Weasleys the One (Ronald Weas...

By duchampboi

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You've always noticed weird things happen to you in your life that you couldn't explain so, finding out you g... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

91 2 4
By duchampboi

Your Part: It was finally Christmas morning. The night before Ron, Harry and I had stayed up all night playing wizards chess. It was actually quite nice and I was getting pretty good. As of now I was peacefully sleeping in my dorm, or so I thought.

I awoke to a red headed boy, non other then Ron, shaking my shoulders saying rather loudly to "get up it's Christmas". I finally gave in waking up to now Harry instead of Ron as we both groggily walked over to the balcony looking over the common room. "Merry Christmas" Ron belted opening his arms wide. I chuckled saying it back as I ran downstairs seeing a little pile of presents that seemed to be mine.

"Well Harry are you coming or not. We've got presents to open" I yelled. Harry ran down first questioning "I've got presents", before he must have come to a realization yelling in happiness "I've got presents".

I opened one of my presents seeing a dark blue sweater with a gold letter of the first initial of my first name. Harry looked at me holding up a sweater with an H on it as Ron said "It's from my mom" before I noticed Ron wearing his own. It looked rather cute on him I thought chuckling to myself as he looked at me now blushing.

The rest of my presents consisted of a gold necklace with my initials on it from my parents, a mini book of spells from Hermionie, a small card from Harry, a new baseball jersey from Jack and Jacob, a chocolate frog from Ron with what I swear was a small heart on the boxing but I decided to ignore it my heart beating faster at the sight of it, and an old baseball from my eldest brother Brian.

I frowned at Brian's present. It was the first baseball I had ever pitched in my life. It was all muddy and messed up but it brought a small tear to my eye. I couldn't believe that he kept it, after all this time. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore, I ran over to the corner of the common room. I couldn't let them see my tears.

Soon I felt two little arms wrap around my front softly as a head rested against my shoulder. "What's wrong y/n" the voice asked and right away I knew it was Ron. Steps came closer as what I assumed was Harry crouched beside me.

"It's my older brother Brian. My parents wrote me last month saying that one night he got really sick. My mom sent me another letter updating me", I hesitated sniffling as I felt Ron's arms pull me a little closer to his small chest before I continued. "Anyways the letter said he's got pneumonia. It's this awful type of sickness. That's why I couldn't go home for Christmas. Anyways he gave me this baseball and"-

I stopped talking as I gripped the baseball with one of my hands as the other squeezed Ron's. We all stayed like that, me crying, Ron hugging me, and Harry kneeling beside as he comforted me. After what felt like forever we all pulled away. I sat on the couch next to Ron who sat a whole lot closer than the usual and Harry who sat on the edge of the table in front of us.

"You know I've been through a lot of stuff, and by a lot I mean a lot" Harry said softly. I nodded knowing exactly what he meant. "Listen if you need anyone and I mean anyone you've got Harry and I" Ron said. I nodded but was still unhappy. Soon I felt Ron tickling my side as Harry jumped in Ron yelling "tickle war". I couldn't help but let a smile slip as we all giggled.

After we all stopped no one said anything. It was weird, like each one of us felt the pain that each one of us was going through. Whether it was Harry who lost his parents, Ron who was worried about being poor, or me whose older brother was sick in the hospital. I mean for eleven year old kids it was a lot to take in but, it was peaceful and soon Ron decided it was time to break the silence.

"Now how about Harry opens his last present okay" Ron exclaimed. He looked at me as my breathing calmed before Harry knelt by his next present. Ron still staying close next to me, I guess maybe for protection as we waited for Harry to open his gift.

As he ripped the packaging off it revealed a soft dark coloured robe. Harry picked up a small card as Ron sat beside me eating every flavoured beans.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well" Harry read aloud from the card. "What is it" I asked leaning forward. "It's some sort of cloak" Harry said examining it further. "Well let's see then. Put it on" Ron chimed in as he put down his every flavoured beans.

Harry slowly wrapped the cloak around himself as his whole body disappeared right before my eyes except of course his head. "Woah" I said astonished. "My body's gone" Harry exclaimed in amazement. "I know what that is. That's an invisibility cloak" Ron said getting up from beside me.

"He's invisible" I asked. "They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you" Ron glances my way as he spoke. "There was no name it just said use it well" Harry mumbled looking confused.
It was that night in the great hall at dinner as Ron and I sat next to Fred and George. We were joking around about how later that day in our snowball fight I had hit Ron in the face and he cried. "Hey that's not funny" Ron groaned as he nudged my side lightly. I laughed before glancing over to Harry. He had been sitting alone on the bench almost the whole dinner.

"Hey I'll be right back okay snowball" I said to Ron who punched me lightly before I made my way over to Harry. I slowly sat down beside him as he looked at me smiling before looking back down. "So you sure you don't want dinner. The turkey is great you know" I encouraged. "Nah I don't feel like it. Not now at least" Harry responded looking at his feet.

We didn't say anything more. We kinda just sat there for the next five minutes. You didn't really have to say anything to get what Harry was thinking or going through right now. I knew he missed his parents. But just like the kids we were we couldn't stay there like that forever. We were too energetic.

Harry and I made our way back to the table joining once again in a conversation I was happy to join. We all sat making fun of peeves who sat across the table frowning. Our laughter drowned out his complaining as Harry smiled for the first time that night as we ate pudding.
Christmas had ended in all it's beautiful glory. The rest of the days were spent having snowball fights or re-looking for anything we may have missed on Nicholas Flamel. Harry, Ron and I had spent our last night with a little party along with Fred and George as a break. We played wizards chess and pranked Ron all night. All in all this Christmas was almost perfect. Almost.

As of this moment I sat in the library quietly reading at a table with Harry and Ron. That was before Hermionie plopped a huge book on our table making me jump into Ron from the sudden bang. "Sorry" I mumbled feeling myself getting sweaty as Ron gave a small laugh.

"I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading" Hermionie exclaimed placing herself down in between Harry and Ron. "This is light reading" Ron and I questioned in a bit of amazement.

Hermionie glared a bit as I moved to look over everyone's shoulders before she began speaking "Of course. Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone"! I looked to Ron and Harry as we all said at once "what".

"Oh honestly don't you three read" Hermionie exclaimed. "Apparently not as much as you" I mumbled hearing Ron snort at my comment. "Excuse me" Hermionie turned sending me another glare. "What... nothing this is brilliant stuff go on" I said giving her a reassuring smile. Hermionie rolled her eyes turning her gaze back to the enormous book below us.

"The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal" she read on. "Immortal" Ron questioned looking confused. "It means you never die" Hermionie said matter of factly.
"I know what it means" Ron grumbled as I gave his arm a small reassuring pat.

"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!" That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone" Hermionie finished reading ignoring Ron's comment.

I looked over to Ron who was looking at me with honestly one of the most shocked looks that I had seen on his face since I met him. And I would be lying if I said I didn't have the same look on my face as well...

Ayyyyyy next part up! Hope you liked it and we are almost finished with the first book. Hope you all are doing well and have a good day:)

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