Just A Text || Gerard Way Fan...

By GetLost_Squidward

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Everything started with a text from an art account to a new art account on instagram. Neither Sofia, the owne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
✨Extras✨ (part 2)

Chapter 2

232 6 87
By GetLost_Squidward

(🚨Warning🚨: the names of the accounts used in here, aren't real, at least I don't know anyone with these names and I made them up because it's a fic)

(*moments later* Okay so, I looked the names of the accounts that are gonna appear in here up and turns out that they exist. I'm not gonna change because A. I can't think of other names, the acc belonging to Victoria I had to google 'random names for art acc on insta' because I didn't know anymore sooooo and B. because the cover took me so much time doing it and I'm not gonna change the name in there too. I'll leave for now byeee)

(ALSO, don't forget the times zones (they are bitches))

(I'm so sorry but another thing, in Gee's band it's gonna be just My Chem music, in Sof's band it's gonna be random musics, like, Imagine Dragons, My Chem and others. Just saying. Byeee)

Gerard's POV

"Gerard! Wake up! Frank and Ray are gonna be here anytime now!" Mikey bang his fist on my door to wake me up. I looked at the clock to see the hours, 9:00am. Why did I agree to have band practice at 9am in a sunday? Oh that's right, neither of us can do that this afternoon so we have to do it in the morning. I literally rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a loud bang. "Gee? Did you rolled out of bed, again? Mom already told you to stop doing that, not only because we hear a loud bang downstairs but because you could get hurt." Mikey repeated what our mom already said to me a million times.

"Yeah yeah. I'm a pro at this by now, Mikes. I don't get hurt." I informed him as I got up and dusted off my pj's. I went to my dresser and got a pair of jeans and a hoodie. What color, you ask. Black, obviously. Black is probably my favorite color, along with red, and in clothes it's just comfortable. I think that I once read a thing on internet that said that black clothes kind of disguise your body form or something like that. An example, if you were a fat man or woman, no offence to anybody it's just an example, black clothes would make you look less fat than white clothes or any other color. It also helps when they are baggy clothes because that way, it isn't basically glued to your body and doesn't show much things. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the knock on my door, so when it opened and three guys walked in, I almost had an heart attack. "What the heck?!" I exclaimed loudly.

"You weren't answering so we decided to walk in." Frank shrugged and smirked as he sat on my messy bed. I rolled my eyes and went to the small mirror that I had on one of the wall, to see if my hair was bad but it was my normal bad and I didn't had to do anything or if it was really bad and I needed to at least brush it a little. I was glad to see that it was the former rather than the latter.

"What were you thinking anyway? It must be something important because you went deaf." Ray joked. Would it be weird if I said that I was thinking about color clothes and how they disguise you? Yes, yes it would. Do I needed to think of another thing to say now? Yeah I do. Can I just say what I usually say? That works too. Hotel? Trivago. God, I'm such a loser.

"Stuff." I decided to go with the latter, not the Trivago one, that's just a joke. Why am I even explaining this to myself when I know exactly what I mean? "Let's go." I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room with the guys right behind me. We headed down stairs and they started to go to the basement to start to play and I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. They didn't ask where I was going so I supposed that Mikey had told them that I just woke up and needed something in my system to not pass out. While I ate something, I checked my social media, it was more my drawing account then my real social media because it barely gets anything. In my drawing account, that is on instagram, I had a few more likes and a few comments that I, in return, decided to like them instead of replaying, it's just more easy. I checked some of my internet friends stories and checked their account to see if I didn't miss anything new.

One of the first accounts that I followed when I started this account, 'sketchyarts', had a new profile pic and some other account on their biography, so I decided to check it out. '_random_drawings_' is the name of the account and their new here, I wonder how 'sketchyarts' knows them, maybe they know each other in real life. I don't know. I clicked on the single post that the new account has to see it and I was surprised. You see, 'sketchyarts' is an aesthetic account, all cute and stuff, and then '_random_drawings_' has this draw that probably has a deep meaning behind it and can mean so many things, it reminds me of my own art. People that aren't from the art community or that have different thoughts than mine, usually say that the stuff I draw is depressive or emo or something like that, but the people that think like me or are in the art community usually think that expresses feelings and has deep meanings, like I said earlier.

I decided to like it and follow them, but something told me to hit the 'dm' button and text them saying that I like it, so I did it. I thought of many ways to say what I wanted to say but they didn't sound good. Like, some would sound too friendly, others flirty, others too cold. In the end, I decided to just send a simple 'I like your style'. After it sent, I put down my phone and put the things that I used to eat in the sink, it was toast if you're wondering. I grabbed my phone and went to the basement where I found Mikey and Ray playing a few notes and accords and Frank sat on one of the bean bags that we have in here.

In this band, I was the singer, Frank and Ray play guitar and do the chorus and Mikey plays bass. We still haven't found a drummer but we are in need of one, but that's not gonna stop us from doing music. We have made some musics, without the drum part, and they're pretty good, at least for us, I think nobody else has heard our music. Oh well, what matters is that we have fun while doing it. "Took ya long enough." Frank exclaimed when he saw me.

"Well, I needed to eat. And it's not like you don't have Mikey and Ray to practice with." I said to Frank as I walked to the mic and he got up and grabbed his guitar. Mikey and Ray saw me too and stopped playing for a bit. "What do you want to play? We got Untitled One, Untitled Two, Untitled Three, Untitled Four, Untitled Five, Untitled Six and Untitled Seven. Which one?" We laughed at that. The songs have lyrics, obviously because if not they wouldn't need me, but we still haven't choose names for them.

"We need to choose namesssss." Mikey groaned for the millionth time. He doesn't like that we have a music but not a name because it's like knowing a person but not knowing their name. I kind of agree with him, it's weird, but it doesn't bother me much. "It's about damn time that we get these musics a name! It's been like this for months!" He did have point there, I've actually been thinking of some names but never told the boys. Oops.

"I kind of have been thinking about them for a few weeks..." I murtered but they still heard me and Mikey glared at me and motioned with his hand for me to continue. "The easiest one to think about was Untitled Three, that one I thought we could name it 'Teenagers'." I paused to see their reactions or hear what they had to say, but they just nodded so I continued. "Untitled Six was easy too, 'The Kids From Yesterday'. That's it." I made a bit of jazz hands and looked at them. They all seemed in thought so I just stood there, awkwardly.

"How can we not know a title for Untitled Two?! It's so obvious because it's basically all the chorus!" Ray laughed as he threw his fro back. I thought a bit and started to laugh and Mikey and Frank joined us a second later too. Seriously, we're so dumb. After we calmed down a bit, Ray continued. "'I'm Not Okay'! And we could add a 'I Promise' in parentheses after that just because we can."

"That's cool. We'll see the rest later. Let's play Untitled One." Frank said, already in position to start to play. Mikey and Ray also got in position and I grabbed my phone to put the drums thing that we made in the phone for this music. I hit play and it started a beat between the snare drum and bass drum.

"Well are you ready, Ray?" I started and Ray responded in his mic with a 'yeah'. "How 'bout you, Frank?" I continued and Frank replied with a smooth 'Oh, I'm there baby'. "How 'bout you, Mikey?" Mikey came up to me and said into the mic 'Fucking Ready'. "Well, I think I'm alright. ONE TWO THREE FOUR!"

"WAIT!" Mikey shouted and we all stopped and looked at him. "This one could be called 'Vampire Money'. Like, in the last part of the chorus it's 'Gimme gimme some of that vampire money c'mon' so we could used it as the title." Mikey explained and we nodded with smiles. We restarted the music and this time we played until the end. We continued to play our songs for the next hours until we had to stop because Ray and Frank had to go because it was lunch time and Mikey and I had to prepare for a family thing. Yay...

Sofia's pov

Sunday morning came up in a beat and my parents and Vic's were making a last minute check to make sure that they had everything. I was sleeply standing in the living room to say goodbye but in the mean time I was watching them running around. The exact same thing was probably happening in the house beside us. After they calmed and went outside to the car, Vic and I said goodbye to them and waved as they drove away. We looked at each other with mischief on our faces and run to our houses. During friday and yesterday, we decided that we were gonna stay in one house, that one house be mine, so we packed stuff, like food and other things, into a bag and hidded it in Vic's room so her parents wouldn't see and be 'What the fuck are you doing? Are you gonna run away?', basically we packed everything that we need and won't need to have a two people party everyday, but with our style, not those teenagers party that you see in movies, we're not that kind of people.

I dressed my sweat pants and a hoodie and went to my window to see that Vic was already there. You see, we could do this like normal people, that meaning that this would be happening on the ground and we were passing doors, but we decided to lock everything and then pass through our bedrooms windows. That's definitely more fun. "You know we are the craziest people in here, right?" I said with a laugh.

"Yep! And that's why nobody likes us, they are no fun and probably are robots with a certain amound of coding that doesn't accept something new and exciting!" Vic exclaimed as she passed. We grabbed the stuff that was now on the floor and I grabbed my phone that was still in my desk. As we went downstairs I checked my notifications. I didn't have many because I'm not popular but still had some of famous people, I scrolled through it and then saw a dm on my new art account. Someone texted me? I've had this account for almost four days and I already have a dm? And it was at 6:30 in the morning, why were they up? Maybe time zones. I clicked on it and saw that it was an account named '_emo_artist_', cool name, they also followed me and liked my draw. Before I texted back, I followed back and saw some of the posts. This account is quite popular, like 1k+ followers and things like that, the drawings are the same 'style' as mine and they are so good! I see why it's popular. I liked some of the posts and then I poked Vic in the arm, when she put the things down on the kitchen table, to gain her attention. "What?"

"This person dmed (A/n: is that the word? I'm gonna say text) me. Their account is quite popular." I told her while showing it to her. She definitely had more expirence in this stuff than I do so she'll know better.

"Well, text them back! Make a friend! Also, I know that account, I remember when they joined the community and they followed me and I followed back." Vic informed me. I did as she told me and went back to the soon to be conversation.


I like your style


Hi! Thank you!

I turned off my phone and was about to speak when I got a notification from instagram. A dm.


You're new here, right?


Yep! You're quite popular in here. How long have you been here?


Almost a year. Do you like it here?


Yeah, everyone is so nice! Always saying good things!


Are you happy? Cause you definitely sound like it xD


You could say that I am. And you? How are you?


I could be better. I'm in this boring family gathering in my house.


I'm sorry about that xD. My parents actually went away for a week so now I'm in heaven with my best friend that is more like a sister to me


Is it by any change @sketchyarts ?


Yep :D She told me about your account a few minutes ago


Was it good stuff?


She just told me that she remembers when you joined this and that you followed each other

They started to write but then they must have erased it because they never sent anything else. Probably because of the family thing. While we were texting, I floated to the living room and into the couch, I didn't even realised I had done that. "Having fun texting?" Vic asked from beside me, making me jump a little because I didn't know that she was there.

"Jeez. But yeah. But they stopped texting, probably because of their family because they said that they were at a boring family gathering in their house. Movie?" I got up and went to where we have the movies, probably we were going to see one that we have seen a millionth times. We ended up seeing '21 Jump Street' and when we finished it, we prepared lunch. We just did some toasts and grabbed some soda to drink with because we could care less to make an actual lunch. The rest of the afternoon, we played our songs, draw for hours and saw more movies.

While we were making dinner, we actually made food and it was spaghetti and meat, I heard my phone making a sound, saying to me that I had a notification. I picked it up to see it, and guess what was it. Our new friend, '_emo_artist_'. I unlocked my phone and went to the conversation.


Sorry for just leaving. My mom was bothering me with the typical thing of 'being always in my phone' or 'communicate with your family instead of being on your phone'


It's okay. I kind of figured it out :)


Btw, I'm Gerard


I'm Sofia


Wait, am I talking to royalty?





So, watcha doing?


Making dinner. And you?


Preparing to go to sleep because my mom told me to and because tomorrow I have school, much to my dismay.


I have too... But since my parents aren't here I can stay up as late as I want :D


You're lucky. What time is it for you?


It's 8pm here. What about you?


It's 11pm here.


Okay :D I'm not gonna bother you anymore so you can go to sleep and I can go eat.


You're not bothering! But yeah, go eat, don't starve.


Okay, good night and sleep well


Good night, sleep well and bon appetit xD


Thanks xD

I turned off my phone with a smile and put it back in the counter, where it was before the conversation, and got back to the food, but the food was already done, oops. "Talking to them again?" Vic asked with a smile. I shrugged, still with a smile, and sat down opposite to her, picked up the fork and put food in my mouth. "What were you even talking about?" She asked with curiosity in her voice and eyes.

"He texted saying that he was sorry for ghosting out of the blue and then we kept talking. His name's Gerard and we have three hours of difference. It's 11pm there." I say as I swallowed my food, ready to put more food in my mouth.

"I sense the begining of a friendship!" She cheered and I chuckled. I only just talked to him today and she's already saying this, oh well, she knows more about these stuff than I do, I guess. "But you better not replace me. I'll kill him if it is necessary to win my place back." She added in a very serious tone. I chuckled again and shook my head.

"That's never gonna happen and you are not going to kill him. You are too crazy to leave me and go to jail." I waved her off with my fork and we continued to eat, making small talk and remembering that we still needed to prepare our backpacks for school tomorrow. The rest of the night was spent with us seeing another movie and then go to bed, but instead of sleeping, we had a pillow fight that turned out in a nerf war, I don't know where I had them but as you can see I in fact had them, and then we went to bed, laughing our asses off.

Heyyy guyssss! How are you?

I hope you liked the chapter! I told you Gerard was going to appear! In fact, it was basically the first thing that happened.

Give me your thoughts on this and what you think about this story so far!

Words: 3283

Peace off my dudes

Love ya


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