By soulfulstiles

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{DYLAN O'BRIEN} {SOCIAL MEDIA FIC} On-screen, Liv Mason and Dylan O'Brien have natura... More

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the end: your choice
christmas bonus:)
bonus: never have i ever
bonus: staying silent isn't an option
bonus: dylan o'brien and olivia mason find out how well they know each other
bonus: lake trip
bonus: q&a and pb&j waffles
bonus: pb&j waffles cont'd
bonus: season six promo
bonus: vote
bonus: things that need to be said
bonus: last day of filming
bonus: outdoors
bonus: tw reunion
bonus: tw reunion part 2
i can't believe it
New Book
bonus: just dylia being cute :)
bonus: surprise!
bonus: the outfit premiere
bonus: teen wolf movie
bonus: teen wolf interview
bonus: the actual interview (young hollywood)
bonus: not okay premiere
vote on new cover
bonus: tw movie poster
bonus: trio photoshoot and interview for flaunt magazine

bonus: olivia and tyler take friendship test

7K 134 9
By soulfulstiles

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

tylerposey58 posted a photo

liked by crystalmreed, khylinrhambo, and 1,096,879 others

tylerposey58 olive and I were already best friends but now we have a test to prove it

view all 567,390 comments
tagged: livmason, glamourmag

username this video is the purest thing I have ever seen


username my faves 😩😩

livmason I love hanging out with my favorite wolf 👊🏻💙
tylerposey58 my favorite empath 👊🏻💙

username literally the best supernatural duo of all time

username cuties omg

username their hug was probably the best thing I have ever seen

glamourmag Thanks for taking the friendship test! It was great to have you all 😊
[tylerposey58 & livmason liked this comment!]
tylerposey58 thanks for having us!
livmason it was a lot of fun🥳

dobrien it was a pleasure to watch you both goof around for thirty minutes
tylerposey58 of course it was. A downright honor Dyl-Pickle
livmason my boys💜

username I love this cast sm

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

I first met Tyler when auditioning for Teen Wolf. He had already been cast as Scott and was doing chemistry reads to see who would be the best fit for my character, Sierra. I remember laughing a lot actually, because he tried to make the room as lighthearted as possible. Like, he consistently had a smile on his face that lifted everyone in the room. Me, Jeff Davis—our creator— and our casting director.

I remember Olivia walking into the auditioning room and becoming...almost star struck in a way, if I'm honest. You know, she was on the Disney Channel for the longest time with her sister and did all these movies. Then I was there, this being my first big role, trying not to flip out and act like I knew what I was doing when I really didn't.

When we started reading, everything just clicked. I genuinely felt like I was talking to one of my best friends because we were laughing, joking around. Because of him, we truly brought those characters to life within a few minutes.

She was just so sweet from day one. On set she introduced herself to everyone, and started building true relationships that set the base for the tone of the show. True respect was given no matter if it was an extra or the director. Like, Dylan and I were the leading two but without Olive, it wouldn't have been the same. She has this huge heart that inspired us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Tyler is probably the biggest goofball I know besides Dylan, but the best thing about him is how much he cares about people. There were nights where I was having a rough time, and he'd be the first person to check in and ask me how I was doing or watch Saved By the Bell with me. And looking back now, it's nice to see that he's still that guy from when the show started. He's funny and very grateful for everything that he's experienced, staying grounded and passionate about whatever he involves himself in.

We started hanging out more and more, having sleepovers and movie nights. We also went bowling a lot with the other cast members, and just truly embraced being eighteen year-olds making a TV show. Then on set, our friendship naturally bled into Scott and Sierra, so it worked perfectly.

One of my favorite scenes with Tyler happened at the end of season three. My character was a mess over the loss of Allison and didn't want to go to the funeral. So Scott, aka Ty, comes in and basically just promises that I was his sister and that he was never going to leave me. It was really emotional for the both of us, because I do see him as my brother in real life. And after we finished with the take, I'm pretty sure we just hugged for like ten minutes and cried together.

Picking just one scene with Olive is hard because not only have our characters been through a lot, but we have too. So, every scene with her holds memories that I love. One thing I do remember is that the signature fist-bump between Scott and Sierra happened by accident. I think I messed up a line or something and she gave me a fist bump as a, like, aye welcome to the club. Then, we just kept doing it because no one told us to stop.

Tyler's a cool guy, what else can I say?

Olivia will always be one of those people I can call, no matter the situation. I trust her that much.

Olivia and Tyler stood back to back, each of them holding a small notebook.

"Do I have to read exactly from this paper or can I free lance it a little bit?" Olivia asked, writing down the qualities of Tyler that always stuck out to her.

The producer answered, "Whatever you guys want."

"Well that's good because there's no way I have enough paper," Tyler commented, flipping through another page.

"Geez, bud, how much you writing?" Olivia turned her head but Tyler quickly moved his arm to block her view.

He clicked his tongue in disappointment, "Not yet, Olive. Not yet."

Olive rolled her eyes, but didn't hide the smile that spread across her lips.

A few moments later, they faced one another properly and Tyler cleared his throat. "Okay, here we go, Olive," he said first, and then began reading off his paper. "Your smile holds the power to brighten anyone's day because you are one of the kindest people I know. And I love it when you crack yourself up because it cracks me up and then we end up laughing together."

"Awe, T-Pose, that is so sweet," Olivia replied, wearing a bashful grin. She lifted her notepad to cover her pink cheeks. "You're making me blush."

Tyler smiled at her, and then read another compliment. "On top of that, I admire the way you never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You face challenges head-on and always fight for what is right, even if it requires a sacrifice."

Olivia jutted out her bottom lip, truly touched by his words. "Thank you, Ty," she said, and pulled him into a side hug.

"You're very welcome," he replied, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder to squeeze her gently.

When the two parted, Olivia faced him again and lifted her notepad. After skimming the words, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "You ready for this, Tyler Garcia Posey?"

"Oh, dear, the full name," Tyler joked, making her chuckle. He clasped his hands behind his back and then nodded his head. "But yeah, I'm ready, Olive."

"Okay," Olivia looked him straight in the eyes and spoke with a genuine heart. "Tyler, you are the strongest person I have ever met. You are a natural born leader and I love how you are always so full of life yet remain calm and collected.  You make me feel safe and I know that if I never need help, you will always be right at my side."

Tyler bit down on his lower lip, trying to contain the wide smile on his face while he looked at the ground. Olivia noticed, smiling herself, before she continued. "You are incredibly humble and I find it beautiful that you love traveling and seeing the world, because the world is so much better because you are in it."

"Oh my gosh, you're going to make me cry," Tyler remarked when she finished, blinking away the tears that had appeared in the corners of his eyes. He raised his head to the camera and said, "I respect Olivia a lot, so the fact that she was honest and respects me means a lot."

He glanced at Olivia with sincerity. "So thank you."

"Awe," Olivia stepped closer to once again pull him into a side hug, one arm around his torso. She rested her head on his shoulder. "The feelings are very much mutual."

Both of them smiled at the camera, and Tyler noticed Dylan watching them. He stood off to the side, wearing a proud smile directed towards them while he crossed his arms.

Tyler playfully stick out his tongue towards his friend. "You hear that Dyl? She's mine. Too bad for you."

Olivia burst into laughter, along with Dylan and the other Glamour staff.

"Okay, I'm wearing a dress, but I'm gonna do this," Olivia announced, backing away from Tyler.

Tyler noticed the confused looks being sent their way, so he clarified the details of his best friend's actions. "We have a special way we hug."

He faced her and nodded once, allowing her to take off as fast as she could in her shoes. She jumped up, leaping towards Tyler. He caught her swiftly, his arms braced along her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck.

Tyler squeezed her tightly, swaying their bodies from side to side. Her feet eventually were set back on the ground, but neither of them stepped back.

It stayed quiet at first, since they were told it had to be a silent hug. However, Olivia broke first. Her head rested just under his chin and she stated, "This is easy for us, we hug all the time."

"That's true," Tyler agreed, rubbing one of his hands on her back. "Like, every time we see each other, right?"

"I think we hug each other so much because we know we're so good at it."

Tyler stifled a laugh at Olivia's comment, and playfully added, "You know that's right."

Another moment passed before Olivia asked, still hugging him, "Where'd you get your shirt? It's very soft."

"I'm going to be very honest with you," Tyler started, making Olivia shoot the camera a weird expression.

"Okay, what?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

Olivia chuckled, causing Tyler to do the same. After they settled down, Tyler observed, "I didn't realize how long a minute was until this hug."

"Yeah, but I don't mind," Olivia brushed it off as she hugged him tighter. "I like hugging you, buddy."

"Right back at ya," Tyler replied truthfully.


They stepped back from one another, the actress fixing her hair while Tyler adjusted his shirt, since it had become untucked. The interviewer asked them, "How would you rate that hug on a scale of one to ten?"

Olivia looked up at Tyler. "Same time?"

He shrugged. "Sure, why not?"


"Ten!" Both of them shouted in-sync, and then flipped out when they realized they said the same number.

"Dude, that's awesome!" Tyler exclaimed and then held up his fist. Without hesitating, Olivia bumped her own against it. "If there was any doubt in our friendship, it's gone now."

"Oh, yeah," Olivia grinned. "We're true best friends who give the best hugs. That's our new slogan, Posey."

"Damn straight, Mason. Damn straight."


"Yes!" Tyler cheered, pumping on arm in the air. "I love dancing!"

Olivia contorted her face to show she didn't hold the same excitement. "I, on the other hand, do not," she admitted. "I'm terrible at it."

Tyler scoffed with a wave of his hand. "Don't be so modest, Olive. I've seen you do the Macarena."

"Well, that's because it's easy to follow," Olivia argued, but broke into giggles when he started to do the popular dance right then.

"Come on, do it with me!" He encouraged her.

Olivia shook her head, still wearing a smile when she mumbled, "I'm going to regret this."

She waited for the right moment, and then joined him in conducting the Macarena. Everyone on crew began to laugh, especially Dylan because of Tyler's added dramatic flare.

"What's another one we can do?" Olivia asked Tyler, after doing a few rounds.

Tyler brightened up with a new idea. "Wait, I know!" He turned to Olivia and cupped his hand around her ear to whisper the plan. Olivia started giggling when she heard it, but agreed.

Tyler did a countdown with his fingers, before they shocked everyone by beginning the dance in High School Musical to the popular song, We're All In This Together.

Olivia had known it since the movie first came out, but taught it to Tyler a few years ago for a movie night scene in Teen Wolf. Whenever he got a chance, he loved to dance to it with her.

They pumped their arms, and clapped at the perfect moments. They even mastered the footwork and waved their hands when singing, "Wildcats, everywhere! Wave your hands up in the air. That's the way we do it, let's get to it—come on, everyone!"

They ended the dance in contagious laughter, surprised they even managed to make it through the whole chorus without stopping.

"So in case you haven't heard the message," Olivia spoke first, Tyler still trying to catch his breath. "We're going to be joining the show So You Think You Can Dance in the fall."

Tyler raised his arm and pointed to the camera in agreement. "Heck yeah, we are!" He then leaned over to rest his palms on his knees, feeling his heart rate trying to decelerate. "Woah, that wore me out."

Olivia nodded, and took a deep breath. "Me too!"

"Was that good, do we have dance any more?"

"Oh, bet," Tyler grew excited, and clapped his hands. "Let's do this, Olive."

Olivia laughed and moved to stand a few feet away from him. She turned her back and then called out over her shoulder. "Ready?"

"I'm ready," Tyler declared. His feet were firmly planted on the ground, his arms stretched out to catch her. "Go whenever you're ready."

Olivia shot a look to the camera, feigning being scared. In truth, she knew there wasn't a reason to be. She had known Tyler for years now, and he always had her back.

She folded her arms over her chest, and closed her eyes. Then, she leaned back and let herself fall. Tyler caught her with ease and grinned down at her when she re-opened her blue eyes. "Hello!"

"Hello!" she greeted him back with a grin. "Crazy seeing you here like this!"

Tyler chuckled and helped her get back on her feet. "Okay, my turn!" He turned around and held his arms up at his sides.

Olivia stepped back, and braced her arms. "Ready!"

Without waiting a second more, Tyler fell. Olivia caught him, having to take another step away from his weight. Tyler grinned, "Yay, you did it!"

He stood up as Olivia remarked, "I'm just as surprised as you are. I have no upper body strength, whatsoever."

"I enjoyed that more than I thought I would," Olivia said as they started to wrap up the friendship test. She glanced up at Tyler and added, "It was fun!"

Tyler agreed with a nod of his head. "It was fun," he said, reflecting on the exercises they did together. "I liked giving you compliments, too. Because we do support each other but I don't think we've ever stood face to face like that."

"That's true," Olivia confirmed. "That was outside our comfort zone a little bit. But we killed it."

Tyler wrapped her into a final hug and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Thanks for being my best friend."

"Awe," Olivia gushed, her entire face brightening into another smile when she leaned into him. "Thank you for being mine. I love you, T-Pose."

"Love you too, Olive."

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Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well. I just wanted to update something pure to add some light into these crazy times. Hope you enjoy it!

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