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y/n POV:

I had a nightmare of being alone again I started to repeat the same sentences "someone save me from this loneliness" the nightmare started to became worst that made me jump out of sleep and scream "nooo.." I was panting heavenly and tears started to flow down my cheeks, I hugged my self for some warmth!! I slowly looked around me noticing that I am not in my place. I noticed someone opening the door!!


I was watching television in the hall so that y/n can rest for a while but after some time I heard her screaming!! I ran into the room to see what happened. I was shocked when I saw y/n panting heavily and crying!! she was so scared and screamed, "this must be a nightmare!!!" I ran to her and hugged her tightly whispering "y/n you are wrong this is not your nightmare, it is me shu!!" she froze when I said that it is not a nightmare.

 she said "shu why did you save I might have at least have died in peace without causing trouble to you all" that sentence made me shock cause she wishes to die, the girl known for happiness, courage, boldness wishes to die!!!

I couldn't hold it anymore "y/n no you should not die" "what!?, but why?!" I blushed as she asked me why I know this is the only chance for me to say so I just motivated myself and expressed my feelings!!! "y/n you should not die because I love you and I will be with you forever"

y/n POV: 

I was so shocked that I could only see shu's beautiful shu's crimson red eyes!! I then spoke up to him "shu I'm sorry I....." when I said this sentence I saw shu getting upset. I continued "I'm sorry  I-I love you....." my face started to get red as I was embarrassed!! shu was surprised and he hugged me tightly whispering "I will make sure you don't have the nightmare of being alone  B/n!!" the sentence he said made me blush crazy!! 

he chuckled and lifted me in a bridal style which made me turn into a red apple!! he made me sit on the sofa and brought some medicines for my hand, he placed them in the side and took my hand and kissed them gently. he looked at me and said "promise me you won't do this again"

that sentence made me freeze, no one in my life ever asked about or thought about me and my health, I smiled to him and said "I won't shu, I won't unless you are with me I promise"   


the sentence she said to me feel better, cause her hand was so badly wounded. most of the wounds needed stitches!!! I changed her bandage and fed her!!! I was clearly able to see how y/n blushed, she was in the way that she could not even make eye contact or even look at me!!

I chucked a bit and lifted her chin up and whispered "y/n you are mine so you need not get blushed or feel embarrassed" this sentence made her shiver "I-I ~ w-wait~ what kind of feeling is this" "what's up y/n" my eyes were were filled with surprise when y/n hugged me and said "shu I want to be with you throughout out my life" I hugged back and smile, she then soon slept on my arms of being tired!!!

guys I will be uploading once in two weeks!!! so just give me some requests for shipping!!!


when SHU finds his love (reader x shu) bayblade burstWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt