nobody like you • ryujin & li...

By izeiya

40.2K 1.9K 534

"why do I keep an eye on you again and again, oh my god what is this feeling?" // nobody like you • shin ry... More

n o t e
n o t e (2)


1.3K 94 52
By izeiya

third person's pov

lia sat down on the sofa eating out mallows on her bowl while watching a series. she's currently watching "stranger things" on netflix and she really liked the story plot. she finally had a long and peaceful rest after their examinations and quizzes and she was happy to finally rest for a while.

"lia," her mom called out to her who is in the kitchen. "i haven't seen yeji these days, i really miss her bubbly aura filling up our house. she hasn't slept over with you within like--- two weeks? tell her that auntie misses her so much and maybe if she has free time, she can come over and the two of you can hang out."

lia heard her mom across the distance and she nodded back at her as her response whilst her eyes were still fixed on the tv screen, focusing on the series. but deep inside, she definetely agreed on her mom's suggestion. yeji has never slept over these past few weeks and the both of them were busy on studying for their exams and lia thought that it's a good idea since its the weekends.

"i'll try to ask her out later."


after finishing the series, lia hurriedly ran upstairs and went straight inside her room. she took a quick and warm shower, changed herself in her oversized shirt and comfy shorts and made her hair into a low ponytail.

lia laid herself down on the bed with her phone playing around her fingers, thinking deeply. she finished the last season of 'stranger things' and the last episode really left her hanging and now there is nothing else to distract her from being bored. lia's eyes roamed around the entire room and a familiar hoodie caught her attention.

her mind processed a bit and tried to recall how she got that certain hoodie and then she remember on what happened that night. shin ryujin's purple hoodie.

"it's still here?" lia asked herself in confusion. "i still haven't returned it to her? ohmygod, it's been like a week now." she felt embarrassed on the decision of returning it to ryujin which never crossed her mind these days, and probably her hoodie now smells a lot like her room. she gently slapped her forehead before grabbing it and decided to run it over the laundry machine.

she took a grab on the hoodie and the cucumber scent is still to be smelt which reminded lia a lot of ryujin. she shook her head off avoiding her random thoughts and threw it over the laundry machine. while the hoodie is running in circles inside, lia thought of one thing, she doesn't own cucumber-scented perfumes.

lia panicked a little and obviously the scent that the hoodie holds will vanish after the laundry and she has nothing to substitute ryujin's cucumber scent. she searched around her room hoping for a familiar scent and there was nothing to be found. she doesn't have any choices left but to use one of her favourite perfumes. she hoped that ryujin might like the fabric scent she added and would not be confused about it.

"i guess i don't have any choices left now."


while lia is scrolling on her phone, she finally decided to message yeji about coming over to their house and maybe they can hang out for a while again. as she clicked the "send" button, she happened to cross over her and ryujin's conversation. well, it's been days since they messaged each other. the last message was when ryujin messaged her a "goodnight" and was not followed again.

she wants to send ryujin a message but she was too shy to do it first. she couldn't make up a first move on their conversation and she seriously sucks on keeping up the vibe on chats.

when she was about to message ryujin a notification popped up on her screen, it was from yeji's.

From: Yeji

I was just waiting for the drill :>
And yes, i am always up for sleepovers!
When are we coming over?

"we?" lia thought to herself. when she was close to replying back at yeji,  notification popped on her screen again. but this time, it wasn't just yeji now.

i can't think of a group name

hello everyone!
so when's the sleepover, lia?

lia's eyes widened as soon as she saw yeji created a group chat with members included on it. and it wasn't just even three seconds when yeji eventually made a group chat this quick.

the group name is really unique, yeji-unnie.
i like how your brain manufactures sometimes.

mommy saranghae

did chaeryoung just

lol what is this??? XD

ew u still use that emoticon????
disgusting shit

lia's heart literally just dropped upon seeing not just yeji's message but also her other friends too.

is lia here???
she's not sending messages???,,

shit i thought i was talking to mom
anw, hey guys :)))

lia's hereeeee~
she can see our messages.

lia's probably thinking of an appropriate reply, calm down everyone
anw, i made this group chat bc lia has something to say

probably she's going to ask us suggestions for the snacks she'll bring next time


what are you going to share, lia?

lia stared at her phone not knowing what to reply back. seriously, if yeji was here beside her, she wouldv'e received a smack on her head. and the fact that everyone was waiting for her reply made her feel even more nervous and she wasn't used on having lots of people gather around her room for a sleepover because she only lets yeji take a step inside and nobody else rather than her bestfriend.

i forgot what it was.
just ask yeji.

no, it's okay.

yeji spit it out already

yeah stop blabbing around yeji
say it already

lia was planning a sleepover on their house this weekend.
and i thought that maybe you guys should come over with us too

i'm pretty sure we'll have lots of fun!

i should go ask mom first

is it necesarry,,,,
ur still not allowed???

she said yes

sounds great!!

and she said 'only girls'

duhhhh ofc
we aren't inviting over some shitty boys to ruin our first sleepoverrr

how about you ryujin???

lia never felt so happy and excited upon seeing her friends' messages and how they agree on the sleepover plan. and it was now only ryujin who hasn't responded yet, and while waiting for ryujin's reply, lia felt really nervous about it and with the thoughts of ryujin finally coming over their house and going inside her room had left her heart flutter.

dat bitch is probably playing pubg rn
and i'm sure she's coming over too

lia read yuna's message which made her smile.

atm packing up my clothes

omg me too

i'm sorry what???

yeji's asking if ur coming over to lia's sleepover,,,
bitch stop playing pubg just for one day

so??? is it a yes or no
please say yes so that i can be with you more

ew love shit

ur just jealous ;P

at lia's house????

so are you coming?

yeah, i'm in!
when is it?

yeah, lia???

lia just watched how yeji respond at their friends' questions and she still haven't thought of a certain date for their sleepover. she just sighed deeply before typing back again,

see you later guys.

so what do u guys want me to bring over
aside from plushies???

some food for us to eat;

i wasn't----
u know what, i guess i'll just stick on bringing over some plushies


u have a problem wid dat shin??


can u guys bring some napkins,,,
bc u know
girl's nature...

ew ur dripping blood????

u srsly didn't have to be descriptive like that

then what should i say then,,,
you're having satan's waterfalls

u know what nevermind

where's yeji?

while lia was reading the messages, she kept on laughing and giggling upon reading their funny messages. and as soon as she got their agreement, lia immediately let her mom knew about her friends coming over later and her mom's aura became brighter.

lia was looking for yeji across the message section and when she was about to call her friend, the doorbell suddenly rang and a familiar loud voice rushed across the entire house.

"lia! yeji's here!"

as soon as lia heard her mom mention yeji she immediately peeked from upstairs to see over the living room and she really saw yeji standing infront of her mom.

"hey! was i too early for the sleepover?" yeji asked lia who is still shocked on her sudden entrance inside the house. yeji kindly greeted lia's mom and she landed her bag on the sofa before sitting comfortably.

"i was just about to call you," lia told yeji who is busy removing her shoes. she helped her remove it and handed her over a pair of slippers and yeji stretched her arms and feet out to feel comfortable.

"your mom still looks young as ever." yeji exclaimed while tapping the sofa gently. "i just realized that i'm early and maybe i was just too excited to be here again." she said while laying herself down on the sofa. lia watched how her friend feel at home, throwing her things away and she was always used to seeing yeji roam around their house and she never complained about it.

while yeji was busy zoning out lia suddenly smacked her head which caused yeji to hit her head on the side of the sofa. "ow! that hurt!" she complained while rubbing the back of her head.

"you seriously told everyone about the sleepover without asking me first," lia said while staring at yeji with her arms crossed.

"heh," yeji gushed while taking out a small and weak smile, doing a peace sign over at lia who is seriously looking at her. "nah, i just want everyone to celebrate the weekend with us. we can chill, hang out, and chitchat until morning. and besides, your room also needs new companions too aside from me. don't worry, i'll make sure that the five of us will have lots of fun tonight!"

with that the doorbell rang once again and yeji and lia quickly stood up from their seats, opening the door quickly revealing yuna and chaeryoung.

"you're here first?" yuna said with her eyes wide open at yeji who is standing infront of the door while smiling teasingly.

"hello, girls!" lia's mom greeted the two and both yuna and chaeryoung kindly greeted her and the two took a step inside. "i bet you two are lia's new friends in college."

"yes, auntie," yuna added before smiling at lia's mom who is standing infront of them. "nice meeting you, auntie!" she said and they all made a friendly handshake before heading out to the living room and mom went back to the kitchen who is busy cooking.

"chaeryoung, why are you already in your pyjamas?" yeji asked chaeryoung who hasn't spoken out eversince they went inside. chaeryoung was looking all flustered and shy while fixing her bag.

"because mom said i should sleep early." she answered back in a soft voice.

"jesus, it's 2:00PM in the afternoon. well, if you want to change your clothes, you can go upstairs and head to lia's room." yeji added while trying to hold her laughter in, while looking at chaeryoung who is timid and moving shyly.

"where's ryujin?" yuna asked all of a sudden and the three of us looked at each other. "seriously, that girl moves slow as fuck." she said while grabbing her bag together with yeji's.

"she'll just come over," lia said. "you guys can put your bags on my room upstairs. yeji can lead the way." she said and they all nodded at lia's suggestion and followed yeji who went upstairs. lia who was getting worried about ryujin who might be lost on her way here, she wanted to give her a call to know where she is right now so she immediately opened her phone and called ryujin, waiting for her voice to come over.

after a few seconds, lia quickly spoke;

"hello? ryujin?"

there was no response nor sounds to be heard on the call. lia was getting worried that maybe ryujin would be lost on her way.

"ryujin? are you there?
can you hear me?"

lia spoke while patiently waiting for ryujin's answer on the call, but she wasn't getting any answers or hints from her. she couldn't hold in her worrisomeness and she decided to walk outside the house and look over the street then search for ryujin.

"ryujin? where are you?"

lia asked and went straight up to the front door and clicked it open. when she opened the door, she saw a tall figure who is dressed in an all black. the person infront of her slowly smiled at her with her phone sticked on the side of her ear, before waving her hand as a sign of greeting. suddenly, the unsettling feeling her heart was undergoing early faded away upon finally seeing her again.

"you're here."

lia muttered slowly while looking at her. ryujin removed the phone which was beside her ear and turned the call off together with lia's phone call signing off too. lia suddenly thought of, "ryujin heard me all throughout the whole ten minutes, but why wasn't she responding to me?" ryujin grinned widely revealing her dimples before walking up even more closer to me.

"hey, lia. am i late?"


(A/N): here's the update! sorry for the lame content today, my head is really heavy and i'm feeling really dizzy right now.

anyway, ryujin and lia now have their official ship name! it's JinLia and we've been seriously clowned with RyuJisu with us thinking that it's the official ship name lmao. i'm pretty sure everyone is used to calling them both as RyuJisu but i guess it's good if we follow what both ryujin and lia decided.

RyuJisu, RyuLia, Ria or JinLia-- it's still them as the superior ship. o(>w<)o
and June 9 as JinLia day which is also known as 'Soulmates Day' really made me feel tHingS. SOULMATE THINGS.

i'll publish the next chapter tomorrow! :)

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