Nine: #1 Fan

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It was the next day, you both had been walking around town and taking pictures together to post on instagram. You were having lots of fun with him, and he seemed happier than ever for some reason. So things were good.

Asher holds his Canon camera up. "(Y/n)!! Smile!" You turn and smile at the camera and he takes a few pictures. "You're so pretty." He looks at the pictures and then back at you with a huge smile.

"Let me see." You stand next to him as he shows you the pictures. "I think we took enough pictures for today." You laugh looking through the photos you took with each other.

"Just a few more pleaseee." He whines playfully. You laugh and nod.

"Here let me take some pictures of you and some with us together." You try to grab the camera but he pulls away.

"I kinda want to just be your photographer today." He chuckles.

"But I want more pictures of us." You cross your arms and make a pouty face. "And you also know I really like photography too."

"Fine. We can, but no more pictures of me. Okay?" He holds up the camera and sees you were still pouting. He groans. "What's wrong now?"

You sigh. "I want to take just a few more of you too."

"(Y/n) I don't want any of me though." He looks at you and makes a pouty face too.

"No pictures of you means no pictures of me." You give him a smug smile. He lets out a huge sigh. You both went back and forth for a couple minutes, arguing about the whole thing. Then he finally gave into taking a few more pictures of himself.

"Hmph." Asher sighs. "I don't like you right now." He pouts.

"Wow. Offended." You make a sad face at him and hold up the camera. He smiles from your response and you take the picture.

"You know I'm kidding." He walks over to you and hugs you. "I love youuuu sooo muuch." He chuckles.

"I knowww and I love youuu toooo." You hug him back and he chuckles again. You let go and Asher lets you take some more pictures of him and then you found someone who was able to take a few pictures of you both together. Afterwards you decided to go over to your house.

Asher jumps on your bed with the camera and his laptop.

"I really like this picture of us." He shows you on the camera. You were both laughing and hugging each other in the picture. You smile.

"I really like it too. Can you print it out for me so I can add it to my wall?" You pointed at the wall where you put all your favorite pictures and places on it. All the pictures were of your family, Asher's family, other friends, and of course, a lot of them mostly being Asher.

"Of course. Just let me get them onto my laptop and I'll send all the ones we got together, okay?" He smiles at you and sends the photos from the camera to the laptop and you both look at all of them.

"You're really good at this stuff (y/n)." Asher says looking at the photos of him. "These are so good." He smiles.

"Why thank you Ash. But you already knew I've taken lots photography classes in school and all that." You shrug and smile.

He chuckles. "I know. But, I wouldn't mind if you were my personal photographer." He nudges your arm playfully.

"Oh yeah? I wouldn't mind it if it meant I'd see you a lot more." You smile and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Would you actually?" Asher asks. You think for a second, you probably would. But you weren't that skilled in photography, even if Asher did just say that.

Loving You From a Distance | Asher AngelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat