
By tsvbellacellatsv

5.1K 146 87

I bet this is your face right now when you saw the word "bathtub" as the title for a fanfic. Both intrigued... More

1. It all started in the Bathroom
2. Bathtub
3. Oleander bush
5. It all ended in the bathtub
Epilouge Part 1: Oleander Bush
Epilouge Part 2: Trampoline

4. Couch

666 19 21
By tsvbellacellatsv

At around 3:30 ish am, Brett wpke up from a nightmare that had made him break out in a cold sweat. Although he remembered the dream vividly, he tried his best to forget it, in the hope that it would never haunt him again. He did write it down though, just to get it out of his mind and throw it away afterwards.

It started out with his and Eddy's bathtub incident, Eddy falling on top of him as Brett tried to catch him. But this time, they didnt stop falling, just fell straight down a dark tunnel, the air whooshing in their ears.

"Eddy!" Brett called out to him, but it was no use, the wind was drowning out his voice.

Brett saw Eddy move his mouth, but no sound came out. Instead of talking this time, Brett tried to reach out to Eddy. He succeeded in grabbing Eddy's wrist, then pulled him and Eddy closer, until their faces were centimeters apart.

Brett kissed Eddy firm in the mouth, then whispered, "I love you" into Eddy's lips before kissing him harder.

Eddy said it back and the two kissed for what felt like an eternity, falling swiftly down a dark tunnel, not caring about death, or anything that might come their way, because they were with each other, their lips were pressed against each others, and that was all that mattered.

Then something changed. The wind blew harder, stronger, faster, and eventually grew so strong that it pulled the kissing couple apart.

They landed on a hard, concrete floor, with only a pale, cold, light coming from an unknown source shining on their landing spot, making the whole room seem like it stretched on forever.

They didn't have much time to absorb this inforamtion before Eddy was flung away from Brett by an unseen force, into the dark abyss surrounding them, causing Brett to panic.

"Eddy?" Brett's words echoed around him, and without an answer, he called out again, this time louder, with a
desperate hitch in his voice.

"Eddy? Where are you?" Once again, his words echoed, making him feel alone and even more desperate.

He panicked at the echoing silence all around him, eating him alive from the inside, and started running flat out into the direction Eddy had been taken.

The cold light followed him, giving him light to see by, but not by much.

He called out Eddy's name as he ran, looking left and right, hoping Eddy would appear.

Finally, after what felt like hours of running, Brett heard Eddy call his name on his left, and burst forward with renewed energy.

"Eddy?! Where are you? I can't see you!"

"I'm right here, and I'm so lost, I need you!"

"I'm coming!"

Eddy sounded close, so close that it gave Brett hope. He dropped to his knees, and spread his hands out in all directions, trying to feel where Eddy was. The feeble light was gone now, for it had grown so dark while he was running that he couldn't see anything in front of him anymore.

"Brett, hurry! I'm so scared, where are you?"

"I'm trying, I'm trying!"

Eddy was definetly crying now, Brett could hear his sniffles echoing around him, teasing him.

"Don't worry Eddy, I'm coming!" But the words sounded empty, and Brett couldn't be sure of anything anymore.

He felt Eddy's skin bump against his every once and awhile, when he was beginning to loose hope, but this gave him false hope, and he got more discouraged each time he couldn't find the rest of Eddy.

All the while, Eddy was calling out to Brett, each attempt sounding more and more weak, until he said, "I'm going to be dead by the time you find me Brett. Just go, I don't think you really care."

This broke Brett's haert. "No Eddy, I'm really trying, I really am, and I do care-"

"Save it Brett. I know how you really feel about me. You were my last hope, Brett. If even you can't find me, then I don't think you really love me, and you should go. I've given up hope."

Eddy was no longer crying now, and had a distasteful and disgusted tone to his voice. This was the final straw for Brett. His heart had finally cracked, a deep and jagged split right in the middle.

Brett couldn't talk anymore. He had started crying when Eddy interuppted him, and was now sobbing cold, hard tears into the cold, hard floor. He was laying down as well, no longer caring about things like getting cold, or getting a bruise on his hip because he had sat there for too long.

Tears stained his cheeks, and he lay there for an eternity, until he died of broken heart, right before he woke up.

Once Brett had finished writing everything down, he crumpled up the paper and threw it in his waste basket, hoping to forget this nightmare ever happened.

He looked at the time and groaned. He knew there was no hope of going back to sleep now, with his mind so full and his emotions so high. So, instead of heading back to his bed to lay down and think, he picked up his violin from his case and tightened his bow, and set his violin on his shoulder, ready to practice.

Well, it wasn't as much of practicing as it was playing any pieces that fit his mood. But still, nonetheless, he hadn't really touched his violin in days, being so busy helping and hanging out with Eddy, and anything was better than nothing at this point.

After a while of his so called "practicing", Brett set down his violin and looked at the time again.

Holy cow, it's already 5:30? How did that happen?, Brett thought, marveling at how much time had passed.

He packed away his violin and bow, and then started to walk towards his small apartment bathroom when he received a terrible migraine that caused him to almost black out, gripping the corner of his desk to keep from falling over completely.

Once all the dark spots were gone from his vision and he could stand up without falling over again, he flopped over to his kitchen area and took some headache medicine. He also took his temperature, just in case, and discovered that he had a slight fever of 99.7° F. So he took some fever medicine as well, and set off again to take a nice, long, 30 minute shower.

Afterwards, Brett got on some not-pajamas but comfortable clothes, and spent the next 20 minutes making and eating breakfast.

While he made his toast and scrambled eggs, he also made a mental list of what he needed to bring to Eddy's house later that day.

After breakfast was done, he grabbed an old sheet music paper off of the stack he had built up over the last year and a half, turned it around  so that the blank side was facing him, and began to write down the list he had built during breakfast.

In his own messy but readable hand writing, here was the completed list:











Phone charger

Boys are minimalists. They don't need much, word wise or possession wise.

Brett then gathered all the items on his list into a pile on his bed, then shoved the clothes and pillow and blanket and book into his duffel bag, putting the rest of his the things into pockets all around his bag, finally satisfied when he had zipped it up.

He swung the bag on his shoulder, slipped on his shoes and socks, and put his phone in his pocket before grabbing the keys to his apartment and car and reaching for the door.

That's when he looked at the clock on his wall, and saw that it was only 6:47.

Brett groaned and sat on his little couch, annoyed at how early it was.

So he assessed his options. He could either, A: wait at his house for three hours, utterly bored, ready to go, not wanting to look like an over-eager sucker, or B: go to Eddy's house early, and surprise him by being on time for once.

Deciding to go with the latter option, Brett once again jumped up and skipped towards his door with violin case in hand, estatic to see Eddy again.


Eddy woke up to Brett nudging him gently, his glasses almost falling off his nose and his eyes staring straight into Eddy's, and Brett softly saying, "Eddy, it's time to wake up. I made you some toast with jam."

Not bothered at all by Brett's magical appearance at his house and in his bedroom, Eddy stretched his arms and yawned, then said, "Brett, good to see you. Thanks for waking me up. And toast? With jam? Sounds really nice right now."

Brett laughed. "I bet it does sleepy head." He passed the plate he had brought with him to Eddy, and Eddy sat up to eat it, casually leaning against his pillows like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Once he had finished, Eddy asked Brett, "What time is it? I thought you were coming at *yawn* ten?"

Brett grinned and blushed. "First of all, it is ten, and I got here about three hours ago, for your information."

Eddy widened his eyes in surprise. "Three hours ago? Really couldn't wait to see me that bad, huh?"

"Haha, no, I just couldn't help myself. I also couldn't sleep, and I figured you wouldn't mind if I came early, so I just went for it and ended up making you breakfast." He shrugged, like it was all no big deal and that he wasn't the sucker for Eddy that he really was.

"Well, I'll have you know that I don't mind one bit that you came early, and the breakfast didn't hurt either." Eddy winked at Brett, and Brett blushed harder, smiling wider.

"Alright, you ready to get out sleep over on?" Brett said.

Eddy smiled back and replied, "As I'll ever be."


The whole day was spent in good spirits, with talking, and laughing, and joking, and of course, playing Smash Bros together. But the majority of it was spent watching more movies together, and they realized that this had become their thing, watching movies. They had quite a list built up by the end of the day, and I think Netflix and Amazon Prime had both added Brett and Eddy to their favorite customer list.

They ordered pizza and potstickers at two pm for lunch, because why not? And ate ice cream out of the bucket for the next movie and a half, not caring about things like vegetables and protein and eating "healthy". Hey, no one said it was going to be a very healthy day, just a fun one.

At eight pm, they did warm up some leftover broccoli from Eddy's fridge and some pasta just to balance the day out a little, and by nine, they were absolutely stuffed, and a little bit drowsy.

They ended there last movie at ten, where Eddy said, "I think this is a good stopping point."

Brett nodded, his head leaning on Eddy's shoulder.

"But first, I think we need to clean up."

Brett groaned and mumbled something that sounded like "We can do it tomorrow" but sat up, knowing Eddy was right but still just wanting to fall asleep right then and there. His headache had gradually come back on and off throughout the afternoon, but he didn't tell Eddy, because he didn't want to worry him, and figured it was no big deal anyway.

Brett stood up, then called, "Ok, but I got to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back.", as he drowsily walked to Eddy's bathroom.

Eddy nodded, and stood up and stretched before going to pick up the empty potsticker container on his coffe table. That's when he heard the thud.

It had come from Eddy's bedroom, and Eddy raced around the corner to see what had happened.

He found Brett on his knees, leaning against his small bench at the end of his couch, holding one hand to his head and the other on the seat, balancing himself.

Eddy rushed over to Brett's side, and lightly touched his fingers to Brett's arm, then said, "Brett, what happened? Why did you fall?"

Brett looked at Eddy in an amused, slightly delirious way. "You're skin is really cold Eddy. Did you know that?"

Instead of answering, Eddy held the back of his palm to Brett's forehead, and discovered that Brett was burning up. "Oh my gosh Brett, you have a fever!" He was stunned that he hadn't noticed before.

Brett actually comprehended Eddy's sentence this time. "You didn't know?"

But Eddy wasn't listening. He instead put his hands under Brett's armpits and hauled Brett up to Eddy's bed.

Once Brett had stopped squirming, Eddy said, "I need you to help me take your clothes off, Brett. These ones are soaked in sweat."

Brett groaned and rolled over. "But I feel so cold Eddy." He started reaching for the blankets on Eddy's bed.

Eddy sighed. "No Brett, I ned to take your clothes off, so I can get you some nice, warmer ones. How does that sound?"

Brett mumbled in agreement, and helped Eddy to take his shirt and jeans off.

Eddy grabbed Brett's duffel bag by the door, and after rummaging through for a while, found Brett's pajamas, and raced back to the bedroom, finding Brett almost asleep, half under the covers.

Eddy gently nudged Brett, and Brett peeked at his through one eye, looking slightly annoyed. "Brett, I need you to get these clothes on for me. I'll help you."

Brett nodded and he and Eddy pulled the clothes over his body, then settled in the covers again and peeked at Eddy through the other eye.

"Ok, I'm gonna get some medicine to help, just sit tight."

Brett gave a slow nod and Eddy left to retrieve the fever medicine.

When he came back, Brett was once again almost asleep, and Eddy had to nudge him again to wake him. He was more annoyed this time, but still listened to what Eddy had to say.

"Brett, will you take this and some water? I'll help you sit up."

Brett eyed the medicine then nodded, and Eddy helped him sit up while Brett swallowed the pill. He layed back down again, and then Eddy said, "Goodnight, Brett. I'll be on the couch in the living room. See you in the morning."

Even though the bed was big enough for both of them, Eddy didn't want to make Brett uncomfortable, and the couch was not too terrible anyway.

Eddy grabbed an extra blanket and pillow from his closet, set them on his couch, and cleaned up all the trash Brettt and him had built up over the afternoon.

Afterwards, he changed into the pajamas he grabbed from his room before he left, and layed down on his couch, ready to fall asleep.

He was about to drift off when a hand touched his shoulder and said, "Eddy..."

It wasnt long after Eddy left Brett when Brett began to feel the effects of the fever medicine kick in.

It was like he was waking up from a very tired dream, and everything around him had just started to come into focus. He realized that he was tired, but coulndt fall asleep, and felt an annoying longing for something he couldn't remember, until he flopped his arm to the other side of the bed and a name crossed his mind.

Eddy... Brett remembered that Eddy was sleeping on the couch, and shuffled over to him the best he could, with only one objective in mind.

Brett stretched out his arm and lightly tapped sleeping Eddy's shoulder, and whispered, "Eddy..."


Eddy was surprised to see Brett but also pleased. "Hey Brett, you ok?"

Brett nodded and reached out to hug Eddy. "I... I couldn't sleep without you. C-can I?"

Eddy hugged him back. "Of course Brett. Com'ere."

The couch wasn't very big, but big enough for the two of them, and they lay comfortably in each other's arms. At some point, Eddy started softly kissing Brett, starting on his shoulders, then making his way to Brett's back and waist. Brett was so tired that he didn't even have the energy to kiss back, but he appreciated it all the same.

He wanted to fall asleep right then and there, but he needed to tell Eddy something before he did.


Eddy stopped kissing him and looked up into Brett's eyes. "Yes?"

"I... I couldn't sleep last night because I had a... a nightmare, and Eddy it was so horrible, I lost you, a-and then you gave up and said that I really didn't care for you, and right before that I kissed you, and oh Eddy..," Brett started to cry and hugged Eddy, letting his tears flow.

Eddy knew Brett was still a little delirious from the fever, but knew this must be true if it had shaken Brett up this much. "Shh Brett, I'm here, I'm right here. You're ok, its gonna be ok."

Brett sniffled. "That means a lot. I-I can't thank you enough."

Eddy kissed the top of Brett's head. "You're welcome. I'm always here for you, you can always talk to me. And Brett?"

Brett looked up into Eddy's brown eyes. "Yes?"

Eddy sighed. "To be honest, it kind of scares me that you had a dream like that. But please know, that no matter what happens, I'll be here, right by your side, never losing faith in you. That Eddy from the dream? He wasn't me. He was a copy, a fake, meant to tease you and break your heart. That's not me, ok? I love you, and that's never going to change." Eddy cupped Brett's face in his hands. "Do you understand?"

Brett nodded and hugged Eddy again.

"I believe you Eddy, thanks.", said Brett into Eddy's shoulder.

"You're welcome. Thanks for telling me, by the way, that means a lot."

"You're welcome too. I love you Eddy."

Eddy softly kissed Brett's neck. "I love you," he whispered into Brett's neck as Brett was falling asleep.

Eddy kissed the top of Brett's head before falling asleep himself, quietly thinking about Brett, about everything, before drifting off into dreamland.


They once again woke up in each other's arms, Brett first, getting up to make them coffee and toast, and Eddy second, sniffing the delicious scent of breakfast.

Eddy peeked inside the kitchen to find Brett in the zone, working so intently that he didnt notice Eddy's prescence until Eddy had came up behind him and hugged him, making him pleasantly surprised.

"Someone's up early," said Eddy into Brett's shoulder.

"Thought breakfast wouldn't hurt." Brett finished stirring the coffee in his hand and passed it to Eddy, who took it with delight as he sipped the hot liquid.

"So...", began Eddy. "Do you want to talk about... the... stuff thats been, uh, happening lately?"

Brett looked up from his coffee to Eddy. "Yeah, we should."


"You can start.", and, "You can go first.", were said on top of each other, and they both blushed.

"It's ok, you can go," said Brett.

"Oh, ok. Um, well, I think, I, uh, like you and I think you like me, but, uh, we just have, uh, kinda just, been with each other, and, uh, well, we just-" Eddy's blush had gotten deeper and deeper the longer he spoke, until Brett couldn't take the embarrassment anymore and kissed him on the lips.

"Eddy, will you be my boyfriend?"

Eddy exhaled and hurridley said, "Yes," before kissing Brett back, causing Brett to lean on the counter with his left hand, his right tangled in Eddy's hair.

This was the first time they had kissed each other, like really, on the lips passionate, and both were new to the feeling but enjoying it all the same.

The two became more engulfed in each other, breakfast forgotten, so much that Eddy stopped suddenly to whisper into Brett's mouth, "Let's take this to the couch."

Brett gave Eddy a quick peck on the lips as a teaser, before whispering back, "Let's."

Brett took hold of Eddy's hand before he could protest, and sat him down on the couch and cupped Eddy's face in his hands and said, "I love you so much Eddy."

Eddy returned the kiss given to him in the kitchen before answering, "I love you too Brett."


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