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I and shu were going on a date, we were in a plan of going shopping for the school event. shu enjoyed the shopping more than me cause this was the first time he is shopping without the disturbance of the fangirls. the shop owner was shocked when they saw us, shu doesn't know the reason but I knew the reason.

after shopping I and shu went to a coffee shop to have some break, I was so tired so I went to the restroom to wash my face, where I suddenly noticed someone on my back but before I could turn I was hit on my neck and I fainted.

when I woke I noticed that I was tied to a chair, and a man with a deep voice said "hey you b*tch aren't you awake yet??" I responded, "who are you and what do you, want??"  "ho, I forget to tell you the reason why we kidnapped you right!! the reason is we want shu to give his post as the next king to us!!" I was surprised "next king??" I was annoyed "you are a human b*tch right, well here you go there are three types of the world the most powerful one is vampire, next is the demon which is followed by the human world!! the human world is the weakest one and they don't know the existence of the demon and  the vampire"

"now you are going to die instead of your boyfriend!!"  I was shocked cause I never imagined that I would fall into a trap like this by myself, I thought I had no other way than using my power. my eyes started to glow bright red, indicating the awakening of the vampire which terrified the kidnapper. they took the gun and shot me, but before it could hit me shu came there and used his power to stoped the bullet. I was surprised and my mind was filled with questions. 

tears started to flow down as my body started to shiver when I saw shu's eye glowing with a deathly glare

he noticed me shivering, so he calmed me by hugging and whispered "everything will be fine" he hypnotized me to sleep

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he noticed me shivering, so he calmed me by hugging and whispered "everything will be fine" he hypnotized me to sleep.


I never expected that my enemies would target y/n, the person who I care more than my life. they tested my anger "you all are dead" I made y/n to sleep in my car and frozen the time of the human world with my power and transferred to my real form!!

I have one of the most powerful spirits rings of the demon world, which can destroy the whole demon world!! I burned those kidnappers to ashes for troubling my y/n and making her scared, the last word they said was "y/n s-she is not a h-human", I ...

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I have one of the most powerful spirits rings of the demon world, which can destroy the whole demon world!! I burned those kidnappers to ashes for troubling my y/n and making her scared, the last word they said was "y/n s-she is not a h-human", I didn't believe them and it increased my anger!!


when I woke I found my self in shu's car and finally realized that shu is a demon, I know that the hypnotization of the demon would last for an hour but for the vampire, it would last only for 5min. vampires are a lot stronger than the demon but I pretended to be sleeping when shu came, he was angry.

"how dare is he to touch me, and he played with my girl, this should be his last day!!!"

I was surprised, I never looked shu this anger!!! and never expected he would care about me this much I felt like, I finally took the right decision of falling in love with shu but this isn't gonna be the end cause this is were the problem starts!!!

he laid me down in the bed and I opened my eyes, he tightly hugged me and said 

"I'm sorry y/n, I'm a monster. even with my powers i couldn't protect you!!"

hope you guys like it follow me for the upcoming (shu x reader), (bayblade one-shots), & (amazing and epic pic of bayblade)

when SHU finds his love (reader x shu) bayblade burstWhere stories live. Discover now