freaky | ondreaz lopez

By -ludicrously

196K 2.5K 961

teal hutchings isn't a hype house member but rather the friend of everyone in the hype house. her hobbies con... More



4.6K 76 24
By -ludicrously


My tears were unstoppable, how in the world was I meant to be strong when my dad was gone. He was the only one I had left, my rock. I cried hard and my sobs were choked in my throat, it was immensely painful. The pain in my heart, in my head and it my throat. Why did the world play sick games with me?

That changed we he placed a over my cheek, moving my gaze to him. Gentle hands, kind eyes and soft words. "Hey hey, don't cry so hard. Everything will be okay, I'm here with you." He whispered lowly, enough for me to hear but not loud enough to scare me off.
"I don't know what I'm going to do Ryan. He was my dad, my family. Everything hurts, why did he leave me?." I cried in the arms of my friend. He held me close to his chest and gently ran a hand through man hair.
"Teal, I promise you that I will never leave you. I promise that I will never let you feel hurt like this again. I promise that I will keep you close and protect you. It hurts now, but in time it will get better, you have me. I will never leave your side as long as I exist. I'm yours. You will never feel pain again." He was so genuine back then, never once hurt me and always made sure I was okay.
"Promise?" I sniffled.

"That was so long ago but I remember. If you promised that I will never feel pain then why did you inflict it on me. You promised that you're mine but who was just in your bed. You promised to protect me, but you raped me. You left my side a long time ago and I never noticed. All these LIES are what kept me close, gave me hope. You are nothing to me Ryan, even when I thought you were my everything. You never meant anything you said, it was a pity bribe. I'm done now." My words wavered between yelling, crying and whispering. This was harder than I thought. Saying goodbye to someone I once loved. "We started strangers and now we will be strangers again."
"Come on Teal, we are meant to be together. You know this already. This was one slip up, we can figure this out. Also I never raped you, we are a couple Teal, you can't rape your partner. You are looking at this the wrong way. This is a bump in our relationship, a way for us to grow stronger. I love you Teal, only you." He didn't sound so genuine anymore.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Because if you truely believe anything that comes from your mouth you are delusional." I couldn't let him get me again.
"I do believe it and you need to as well." His tone was starting to get snappy, as if he was loosing patience.
"You're a manipulative asshole!" I screamed and turned on my heals. I had no interest in continuing this conversation with him.

I know Gabe told me to wait for whatever friend he told to pick me up but I got in my car and drove off. I could barely see the road as I drove home, and it was a big trip. Tony texted me telling me that he was coming to my house. I guessed he was the one Gabe called. I was completely fine with it.

I found myself curled up on my couch in a blanket, tears slowly drying up on my checks. When Tony stumbled through the door looking worried as hell. He saw me curled up, and he clearly showed how much it broke his heart to see me like that. He sat down beside me and pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed.
"I'm sad Tony." I cried, my body shaking. His chest started shaking as small chuckles left him.
"I know Teal. I know." He pulled me away to look at my face.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked, wiping my tears.
"Because even though you were just cheated on and look completely broken, you say the cutest things. Clearly you are sad and that's okay. You are aloud to be sad, Ryan hurt you. He is now not your problem. You new priorities are you, and figuring out what you want. Focus on the new positive, you are reborn today to find yourself independently. Stop relying on other people to give you happiness, you don't need a boyfriend to love yourself." This truly came out of no where but it was exactly what I needed to hear.
"Where is this coming from?" I asked, looking at him with confusion but interesting in my eyes.
"Just observing you, it's clear that you rely on Ryan's opinions. Guess what, his opinion is smelly." Tony told me, wiping the last of my tears off my checks. "You have a child to raise now. Focus on your little bundle of fluff."
"Tony I think you are my soulmate. How do you just know what to say?" He laughed and I glared.
"I'm your platonic soulmate." He suggested.


notteal time to heal myself 💜

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this chapter is so gross but i didn't know how to write it

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