when SHU finds his love (read...

By ganeshbose2000

3.6K 114 33

this story is fully based upon my imagination there will influence of DEMONS and VAMPIRES!!! this story is ba... More

5-MY MASK???
6-WARM HUGS!!!🥰🥰


217 8 4
By ganeshbose2000

Y/N's POV:

I woke and was shocked to see shu sleeping near me I screamed "aahhaaaaaaaaa s-shuu..........." "hay y/n just calm down!!" shu woke up as I screamed and tried to calm me down but before that, I slipped and fell off the bed by grabbing shu's hand!!

which made shu to fell with me. I kept my eyes closed till I hear a voice saying me to open my eyes. my eyes were full of love when I saw shu in the top of me, making eye contact with him!!!

shu chuckled at my reaction "my princess, just remember what happened yesterday!!". I tried to remember everything and started to blush madly!! I looked like a red apple, and asked shu "hey shu, well just say me weather the last sentence I remember was my dream or not!!" 

he smirked and said, "if it was a dream then how could you have slept with me!!" 

I stared at shu with the reaction that valt use to give when he is confused

which made shu to giggle, I got mad and screamed "OMG, what have I did!!" shu then came near me which made me confuse and I started to move back. he pulled me by holding my waist and kissed me passionately, I was surprised by his sudden action but eventually melted in it!! "Mmmm~~..... s-shuu..." "yeah y/n!!" "I guess it is time for school!!" 


"hey, n/n today it is declared as holiday for everyone!!" I chuckled!! "what!? but how?!" she was surprised!!  I said, "babe just remember the day!" "she was confused at first and then caught my sentence!!

she smiled and said, "well then you deserve a gift" she then jumped and kissed me on my cheeks and ran. I chased her all over the house and finally caught her, she smirked at me which made to get an idea that something is going by her plan so to distract her I pulled her to a hug, she was shocked and said "shu let me go"

I asked "why!?" she reminded silently, I kissed her passionately and whispered "trying to play tricks with me!!" she was surprised "wait h-how did u spot it off!!" 

"I saw many tricks like this before my princess, this isn't new to me!!"


valt: "what is going here??" valt covered his eyes!!

wakiya: "I guess there is some sexy party going here!!" wakiya smirked evilly!!

y/n: "shut up wakiya, before I kill u!!"

shu: "you guys how did u come in??"

valt: "ho shu, we came to see you as school was declared a holiday and..."

rantaro: "The door was open and so we came to check on you!!"


everyone was in the hall, everyone was talking about their sweet moments together!! I was so happy but was sad deep down in my heart, suddenly daigo asked "hey y/n what that flowing down your arm" then I remembered that I forgot to wear my rubber clothe above the cotton one!! 

I tried to hide it but shu grabbed my arm!! "ahaa~ shu it hurts!!" wakiya was surprised at shu's action "hey shu what are you doing?!, you are hurting y/n" shu tore of the cotton cloth and bandage, everyone was shocked!!

valt looked worried "hey y/n, why-why did you do this!!" valt's voice was cracking a lot. I understood how valt felt, I felt bad for myself!!

I smiled and said "hey valt-everybody, I am fine and I am sorry. it's none of your faults, actually, the truth is I am not the one how I look!! I was forced by my parents and was left alone, I only survive with my own help and I lived my life alone as I keep on traveling for the bey battle!! living a lonely life affected me a lot and as a result, you are looking at my hands!!"

valt came and hugged me and said "you are not alone anymore y/n cause you have me and everyone and especially shu is with you!!" I was so happy, I felt like I finally got a family !! we all then enjoyed the day!!


I hope you guys like it give me vote for more part and crazy updates!!!

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