Society Says // Seungin

By stayofmemories

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[ Jeongin x Seungmin ] "The bravest thing I ever did was continue to live my life to the fullest even when I... More

~Thirty~ (end)
Final A/N


789 60 19
By stayofmemories


Kim Seungmin:

Day 21

Jeongin decided to stay the night. The two of us wanted to spend as much time together as possible, knowing we don't have much time left.

We stayed up pretty late, just talking. Enjoying each other's company. There was lots of laughs, and just having fun, trying to forget the situation at hand.

At this point, every hour counts.

The two of us fell asleep around 6:30. We slept on the couch, and woke up late morning the next day.

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting as I checked the clock. 11:47 am.

I looked over on the other side of the couch, and Jeongin was still sleeping peacefully. It was a sweet sight. He was curled up into a ball, tightly hugging a pillow and his eyes were lightly shut. His breathing was quiet and soft.

Yawning, I reached over and shook him awake, whispering so I didn't jump scare him.

"Hey, it's almost the afternoon. Do you want anything to eat?"

Jeongin started to wake up, and slowly opened his eyes. He shook his head slightly, squeezing his eyes closed more. He still seemed exhausted.

After a few moments, he sat up, and adjusted to the light. I looked down at my arms, and it was identical to Jeongin; transparent. You could see right through us.

We look almost ghost like. And we look awful.

"Seungmin, I think we're fading tomorrow..." Jeongin's voice cracked, and I could tell he was scared.

That caught me off guard, and I looked at him confusedly.

"What do you mean, why?"

"Well for one, tomorrow it'll be a month for me. And I just don't feel right. I feel tired, like if I close my eyes I won't open them back up. Plus we're transparent, and from this point on we only fade away, since we've become fully see through." 

I processed all his words, and I realized he's right. Tomorrow, we will die.

I let out a giant sigh, anger building in me. So, there's really no stopping this. It's gonna happen.

"Okay, thank you for telling me," I spoke, trying to get my thoughts together, "I need to tell my parents. Maybe you should head home. I'll call you back over tomorrow."

Jeongin nodded, showing he understood. He gathered his things, and I kissed his cheek quickly before he left.

Now, the hard part. Facing my parents.


I walked into their bedroom, and they were both getting ready for work. They work at the same office building, they both work for some insurance company.

They frowned upon seeing me, figuring I look like crap. I walked in a gave them both a hug, preparing to break the news.

"Can I speak to you guys really quick?" I asked. I don't want to make them late for work, but I don't think I can wait for hours until they come back.

They nodded, sitting on their bed, and gave me their undivided attention.

I couldn't even sit down, I just continued to pace around the room.

"Tomorrow is...the day," I anxiously informed. I could see their faces fall, and the exact moment their hearts broke.

I couldn't look them in the eyes.

"Are you able to take off from work?" I then asked. I was afraid for the answer. They've taken off work so much this month to stay with me, I don't know if they're able to ditch again.

I heard my dad let out a breath, and I knew what he was about to say wouldn't be good.

"We can't, honey. I'm so sorry. If we take off one more day, they will fire us. But please, don't be alone tomorrow. Have your friends come over, go to Jeongin's house, or something. Just don't go through it by yourself, okay?"

I could feel my heart drop, but I just nodded. This fucking sucks.

I stopped pacing, and just rubbed my head. I was getting a headache just thinking about tomorrow, and depression shot my heart when I realized that tomorrow is it. My last day on earth.

My parents got off the bed, and my mom pulled us all into a group hug. Our last group hug as a family.


So yeah, this story will be ending soon :( there will be two more chapters and an epilogue...ahhh, I can't believe it

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