went straight to the window, grumbling curses as he started to climb down the tower. (Name) was standing on the ledge, looking back to her painting.

"Shitty woman, making me be her fucking guide," Yagi mumbled. "You coming blondie or what?" He called out to her.

The girl looked out, taking in her surroundings.

Look at the world so close
And I'm halfway to it
Look at it all so big
Do I even dare?
Look at me, there at last
I just have to do it
Should I? No
Here I go

Izuku popped out of her hair again, tying a lock of the girl's hair around his stomach with a nod. (Name) chuckled softly at this. I have to do this, she thought, taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes. When opened them she gripped onto her hair and slid down, giggling the whole time. Yagi ducked so he wasn't hit by the girl. She stopped right above the ground, staring it down like she was waiting for it to move. Then, she slowly placed one foot after the other onto the prickly grass.

Just smell the grass, the dirt
Just like I dreamed they'd be
Just feel that summer breeze
The way it's calling me

She looked around with a bright smile as Yagi landed. He watched her with a small, genuine smile.

For, like, the first time ever
I'm completely free
I could go running and racing
And dancing and chasing
And leaping and bounding
Hair flying, heart pounding
And splashing and reeling and finally feeling
That's when my life begins!

The girl excitedly grabbed onto Yagi's arm, pulling him with her to the outside world. When they made it through the vine wall, she turned around with a big smile on her face.

"You...You're my hero!" She said happily, closing the gap between them and giving him a tight hug. Her face was smushed into his chest and he was surprised how fast his heart was beating. (Name) said nothing about it though, so he decided to ignore it.

"Yeah, whatever shitty woman," he grumbled, hands itching to hold her in his arms. "Get the fuck off."

(Name) pulled away and Yagi couldn't help but want to pull her in for more. He decided against it, though. The girl giggled with a grin, jumping around. "You, sir, have a very vulgar vocabulary," she said. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Yagi freezes up at that. "Fuck you," he spat out. "If you have a fucking problem with it then you can fuck off."

The girl smiles and shakes her head. "I'm fine with it. Father almost never swears," she mentioned. Then she paled. "Oh no. Father!"

Yagi quirked his eyebrow. "What is it now, hair for brains?"

"I can't believe I did this!" She cried out. "Father is going to kill me!"

The spiky blond watched with amusement. "Well," he started with a smirk, "if you're so sad about your shitty dad finding out you left, just go back. I can have my satchel, you'll live with your dear old geezer, and I will be on my merry fucking way. That way we'll both be fucking happy."

(Name) gave Yagi a cold stare. "I'm going to see those lights," she demanded. Then her gaze softened. "I have to."

Yagi groaned and grabbed the girl's hand that wasn't holding her frying pan, pulling her forward. "Fine! You're such a fucking hard ass," he yelled. The girl stumbled behind him but followed none the less.


On Chisaki's trip he was worried for his daughter. It was true, he hated leaving after an argument. And this was one of the worst. He thought for a second that he should've been less harsh, but then he pushed it away. He was doing a good thing. He was saving her from all the people that wanted her hair, and most of all he was saving himself. If that damn queen had just died, he wouldn't have needed to steal the child. Caught in his thoughts, a half-and-half royal horse jumped out in front of him, neighing frustratedly when it saw that it wasn't the person he was looking for.

Chisaki gasped in surprise and then shook his head. "A palace horse without its rider," he muttered. "What a pathetic excuse. No wonder taking the child was so easy back then."

The child. Chisaki's eyes widened in horror. My child! he thought frantically. "(Name)," he whispered to himself. "(Name)!"

He quickly turned around, forgetting about the horse as he ran back to the tower.

When he made it back through the vine wall, he stared at the tower. He shook his head. No, he thought. She'd never leave. Once he made it to the bottom of the tower he got more anxious. Chisaki tried to smile.

"(Name)!" He called out like any other day. "Let down your hair!"

When nothing happened, he panicked. "(Name)!" He yelled, a nervous expression painting over his face. He quickly ran to the side of the tower, ripping away the over grown vines that grew and he saw a familiar wall of rocks. He tore away at them as they caved in, a staircase waiting to be used that led to the top of the tower.

Once Chisaki came to the top he was out of breath, banging on the tile above him. when it moved, he shoved it aside and climbed into the tower breathlessly. He peeled off his mask, eyes looking around for any sign of his daughter.

"(Name)!" He shouted, running up the stairs to her room. He yanked away the covers, only to find pillows scattered underneath.

Chisaki went back to the main room and looked around, ripping off the curtains that shielded the light. When he couldn't fine any trace of her, he pulled at his hair.


Something shiny hit his eye when he turned around to look the staircase. He winced when it hit his eyes again, walking toward the source. He pulled open the top of the bottom stair and stared at the brown satchel that was stored inside it. Chisaki grabbed it and emptied its contents, flinching when a metal object clanked onto the ground.

"The crown—!" He gasped. The he noticed a piece of thin paper. He grabbed it and inspected the person the it, scowling.

'Yagi Toshi' it read at the bottom. At the top it said 'WANTED Dead or Alive'. He balled up the paper and threw it, shoving the crown in the satchel. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a dagger.

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