𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡 |Ju...

By asli_niassuh

19.6K 2.7K 2.9K

A dare-devil commoner. A notorious, beastly Prince. His gentle brother. And an enraged Princess. When the fou... More

♛C A S T♛
♛V O L U M E 1♛
R O U N D - 2
R O U N D - 3
R O U N D - 4
R O U N D - 5
R O U N D - 6
R O U N D - 7
R O U N D - 8
R O U N D - 9
R O U N D - 1 0
♛V O L U M E 2♛
R O U N D - 1 1
Round 12 - Part 1.
Round 12 - Part 2.
R O U N D - 13.
R O U N D - 14
R O U N D -15
R O U N D- 16
R O U N D- 1 7
♛V O L U M E 3♛
Face Reveal/ Happy 10k/ Facts
♛A R T G A L L E R Y♛
♛T E A S E R &T R A I L E R♛
♛P L A Y L I S T♛

R O U N D - 1

1.7K 224 303
By asli_niassuh

>Important note: Bold represents parts the characters speak out loud or mumble.

>Italics: Inner thoughts.

The audience boomed with applause and encouraging words for the swordsman they supported. 

It has been just a tournament, but the arrangements were so grand, Ella thought as she sauntered around the ring, observing every nook and cranny. 

No wonder the royals planned this.

The arena was glistening with blinding pale lights and flaming candles. The women were busy sipping on expensive champagne and staring at husky gentlemen, pointing and laughing among themselves.

 Ella huffed as she forced down her cloak far below her forehead attempting to conceal her identity.

The gentlemen on the other hand were sitting eagerly, eyes fixated on the ring and palms glittering with sweat. All their coins were betted on the Swordsman they considered the ablest. Ella walked through the arena dragging her heavy heirloom behind her, the sword, layered with her blood, sweat, and tears throughout the age.

She had to stand out, she had to leave an impression if that wasn't enough. This was her only chance, and she wouldn't let go of it that easily, Ella thought as she gripped tighter on her blade.

The competitors named oaths, they put forth their most valuable person or item if the victory goes in their hands, their valuable oath, if it is a "person", they get to meet the royals, maybe touch them if they are lucky enough. If it is an "item" it gets to be sited in the royal palace as a landmark of the swordsman's victory. Either is considered a great honor in the Dalia Empire.

Nevertheless, if one loses, if it's an item, gets stepped upon by the boots of the royals as a sign of dishonor, and if it's a person they would be enslaved to the palace for life.

Ella grabbed her sword and gazed down at it with hope and nervousness. The tournament didn't scare her, but the rules certainly did, it was an all-mens tournament, it had forever been. Ella stood veiled and tall as she stared at the ring.

All I have to do is get in the ring without being recognized, the rest I'll conquer.

Ella reassured herself. She tilted the sword, causing the moonlight to shine on it. She took a deep breath, held her hands together, and looked upon the sky.

"Dear God, I fear nobody but you. I ask for help from nobody but you. Today, I placed my terror behind me and took a hold of my only precious possession, my sword. Help me, dear God! Help me win! I put all my trust in you. I have always trusted you!

After her little prayer, she sheathed her sword back into its binding. She whipped her head back to the entryway as she heard sudden murmurs and the noise from the crowd.

Are they here?

She thought as she stood on her toes trying to catch a little insight.

The royals graced their way along the crimson carpet. 

Elite, the elites of the elite even. 

King Ernest Haynes was a vision to behold, he was the epitome of charming and exuded kindness and gentleness. His smile was welcoming and friendly.

To his right was his sole child, his daughter, Princess Irene Ernest. She looked beautiful and delicate, dolled up in her red, ruffled gown and beaded white choker. Her dark hair was assembled in a tight ponytail, topped with a black net hat.

"The taxes of the commoners are being utilized to decorate the royals, pathetic." Ella mumbled.

The whole arena bowed down to them in respect, the guests with their one bent knee and hands on their hearts and the swordsman with their swords in front of them seeped into the dry land, bent knee and hands too, to their heart. 

Ella did the same, but oh so bitterly. She never liked the royals.

She hated how the empire's people starved and slept on the streets, but the royals never batted an eyelash, making a public appearance once in a while, and waving hands seemed enough effort on their part. 

It pissed Ella off.

Ella rolled her eyes and attempted to look away, but instead, she caught a glimpse of another figure.

Huh? I don't remember Dalia Empire having any Princes.

She recalled as she stepped back and squinted her eyes in confusion.

The clicks of the prince's boots resonated in the entire arena. The crowd was silent, dead still. Everyone was busy admiring the living, walking pieces of art. There were two of them, roughly similar in height.

One of them was a brunette, his brown hair swept sideways and his attractive features held a serious yet bored expression. He was clad in his black leather pants, adorned with a luxurious looking golden belt, and topped with a matching shimmering jacket.

He took slow steps, one of his hands in his pocket and the other one constantly moving through his hair.

The other one completely screamed the opposite. He had pitch-dark hair, hiding his face with adorable little bangs, his artistic face held a boxy smile and soft looking eyes. He was dressed in calf long black boots, brown pants, and a white button-up hanging loose on his chest paired with a similar brown jacket, showcasing the glamorous details sewed on it.

One of his hands was placed respectfully on his dresser while the other one was used to wave at all the guests, well, more like his fans who were busy borrowing napkins to wipe the drool off their faces.

Ella chuckled at the sight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to have you here, gathered with us for this auspicious event." King Ernest spoke contently as he brought up his glass of Champagne in the air.

This resulted in all the guests raising their glasses and cheering simultaneously.

"To make this night even more memorable, I invited Prince Théodore Able and Prince Emmett Able of the Mubeven Empire to join us." This again resulted in even louder shrieks, particularly from the ladies.

Oh, the Mubeven's.

"My only aim is to further strengthen the ties and bloom economic trade that would be beneficial to both the empires, your highnesses. May our empires and relations prosper long." King Ernest spoke as he sipped his Champagne along with his people and Royal guests.

Ella witnessed everything vigilantly, her blood boiled. She couldn't tolerate the rich laughing and sipping on fancy alcohol while the poor begged and starved for bread and butter out on the streets.

The mere view of it reminded her of her adoptive mother, her painful moans on her deathbed, and how she broke the news to Ella that the king is her only way to find out about her real family.

Ella sat numb and bewildered when she first got word of this. An inquiry into her biological parents could have been easily managed if she hired a local detective for a few gold coins, her only ordeal, then, would have been to win prize money from local tournaments. But this, this was huge and extremely risky.

"Without further ado, let us begin." the king announced as all the spectators took their seats.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

This quarantine is taking the best of me, I'm doing all this out of boredom, lol. Anyway, guys don't forget to drop comments and DO NOT FORGET to vote as these two things would be the only ones to keep me motivated.

xoxo <3


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