twenty six

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"No - that's not happening - are you fucking serious, who the fuck do you think you are anyway, I swear - I'm gonna fucking-" I start to shout at the phone that no longer holds the signal as tears break out of my eyes.

"Calm down, babe-"

"He's in my dad's company!" I scream, "Fuck what everyone thinks, if someone were to kill a person you truly care for, what the hell would you do?! Huh?" I question them using all the power my vocal chords can produce.

Right then and there, tears start streaming down my face and the words that Harry whispered into my ears were inaudible anymore. All I saw was the one color - and that was the color of red. It portrayed so many of my emotions, sadness, worry, concern, uncertainty and the main obvious factor - anger. I was mad, insane, driven and all those synonyms resonated with me.

Before knowing what my mind was doing to my body, it trembled down and I broke down right into the man who instantly wrapped his arms around me. My tears seeped through his shirt and his hands caressed my back slowly as I sobbed and let my mind flow into something that seemed like a never ending cry.

His lips move to my forehead and pressed spongy kisses that calmed me down slightly.

"I don't know what to do anymore," I breathed as emotion consumed me little by little.

My legs trembled as if the cement, solid ground would suck me up any moment - I wouldn't mind that. I want this to be a dream. I want this to end and I want this to make me wake up trembling and crying, but in a sweet cozy bed where I belong. Not a rotten building with an owner that plans to kill my father. That's not how I want my life to be. It's impossibly unbelievable. Just utterly, confusingly unbelievable.

"Please," I plead with the small amount of voice that I have left, "I will do absolutely anything - just anything, to make my dad safe, Harry. Please."

I looked up to him and in that moment, I swear, I saw a glimpse of genuine, sincere sympathy. It wasn't the Harry Styles I met at the first day he moved in the apartment next to me. It wasn't the same man who summoned his demons when he panicked in the elevator. It wasn't the man who glared at me with such a dangerous stare that I swear could've killed me. It's just not the same man. This is the man who actually cares. His eyes were watery and it was like I was looking into a telescope that exposed the whole universe that consisted of the most beautiful galaxies and the most precious stars that this world can possess. And just by looking at that small shine in his eyes gave me hope.

It sounds weird, but to me, it makes perfect sense. Love doesn't apply to me - it never does and I never get to actually feel it. I think this is one of those things that it's hard to explain, but I know what it is. It's love.

He slowly nods and breaks eye contact with me.

This is when I notice how many stares were focusing and glancing at our disconnecting bodies as his arms unwrap themselves around me.

"Shit man, that was deep stuff right there," Liam says suddenly, breaking the silence and the boys laugh.

"Zayn get the car, we're heading to her company."


The silence in the car made the air outside much more louder and audible. The loud gush of wind that hit the car as we drove made me miss New York. The air was crisp and rare, thats for sure, but theres something about New York that made me love how alive it was.

The car pulled into a sudden stop and Harry looked at me with reassurance.

"I'm not staying in the car," I shake my head as I nudge him to get out, seemingly reading his mind.

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