Sasuke and Sakura-Demon Behin...

By MrUchiha54

61.4K 1.2K 141

The follow up of Book 2, Sasuke and Sakura find themselves facing an enemy stronger then they could have imag... More

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Bando vs Aym pt.2
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School of the Raven blossom

Undercover Ambu

2.5K 59 6
By MrUchiha54

Sasuke pov

Sitting and waiting on everyone to arrive I waited by the gate. The cold wind blew again causing my cloak to wave in the breeze.

"Hel...hello Uchiha-Sama." came Hinata's voice. She was dressed in regular ambu clothes except for her white cloak, a light pink blush evident on her cheeks. She sat beside me and together we sat there in silence. Until finaly she cleared her throat then turned slightly toward me, "What are your thoughts on how we capture these ninjas?" She asked without stuttering. I shook my head and started to answer when Kakashi appeared, "Sorry to interrupt but we have a problem." He said, "Sakura and Naruto were attacked by some remaining black scorpion members on their way here. Naruto being the hot head as usual followed them into the forest." He explained, I jumped to my feet, "Where's Sakura?!" I asked. "She went with Naruto. I was sent here to summon Pakkun so you two can find them and start your mission." He said as he made the hand signs for the summoning Jutsu. Pakkun appeared, "Let's go!" I said eagerly wanting to find Sakura. "Sasuke wait." Kakashi said, turning to him he handed me my ambu mask. "Good luck." He said as Hinata and I ran off to find the other half of our team.

Naruto pov

I was so ready to be an undercover ambu. I had everything on except the mask which was a white fox face completed with a red smile and ears. I looked at the time and noticed that I had thirty minutes left before I had to meet the others so I made some ramen and started to watch my favorite movie, The Avengers. I was right at the part when Hulk started to smash Loki into the ground when I pictured me doing the same to Sasuke. There was a loud knock on my door which caused me to snap out of my awesome day dream. I threw down my bowl and opened the door. Sakura stood there dressed in her ambu gear, "I thought since your house was on the way to the gate I'd stop and see if you were ready." She said. She wore a red hair band in place of her headband, "So you ready?" She asked. I nodded and walked out into the cold with her, "You better be ready because we won't be back for a while."

I nodded showing my understanding and followed her.We were half way to the gate when out of no where two ninja dressed in all black appeared in front of us, they snarled and swung hitting me. I could hear Sakura yelling at me and fighting with the other ninja. The one that hit me hovered over me muttering things like they will be happy I killed you and I bet the nine tailed fox will taste good. I felt my anger boil, I groaned and hit him hard right in the jaw. He went stumbling back, I wasted no time creating a clone of myself and a large rasengan. The man gave a yelp and turned to run just as Sakura stomped her enemy into the ground. "Oh no you don't!!! Get back here so I can stomp you like Hulk!!" I yelled chasing after him. "Naruto! Wait stop!" Sakura yelled close behind me.

We were deep into the forest when finaly I caught up with him, he was trapped with no where to go. I held a rasengan in my hand slowly as I approached him, he made a hand sign. Two large scorpion tails raised from behind him and his upper body split into two separate people from the waist up. "Come get us nine tailed fool!" He hissed. I hesitated, he would be twice as dangerous now that he was like conjoined twins. Sakura landed with a soft thump beside me, "It's the black scorpion freaks again." She growled. Cracking her knuckles she jumped at them fist raised, they also jumped and flew swiftly threw the air and right at Sakura quicker then I would have thought possible. He slammed into her like a ton of bricks causing her to fly back into a tree trunk, I ran at him with my rasengan at the ready, raising his tails he struck. Right as they were about to hit me the sound of a lot of birds chirping filled the air but this time something was different. A ball of flames with electricity arching off it flew over my head and collided where the scorpion guy just stood. Barely dodging it the man gave a laugh, "Don't be laughing loser, next one won't miss." Sasuke said as he and Hinata appeared above us.

To be cont...

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