the hating game ; lrh

By cahkedup

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"It feels as though, all this time, I was looking right at him without seeing him for what he truly is." "And... More



2.4K 66 58
By cahkedup

WHEN I WAKE, THE first thing I see is a blinding white light.

I blink once, twice, three times before finally adjusting to the light wherever I am. I stare straight up at what I assume to be a white ceiling. I attempt to adjust my body so that I can actually see where I am, but as I do so I feel a stabbing pain in my ribs. I let out a small squeal, letting my hand come to the spot to touch it softly, though I quickly retract it when I feel even more pain from doing so. My head throbs, but the pain has been numbed somewhat by what I presume to be medication.

At the feeling of the pain, the events of last night come rushing back to me — the banquet, the fight, the crash. My heart thumps loudly as I think about Luke's car plunging into the water. I thought I was going to die — no, I had accepted that I would. How was I alive? I don't know the answer, but I am incredibly grateful.

Suddenly, mind flicks to Luke. Is he okay? Is he hurt? From what I remember, he was better off than me — but was that just the adrenaline in the moment? Slowly but surely I place my palms against the mattress and push myself up slightly, just enough that I can finally see my surroundings. I am, in fact, in a hospital room — an empty one at that. Just as I begin to wonder where Luke might be, I hear voices arguing loudly outside my room, and when I look up I see none other than Luke and Calum standing just outside the slightly ajar door. Relief washes over me like a tidal wave, but it is short-lived once I see how angry Calum appears.

"I can't believe you could be so fucking stupid, Luke," Calum says, a deep frown set into his face.

Luke shakes his head, seeming terribly guilt-ridden. I notice that he is dressed in normal clothing, telling me that he's not a patient at the hospital. "I know. I'm sorry."

"How did this even happen?" Calum asks, his voice more fiery and accusatory than I have ever heard before.

"I told you already," Luke responds, though when Calum shoots him an unimpressed glance he continues regardless. "We were arguing and I got distracted, and—"

"And you flew off a fucking bridge with my sister in the car."

I flinch at Calum's words, reminded of the terrible events of the previous night and how frightened I had been when the car started filling up and I couldn't get my seatbelt loose.

Luke shakes his head again, avoiding my brother's eye. "I'm sorry, Cal," is all he says.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it," Calum deadpans. "What you did was awful."

Luke's head snaps up now, a horrified expression on his face. "You think I did it on purpose?"

"No!" Calum scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "But I know you weren't sober!"

Luke shakes his head instantly, denying the accusation. "Calum—"

"Don't even try and lie to me," Calum has stepped closer to him now, pointing a bony finger in his frightened face. "You drive across that bridge every damn day. There's no way you flew off it sober."

Luke's face shifts now, assuming one of complete and utter guilt. "Cal..." he trails off, seemingly unsure of what to say.

"You're lucky she's going to be okay," Calum responds, his tone icy cold.

At his words, Luke is seemingly reminded of the circumstances and allows his gaze to drift through the hospital room's window and meet my eye. Almost instantly, his eyes widen and he pushes past Calum, flying into the room. Calum follows quickly behind him, both boys taking seats beside my bed.

Luke reaches out, clasping my hand gently. Calum stares icily at the gesture, clearly still greatly aggravated.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks, his blue eyes flicking over me quickly as if to check for any signs of pain or discomfort. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Sore," I let out a small laugh, but this comment only seems to make Luke feel worse. "Are you okay?"

Luke shakes his head instantly, as if brushing the comment off. "Fine," he dismisses the question, though even I can see the bruise on his cheek. I wonder if that is from the accident or perhaps my brother.

I feel my eyes well up in both happiness that Luke is okay and due to how overwhelmed I am by the situation at hand. "I'm so sorry," I apologise. Luke already begins shaking his head, his brows frowning together in confusion.

Calum scoffs from his seat. "What are you sorry for?" When I look him in the eye, however, his angered expression softens and he moves closer to my bed, letting out a long sigh. "I'm just glad you're okay." He glances between Luke and I, then stands up. "I'm gonna get the nurse."

The moment Calum leaves the room, Luke lurches forward and envelopes me in a gentle but incredibly warm hug. I weakly reach around his body, hugging him back softly. I feel safe and warm in his embrace — something I thought I would never feel again. When I pull away, tears are falling down Luke's cheeks.

"Rory, I'm so sorry," he sobs, shaking his head again and again. I reach my hand up and wipe his tears away, cupping his cheek softly. He leans to my hand slightly. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," I respond softly, sniffling. "For everything — the jealousy, the lying. For letting you get into that car. For making you so angry."

Luke shakes his head firmly, refusing my words. "No. You have nothing to be sorry for," he assures me. "I should never have asked you to leave."

Now it is my turn to shake my head. "It's okay," I tell him, but he only shakes his head in denial. "It's okay, Luke. I promise."

Luke looks grimly across at me, guilt ridden across his face. "I could have killed you," he tells me, his voice low and chilling.

I swallow, the action slightly uncomfortable and reminding me of how dehydrated I feel. "But you didn't," I remind him, reaching across and squeezing his hand tightly. "You saved me."

Luke pulls his hand from mine, shaking his head profusely in denial. He leans back into his seat, still shaking his head to himself, staring up at the ceiling as if looking to some higher power for answers. I let out a sigh, gnawing at my lip as I look at him. I want him to know that none of this is his fault — well, perhaps the accident was his fault. However, I also contributed. I should never have let him leave — I should never have let him get in the car.

As I part my lips to speak again, the door opens and Calum returns with a pretty young nurse. I relax back into my bed, eyeing Luke who still appears to be clenching his jaw and staring at the ground.

"Rory," the nurse, whose name badge reads 'Stephanie', flashes a kind grin at me as she plucked my chart from the end of my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," I assure her, though it's more for Luke and Calum than it is Stephanie.

Regardless, she raises her brows in surprise as she flips through my chart. "I'm sure that's not true," she challenges, dropping the chart back on the end of my bed. "You've suffered a mild concussion, two broken ribs and some light bruising. You're very lucky."

I raise my brows at her, though I'm not quite surprised by her diagnosis. It explains the pain in my head and certainly the discomfort in my torso. Luke presses his elbows into his knees and rests his head in his hands, seeming further distressed by the diagnosis. Calum only shakes his head, glaring across at Luke.

"So, I'll be fine then?" I clarify, again hoping that this will help calm Luke.

"Yes. We'll give you some meds to deal with the pain, but apart from that you just need rest," Stephanie confirms with another friendly smile. She then nods at Luke. "You're very lucky that your boyfriend was there. Even if he was the one who drove you off a bridge."

Luke grimaces, seemingly not noticing the nurse's choice of words. Calum and I, on the other hand, both snap our heads toward Luke in surprise and confusion.

"Boyfriend?" I question him, emphasising the word with complete shock and surprise. Luke's eyes widen suddenly, and he begins shaking his head ever so slightly at me as if to silence me.

The nurse eyes us for a moment, but doesn't question the behaviour. "You've got some paperwork to fill out at the front desk, but apart from that you're free to go."

Stephanie nods at us once, and I mutter a small 'thank-you', before she leaves the room. As soon as she does, Calum turns his entire body to Luke in utter bewilderment.

"Boyfriend?" He questions, almost in the same tone as I had.

I raise my brows at Luke as well, wondering how exactly he might explain this. My heart thumps in my chest as I consider the possibilities — after such a struggle to even get him to open up about us in public, is Luke really referring to himself as my boyfriend?

"It was the only way they would let me in!" Like defends, arms raised high as he attempts to calm Calum. He then looks to me, shaking his head again. "I'm not family!" He then looks back to a sceptical Calum and widens his eyes impossibly further. "Do you seriously think I'd date Rory?"

Calum pauses for a moment, then rolls his eyes and scoffs loudly, falling back into his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever," he mumbles, clearly unimpressed with Luke's antics.

I let out a sigh, my heart dropping strangely. "Can we just get out of here?" I ask, eager to head home.

"Sure," Luke mumbles, defeated.

"Let's go home."

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