Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

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Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

A New Warrior
Monster at the Castle
Lavender scented candles
End of the Line Bitch
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
Protect Her
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
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Authors note

Saturdays are for the boys

590 9 10
By wiccawiccawoo69

If u love sword and blade u might like this

This is alllll filler I might discard the whole thing actually

Ima turn this into an authors note in like three days from now 11/10 if ur reading this and I haven't changed it then it's Bc I'm slow... also I don't like this chapter either...
Fuck i hAtE this chapter :<

Kirby and Meta sleep until 12pm. Keep in mind that it's Saturday...

*loud knocking*

Sword: "Meta get up!"

Blade: "if you don't answer us in the next 5 seconds we're breaking the door open!"

Meta and Kirby are barley awake. Meta hears what they said but dosnt really care. Kirby pulls the covers over both their heads.

Sword: "OKAAY we're breaking open the door!!"

They then proceeded to try and open the door. It's locked and they can't get in. Untillll Sword remembers where Meta keeps the extra key. The extra key is hidden in a ceiling tile. They then make it inside.

Blade: "I'm very disappointed in you Meta"

Sword: "Saturday's are our days"

Kirby: "oh god" she whispers under the blanket

Meta: *sighs*

Sword and Blade have had enough of this DISRESPECT and try to forcibly remove Meta from the bed.

Kirby, still lacking clothing, quickly kicks Meta out so Sword and Blade don't end up removing the covers that she's hiding under.

Meta: "ok ok I'm up!!" He says surrendering

Blade: "well it's about time"

Sword: "we crave your attention"       ha

Meta is annoyed and rolls his eyes

Kirby wraps herself in a blanket then sits up. 

Kirby: "hi Sword, hi Blade"

Blade: "good afternoon Kirby, if you don't mind, we'll be borrowing Meta for the day"

Kirby: "that's ok, you can have him" 

Meta is unamused.

Sword: "thank you Kirby :)"

Meta grabs his mask as he's forced out of his room. He's mad because they never used to bother him like this.
Metas thoughts: they're acting like with Kirby here I won't have time for them....well, they're not wrong

Kirby has nothing better to do so she goes back to bed.

Sword and Blade drag Meta out of his room.

Blade: "you promised you'd spend time with us today"

Meta: "I was"

Sword: "fibber"

Blade: "you were just going to spend it with Kirby"

Meta: "your being irrational, it's only 12, there's still 12 hours left"

Sword and Blade: >:|

Meta: "ok ok, I'll do what ever you want today"

Sword and Blade: :)

Sword and Blade bring Meta to the castles garage. They are eyeing the kings cars and tanks.

Sword: "Meta, it's time for you to learn how to drive"

Meta: "I know how to drive"

Blade: "no you don't, you've never driven before"

Meta: "I can fly a space ship, I think I can drive a car"

Blade: "Meta NO!"

Sword: "you must learn properly, for your safety and others"

Meta: "I've never seen either of you drive"

Sword: "we had lives before you Meta, the world doesn't revolve around you"

Meta: "I didn't sa-" is cut off

Sword: "Blade and I have been driving for years before we came here, we know how to do it"

Meta: "can't we do this another day?"

Sword: "no"

Blade: "Sword and I have agreed that an 18 year old should be able to drive" (fun fact my 19 year old sister can't drive)

Meta: "......fine, but this is pointless when space ships exists"

They steal one of Ds tank car things and Sword drives them out to rural roads. They switch to put Meta in the drivers seat. Sword explains the controls of the car and what they do to which Meta responds by repeatedly saying 'i know'.

Blade: "your ready?"

Meta: "I've been ready"

Meta then drives the car down the rural road.

Meta: "that wasn't hard"

Sword and Blade: "yaaay"

Meta then continues to drive down the road.

Blade: "now drive down a high way"

Meta: "this is cappy town, they don't have high ways, the only people who have a car in this town is the king, mayor, and the guys who owns the gas station" (I forgot his name, someone remind me)

Sword and Blade looked at each other

Sword: "he has a point"

Meta: "so what now?"

Blade: "FLOOR IT!" (Spongebob reference)

Everyone: :)

Meta hits the gas all the way down and SHZOOM They all be flying down the road.

Sword and Blade: "weeeeeEeeeeeEeeeee!"

Meta: :D        (haha)

Blade: "ok my turn!"

Meta switches with Blade. (may I remind you I made Blade the dumbest of the 3) Blade instantly drives the car off the road and into a ditch.

Everyone while this is happening: "aahHAaAa!"
*Boom crash*

Meta: "Blade, WHAT THE FUCK!"

Sword: "you said you could drive!"

Blade: "............."

Meta and Sword: >:(

Blade: "'s been awhile....."

Sword: "how have you lost your motor skills in 4 years?!"

Blade: "I may have never had them to begin with..."

Sword and Meta face palm

Sword: "what the hell is wrong with you?"

Blade: "....ok, I'm sorry"

Sword: "you could of hurt our child!!" He says putting his arms around Meta

Meta: "I'm not a child!" he says rejecting Swords hug

Blade: "oh Meta you may be a legal adult now, but you will always be our child"

Meta: >:(

Sword: "stop trying to change the subject!" And Meta stop rejecting our love"

Blade: "I'm sorry..."

Sword: *sighs*

Meta: "can we go home now?"

Sword takes the wheel and drives back to the castle.
It is heated silence on the ride back. Blade looks embarrassed and Meta is annoyed while Sword is pissed. They are now in the garage and walking back.

Blade: "am I forgiven yet?"

Sword: "....fine-" is cut off

Blade: "yaay! .........Meta?"

Meta: "*sighs* I guess" (I feel like I make him sigh too much)

Blade is now happy :)

They continue to walk back and conversationsss

Blade and Sword are whispering...

Meta: "what?"

Sword: "now that you have a girlfriend..."

Metas thoughts: oh god

Blade: "we think it's time to talk to you about safe sex"

Meta: "!!!! I've lived with you guys for almost 3 years, this topic of conversation has been covered many times, I am fully aware. You do NOT need to tell me!"

Blade: "haha we know we were just messing with you"

Meta: ..... >:|

Sword: "haha, but seriously, don't be stupid"

Meta: "yes I know" Meta said annoyed

Blade whispers to Sword: "he's been very sassy today"

Meta: "I heard that"

Blade: "see!"

more talking idk what to say anymore. They make it back to the one hallway. Meta try's to go back to his room.

Sword: "not so fast"

Meta: "what now?"

Sword and Blade put their arms out.
Meta rolls his eyes (what a moody bitch)
He goes and gives Sword and Blade a hug

Blade: "you may go"

Meta leaves to his room.

Sword: "is it me or is he turning into an asshole?"

Blade: "an asshole"

Sword: "our asshole"
Ok the end. Next chapters gonna take place the next day bc nothing interesting happens after that.
Also my friend, @capNcrunch69 will be writing the next chapter. I am giving her full range so this should be interesting...... Lexi don't fuck this up too much!!

Edit: this is me going back and editing, and I will say this now Lexi really fucked up haha


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