Queen of Terror

By just_keep_writin

6.9K 650 836

.ćƒ»ć‚œć‚œćƒ»šš”š„š„š šŽš… š“š„š‘š‘šŽš‘ Ever since the crown had been passed down to her... More

TMS People's Choice Voting
Chap. 1
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Chap. 14
Chap. 15
Chap. 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap. 19
Chap. 20
Chap. 21
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 24

Chap. 2

391 28 56
By just_keep_writin

N O T E -
      Because I suck at descriptions, especially when it comes to rooms, I'm going to put pictures I found online instead. Hope you don't mind~



Everywhere glittered; it was as if the palace itself was made out of diamonds. I followed the man around as we walked, me constantly gazing around at the place and shouting out a bunch of words like, "wow! Whoa! Cool!" This wasn't something I was used to; getting treated like royalty wasn't something I was used to. I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding as I dragged my bag along. This place was insanely large; I've heard of the Royal Palace a bunch of times, even walked past it a few times while I was delivering pastries to customers, but I never knew I'd find myself inside of it, living in it, and being known as the queen of it.

The man then stopped in front of one of the doors, getting me to bump into him because I didn't know he had stopped. I quickly muttered an apology, but he didn't say anything about it as he pointed at the door, before he opened it and allowed me in. "This is your room, Your Majesty. Please make yourself feel welcomed. I will be standing right outside your room, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to come and ask me. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me." He immediately bowed again, getting me to feel awkward. "I'm your personal butler. Butler Romain."

"Well, uh. . .hello?" I scratched my head, just feeling a sweat run down my face. Being queen didn't mean I had to be so formal, right? Clearing my throat, I turned around to look around my room, and the largest gasp escaped out of my mouth. The large room's main color was pink, which I totally knew was understandable because that was my favorite color. I noticed how it sort of looked like a little girl's room with all stuffed toys they put in it, but that was just me. I let out a small giggle. I could still remember some of the stuffed toys I had back at the bakery. Being the little girl I still was, though I was 20, I never let those stuffed animals go because I remember as a kid, how I would always think they all had feelings. Just getting this memory reminded me of how childish I was. I looked over at one side of the room:

I scratched my head a little, which is this weird habit I had and always did whenever I wasn't really sure how to feel about something. What am I? Five? I shrugged a little though, seeing as it wasn't too bad. The room was still incredibly large with such a spacious floor. I turned around and looked over at the other side:

I rolled my eyes with a grin but feeling excitement inside of me as well. I then noticed something. There were three large doors against the wall, and I also noticed there wasn't quite a bed. I walked over to the first closest door and grabbing on the handle, I pulled it opened. My eyes immediately widened to see that it was some sort of a completely different bedroom with different theme. I also noticed the large bed sitting there as well:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing; why were there two completely different bedrooms? I walked over to the bed and placed my hand on it. I couldn't help feeling that this was a little too much, and I had this fear in me that I was never going to adjust to this kind of life. I breathed in and out, before I left the room. I then started walking over to the double-doors that were the closest. I grabbed the handles with both hands and pulled the doors opened. I already had a feeling I knew what this room was, and when I walked in, I could see I was right. It was the large wardrobe that was somehow way large than my bedroom back at the bakery. I stared over at one side of the wardrobe first, which was filled with a bunch of clothes.:

On the other side looked more like this:

A/N: Lol, imagine that the two sides of the pink bedroom have the same type of pink wall and floor, and the wardrobe all have the same type and color of wall and floor. And ignore the masks on the last picture.

Feeling amazed by the sight once again, I stepped out of the wardrobe, which didn't feel like a wardrobe anymore by the way. I then started walking over to the last door, which was on the other side of the room. Once I reached it, I pulled opened the door and walked in. Yup, just like I'd thought. Of course such a luxurious bedroom would have its own bathroom:

When I was done looking around, I stepped out of the bathroom and headed for the door that was the way out. I stepped outside, and just like he had said he would be, Butler Romain was still standing there. Wow, he's really patient. I'm sure I must have taken about 20 minutes looking around. I walked up in front of him, and once he caught sight of me, he bowed again. Did he really have to do that whenever he saw me? Butler Romain lifted his head up. "Should I show you around the palace, Your Majesty?"

"What?!" I yelped, surprised by his question. "This place is huge, and you're asking to show me around? I mean, it could take us like 2 weeks to get to every single place of this palace."

Butler Romain looked surprised at first, before immediately bowing again, getting me to sigh in frustration. "I'm so sorry if my question was quite rude, Your Majesty. I never really do know what women like you like to do in a place like this, so I thought it'd be nice if I could show you around. Again, I'm sorry."

"W-What, no, no, no, it wasn't a rude question," I quickly waved my arms around in front me as he lifted his head back up. "You know what? On second thought," I grinned a little, "I am going to be getting lost in this place, so maybe it'd be nice to be shown around and get a good look." I'm probably going to forget once he shows me, but just getting a good look around wouldn't hurt.

So the rest of the day was spent doing just that; Butler Romain showed me around the palace and introduced me to a few people. There were quite a lot of people I had to meet such as the maids and servants. Butler Romain told me that I would get everyone's names memorized in about two to three weeks if I practiced hard enough. Soon enough though, my feet started to hurt, so I asked to take a break. I took my phone out and checked the time. It was as if someone had hit my head with a large hammer because the next thing I knew, a large shriek came out of my mouth. It was 8 P.M? But I'm sure Butler Romain started showing me around in the morning. How was it 8 P.M?

I realized I hadn't even called my parents. I was supposed to call them right after I settled inside the palace, but it had completely slipped out of my mind. And, oh my goodness, I now suddenly remember Alya asking me yesterday if we could meet up today. She knew how busy I would be and she had said it was okay if I didn't show up, but I had promised her. I gulped. I was supposed to meet up with her two hours ago. I didn't think showing me around the palace was going to take this long.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Romain. May I please have some alone time?"

"Why ask me as if I'm in charge?" Butler Romain grinned. "You're Queen. You get to do whatever you wish."

I nodded my head a little, before turning around. It was a good thing my bedroom wasn't that far away, because the both of us had started walking back after I asked for a break. I opened the door and entered, and even though I'd seen it before, it still took me by surprise just seeing the bedroom again. I walked over to one of the pink seats and sat down, before dialing Alya's cell and waiting for her to pick up. It took a while, but finally her voice came on from the other side. "Alya?" I called out.

There was silence for a while, and it got me to frown. Why wasn't Alya saying anything? I called for her name again and waited for a while. Finally she spoke, "Marinette? Are you still at the palace?"

I got this guilty feeling that Alya felt hurt that I'd missed the meeting. I nodded my head at her question, but remembering that she couldn't see me, I answered. "Yeah, I am. Listen Alya, I'm so sorry I missed it. I didn't think time would pass that fa-"

"Marinette?" Alya cut me off again. "H-How have you not gotten the news yet? You. . ." I heard a large sniff and my heart started pounding inside of my chest. Was she really that upset? No, Alya was never one to cry over me missing a meeting, no matter how important that meeting was. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but she continued, not giving me a chance. "How have they not told you yet? Marinette, you have to come over! Come back to your bakery!"

Now I was really confused. Did Alya just miss me and wanted me to come back to living in the bakery? But did that even matter? Before I could even question it, the door suddenly banged opened, getting to jump in fright. I looked over at who had done such a thing and scared me while at it. There, I saw a totally different man that I hadn't met before, while Butler Romain stood behind him. The both of them looked so darn worried that it was actually beginning to scare me so much. I put my phone to my side and looked at them, trying to come off as confident. "What is it?"

"Your Majesty," the man I didn't know of immediately got down to his knee, looking down at the floor. "Your Majesty, you must come to your bakery. Something horrific had happened. It's important that we let you know of these kind of things."

Now, I could really feel the fear. I didn't even bother hiding it on my face. I instantly followed both men, rushing out of my room and out of the palace. I got over to the limo, Butler Romain opened the door for me and I headed in. During the entire ride back to the bakery, I couldn't stop the pounding of my heart. What horrific thing could have possibly happened to make others look and sound worried? My mind was brought back to Alya. She had been crying. It must have been that bad. I placed a hand on my chest as I looked down at the floor, trying to think of what could possibly have happened. During the entire ride, I kept muttering the same words in my head; "Maman, Papa. . . Please be okay!"

"Your Majesty, we're here!"

Hearing those words, my head bolted up. I didn't even wait for Butler Romain to open the door for me, I just pushed it opened and climbed out, before rushing towards the bakery. One of the things that really scared me was that a large group of people had circled around the bakery; so did that mean I was the last person to hear about this? When people saw me, they instantly made way for me. Some people shouted, "the queen is here! She's here! The daughter of the bakers is here!" I focused on getting to the door. Once I reached the front of it, I noticed just how wide opened it was. I didn't hesitate to step inside nevertheless.

My best friends were there; Alya, Nino, Adrien. Even Chloe had managed to get inside the bakery. Police officers walked around the bakery, while two of them were on the floor, kneeling right beside my parents. But these people weren't even the first people I looked over at. Instead, my eyes had immediately went down to the two lying bodies on the floor.

My body went stiff and cold. I couldn't believe the shocking sight in front of me. My own two parents. . .lying in their own pool of blood.

My heartbeat increased, beating faster than it had even done before. I felt my surroundings disappearing slowly and slowly, and it was when everything around me had disappeared that I realized it was me shutting my eyes.

And I felt myself falling. . .


Word Count: 2308 {excluding this}
~ Edited ~

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