Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance)...

By shru_du

94.4K 4.4K 140

Pia Ray, have only one goal in her life to become the most successful neurosurgeon there is. Other than her f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 6

2.1K 105 6
By shru_du

Happy  reading!

After that day, only work she had done was to listen to every word he said to her. Not fighting back, not talking back when he insulted her. That night after she came home, she promised herself that she is not going /to associated herself with him more than necessary. And he? He seems angry at her all the time. No matter what she does.

Her wounds are healing fine. She wasn't very much keen on sharing all the things now happening to her now a days. Between her classes, and her clinics and her intimidating and cold-hearted Mentor, she was only trying to get her work done and get out of there as soon as she can. Today she is going to ask if she needed to come in for the weekend. But she didn't know how. She was afraid how he may insult her today.

Before she can go in, he came out and they collided yet again, hitting their heads together. She held the door to keep herself from falling. Then she looked up. She looked at him and he was very, very angry at her. "Can't you look where you are going Miss Ray? Sometimes it feels like you have two left feet. You cannot walk without creating disaster of some kind. Pathetic" Her eyes watered. But she refused to cry and give him satisfaction.

"Miss Ray, why are you here, you are just increasing my Migraine only, you need something? Then do tell or else go and do some work. I have an important meeting I need to prepare for, I do not need any interruption." "Y...Yes S...sir" She shuttered. "Damn I need a coffee or I need some pills." She walked away silently, not saying a word.

He had been feeling the migraine creeping up since the morning. He didn't wish to talk to his father or his mother. But when then came and paid a visit telling that he needed to attained a party of their dear friend D' Silva in Portland next day, he wanted to protest. But his mother and father never were the one to see the reason. It was a lucky break that they didn't insisted that they marry Kelly, the girl they thought would be perfect life partner for him.

He looked up and saw Miss Ray, no matter what Christopher done, he couldn't just get her thoughts out of his mind, and that was what making him more irritated than ever. He never felt so much out of control about his feelings then he is today.

 "Miss Ray, I thought I told you leave me alone." She kept the coffee and the pills on his table. And then she turned around. "Don't worry Sir, it is of perfect temperature, you are not going to get burned this time." She told and started to walk away. But he held her uninjured hand.

"Miss Ray, have you changed the dressing lately?" he asked. She took his hand off her. "You are forgetting that I live with three friends who are doctor sir and they are very much concerned with my health."

More than you can ever be

But she didn't voice her thoughts. "Can you do mine then? Because I don't live with three friends who are doctors." "Have I ever wished to know about your living arrangements Sir? I will call the nurse, she will take care of this, I have clinics to do, patients are waiting for me to treat them and today, I am to help Dr. Forrest with his clinics." She informed. 

"And who give you permission? Who told you that you can work with anyone you wish to Miss Ray?" "sir, if you shout this way, it will only be going to make your migraine worse. Instead, you should take the pills and rest."

"Did I ask for your opinion Miss Ray?" "I wasn't giving my opinion sir, it is what the best course is for the time being. And as a doctor you know that too," He got angrier "What I told you about using that smart mouth of yours?" he asked. "Not to use my smart mouth in front of you sir. But I am not sir. If you don't want me here, I shall go and help Dr. Forrest." She told him. He clenches his fists. "First you do as I say when I say Miss Ray, secondly you don't get to question me, and third..." He was breathing hard and almost touching her body. She looked at her side, her eyes were closed tightly. "You work for no one but me... Do you understand me?" he asked harshly holding her injured hand.

She hissed again. He loosens his hold, but he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. "Now, dress my wound and I have to talk to you as something very important." She nodded not saying another word. Pia felt so afraid in his presence, specially today. He is behaving harsher than before, especially when she told him about Dr. Forrest. She wonders what is wrong with him, wasn't both of them are best of friends then why?

She cut the bandage and cleaned the cut again after she dressed it. "It is going to cause a scar," she mumbled. "A scar, we both have Little Pixie." He whispered too. She gasped as he touched her face again. She remembered how tenderly he had looked at her back then, and then... She pulled back abruptly. "It's all done, what is that you need more sir?" She asked. "A date Miss Ray, and I think you will be good companion for the party I must attained for it is a party of a very important business partner."

"And when that is?" She asked. "Tomorrow Evening." Her heart sank. No, she has to attained Mia's father's party. She has to meet him at all cost, it is important that she does. "Miss Ray, he is a very important client for me." He told her. "I...I cannot be your date, I am sorry. I have to..." He pulled her by her waist. "What I told you about refusing me Miss Ray?" "T...that I c...cannot sir" She said shuttering badly.

"You are coming with me, and I am not hearing no for an answer." He told her sitting down on his chair and popping the pills. She was playing with her dupatta. "Please sir can we not..." He held his hand up stopping her from talking. "I think you are forgetting that your future is at stake here and besides I am just telling you to be my date, accompany me to the party not asking you anything immoral, am I? I need a date and you are the only one available..."

Someone knocked at his cabin. "Come in" Pia saw a very familiar face enter in the cabin. "Miss Ray, if you please fetch the patient's files, I need to go through them to see their daily assessments." But she was not looking at him, she was still looking at the person who is standing in front of her. "Miss Ray..." He called again. "Mia? What are you doing here?" She asked the person. "Do you know each other?" he asked curiously. "Yes, remember three of my friends who are doctor? She is one of them. Mia D'Silva." "I see, Miss D'Silva, if you please take a seat," She nodded.

"I am here to take my friend away, she is to attained my father's party tomorrow." Mia said. "Sorry, Miss D'Silva, Miss Ray here will be my date for the event, she cannot go with you." Mia looked at him with cool and calm look. "Mr. Woodland, I have expected that it will be your answer, but as you said, you and I both are going to attained the same party eventually, so even if she goes with us, she can still be your date, there is no harm to that, but you have take my father's permission if you like to do that, see my father is like her own father." Pia held Mia's hand and shook her head.

She didn't wished for him to know of her past. He is just in his life for few mere months anyway. "I just want her to become my date for the evening, I am not planning on dating her for rest of my existence Miss D'Silva." Mia smiled "Ok, then, if you don't have any other queries, here I came here to give you this. An invitation. And as for my sister, I would be glad if you don't make her depress to a point where she cannot sleep at night because she becomes depressed with wayward thoughts." With that little statement finished she walked out of the premises.

"So, you are sister? Why didn't you tell me that little secret? Is it because you and him shares a secret Miss Ray? You both doesn't share same surname, makes me wonder if your mother have somehow related to him, a secret affair he wanted to forget? But felt guilty he couldn't?" Pia's hand moved forward, and she slapped him hard, "Don't you dare say anything about my mother or D'Silva's name uncle is nothing like that, nor is my mother had an affair with anyone." He held her hand, "Getting angry aren't you Miss Ray?" He asked.

She tried to pull out of his hold but he kept pulling her closer and closer. "Miss Ray, world is not merciful, the world thrives on weakness, the world loves to see you in pain. And until and unless you learn to control your emotions, you are going to be very much vulnerable to all these verbal assults, it will do more then depress you. It will destroy you. So, you need to be strong, no matter how weak you feel inside, no one shall know about it, or else..."

He let her go. "I will see you there, I will call you Miss Ray and I expect you to pick it up. For you still are my date for the event, don't forget that, I never shall share what is mine." She shivered badly at his words, something about it wasn't turning very right with her. She doesn't want to be treated as a possession. Not by anyone, not for anything. She liked her simple life. She liked it and she doesn't wish for it to be changed.

She gave him one last look as he let her go. "I shall never be anyone's possession." She whispered under her breath. And then she left. Still so much shaken, so much frightened by his words, his claims. She doesn't know what to do with it. "Miss Ray," He stopped her again. "Yes sir," She asked. "I will wait for you at room no 508 of Sentinel. I will wait for you Miss Ray, and I expect you to come, and be my date for the night. No one else shall be taking your hand for themselves that night, mind my words little Pixie because I am a man of very few precise words." He said.

That day when she was packing her bags, all she thinks about was how he was looking at her. How he was touching her tenderly, how he... Someone knocked at her door. "You alright? You seem tense Pia." Disha asked. "I am fine, just..." She looked at Disha and sat down on her bed. "It's Mr. Woodland, he too is attending the party in Portland. When I was about to ask him about that, he told me himself and..." She paused.

"And what? What he told you? Did he do something? Touched you in wrong way? Anything that you didn't liked tell me. You can tell me Pia. What is going on with you, what is going on with your life, we all thought this is going to be a new start for you, instead you seem more depressed then ever, and what with you and keep hurting yourself again and again?" She asked concerned.

"Please don't tell this to Mia and others, they will only get tensed, but Mr. Woodland, had asked me to be his date for the evening." "So? It is a common thing Pia, you are his intern are you not? Maybe that is why..." Pia cut her off. "It was his words that scared me the most, the way he said it, the way he staked his claim on me, it had scared me too much, the way he said that he and only he shall be taking my hand that night, and..."

I don't share what is mine

"I don't want to be anywhere near him, but if I avoid him, that too can be disastrous. I just don't know what to do, Disha I am so confused I don't know which path to take. If he really wants me with him, something tells me, no one can save me from the impending fate. No one can prevent what he wishes me to do. No one. No one." She whispered holding Disha close as she hugged her shaking form.

Word Count: 2197 Words

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