subside. // haylor au

By SwiftandShums

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in which curiosity led to one thing and love led to another. // alternate universe // [lower case intended] ... More

subside. // haylor au
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six + thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty / end.


2.7K 135 22
By SwiftandShums

"Get them!" A guard shouts as we bump into one of them, turning every direction.

I can feel my hands losing blood and going white pale from the grip she has on me, but I don't care. She can hold my hand as hard as she wants and I wouldn't say a thing. I like it. I feel more closer to her and I feel like she's more under my control and I'd be able to protect her easier.

We slipped, fell, but we got up and kept running. We went through twists and turns, my mind was full of concern and tiredness, but hers exposed of clear anxiousness. I've recognized the way she'd look if she was stressed - how her eyebrows would form a crease everytime she's caught in a deep thought, today is the day that the expression I've known long enough is shown clear as day. I could feel her hands shake, her body trembling and the fear and how afraid she is by all this.

"Mate, is she alright? Better make sure she's alright, we did not come all this bloody way to see her faint and I'm not carrying her-" Liam complains and it's starting to irritate me. She's been concerned about her expression all this time and what I wanted to do was to fucking run.

"If you could just shut your bloody mouth-" I cut him off, but Taylor steps in.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what the fuck is going on, so it probably makes perfect sense, doesn't it?" She raises her voice and that concealed our voices as well. No one spoke a thing, confirming that her argument is somewhat right. I would be scared out of my minds if I were to be put into a foreign and unknown situation like this one - especially the ones where your life is one step away from floating off the Earth.

"You're almost there, the exit should be to your right," Zayn announces through our handy earpiece. I can feel a sense of relief from the boys, unknown held breaths were exhaled and the stiffness of their bodies eased down.

Emergency lockdown; lock all gates and exits, doors are not to be opened and all openings should be shut closed. The announcers voice pours through the speaker. Sirens starts hounding and the horrid sounds of it started to pour and echo around the empty halls, which did no more than add to the thickness of intensity in the air.

"Shit, we need to run our asses off, dude," Niall breathes and I suck in a breath before increasing my speed, which takes Taylor by surprise. I feel like she's being dragged, she has no more energy, she doesn't want to do anything, but she has to run.

As soon as we spot the exit, it was nearly half closed. I can see our car peeking just right through and Zayn shouting for us to increase our speed through the window.

"Shit!" Louis cusses, loud enough to be heard through the noisy sound of sirens.

The door didn't stop either, it kept going down and our possibilities of making it out of here decreased by the second.

"Harry, ropes! Get the ropes!" Louis shouts again and I know exactly what to do now.

We won't be able to make it if we run at this speed and even though we will, we wouldn't be able to fit in the small gap that we'd have left.

I consider the little squeeze on Taylor's hand as a warning before pushing her so she's beside me and letting go of her hand.

"Right, listen carefully," I pant between the words I spoke, "What I need you to do is jump, in the count of three and don't land on your feet, it might hurt, but it's better than being stuck in here," I try to say as calmly as possible.

She nods reluctantly.

"Zayn," I speak through the microphone, "Shoot the ropes down and attach them them somewhere on the lower torso," I say, pausing to catch my breath in between.

As we got closer to the door by the second, I realize that Louis and Niall had already passed through and are trying to find the buttons to stop the door, but of course, that wasn't successful.

Okay. I can see him firing the ropes.

"Ready?" I warn her and Liam. 




"Jump!" I shout and we all jump three ropes shoot from the gaps of the gate that slid down further and further.

The ropes prick on our shoes and held a tight grip and I turn my body as fast as possible so I'd land on my shoulders as well as Liam. The pain in my arm from the bullet felt numb and it only hurt for a little bit. But Taylor, due to lack of experience, landed on her back with a loud thud and a groan.

The rope dragged us at a speed that made the wind audible to our ears and with that, we barely made it through the gap of the gate which shut right after we got out.

"You alright, mate?" Niall lends me a hand and I take it.

"Yeah, I just need this fixed," I point at my arm, which seemed to be covered in dry blood that seeped into the upper sleeve of my shirt.

My attention turns back to Taylor. She's already stood up, but she looks traumatized. Her expression is an open book and she looks like she could faint at any moment.

"Let's get her back," I say to the other guys and we both jump in Zayn's car - me having to help her in. I can tell she was tired and weak at this time and she's been through too much for today.

She didn't meet any of the other boys' gazes, but she only met mine. Which I'm fine with. The blue eyes that were ocean blue turned into the foams that appeared at the edges of the waves and that made me worry about her more.

"We're going home right?" Her voice as weak as candle lit fire.

"Yes, we are," I reassure her.

If it's anything that is to be confirmed right now, it's the fact that we're safe. But the only thing that keeps me more concerned and works my mind up everytime is that we won't be completely safe. From now on, safety surely would be temporary.


Taylor's POV

I was numb. It was the rare feeling of not knowing your emotions. I'm pretty sure I know myself completely, but at this moment, I felt this emotion that wasn't known and it was a new one. I couldn't comprehend what it was and I couldn't realize what just happened.

All these things that I could've seen little by little was just shoved right into my face and all the things that I shouldn't see were all thrown at me all at once.

Guns, bombs, gushing blood, violence, torture, you name it. All those horrible, terrifying things were thrown at me for a reason I wasn't aware of. That reason should at least be put to my knowledge before actions were made based on whatever reason that might be.

Harry opens the door to his apartment and I rush in. The cold devoured my whole body and I was too numb to feel it until the last moment.

"Are you gonna explain it now? Or am I gonna have to wait for another fucking month?" I say. I was surprised that my voice came out more calmly than expected.

"I'm sorry," He replies and looks down. Empathy rushes in me as I do what I wasn't planning to at all. I went to him and dived my head into his chest and that takes him by surprise. He lets out a huff as I lean on him with all my weight, but he wraps his arms around me.

This is when tears start to gush out of my eyes and those tears were possibly held in for so long.

He runs his hands through my back, tracing little patterns around them, his face also buried into the crook of my neck.

"I was so scared, Harry," I whisper, sniffling and shaking my head at the same time. The previous events came rushing down my mind and I wasn't able to take that all at once.

"I know," He hugs me tighter and I find myself in his arms for several minutes until I stopped crying.

"Go take a bath, pretty sure that'll keep you warmed up," He grins at me and I hesitantly nod. "You probably know where the bathroom is by now," He says and I laugh. I probably do.

But before I can proceed to do anything, a familiar voice booms in the corner of the room.

The man with the dark, brunette hair. The one with the dark, masculine shape. The one who kidnapped me a few days back and rattled my fears like I was a fox in a cage.

"You!" I shout and the whole room turns to look at me. "You fucking took me-" I start to say but Harry cuts me off.

"He's on our side it's alright, he didn't hurt you, I told him not to-" Harry tries to explains, but he ends up connecting the puzzle.

That man was going to whip me and torture me, but was interrupted by an abrupt call. The caller must be Harry. So he's a big part in this. He didn't fucking tell me either. I knew he was involved in the first place, but who would've thought that he had such a big role in this?

"You were a big part in this, you asshole!" I shout and I start to stomp my way out of his apartment but he stops me with a jerking grip.

"You can get mad at me all you want, but don't leave, please," He begs, "They're gonna take you away, we don't want that," His green eyes burned into mine and I swallow the tears before pushing his hands away and heading to the bathroom. Maybe a warm relaxing bath would help. At least.


I get out of the bathroom with soaked hair and the same clothes and pair of jeans I had on before. They weren't the comfiest but they did the trick.

Surprisingly, Harry waited outside with new pair of clothing that he must've got from my room. God knows how.

"Your clothes," He hands me the pile of clothes and I thank him shortly.

I get back in the bathroom and change into the comfy pajamas he gave me. This made me feel less angry at him, but I wouldn't hesitate to give him a glare.

Once I'm done, I head to the living room. There's no use in going to the bedroom even though sleep could be my best friend right now. He wouldn't want to spend the night with me in his bed anyways.

I see all the boys waiting silently in the living room and Harry turns his head towards me.

He lets out a sigh and he looked tired as well. The black lines under his eyes tells me that he didn't get much sleep at all.

"Right, um," He starts to say, his eyes moving left and right, seemingly trying to find the right words, "We've got some explaining to do,"

[if you were one of those people who were very confused about the events that had happened before, your chill might be lost bc im gonna leave that for the next chapter hehe]

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