Beacon Falls (The Fun Gilbert...

By Jbic02

17.1K 577 71

One kiss changed everything. After defeating Dahlia thanks to the devious minds of Jessica Gilbert and Klaus... More

Chapter 1- New Me
Chapter 2- New Arrivals and Second Chances
Chapter 3- A Full House
Chapter 4- Wonderland
Chapter 5- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Chapter 6- Friends With Benefits
Chapter 7-School is Hell
Chapter 8- The Full Moon
Chapter 9- What Best Friends Are For
Chapter 10- The Alpha
Chapter 11- The Formal
Chapter 12- Killing Peter
Chapter 13- Hospitals Suck
Chapter 14- Ice Skating
Chapter 15- Fake Boyfriends
Chapter 16- Failing The Test
Chapter 17- Lying to the Cops
Chapter 18- Raving At Wonderland
Chapter 19- Lydia's Birthday
Chapter 20- Telling Noah
Chapter 21- Looking for Jessica
Chapter 22- Not My Worst Week
Chapter 24- Risky Rescues
Chapter 25- Lending a Hand
Chapter 26- The Demon Wolf
Chapter 27- Alpha Fight Aftermath
Chapter 28- Motel California (Part 1)
Chapter 29- Motel California (Part 2)
Chapter 30- Defending Derek
Chapter 31- Almost Collateral Damage
Chapter 32- Forming My Own Side
Chapter 33- Stick To The Plan
Chapter 34- All Is Revealed
Chapter 35- Finding A New Normal
Chapter 36- Bringing Malia Back
Chapter 37- Blackout Party
Chapter 38-Evil Japanese Demon Ninjas
Chapter 39- Can't Con A Conwoman
Chapter 40- Seeking Psychiatric Help
Chapter 41- Lost Loves
Chapter 42-Killing Void
Book 5- Wonderland

Chapter 23- First Break Up's Always The Hardest

377 12 1
By Jbic02

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Good thing you drew me a picture," the tattoo artist mocks Scott, making me snort as I share a look with Stiles. Stiles finds a drawing that looks significantly like the kanima and taunts Scott by asking if he's sure he doesn't want that one instead. I look at the drawing and it reminds me of the things that have happened this summer since Jackson became a real werewolf.

After the big battle, I remember Vivianne doing the spell to erase my love for two people as she did for Mer but I couldn't remember who those two people were. Everything was normal. I remembered who Damon and Klaus were, I simply didn't remember that I loved them, until a few weeks after summer started.

They each made a move separately and I indulged them because I was bored. Lydia was trying to spend as much time with Jackson before he left, I was still pissed at Allison, who left anyway, I wasn't good friends with Scott, Mer had kissed Stiles and got flashes of memories, which freaked her out because she didn't remember the spell had happened, and Derek, Peter, Isaac, and I had no leads on the alpha pack.

I quickly figured out that they were the ones that had been erased as I got flashes of memories. The first couple were happy but then I remembered Klaus cheating on me with Tatia, leading to me creating Hell, and Damon cheating on me with Katherine and trying to kill Jeremy because I didn't instantly forgive him. I remember the fight I had with them both vividly.

I just told them both that I wasn't going to see them anymore and they were not happy. "The whole point of the spell was to help you choose one of us," Klaus insists.

"We even made an effort to become friends so you wouldn't have to worry about losing one of us so why the Hell are you giving up now? We didn't even know that you were remembering," Damon adds and I feel anger seep into my veins.

"Why am I giving up? Oh, I wonder. Let's look back, shall we?" I ask sarcastically and they both look at me surprised before I spin on Klaus. "Klaus Mikaelson, the big brother of two of my best friends, but that wasn't all that you were to me apparently. I loved you so much that I had sex with you, which was a big deal in the 10th century, and not a week later you decided that you weren't good enough for me, a decision you had no business making. But did you tell me? Oh no, you took it upon yourself to have sex with Tatia to try and move on without giving me any warning."


"No!" I snap before turning on Damon. "Then there's you, who I fell for and apparently, somewhere along the way, you fell for Elena, but putting that aside, we were going great until you decided that Katherine was who you really wanted but then she rejected you and you came running back to me. You wanted me to be overjoyed that I was your backup and when that didn't happen, you tried to snap Jeremy's neck, except I snapped yours first.

"You both obviously managed to ruin me further than that if I went so far as to forget that I ever loved anyone to escape you. I literally chose to be empty than remember that I ever loved you, but did it ever cross either of your minds that maybe I'm better off without either of you in my life? Obviously not because it doesn't benefit you in any way, so I'm making my decision, I choose me. Now get the hell out!"

I hadn't seen either of them since. I'm brought out of my thoughts by the tattoo artist's deep voice. "He's right. Tattooing's been going on for thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatua means 'to mark something.' Like a rite of passage." I nod with him.

"He's right but in Samoan, it means 'open wound' which is probably more what Scotty's going for here," I say, looking at him for confirmation and he nods shocked. "I get it. You're doing it for not talking to that traitorous bitch all summer. Congrats," I mock and he rolls his eyes.

"You may be angry at her but she was your friend. Don't forget that," Scott tells me and I glare.

"Oh, I haven't. I also haven't forgotten that she helped her grandfather kidnap and torture me before trying to kill Isaac all because her mom died after trying to kill you. Although, if I look back on it, that might be on you for not telling her why her mom really died," I retort pointedly and he gives me an apologetic look before the tattoo artist begins and not soon after, Stiles passes out, making me giggle.

After Scott was done, we made it to the car before it healed, much to his dismay, and Stiles began driving us home. They were in the front talking about Allison while I snapchatted with Caroline and Rebekah when I hear Stiles say, "So how do you know she won't be back at school?" I look up but since I'm facing the window, I notice Lydia's car next to us with Allison in the passenger seat.

"Oh, I think it's pretty definite," I inform them and they both look at me, making me giggle and point. They follow my finger and Scott blanches as Allison looks over at that same moment. He tries to slump down and tells Stiles to go but since we are at a red light, Stiles refuses.

"I think we should say something," Stiles suggests and I giggle.

"No, no Stiles," Scott attempt as I nod.

"I think you're right, Stiles. You should try and talk to them," I tease but he nods, thinking I'm serious, and rolls the window down before yelling out it, making Lydia drive through the red light to get away. I burst out laughing as Stiles says that they must not have heard us.

The light turns green and Scott starts freaking out that they'll think we're following them. I roll my eyes as Stiles slams on the break. Before we know it, Allison and Lydia are stopped and a deer had run into their windshield. We rush out to check on them and neither are injured. Scott goes over to the deer and says something that I can tell from where I am, that the deer was completely terrified.


The next day, I stand in front of my mirror in my short dress and high heels that I know will catch people's attention as I try and convince myself that I can go to school and sit through math without thinking about things like how good Klaus is with his hands or how good his mouth feels on my body. I sigh, realizing that I desperately need to get laid as I turn away and leave. I drive to school and meet Scott and Stiles at the door. They both link their arms with me, making me giggle as we walk in. We make it to the principal's office where the old principal is ordering people to handle the things that Gerard messed up. I watch him pull out a sword before excusing myself from the boys.

"What, where are you going?" Stiles pouts and I laugh while rolling my eyes.

"I have other friends, Stiles," I point out, making him sigh as I turn on my heels to find Lydia. I find her at Allison's locker and I greet her while pointedly ignoring the brunette, who sighs and looks at me guiltily before Lydia catches her attention.

"Freshmen. Tons and tons of freshmen," she sighs and I laugh at her while Allison taunts her, saying that they are boys, not men, before I catch sight of Bekah at my locker so I excuse myself to talk to her instead, not wanting to tolerate Allison.

"Hey, I just wanted to check that you were okay coming back here since Nik didn't quit like I thought he would," she frowns sympathetically and I grin.

"I'm fine, Beks. I won't let him or Damon get to me, I'm far too stubborn." She studies me before nodding with a laugh. She walks away, probably to go to her locker, as I open mine to take some of the stuff I probably won't need from my bag.

I must've accidentally focused my hearing because I hear Lydia say, "Twins," excitedly before taking a brief pause. "Twins that are walking over to Jessica. Why are they already walking over to her?"

I roll my eyes as I catch the familiar cologne of Ethan and Aiden before my locker shuts, lucky for them, I was done. "Well, if it isn't my favorite brunette," Aiden smirks as I roll my eyes.

"If it isn't my least favorite twins that I'm considering having banned from Wonderland." Aiden opens his mouth, probably to defend the reason he started a brawl in the middle of the club, three times, but Ethan cuts him off.

"That's why we're here. We saw you and wanted to apologize for the chaos we've caused. I also figured you'd want reassurance that Aiden wouldn't cause trouble at school so I'm here to give you that." I hear Aiden grumbling under his breath but can't catch what he's saying.

"You sure you can promise that?" I joke and Aiden looks up before a grin stretches across his face as he throws an arm around my shoulder.

"I knew you'd forgive me, you always do." I roll my eyes with a laugh as I shrug the arm off and start towards my first class of the day before schedules are really set, which for now is English.

I sit down near Stiles and Lydia sits next to me, making Allison take the seat in front of Scott. Everyone's phones go off but I ignore mine as I continue reading my book. The teacher begins to drone on about something but I ignore her, not wanting to be there, before her phone rings. I listen in and hear the principal say that Scott has to leave. I know that it must be supernaturally related so I text Ric to get him to come take me from class.

A couple minutes after the teacher returns, Ric shows up claiming a family emergency with Kai that requires me. I smile sadly at the teacher before practically skipping away to catch up with Scott. He reluctantly tells me that he's heading to the hospital so I grin and follow along. I get into my Ferarri and drive the familiar path to the hospital that I had begun to volunteer at. Melissa tells us that Isaac is in room 215 and we both nod before heading to the elevator.

Scott hits the button for the second floor and after a minute, the doors begin to close, but before they can, someone sticks a cane that blind people use in between the doors. A handsome blind man enters the elevator and asks us to press two with a nice British lilt to his voice that makes me smile. When the door opens, he turns to Scott. "You wouldn't mind helping me out for a second, would you?"

I stand in between him and Scott. "I can, Scott I'll meet up with you?" He nods and I begin to lead the blind man away. We don't get far before I stop and drop the charade. "So you're the mysterious Deucalion? You don't look like much but then again you don't need to if those below you fear you," I state and watch the edge of his mouth tilt up as he suppresses a surprised grin.

"You must be the lovely Jessica Gilbert that owns the club the twins continue to tear up. They seem to lose their filter when they drink alcohol that can actually affect them."

I chuckle. "Yeah well, that's why most supernaturals go to Wonderland, that and they don't have to hide. But let's cut the faux pleasantries. I know why you're here but listen closely when I say that I won't let you hurt anyone I care about and that includes Derek. You're already getting by with what you've done to Isaac but if someone else I care for gets thrown into danger, you won't have to worry about keeping your position as Alpha or hunters that might blind you.

"Sorry we killed Gerard, by the way, I imagine you probably wanted that pleasure but what can you do? Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, watch your back if you want to go after the people I care about because I may not have supernatural powers but I can get every hunter in the world here to tear your pack apart. I wouldn't test me," I threaten before leaving to find Scott.

I get to the elevator in time to see Scott in it with Ennis, who had come in with the twins once. I see the elevator is heading up so I run for the stairs and rush for the elevator. I see Derek waiting there and roll my eyes as I join him. "You heard about Isaac?" I nod before frowning.

"I saw Deucalion and, Derek, I don't think that both Erica and Boyd are alive,"  I reveal. "When I touched him, I saw a flash but it was like it wasn't his memory, it was one that he stole. I think it was Isaac's." Before he can reply, the elevator opens and Derek sticks his claws through Ennis' spine before throwing him from the elevator as I walk in before the doors close.

Derek looks at Scott. "Shouldn't you be in school?" He jokes as I roll my eyes.


Derek takes us back to the Hale house with Isaac where Scott gets a call from Stiles. He tells us that some birds attacked the school and my phone chimes as Stiles tells me that Mer told Noah to talk to me about it since I know a lot about animal behaviors. I check my phone to see a message from Noah saying that the cats at the vet killed themselves and that he thinks something supernatural is involved. I sigh before relaying the information. Scott tells Stiles to meet us here before hanging up.

Derek tells Scott to leave after revealing that he no longer lives there, only needs something to help Isaac. Scott tells him that he can repay the favor by helping him with his tattoo. Derek helps Isaac while we wait on Stiles. He arrives with Meredith as Derek looks at Scott's tattoo. He tells him that he can do it but it'll hurt. Scott explains what I figured out yesterday and Derek nods before taking out a blowtorch. Stiles tries to leave but Derek tells him to hold Scott down.

I roll my eyes. "Stiles, you go," I command before moving in front of Scott. I look deep into his eyes before sighing. "You're going to sit completely still as Derek does this because you won't feel any pain." He relays it monotonously before Derek begins and Scott doesn't even flinch. Once it's done, I call Stiles back in so he can see it. They both leave when I offer to drive Mer home since she knows I've been helping with the Alpha pack.

Before they leave, Scott sees the painted door and scratches it to reveal the symbol of the alpha pack as he turns to Derek. "The birds at school and the deer last night. Just like the night I almost got trampled by deer. The night I got bit by an Alpha. How many are there?"

I share a look at Derek before he sighs. "A pack of them." Scott and Stiles ask questions about how it works. "I've heard there's a kind of leader. He's called Deucalion."

"The blind man from the elevator. Then there are the twins that joined school, Ennis, the guy that took Isaac and another, Kali. She dates Ennis but I've never actually met her. The twins brought Ennis to Wonderland once," I inform them as Derek nods and they turn to me in shock.

"We know they took Erica and Boyd. Isaac, Peter, Jessica, and I have been trying to find them for the last four months."

Scott and Stiles look at me with betrayed expressions on their faces and I grimace. "I needed a distraction. I was going to kill Peter for good this time but then Derek sucked me into helping."

"Which you're glad for since you're friends with Peter now," Derek grumbles and I shoot him a glare.

"You're angry but it's your fault. You knew I had a penchant for becoming friends with psychos and made me work with one. Plus, Kai likes him and he doesn't tolerate many so." I shrug and Scott asks Derek another question about how he plans to fight them when Isaac shoots up and asks where some girl is.

A/N: So from now on, since Jessica is closer with Scott now, she'll be more into the main storyline as well as having her own so the chapters are going to begin to get longer than they have been previously so sorry if you hate to read long chapters. Next, I plan to do all of season 3 but I would like your guys' opinions on whether I should continue with this storyline or find a way for them to make it back to their dimension at the end of this book. Finally, I know that I don't update as frequently as I usually do since I have to rewatch the Teen Wolf episode before I write the chapter but in a couple weeks, I may miss a few days on updating because my sister in law is having a baby and I have to watch her son while she is in the hospital so I want to apologize in advance. Thanks for reading and please give me your feedback on if you're liking it or not. ~J😘😍

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