Bughead-royal marriage

By TheRoomy

46.5K 917 582

Kingdom of Riverdale is destroyed after 20 years of war between two royal familys. During the war the kingdom... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter- twenty-three

Chapter four

2K 53 5
By TheRoomy

Okay guys before we start this chapter i would like to thank QueenLiliReinhart for the cover,
Skyeskye2008 for her/his kindness and Annafur1234 for writing sweet comments and everyone else that voted or even click on this book it means the world to me 😊.

Jugheads P.O.V.

Two days ago, right before me and dad had to leave to Greendale, he told me and An that i am gonna get married to Northside princess. An was shocked and i speechless. I just wanted to say

„Dude, I am 18 years old!!!! I am not mature enough to get married!!!”

But the i realized something. If the marriage gonna make peace it will be over. That would mean the world for An. She hate this war and violence in general. If she isn't the one doing it of course. Me and An are best friends, we mean the world to eachother. The peace could be a late birthday gift. We happend to have birthday on the same day. And i still didn't gave her a present. She always gave me only the best gifts. Now it's my turn. And also it's impossible to change my dads mind.

But then i saw her. The most beautiful woman in my life. My future wife.


I couldn't let my eyes of her. Now the marriage is more on a personal note for me (a/n: wow wth is wrong with me?!!??).

Now present time:

FP: And i guess you already meet princess Angelica.

When dad said that Betty was dropped.

She actually did it. I didn't believe She would do it but she did.

J: So...... It looks like someone did what she promised.

When i said that i looked at An. She had a smile on her face. Very mischieve type of smile.

A: I've told you i will do it.

Betty and dad looked very confused. I explained.

J: An said right before we left that she would pretend to be a bodyguard and drive Betty here alone.

Dad started laughting.

Fp: Goog job sweatheart.

He and An did high five. He looked very proud.

B: Well, I must admit that was really...... Just WOW.

A: Thanks.

An and Betty then smiled at eachother. Looks like they are friends already.

Fp: Well, i have to go to my office if you excuse me.

He said and went upstairs.

J: Betty?

B: Yeah?

J: Did An gave you a tour around?

B: No, not yet but she showed me the garden.

J: Sounds like something she would do.

A: Well, do wanna have the honor?

J: I would love to.

Then the three of us went to the left doors. Behind those doors was big fancy room with two thrones and one little chair at the end of the room.

J: So this is the ball room or throne room or whatever you wanna call it and over there are doors to the garden.

B: Beautiful.

We then went back to the great stair hall and went to the right doors. Behind that doors was a dining room. There was long table with about 30 chairs. 

J: This is dining room. We eat here when we have visitors. And behind that curtain is door to the kitchen.

We then went upstairs.

B: An, you told me that on the left are bedrooms and right offices.

She said turning to An. But before she could say anything i said.

J: And she is right. On the left are five bedrooms and on the right are three offices but one of them is more like a music room.

A: Yeah, that's my office.

B: Nice.

An then smiled at her and i continued.

J: And behind this door is-

B: Library a.k.a. family room a.k.a. dining room.

I was kinda suprised when she said that but she was right. An then gigled a bit.

J: Correct.

I then smiled at Betty and she returned it. I don't know why but it maked me so happy.

J: Do you wanna check the room?

B: Sure.

A: I think i am gonna go to my office.

J: Please close the door. I don't need another headache.

A: Jerk.

She said and left.

B: Why would she gave you a headache.

J: Let just say she is a loud piano player.

B: Okay........

We then went in to the library. There is a lot of bookshelfs with books, old and new. There is a small table with six chairs, a fireplace with sofa in front of it and a grand piano.

B: What a beautiful piano.

J: Yeah, this one was a birthday gift from dad for An.

B: She really does like playing on piano, doesn't she?

J: You can bet.

We both gigle a little. She was so cute. I think this will be a nice marriage. But what to say now? Should i start to flirt? Should i try being friendly? Before i could thought of anything a maid came in.

M: Sir, dinner is ready to be served. May i ask you we you wanna eat?

J: We gonna eat here and please call others to come here.

M: Yes sir.

She then left. I took Betty to the table and helped her to chair. She sat at the right place next to the chair for my dad. Dad always sits at the head of the table and i on his right. An doesn't care where she sits.

B: Thank you, gentleman.

J: You welcome, m'lady.

Betty started to gigle again. So cute. I smiled at here and she returned it. Later An and Dad came. Dad sat on his ussual spot and An on my right. Then maid came and served dinner.

To be continue........

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