His Fragile Heart.

By Meticulous_Beats

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|| SECOND IN FRAGILE SERIES.|| ~a standalone book. **** Staring Mayun Vahofyun and Erealm Xustiflance. Erea... More

Her Delicate Addiction.

| Chapter •1• |

608 53 76
By Meticulous_Beats

Note : Not the whole story will be in third person pov. Only when needed. A few chaps.


"Love breaks, love heals."



He slowly moved his little finger of his right hand, feeling pain surging through his entire body. His body was drained to the point of brink. Energy less, was the first feeling he got, followed by breath stopping pain all over. He focussed his little left energy to open his eyelids.

Mayun immediately sat up straight, seeing the eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly. Her heart quickened it's pace just by the thought of looking at his eyes. The eyes, which she dreamt to see almost everyday in these three months, of this beautiful man lying on the bed with pale expressions.

She prayed with her heart that this isn't going to be one of his nightmares where he'd shout in pain, screaming to not hurt him, pleading to some fiery angel. She felt chills just at the thought of that. How excited she was when she had heard his whisper for the first time after one month of complete motionless existence of his. She was ecastic to finally see him awake.

But to her horror, he just whispered the name, Eve, with immense agony, which turned into screams soon after, and then again he went back to his motionlessness state. How heartbroken she felt all those nights, when his voice was there, his pain was there, but she could do nothing except consoling him silently with her caresses, and watch him being close yet so far from her, from the reality. How she felt her heart churn at his agonised whimpers, but she was helpless, and utterly heartbroken to see him in so much pain even in his unconscious form.

Her breath hitched at once, when he slowly lifted his long eyelashes, and she was the world's most alluring pair of blue eyes. She lost her heart to him once again. So beautiful. Yet so troubled. She slowly stretched out her hand and they soon disappeared in his soft hairs.

Mayun smiled with tears after finally seeing the eyes of her beloved. The eyes she was yearning to see since forever in these three months. She ruffled her hairs softly, trying to soothe him, for she knew, he has immense pain filled inside him. And she also knew, she is going to remove each one of them and fill his life and heart with love, just love. Her love.

"Who are you?" She heard a raspy, soft whisper from the fragile man laying down in front of her with his glassy eyes boring into hers. Instead of replying, Mayun silently reached for the glass of water and gently helped him up and took the rim in front of his lips. He looked at her uncertainly, but she blinked her eyes at him, which somehow assured him and he silently sipped the whole glass.

His eyes turned teary, and tears started to pour down as soon as everything flashed in front of his eyes. As she helped him to lay down again, he felt his body quiver with the pain, and betrayal he got from everyone whom he thought of his own. He felt lifeless, soulless, and shattered. Emotions hit him at once, when he relived what his angel did to him. But was she really his angel?


She was Fyzire's. Not his. She was Mrs Rhoterez, not his angel whom he loved. Not the soft hearted women who was his first kiss. She wasn't the his Eve, who couldn't see him in pain. She was Mrs Rhoterez, who ruthlessly killed him. She wasn't his troublemaker fiery angel anymore. She was the one who mercilessly ignored his love filled eyes, his pleadings, his begging, his repentance and nail to the coffin who without a second thought passed the gun to Fyzire knowing well he'd kill him.

She didn't even flinch once when Fyzire shot him. Not even blinked when he shot him right at his heart. She was blank, it didn't effect her, his pain didn't matter to her at all. Little did she know, he died even before he was shot when he saw her passing the gun to Fyzire secretly. His heart was killed then and there. The amount of pain he felt that time was unexplainable. He had died already.

Still, for the last time, he offered her his bleeding heart to her again. Even with so much blood rushing out, he stretched out his palm, ignoring the heavy gush of pain enveloping his existence. He hoped she'd come to him for the last time, she'd hold his hand for the last time, she'd embrace him when he'd breathe his last breath.

But she crushed his already broken heart.

The bullet hole in his heart wasn't bleeding so much as to he was bleeding internally with the pain. Pain of realisation, that the women he loved so much insanely didn't love him. She abandoned him. She didn't even sympathize with his dying situation. She left him to die. The pain was so much. The betrayal was so much. That death actually felt peaceful to him. He closed his eyes with a smile on his face, wanting to leave this world full of pain and miseries. He couldn't tolerate more. He have had enough. He was crushed along with his heart, hopes, dreams,...


He still remembers the struggle, when he uttered love you to her in his last breaths. Even taking breath was painful but he still chose to confess his love, hoping she would come to him, would cradle him close to her chest. But she stabbed his bleeding heart again and again by her blank eyes. The uncaring aura shook his whole existence. He lost his will of life.

He lost his everything. Along with his dead heart, even he was dying. He just wanted to let go of the pain at that moment. He wanted to be free of everything. A death of a already dead person wasn't much of a issue. And afterall who cared for the insane lover. He didn't matter to anyone. Nobody loved him.

He remembered the way he yearned for a mere glances, the way he longed for her, died for her every moment, when she went far. When she went to someone else's arms. When she became someone else's. When she became Fyzire's.

And when she chose him over his life.

Yes he had hurt her irreparably. Yes he deserved the punishments and pain but the betrayal? Was he that bad? Was he so undeserving? Was his love wasn't enough that she never acknowledged it? Was his repentance, his regret, his guilt, his pain was nothing?

Was he so unlovable that the woman he loved so crazily chose to kill him without a hesitance? Did his life mean nothing to her? Did she never loved him? Maybe his sins were so big. Maybe he deserved everything. Yes, he truly deserved all the pain. He was so unworthy, unwanted, unlovable afterall. He was a peice of shit. Who means nothing but trash. He deserved to die.

"Shhhhhhh.. I've got you." A sweet voice cooed softly, while wiping the never ending tears away from his cheeks. He didn't realize he had started breathing heavily. His body was shivering with the intolerable pain consuming him. He could not bear it. He just couldn't.

"Sushhhhh. Don't cry. Don't cry Erealm." She again said, making him clench his eyes painfully. Who was she? Confusions marred his brain cells but the pain was too much to focus on anything else. He felt he would lose his conscious. Black spots started appearing behind his eyes. He felt the soft touch in his hairs again, and it soothed him magically. He gulped deep breaths to swallow the pain. Both emotional and physical pain was too much for his fragile state.

Soft hands caressed his cheeks, wiping the tears which kept falling and she kept consoling the broken man in front of him. Her heart was clenching in pain continuously to see his devastated state. She couldn't see him in pain. She just couldn't. Tears kept falling from her own eyes but she cared less about it. She just cared about the broken man crying in front of her.

After ages, he breaths finally returned to normal. His teary eyes met her grey ones, and his heart pinched to see tears in her eyes. When was the last time he saw someone crying for him? Maybe before he left for NY. After that no one had ever wept for her then why this girl is crying with him?

He had no answers to his unending questions. So he just stared at her with vunerable emotions in his eyes. He didn't had the courage to hide his pain anymore. He was tired. Exhausted to mask his emotions. And the emotions were too much for him to turn them blank. He was dying with the pain. He had nothing to lose. He was already soulless. What could he get from hiding anymore? He was broken to extreme limits. There's nothing left in him to break more.

His eyes fell shut when she leaned down and kissed his forehead softly. His broken heart was afraid with the rush of warmness it felt with her touch. His pain has ruined him so much that his vunerability was craving for some relief. But he immediately opened his eyes, terrified to feel those emotions again.

No matter how much his broken peices needs care he wouldn't allow it to have it. He wouldn't dare. He can't take any pain now. His limit has been reached. He can't let himself get carried away with the soft touches. But he'd be lying if he said he could survive through this agony alone. He needs someone to hold him. He needs someone badly.

But he was too scared to even think of that. He's broken to even hope anymore. His bleeding heart needed warmth and care, something this lady in front of him was making him feel with her soft touches. It was soothing him but the fear and pain was coursing through his veins, making him writhe in sorrow. He didn't know anything about her. And he didn't even want to know. He just want to sleep peacefully for forever. He was all alone since the start.

"Why. Why am I alive? Why didn't I die? Let me die please." His voice broke as he pleaded to no one in particular, while staring at ceiling. His voice held so much pain that she clenched her fist over her heart to control her sobs. This beautiful man was so much shattered from inside. He looked so weak and tired. So fragile to bear so much pain. Why God has to be so cruel on him? Just why?

"No Erealm." She sobbed, her voice reflected her love for him which just intensified in these three months. "You can't die. Your alive for me, Erealm. Your alive for me. And I won't let you die. Never." Her lips wobbled as sobs escaped her lips one after one. Erealm froze when he felt his body pressed under her weight.

Mayun hugged him tightly, afraid after hearing his pleads of dying. How much she has waited for him to open his eyes. How much she had got tortured in these past three months when he wouldn't wake up and she felt hopeless. How much her heart bled to see the man she loved more than herself, laying lifeless on the bed with no movements. She couldn't let him die.

She had already been through the extreme pain of seeing him almost dead in the pool of blood. She had died each moment when he fought between life and death. She nearly lost herself when the doctors informed that he had slipped into coma and now he wakes up and says this. How could she bear those words? When each night she dreaded that he won't wake up, and cry herself to sleep beside him, holding his hands tightly, scared that he'll leave her once she leaves his hand.

She sobbed more, the more she recalled the moments when she found him barely breathing. She didn't know him, yet her emotions stirred at once by looking at his face. The face which was on the verge of end, had so much vulnerability on it, that her heart just went out. She fell in love right at that moment.

Without a reason, yet for many reasons. Maybe the way his face was contorted in pain, the way a sad smile adorned his lips, the way he looked broken, everything about this delicate man made her love him. She fell in love with the emotions his lifeless face showed, the fragilness of his, made her fall deep. In her heart, she knew this man was an angel himself.

She fell in love with the angel who has pain immersed inside him. She knew she would heal him, she believed her love. She had to heal him, her love. He looked like a lost broken child, who's has been hurt mercilessly and she was adamant to give him the love he deserves and needs. She loved this broken man. She loved his broken self. The thing which no one could love, made her fall deep. His broken state and vulnerability and his pain.

She has been never in love until that day. That dreadful day. Can someone fall in love with someone who's dying with a pool of blood splattered around? She did. She fell for him hard when she saw his expressions. The smile which looked so painful on his serene face.

The heart which hadn't beat for anyone ever beat that day ferociously when she looked at his wounded body lying in the middle of the street. The tears which were still fresh on his red cheeks. Her heart pained when she saw his fragile state. Her heart immediately felt connected to the unknown man lying in the bath of blood.

She felt undeniable attraction towards him, the urge to heal him was so intense that she almost felt his pain when she had no idea of what he went through. She just knew he had suffered with loads of pain and it's still inside him, buried, consuming him, sucking his life.

And with his each nightmares in these three months, she felt more and more connected to him. His pain had become hers without her knowledge on his very first sight. Who could have imagined she'd fall in love with a wounded body having lots of emotions reflecting on his face.

She knew love can happen any moment, with anyone, at any circumstances. But the way she fell in love with Erealm was even bizzare to Mayun herself. Her love increased ten folds when he did nothing, except being in coma. She knew not love was capable of this, she knew not she could love someone with this intensity. But she did. And now, everything about his, is hers. All his pain was hers and all her love was his.

Amidst billions her heart went out to this broken man, and she was glad it did. Cause, she wants to mend him with her love. That has become the reason of her life now. To make this man, whom she loves more than anything, live again.

Erealm was frozen to respond to any of her words. He was alive for her? What in the name of God? He didn't even know this girl, who's currently hugging the life out of him and holding him as if he was very dear to her. His heart ached. No. He can't be dear to anyone. The sins he has committed, only worths pain.

He only deserves pain. And Eve gave him more than enough to ever come out of it. How ruthlessly he died from the very one he loved more than anything. The gift of love he received was nothing but his devastated self. He just stared at the ceiling not saying anything, feeling crushed with the heaviness his heart held.

Mayun sobbed for few more minutes, but then her determined self was back. She cannot break now. Not until she mends him. Not until she brings his pieces together.

"I'm Mayun. Mayun Vahofyun." She answered his question from earlier , softly, knowing even a little harshness can break Erealm more. She leaned back, but held his hand tight. Tears still fell down her cheeks but she kept looking at him lovingly.

"Why?" Erealm whispered, not knowing what to feel from the warm gaze he was receiving from her. He was a mess. A destroyed mess.

"Why did you save me?" He elaborated, feeling even more drained after recollecting all the sorrows of his sorry life. He wanted to die. He had nothing to live for. Ending his life seemed the only option to get peace now.

Mayun paused for a moment, debating with herself whether it'd be appropriate to tell him that she saved him cause she fell in love with him, deeply. Will he be able to take that? Will he be able to believe her? But if not,what could she say. She saved him for humanity? She cannot hide her love in the name of humanity. And she wanted to give him all the love.

"I saved you cause you stole my heart." Her puzzling answers, just messed his mind more. He couldn't understand a thing. How can he possibly stole her heart when he's looking at her today for the first time? Did he look like a joke to her?

Mayun smiled seeing him confused. He looked more angelic with his adorable confused eyes. She can stare at him all day without getting bored. His every feature seemed more beautiful every single time she looked at. She had passed hours and hours in memorising those features.

"Shhh. Don't stress yourself." Caressing his hairs lovingly, she patted his hand in her hold. And whispered inside, promising this fragile man with all her heart.

"I'll heal you, my love."


How's it?

What do you think about Eve?



His feelings?


Her feelings?

Her love?

The way she fell in love with him at the dying moment?

Her promise to heal him?

Did anyone cry?

Emotional? Sorry. Next story whichever I write won't be emotional for sure. I will write something romantic, with light atmosphere.

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