WWE: Ring Around the Love Tri...

By LlamaSuperHero

24.4K 718 39

Jessica wanted nothing more than to finally wrestle in the WWE. But after an unwelcome superstar shows up at... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 8

962 26 1
By LlamaSuperHero

So there I was, standing in the middle of a ring. The bell rang, and I was in my own little world. Every time I hear the sound of that bell, it brings me to this place all my own. I’m in my own world, in my own mind, to do whatever it is, that I do.

There we were; staring at each other. We circled a couple times before she came at me. I pounced out of the way, and I grabbed her by the arm, flipping her onto my back like I did when we were at Brandi’s house. I put her into the same submission maneuver.

It was about 15 seconds of my arm around her neck before she squealed at the ref that she submitted. I flipped her onto her back and the bell rang again. My music started to play all around me! It was really intense for a moment. I wasn’t sure what had happened at that moment until John Cena ran into the ring and hugged me. He picked me up in the hug and twirled me around and around! Then he set me down, took my arm, and raised it high.

I was drowning in the sound of cheers. There were so many people that were cheering for me; I don’t think there was even ONE scowl. I got out of the ring over by the announcer table, but I didn’t go to that. I headed over to the side of the ring that I was on, and I starting touching the hands of all the younger WWE fans in the audience. There were so many younger people there, it was amazing! I shook hands all the way up until I reached the ramp. Then I took John Cena’s hand and walked swiftly up with him until we disappeared backstage.

I jumped into a hug with him. “THAT WAS AMAZING!” I was whisper-screaming….

“You know that you’re going to have to get a new move, right?” He put me down and put his hands on my shoulders, almost as if he was trying to  calm me down for no reason.

I took a couple breaths. “What exactly are you talking about?”

“Okay, look at it this way. If you do something major, and you keep doing something major, then eventually people are going to be able to know what’s going to happen. See what I’m saying?”

It took me a second. “Oh…yeah I guess.”

Blindsided, I was pushed over from Rosa coming back from the ring. She tackled me into a stack of tables that was lying on the ground behind me. I wasn’t prepared for it, but man…it hurt. Rosa came at me again, kicking me on the ground. She kicked me in the side of the stomach, twice. I finally rolled over.

“THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR EMBARASSING ME ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!” She screamed as she took her aggressions out on me. I’ve never been jumped before, until now.

I pushed myself up against her blows, and I got to my feet. As she came at me a third time, I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down on the floor in an empty area. I quickly jumped on her, not letting her get up at all. I landed a few swift punches to the side of her face. Quickly after I attacked her, I was grabbed and lifted into the air. John Cena threw me on top of his shoulder and carried me away. I squirmed until I fell on the ground, and I crawled quickly until I was at Rosa again. I jumped on her back as she struggled to get up. I slammed her down to the ground and then I was grabbed again. This time John had his arms around my stomach, so he was sure I wouldn’t get away.

I was carried off to my dressing room and thrown down on the giant bean bag chair. Okay, I wasn’t thrown down on the chair, but I was set down.

John was staring at me. “That was awesome!” He started laughing. I was really confused. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rosa beat down like that until now. You really are something, you know that?”

I stared at him in disbelief. “You mean you’re not mad at me?”

“Why would I be mad at you?”

“Well,” I hesitated, “I just figured that maybe the WWE doesn’t allow that kind of stuff.”

He turned around and turned the television onto the USA Network to our show. We sat there until the commercials were over, and then they showed what happened “backstage.”

“Is that really me?” I asked foolishly. I watched in amazement how well I was able to recover from my hard hit. Those tables were terrible. Those things hurt so fricken bad!

I watched as I attacked her right back. I watched myself get so angry. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a video of myself until now. It seemed like it took forever for someone to pull us apart. John didn’t even see me get attacked. He had his back turned. But after I hit the tables he turned around, then ran to get an official, I think. He came back with a couple, so I assumed.

That’s when he pulled me off of her. I couldn’t believe I was able to get free from him the first time. Ugh, I looked like a mad animal.

I stood up from the bean bag chair. “Could you please turn that off? I feel accomplished!”

He turned off the television and walked over to where I was standing. “You know I was out there at ringside for your match right?”

“How could I forget, you lifted me up after I won!” I stuck my tongue out at him jokingly. “Just so you know, that’s something I hate.”

“What? Being lifted up?”

“Yeah. I’ve never liked it. I have a fear of falling.” I looked down yonder at an empty space…away from his eyes.

“If you’re afraid of heights, does that mean you won’t go on a plane?” He looked at me questioningly.

I hadn’t ever thought about that. I mean, I’ve been on a plane before, but that was years ago. And I was terrified! I did good with taking off and landing, but I kept on telling myself that I would never do it again. “Well, I COULD do it, but I’d rather not.”

He stared at me puzzlingly. “Well that might be a problem. How are you going to travel with me—I mean us—with the WWE?”

“Well don’t you guys have those ginormous tour bus thingies?”

He laughed. “Well I guess you could do that. Only a couple people have those. You could get an RV and completely make it your own.”


“Sure! Why not. I mean, you could practically do whatever you want. But you’ll have to wait either way.”


“Because you can’t do anything until you get paid!” He patted me on the head, and then he walked out of my room. I watched him as he walked towards the entrance ramp. I completely forgot that He had his own match tonight. I turned back towards my TV and I turned it back on.

His music started up, and he walked out on stage with the WWE Title Belt. I completely forgot that he was the WWE Champion! But then again, all the times that I saw him the past few days, he never wore it. He must have kept it in his room to attract less attention.

Damn he looks even better! I can feel myself falling for him, but I know that I shouldn’t. It’s never a good idea to get into a relationship with someone you work with. But then again, Brandi is married to Jeff Hardy! Who am I kidding, I could see myself with John.

My phone pinged. I grabbed it off the little corner end table in my room and looked at it. There was a message from Cody! My heart literally skipped a beat. Why was he texting me this time?

“You looked amazing tonight.”

How do I respond to something like that? I typed in a quick response; the first thing that came to my mind. “Thanks, you always look good.”

Should I have really said that? There was a knock at my door. I walked over and opened it somewhat slowly. It was him, he was standing at my door! “Um,” I hesitated! “Hi!” I let him walk into my room.

“Your room looks nice.” He gazed around at everything in the room. “You’re lucky.”

“How do you mean?” I questioned.

“Well, you got all the good stuff in your room. You have a large bean bag chair. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other superstar start out with one of these other than John Cena.” He gazed up at the television to see John Cena fighting the Miz. “So you two have a ‘thing’ going on?” He used air quotes around his word.

“Um, what exactly do you mean by a ‘thing?’ I mean, he has been showing me around the most.”

“Well, are you and him in any kind of relationship?”

“I don’t think so.” I stared at him in confusion. He looked at me, and he could tell that I was somewhat concerned with why he was asking me why.

He waited a moment before he could say anything. “I’m uh, sorry for bothering you about it. I didn’t mean to pry at all, if that’s what I was doing. I was actually just wondering because you’re really cute.”

My eyes widened! Cody Rhodes thinks I’m cute! What in the hell?! How the hell do I respond to this?

He started stepping closer to me. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks higher and higher with every step he took towards me. “Uh,” nothing more would come out of my mouth.

He was standing so close to me that only a piece of paper could be in-between us. I could feel his leather jacket touching me. I was so focused on his jacket that I didn’t know what he was doing. Next thing I knew, his hand was on my lower back, and his other hand was in the roughness of my hair. Oh my God!

“We’re going to have to continue this sometime.” Cody Rhodes removed his hands from me and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

My mouth hung open. I was in utter shock. I fell to my knees. I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I let out a small scream and fell to my back! There I was, on the floor, in my room…a complete and utter mess. And just as things went quiet, I heard John Cena’s theme song start to play in my head.

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