Two: Hurt

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           7 year old Asher had taken your hand and lead you to the same place you were today. You both looked up and adored the sight. Asher's dad had built him a treehouse. It never came to mind that that treehouse would mean so much to you, at the time. You didn't think much of it.

"Do you love it or do you LOVE it?"

"Asher, it's so cool!!! I love it!!"

"My dad said he made it for a special reason, but then he said I wouldn't understand yet so he hasn't told me exactly why. All he told me was that it was my special place. So, I say you're allowed to come in. Best friends only." He laughed. "But seriously. It's not my special place. It's ours. No one else's." 

And that was that. It was yours, too. After that day, you and Asher had always played in that treehouse. You did so many things together in there. From the start, he was right. It was your special place. You and Asher had so many good memories together that were in the treehouse.

"(y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Everything's great Ash."

"Are you sure you don't like it?"

"Positive. I just, It feels like I haven't been here with you in forever." 

The last time you were with him here, was about 10 months ago. Right before he had left. You were both laying on the floor of the treehouse.

"(y/n)? Can I tell you something?"


"You know I love to act, right?"

"Of course, at some points it's all you ever talk about." You giggled. He stayed silent. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Well uh, first I should tell you why my dad made this for me." He paused. "You remember when I told you that my dad made this, just for me? No one else?"


"He told me a few months back, the whole reason. He said that if I was home and needed a break from anyone, and everyone, I could come here. He said that no one would bother me up here."

"What does this have to do with acting exactly?" You sat up, thinking. He sat up with you.

"(y/n). Please don't get mad."

"I'm not mad, just confused, that's all."

"I just got a huge role on Disney channel, we'll be filming up in Utah." Your mood immediately dropped at that moment . He was leaving. Yes, you were happy for him. But the fact that he would be gone... it hurt.

"Asher I'm so proud of you. I'm so so happy for you. I knew you'd make it." You tried to smile, but couldn't. Asher saw the pain in your eyes. There was in his, too. "When are you leaving?"

"T-two days." He looked down.


"(y/n) I'm so so sorry for not telling you sooner." It stayed silent for about a minute. "Come here." He pulled you into a tight hug. You immediately started to cry in his arms. "Please don't cry."

"Asher  I'm gonna miss you so much. Don't be gone for too long." You let out a small laugh, trying to lighten up. He squeezed a little tighter.

"I won't."


"I promise."

You and Asher have only been this close for about two years. When you realized you had feelings for him. You wanted to be his, but at the same time you didn't want to because you didn't want to lose your friendship with him. He was literally your best friend in the whole world. You only had a few other friends, all drifted friendships since you moved so much when you were young.

"(y/n) I feel like you're lying to me. We've been standing here for awhile. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, Asher. Just thinking." You sigh.


"The last time we were here." You turn and look at Asher. He gazes into your eyes.

"I hated seeing you that way. I wish there was another way-"

"Asher it's okay." You let out a small laugh. "It wasn't so bad with you being gone, maybe for the first week but after I was completely fine. Yes, there was just times when all I could do was wish you were here with me, but I'm okay now."

"Still. Every single time I see you cry, it hurts me, too."



"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Same thing goes right back to you." He chuckles, "Let's go inside the treehouse, yeah?"

"Okay." He takes your hand again and leads you to the ladder, letting you go first. You get up inside and it looked the same, but you still loved it. You and Asher had a whole bunch of drawings up on the walls from when you were little, also pictures of the both of you. There was an area in the corner with some pillows where you both sat when you watched movies on his laptop. It was always fun doing things up in the treehouse with him.

"Mom and I got more things for the treehouse." He said just as he came up from the ladder. "We can also do some new decorating." He smiled.

"Really? Okay. B-but only if you want to." You said, feeling a guilty that you had nothing really planned for him, now that you really thought about it.

"Well, this is all for you. Not me."

"Asher, you're the one that just got home. You shouldn't be surprising me with anything. Or doing anything for me. I should be doing all of this for you right now."

"Well, I wanted to do this for you." He smiled. "And also, I shouldn't have left you like that. I should've told you sooner. This is just, me trying to apologize, I guess." He walked over to you, looking down and sighed "I don't deserve anything, or want anything else."

"You know I accepted your apology awhile ago, it's okay now." You tried reassuring him, but it never worked.

"No, no it's not (y/n)."

"Asher, it's totally fine."

"Well it doesn't feel like it. I know I know, you say it's okay but I feel like, I don't know. But it's not a good feeling. I just, I only feel like this when we talk about this subject. I can't describe it." Asher said distressfully.

"Come here." You opened up your arms. He wrapped his arms around you, tightly.

"I'm so sorry." He nuzzled into your neck. You felt your face get hot.

"Don't be. Everything's okay. Don't do this to yourself, please."

"I try not to but it's hard when you're- never mind." He let go and looked into your eyes.

'When you're what? Tell me."

"I-I don't think I can. I mean should. I mean- just forget it. Please?"

"Alright, but you better tell me sometime, okay? If you're better off not telling me, at least for now, then I'll let you be."

"Thank you, I promise you I'll tell you when I'm ready." He gave you a half smile. "Can we decorate now?" Asher asks, quickly changing the subject.

"Oh right, of couse. Yes." You smile.

"Okay, be right back. I'm gonna go grab everything. Stay put." He smiled back and went down the ladder, leaving you up in the treehouse to think.




Word count: 1332

Α/Ν: I'm so sorry for not posting 😂😬  Idk I feel like this story isn't really gonna go anywhere, I'm not a good writer as you can tell, but I enjoy it so yeah ima keep writing and all that fUn StuFf. Hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll get the energy to start writing another chapter more quickly 😂🤪 also I didn't know what to name this chapter and I probably will have more cringed titles (cringey titles for a cringey book that's not so bad once you think about it) so don't make fun of my chapter titles please (lmao joking idrc) buh see ya 👋🤪

-JaZzMiNe 🤩

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