Loving You From a Distance |...

נכתב על ידי talentedxasher

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You loved Asher Angel as your best friend ever since you were little, but when he left to pursue his career... עוד

One: Missed You
Two: Hurt
Three: Better Now
Four: Only You
Five: Happy
Six: Confused Pt. 1
Seven: Confused Pt. 2
Eight: Promise?
Nine: #1 Fan
Ten: Envy
Eleven: "Action!"
Twelve: Chemistry
Thirteen: New Job
Fourteen: Last Goodbyes
Fifteen: Him

Sixteen: Her

269 10 5
נכתב על ידי talentedxasher

Asher's POV:

It's been about three weeks since I've seen y/n, and I honestly couldn't miss her more. Well, I actually probably could. The last time we were together was at the airport. I wish I'd gotten one more hug when we were there. I could give her a million hugs but I know I'd still go back for another.

I know I've been thinking about her a lot lately, sometimes I mess up my lines or just completely forget my line on set because she's all I think about. I text her as often as I can but I feel like it's never enough. We've only been able to face-time like three times because I always end up having stuff to do when I should be sleeping.

But I think I'd be able to see her this weekend before she moved to LA. I was gonna really miss seeing her at home, I honestly still didn't even want to believe that she was moving. I mean I'm happy that her dad got promoted and all, but I'm scared she'll meet someone who can treat her better than I can.

Added onto that, she wants to go to public school. It's not a bad idea, but it's just not the most ideal if we're talking about how me and her will see each other. But it's up to her, so if it makes her happy then I'll just have to work around her school schedule. No big deal, right?

Anyways, I just woke up and I'm getting ready for another day on set. Then I have another interview after, and then after that I've been invited to a dinner party, so I guess I can't skip that. Which means another face-time call from y/n that I probably won't even be able to answer. Great.

Me, my mom, and my sister got in the car to go. My brother wasn't feeling good today so he decided to stay back at the hotel with our dad.

"Mom, can we go home for the weekend?" I ask.

"We might be able to depending on how everything goes on set today, remember?"

"Oh yeah, because I wanna see y/n and them before they leave."

"Oh shoot that's right!" My mom sighs. "Sorry, forgot they were even moving. That makes me sad. But yes, we're either gonna have to cancel your weekend plan or just fly to LA and see them at their new house once they settle in."

"Well what weekend plans did I have?" I didn't even plan anything, not that I remembered. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so forgetful.

"Oh my gosh, Annie's birthday party!!" My mom yells, shoot. I completely forgot about that one. But only because she invited me like three weeks ago.

"Oh." I cover my face and think. "I thought it was on Friday?" I ask.

"Nope, Saturday night." She looks me as the stoplight goes red, "So what's the plan?"

"I wanna see y/n, but I can't skip that." I sigh heavily. "Moooommm, I wanna see y/n this weekend." I whine, she chuckles a little, which makes me chuckle.

"Okay, I'll see if your father can work something out then." She grabs her phone to call dad, now I was really worried. Knowing my dad, he's probably gonna try to tell me just to wait and see y/n later on. But I don't want to do that.

"Hey honey, Asher's wondering about Annie's birthday party, what time does the party end? Could you check?" She sits silent for a couple seconds.

"Okay, well your son was also wondering about seeing y/n this weekend before she moves. Yeah, I know."

I sit and keep my eyes on the road. I was really worried I wasn't gonna be able to see her this weekend. By the sounds of the call, it might just not work.

"Okay well it's either we bring everyone or one of us goes with him, why not? Then just him if it's a problem." I could tell my mom was getting a little mad.

"Mom, we don't have to go if it's not gonna work." I mumble. "Just tell dad that." She looks at me and shakes her head. I guess that was a sign that she was on my side of the argument they were having.

"Okay so no? Then look to book another one during the week. Then, try and a find a different airline that has a night flight. Okay let me know, bye honey."

"So what'd he say?" I ask.

"You'd be flying from here to Annie's party, then from there you'd fly back home. Are you sure you want to make two flights in one day?"

"Well, I mean if that's the plan." I shrug. "I told y/n that I wanted to see her before she moved."

"I know, but currently your dad can't find a night flight back home on Saturday night for you, but I told him to look at a different airline. He said he'd let us know if he finds one."

"So what does that mean?"

"It means you currently only have a plan of going to Annie's party and then coming back here for the rest of the weekend." She sighs. "Your dad can be stubborn sometimes."

"I know, I gotta tell y/n." I close my eyes, thinking. Honestly I was pretty tired, and I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I guess today just wasn't my day.

Once we got to set, I had to get dressed, get my makeup on, all that fun stuff. Before I went to see my friends I called y/n.

"Hellooo?" She answers.

"Hi angel, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, just packing away my room. I'm almost done, but shouldn't you be at work?"

"Don't worry, I am at work." I chuckle. "I miss you though."

"I miss you too ash, are you still planning on coming home soon?"

"Yeah uh, about that." I sigh. "I just might not be able to, I'm sorry."

"Aw, why not?" She asks.

"Um, Annie's birthday party is Saturday night."

It was silent for a few seconds, so I knew she was upset.

"Oh, okay. Well I hope you have fun." She says quietly, clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry angel, I completely forgot about it until my mom reminded me."

"It's fine." She sighs. Someone from the crew motions me to get on set, I mouth "give me a minute" and she nods.

"I wish I could stay on call but I gotta go now. I'm really sorry, I'll let you know if plans change."

"Don't bother changing plans, there's no point in flying over here just for a day."

"What? No I wan-"

"I'm serious Asher," She pauses. "I can wait."

"Well I don't want to." I whine. "I gotta go, I love you."

"Yeah, bye, love you too." She ends the call right after, so I walk into set. Josh, Peyton and Sofia are sitting in a booth where the camera was, waiting for me.

"Hey, where were you?" Peyton asks.

"I had to call someone." I respond, they all nod and we get into character for another day of filming.

word count: 1227
a/n: i updated yaaaayyyyy

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