Bughead-royal marriage

By TheRoomy

46.1K 917 582

Kingdom of Riverdale is destroyed after 20 years of war between two royal familys. During the war the kingdom... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter- twenty-three

Chapter two

2.2K 46 52
By TheRoomy

Bettys P.O.V.

I didn't know it was already time to go. I had no idea how the time flies quickly. All I knew was that a black car stopped in front of our mansion. I was getting really nervous. I heard from our maids that the Southside royal family is cruel, mean And abusive. What the prince is gonna beat me?

But then i was suprised. A young lady came out of drivers door of the car. She had brown long and kinda curly hair. She had a black skirt and a leather jacket. I think on back of the jacket was a snake? I am not sure. She then went to the main door of our mansion. By that time I was already called my moms butler to get dressed and get downstairs.

When i came downstairs to the "meeting" room my mother was already sitting on the "throne". I sat next to her on my less detailed chair in my pink dress.

We waited for a minute until the door opended and the woman from the car came to the room. She bow ( Authors note: i have NO idea how is it called i am using a Google translator ). During that she said


W: Your majesty. I was sended here by king Forsythe II. to escord princess Elizabeth and being her personal guide. I am at your service your highness.

A: I hope that you gonna take care of my daughter in the way it should be. I am investing you a power to escord my daughter to the king palace.

(Another Authors note: at this point during the writing i was kinda falling a sleep, so if something doesn't make sense, please wrote it in the comments.)

W: Your majesty i am honored to fufiled with the power you invested in me and i do everything in my power not to disappoint you.

She bow again. My mother turned to me and nodded. Butler then came with my suitcase and together with me and the woman took my suitcase to the car. I then looked one last time at my mom and got it to the car. The woman got in to the drivers seat and we drove away. Away from my mom, my friends and my kingdom. I was very nervous about everything. It was probably visible on me because the woman started talk to me.

W: Are you alright your majesty?
She said with a conserd voice.

B: What? Yeah I am fine.
I said even more nervously

She then stopped the car in the closses place possible and turned towards.

W: Your majesty, i just wanna let's you know that if you need anything...... I am here for you.

B: Yeah, i know it's kinda your job...
I said quietly.

She then gigle a little. It was kinda cute.

W: Yeah but still i am here to make you feel better. You don't need to hide anything from me. You know i was kinda wondering that we could be a friends......

That last line got me. It was a tactic? A joke? A real thing?

B: Wait, really?

W: Sure, why not?

Her words sounded so real and kind. Something i wasn't expecting from a southsider.

B: I thought you wouldn't want to ve friend with someone you have to watch over?

W: Oh yeah, but still..... Wait a minute. Let me guess. You Are not used to have a friend that is a part of your personnel, right?

That was true. My mom would never alowed me to be a friend with a maid or butler. She was so stric but Now i got an opportunity to do something new, something excating.

B: Yeah, you are right, you got me.

W: So you probably doesn't wanna be friends.......
She said really sad. The way She sounded makes me wanna cry. Something in my chest was telling not to make her sad. I just simply couldn't.

B: No! I wanna be your friend!

W: Are you serious?
She sounded so much happier.

B: Yeah!!!

W: Well it that case let's start again....
Hi my name is An.

B: Hi my name is Betty.

An: Well Betty may i give you a ride to your new home?
She said in voice that just screamed kindnest.

B: I would be more than happy if you would.

She then started the car again and started driving. Sometimes She looked at me throw the mirror. She had a big smile on her face.

When we finally arrived i was amazed. Amazed by the beauty of the castle or should i say super big mansion. It looks like it only had ground floor and first floor but still it looked big. I would probably been looking at it forever if An wouldn't open the door.

An: Are you coming?
She said with a smirk on her face.

B: What? Yeah! Yeah, I am coming.

She then turned towards the door with my suitcase in her hand. When i was walking behind her i got Closer look on her jacket. There was a green Snake with a little crown on it's head and an angel wings. There was also writen words "Southside Serpents". I must admit the jacket looked very cool.

We then went towards the door And An knocked on them......

To be continue.......

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