Sudden Parenthood {ChildYouTu...

By FandomQuack

29.5K 1K 614

You're a hard working woman, with little time on her hands. One night you got to bed really late, and wake up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

1.1K 46 14
By FandomQuack


(Y/n) P.O.V.

Upon hearing her voice in my own head, I take panicky breathes again. I quickly remember Virgil's lesson, and get past the minor panic attack. I take a shaky hand to the shower knob, turning it on. A shower might help... I strip off my shirt when Anti glitches in. With a shriek, I quickly grab a tower to cover my half naked body. "Goddammit, Anti! Is this a thing now? Gonna come in here every time I even just need to take a piss?" I huff. He chuckles. "If I looked like a kid, you wouldn't have said that." "Well you're not anymore. I don't have to worry about huwting yowr feewings." I tease. His face goes to concern now. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. The humans are eating, and Marvins working on making them adults. He thinks Meteora has a stronger hold on them since they're human." He reports. I sigh, sitting on the bathtub edge once again. "She knows where we are. Natemare grabbed me, but his eyes were purple and he was speaking in her voice. She told me that she wouldn't lose. What scares me is she knows what we're doing, and probably has a trick up her sleeve."

Anti sits next me. "We'll just go with the punches. Something I've learned from many fights over the years, mostly with Dark," We laugh slightly, "is that there's always a counter. Always a chance to dodge. You just have to find it." I smile. "You're actually nice." I say again. "I'd you tell Dark, I'll kill you." He repeats. "No you won't." He scowls because I'm right. I turn off the water for the shower. "No going to shower?" "Nah, I honestly don't trust you guys to not kill the kids." "Well Chase is a dad, and Virgil seems to have common sense." "Wow, complimenting people now? Who are you?" "I'm not the bad guy people think I am." He grumbles. "I'm only a dick to Dark for the most part." He turns his head away from me, a broody expression on his face. "I know you're not that bad guy. I was just teasing. Nobody's a bad guy unless they want to be, and I know you don't want to be. One day, everyone will see that you're something everyone could use in their lives." He looks back at me.

"How can you be so sure?" "Because I can tell you don't want to really hurt anyone, Anti. Virgil would understand. I think you'd get along with him." He tilts his head. "Just trust me in this. You're a good guy, Anti." He nods. "Thank you." He says quietly. "Alright, lets go back out." He continues, loud again. "Um, go ahead. I'll be out after I get my shirt back on." He rolls his eyes with a smirk, but leaves anyways. I throw my shirt back on, and go back out. Nobody notices because of the mass fucking craziness that is going on. In see Virgil hiding in his hood while groaning in a corner while Natemare is corrupting my TV, making it go staticky. "Natemare, stop that!" I swat his hands away from the thing. I hear a crash from the kitchen and rush over to see Google throwing plates on the ground, and Wilford taunting Mark with Chase desperately trying to stop him. "Google! Why are you smashing my plate?" I exclaim, stopping him from smashing another.

"Ah, Miss (Y/n). These dishes are horribly outdated, and I thought you might want to replace them." "No! Er, I mean, no, there fine. Please stop." He grumbles but does so. I rush over to Wilford, 'pretend' threatening to shoot Mark. Mark cowers from him. "Bro, Stop he's just a kid." Chase argues, lowering the gun. Wilford raises it again. "The little rapscallion is asking for it." I grab the gun. "Wilford! Not in my house!" I scold. He scowls at me. "Wilford don't take no shit from nobody." He says. "And I don't shit from pink mustached bitches, so fuck off and leave my kids alone." Looking slightly afraid, Wilford retreats into the living room. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Do you really think of them like that?" Chase asks. I look at him, then back at the group looking at us with awe filled eyes, then back at Chase. "Yeah, at least for now. They meant a lot to me before, and still do now. And they need my help in a way my children will one day. And if I'm honest, I'll miss it when they're gone." I admit. Chase smiles, but it has a certain pain to it. "Trust me, I get the feeling."


It's late. Almost 3AM. They're all sleeping, the little in the room and the adults in the living room. I'm almost surprised that the egos are still around. More specifically Marks because they all seem to hate him while Jacks seem to actually care about him. But I don't really know for sure I guess. Or maybe they just want revenge on Meteora. Virgil remembered Thomas's number, and called him. Him and the sides are flying out from Florida. Although it sounded like they broke Logan because this all defied...well him. Right now I was standing in the backyard with Marvin. He was still trying. I didn't sleep much anyways, so I wasn't bothered, but I knew he was tired. "Marvin, go to bed. You can't keep working like this. Try with fresh eyes in the morning." I encourage. He lowers his head, and nods, the lights fading away. "I can't do it." He whispers. "I'm a failure like everyone says I am. I'm not a magician, I'm a loser with a mask." He whispers, staring at his empty hands.

I hug him. "No Marvin. You're a hero. You're a powerful magician who can do anything he sets his mind too. Don't let what anyone ever says put you down because you're an amazing, talented, strong individual with so much to offer the world. If it's any consolation, you're the greatest magician I've ever seen." I tell him quietly. I hear him sniff. "I find it impossible for someone as caring as you to exist." I shrug, pulling away a bit. "Sometimes all this world needs is a little more kindness and a little more heart. And I believe that'll be what gets us through this." I express. He walks back inside, but turns to me in the doorway. "Coming?" I shake my head with a smile. "I'm going to look at the stars for a bit." He smiles back, nodding, and goes inside. I look up at the night sky, enjoying it for possibly the last time.

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