The Manager: A TWICE Story

By jolofjester

146K 2.6K 807

Male Reader x Nayeon Y/N is a poor college graduate who quits his job in the States to move to Korea and esca... More

For New Readers
1: Once
2: Twice
3: Three Times a Day
4: Tetralogy
5: New York (Part 1) - Sex Tapes
6: New York (Part 2) - Hunger
7: New York (Part 3) - Gummy Bears
8: New York (Part 4) - Dreams
9: Shit Escalates Quickly
10: Orlando (Part 1) - Confrontation
11: Orlando (Part 2) - Rejection
12: Orlando (Part 3) - Fornication
13: Orlando (Part 4) - Separation
14: Orlando (Part 5) - Culmination
15: Orlando (Part 6) - Culmination, the Continuation
16: Orlando (Part 7) - Culmination, the Conclusion
17: Summertime Sadness, Morning Madness
18: Hide and Seek
19: SoCal (Part 1) - Belated Birthdays
20: SoCal (Part 2) - Managerial Business
21: The Accident
22: A Thursday
23: TWICE Charity Stream, Hosted by Myoui Mina (Part 1)
24: TWICE Charity Stream, Hosted by Myoui Mina (Part 2)
26: Live From Seoul (Part 2)
27: Behind the Scenes
28: Leaving and Other Things
29: Lying Still
30: 어머니
31: 아버지
32: The Preview Concert
33: The Afterparty (Part 1)
34: The Afterparty (Part 2)
35: All Hallows Eve (Part 1)
36: All Hallows Eve (Part 2)
37: The Paparazzi Ruins Everything
38: Secrets (A Night of Fire)
39: Stab Wounds and Band-Aids
40: That Time When They Were In Paris
41: The Y/N Fan Club
42: A Valentine's Day
Goodbye, For Now
Hello, Again
43: Fifteen Months
44: Wanderer
45: New Beginnings
46: The Truth Will Out
47: Bang Chan's Room
48: Three Feet Deep
49: Jackass
50: The Former Manager
51: Not a Date
52: Wanting To Try
53: As a Friend
54: Talk That Talk
55: Watercolor Shadows

25: Live From Seoul (Part 1)

1.2K 30 1
By jolofjester

A/N: If y'all really thought I wasn't going to update on Nayeon's birthday...

I decided to wait a couple days, just to make the event extra special.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's one of the longer ones :)

Friday, July 17
Seoul, Korea

I woke up at 10:00. Rather late for me, I know, but the girls' preparations didn't need to start until 15:00, at which point we needed to head to the arena for a stage check. I didn't expect to sleep in that late, though. I had planned to make breakfast for the girls, but from the sounds of chaos emanating from the kitchen, it seemed like they'd taken up the charge themselves.

Trying to ignore the squeals and ominous sounds of water splashing on the gas burners, I stretched and yawned. I'd had the best night of sleep in recent memory. Maybe I should legit try exhaustion, I thought drily, pulling my shirt back on. Normally, I'd shower and change, but I only had time to brush, wanting to make sure nothing potentially disastrous to the house's value was going on.

While at the sink I scrolled through Twitter, just to make sure nothing world-ending was going on. Something close was happening on the trending page, though. Bangtan had taken over the top eleven trending spots on Global, with ARMYs tagging each member's concept photos in anticipation for the first concert of the tour tonight. I shivered, for my inexperience had convinced me that tonight wouldn't be terribly insane. I'd forgotten just how popular BTS actually were.

The Olympic Stadium held 90,000 people. That was a very big number; in fact, I'd never seen anywhere close to that amount of people in a single space. I just hoped that the reaction to the girls' appearance would be what we expected...

I shook off my thoughts, resolving to do my job instead. I wrapped up and headed downstairs, nearly forgetting to put on my shorts before I did.

It looked like Mina had taken the helm, a responsibility that I think was dished out rather fittingly. She'd drafted Nayeon, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Sana to help her, and from the looks of it, they were actually almost finished. On the island was a massive platter of eggs, maybe almost twenty if I had to guess. The girls had also prepared some chicken and rice, next to which sat a pot of demi-glace that "isn't on a damn trivet!" I exclaimed, quickly picking the pot up and wiping the surface.

"What the hell is a trivet?" Dahyun asked as I brushed past the fruit plate.

I opened a drawer and took out a circular cork mat. I put the pot back down on the counter, this time on top of the mat. "This. If you put a pot straight on the counter, you'll end up scorching it." But then I looked down at the counter and remembered it was fancy ass white granite that doesn't scorch as easily as my old vinyl counters. Still, I said nothing.

"So, it's a fancy word for a pot holder," Dahyun clarified.

"That's what those are for?" Sana asked. She was sitting on a stool next to the cutting board, evidently finished with her part of the work. "I thought they were big coasters for parties."

"Is that how you've been using them?" I asked.


"It works for punch bowls," Jihyo offered.

"Nope," Nayeon said as I reached for the platter of eggs. She slapped my hand away. "You go sit. I'll bring you food when it's ready."

"So it's like that, huh," I muttered, reluctantly following her order. I was tempted to try and protest that they shouldn't be exerting themselves in order to stay fresh for the concert, but I knew my words would be met with group dissent. "Can I at least know what you're making?"

"You'll see," Mina said. "If this works. Otherwise, scrambled eggs."

Of course, I already knew what they were trying to make. I'd noticed a little metal rice mold on a plate in the corner, and that paired with the saucepan of demi-glace was a dead giveaway that Mina was trying to perfect omurice. It also handily explained the mountain of eggs, given that the girls normally ate the equivalent of a single egg along with some other things for breakfast. I looked like today was just going to be an egg day.

Sorry vegans.

"Isn't this a bit too heavy for today?" I asked.

"It's fine," Jihyo said, sitting down across from me at the table. "We're not eating another meal today."

"And where's Kim?"

"She's off making some preparations at the venue. They're getting the equipment set up for the sound check and unnie wanted to make sure they had all of the files necessary."

"And you all don't need to attend?" I questioned, surprised. Even at smaller events like music banks, the girls always had a sound check to ensure that all of the mics were working properly.

"No, we don't. This is just a prelim, not the actual sound check. Plus, BigHit's all fancy now, they've got adaptive microphones." Jihyo waved her hands around. "Money changes people."

"I'd say," I said, lowering my house. "You thought you could keep it from me that you'd bought a flat?"

Jihyo hissed at me like a cat, looking around furtively. "Don't! The others don't know yet!"


"I don't want to... pressure them into splitting up." Jihyo sighed. "Though it seems like we don't have much of a choice at this point."

"Yeah, I figured that PD-nim was talking about the future plans yesterday. And he'd also mentioned that Nayeon was seriously thinking about it?" I added, lilting my voice a bit to sound unassuming.

Jihyo saw right through it. "Go ask her yourself, you big baby."

"Ask her what?"

"If you two can move in together."

"What? No!" I held up my hands. That definitely wasn't what I was alluding to. "Look, our relationship might have started suddenly, but that doesn't mean we're going to start living together after two months."

"You sure about that?"

"Ask Nayeon, I'm sure she'd agree."

"Agree with what?" Nayeon asked, drying her hands with a kitchen towel that she threw over her shoulder. "Are you two conspiring to elope and leave me alone and heartbroken?"

"Something's wrong with you," Jihyo mumbled.

"We were talking about... apartments," I said vaguely, raising an eyebrow.

Nayeon looked at me quizzically for a moment, reading my expression, but her face lit up in recognition. She turned to Jihyo. "We're not moving in together yet! Slow your roll!"

"What... how did you..." She glanced between the two of us. "Do you two have some psychic connection I don't know about?"

"Irrelevant!" Nayeon pushed Jihyo lightly on the shoulder. "Don't go speculating on unfounded gossip, now. They have people for that."

Mina shouted in jubilation from the stove, a telling sign that she'd finally gotten the omelette correct. She glanced back at me, hoping I hadn't notice, but I just raised an eyebrow. She immediately looked back at the stove, pretending to move something around in the pan even though I could clearly see the omelette on a plate next to her.

Once the rest of the girls sat down, Mina brought over the plate to a fanfare vocalized by Momo. "Voila!"

It was impressive. She'd gotten the exterior perfectly smooth, and the omelette rested nicely on top of the chicken and rice. I used my knife to cut the top layer of the egg to reveal a beautifully cooked inside: glistening and just cooked. "Nice job, Mina! Even I haven't made one this good."

"My pleasure," Mina said as the others began to dig in. "You feeling okay after last night?"

"He did sleep like a baby," Nayeon teased, ruffling my hair as I tried to take a bite of the omelette.

Nayeon's action startled me, and the omelette fell off my spoon and back into the plate. "Thanks."

"No problem," Nayeon said drily, pulling her hand back and reaching for the eggs herself.

It was rather nice to eat lunch with everyone. I usually ate quickly and before the girls came to the table, but this time things were a lot more relaxed. We talked and joked, and half the time I focused more on the conversation than the food. None of us were particularly exhausted like we were whenever we went to dinner after work; those times we ate at barbecues were quiet and subdued, since everyone was too tired to talk. It felt like the end of one of those Fast and Furious movies, to be honest; everyone was just chilling, having a good time.

We finished before 11:30, and I after texting Kim allowed them to hang about for another two hours. Most of the girls went outside to sunbathe or relax near the pool, and I took advantage of the free living room to port my PS4 there. I marveled at the 4k resolution on the massive, 88-inch TV. The thing was usually on as background noise unless someone decided to watch a movie, but now I had the chance to play whatever I wanted.

I started by booting up God of War. I'd just gotten the game, and I was only an hour or so in, but the visuals were absolutely stunning on the big screen compared to the 43-inch TV in my bedroom.

Chaeyoung joined me on the couch after a while, curled up against the opposite headrest with a pen and a journal. "What's up?" I asked, slashing Kratos's axe through a dragur's head.

Chaeyoung watched me play the game with a veiled expression. "Not much. Thought I'd get to some songwriting."

"Ah." I pursed my lips as the zombie warrior roared while Kratos ripped its head clean off its shoulders. "I'm not too sure if this is the best environment for that, you know."

"Who knows? I mean, this game is pretty... colorful?" she said as more dragurs started pouring from the sides of the ravine I was in. She frowned as I got pummeled from two directions, resulting in a loss of almost half my health. "You're not very good, though."

"Thanks," I sighed as I was hit again. Reaching for the remote, I turned the volume down for her sake, so she didn't have to listen to the endless cries of anguish from the enemies I slayed. "Does Mina not play this kind of stuff?"

"She does, but only on her Switch or PC. She doesn't have a console."

"That's unfortunate."

"She's always been a PC gamer, so I guess it's not too big of a deal."

"Might be for exclusives. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten a PS4 to play either this or Spider-Man."

"There's a Spider-Man game?" Chaeyoung asked, excitedly setting her items on the coffee table.

"That was a quick turnaround."

"I'm a big fan," she explained, clasping her hands. "I've even read comics, though it's kind of hard to find large amounts of Korean translated ones. I've managed by sneaking into stores, and I've gotten around to some of the big ones like Spider-Verse."

"Really?" Now I was getting excited. "I love Spider-Verse! It's not the most coherent, but it's so damn entertaining."

"I know, right?"

"Do you wanna play?" I asked, pausing God of War. "I have the game if you wanna give it a go."

"Hell, yes." Chaeyoung grinned and grabbed the controller from me. "Okay, what do I do?"

"Not that," I winced as Chaeyoung accidentally unpaused the game and got me killed. "Okay, let me at least get into the game for you."

She seemed to enjoy it a lot, to the point where she even asked me to order a PS4 for her. I wanted to say it wasn't necessary and that she could just play on mine, but I remembered that the girls had dumblit money. Stupid me. I had to pause our session after another half hour to get all my papers ready, and on my way upstairs I passed Mina, who was coming inside.

"You should thank me," I said. "I just got your girlfriend into video games."

"You WHAT?" Mina's face lit up. "How?"

"Spider-Man PS4. I'm ordering one for her soon."

"Idiot!" Mina let out an annoyed sigh. "I forgot that exists!"

"I imagine you would, PC scrub."

"Hey! At least I have precision and variety on my side!"

"If you want to buy me a pro rig, be my guest." I stepped past her and headed up the stairs as Mina called out from behind me.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I will!"

I secretly hoped she would, but now was no time for speculation. I had a couple of papers that I needed to take to ensure our entrance to the venue and some information that Kim wanted me to print out. I had to trek to the other side of the house to pick up the copies from the printer room, but soon after I was rounding up the girls so we could be on our way.

In an odd turn of events, Kim had called to say the stage manager had specified that sheand I weren't exactly needed during the concert. It meant that we were glorified volunteers, the girls' moral support, if you will. And, for that reason alone, we'd been cleared to go out into the pit if we wanted using a couple reserved spots. I printed out the passes in case, but I doubted we'd be able to use the opportunity.

I had butterflies in my stomach, and I wasn't even performing. I could only imagine how some of the girls must have felt. I guess Jihyo thought the same, since she got everyone's attention before we piled into the van. "Ladies!"

Everyone quieted down, myself included.

Jihyo looked at her members. "Eleven months. That's how long it's been, right?" A few of them nodded their heads in the affirmative. "Tonight is the night we deliver. Tonight is the night everything starts again, right?" She stood a little taller. "We're going to steal the show from BTS, understand? If they didn't know we were on the same caliber, they will now. Let's put our best foot forward and blow that stage to the fucking stratosphere!" She held out the end of her sentence, turning it into a kind of yell. The others all joined in, yelling at the top of their voices with massive smiles. I wanted to take a picture, but I just let the moment play out.

The air of anticipation was even more heightened than before as we made our way down to the Olympic Stadium. I had given Jihyo the music controls, hoping she would be more sensible. She met me in the middle and put on a new hits playlist, but the girls appeared too frazzled to want to sing along.

Things got hectic as soon as we arrived at 14:30.

I was separated from the girls, who were bustled of to get mic'd up for the sound check and the final stage rehearsal. Meanwhile, I hurried to get some documents to Kim, then to the stage manager, then to Jihoon... I was running circles around the stadium, remarkable considering that the entire thing was, like, a half a mile in circumference. I was exhausted and needed a break, but it came in the most unexpected of forms as I stopped in the break room to grab a bottle of water.

"Ah! There you are!" It was Taehyung, with a worried kind of expression on his face. "Is it okay if I talk to you about something?"

"Me?" I looked around the empty room, feeling awkward after realizing he couldn't have been talking about anyone else. "Um, sure."

Taehyung pursed his lips and plopped down on a couch. "It's about Tzuyu."

I didn't quite know what to say, so I just put the bottle down and folded my arms. "Go on."

He chuckled at my stance. "Don't worry, my intentions are pure. In fact... I wanted to ask her out."

"Oh. OH." I wasn't sure what I was expected when he said he wanted to talk about Tzuyu. "Aren't you two already...?"

"Oh. Um, no." He clasped his hands. "I mean, I don't really know. We haven't talked about it since... since that night and I want to kind of... make it official, if that makes sense. I... I really like her. Like, for real."

"Make it official." I repeated his words. "Let me get this straight. You two have been talking for a bit over a month, including during the ban--not that I have a huge problem with that--and she wrote a whole ass duet for you two. Is that not signaling something?"

"Look, I just don't want to screw it up. I've done that before, and I don't want to scare her away." His eyes were pleading. "She talks about you like you're an older brother to her. Just help me out a bit, here."

"She what?" I felt touched by what he said. "Really?"

"Don't mention it to her," he warned. "She hates it when I'm sappy, and I doubt she'll like it from you, either."

I'm so mentioning it to her, I thought.

"Just tell me if... if I'm missing anything."

"Do you really think I'm the pinnacle of relationship advice?" I asked. "Nayeon and I started dating two days after we met, so I wouldn't really call that a model relationship."

"But it's been working, right?"


"You've got to be doing something right, then," Taehyung insisted. "You two have gone on for longer than any of my relationships have."

"Really? Two months? That's a low bar."

"I know!" Taehyung wailed, sitting back like a frustrated little kid. "You see my dilemma?"

I thought for a moment about what he wanted from me. "Well, I never meant to rush into this whole thing... maybe try just... going with it?"

"Going with it?" Taehyung laughed. "What, like, do nothing?"

"Maybe not nothing," I suggested. "Just... don't get caught up with putting a label on it, you know?"

"So, do nothing."

"Jesus, man," I muttered. "I dunno, just, like, tell her she looks pretty or something and see what happens. What do you want me to say?" I sighed. "Don't move into things too fast. If it's any consolation," I added, "it's obvious she likes you."

"Can't I just, like, play SIGNAL for her and hope she gets it? The song practically says what I'm feeling."

"That is rather convenient, but hell no," I said. "Don't be cheesy. You said it yourself, she hates that kind of stuff."

"You have told me nothing but what I thought you would," he said, standing and looking mildly annoyed.

"That's good," I resolved. "It means you know her just as well as I do."

Taehyung looked at me for a second, studying my neutral expression, before he grinned. "You know, maybe you have been a little helpful." He held out his hand. "Thanks a lot."

I shook it. "No problem." But as he pulled away, I leaned in and stared hard at him. "But if you break her heart, I'll beat your ass."

Taehyung's face fell as I dropped his hand. "Fuck, okay."

I burst out laughing at his expression. "Relax. I probably couldn't even if I tried."

"I dunno," he said. "You look like you've been working out since a month ago."

I resisted the urge to feel flattered at the compliment. "Whatever. Don't you have stuff to do?"

"Yes, indeed," he said, heading out the door quickly. "Good talk."

Soon enough, we were all gathered by the stage manager to go over roles and run through a dry schedule of events. This whole thing was a collaborative effort, and in addition to Kim and I, JYPE had sent over some more hands to help out in good faith. The boys had a VIP meet and greet at 18:00 for forty-five minutes, and then had to prep for stage at 19:00. The girls would go on after the final song of the encore, Mikrokosmos, and after the performance of the album's single, they'd put out the album release date. Essentially, the end of the concert was a kind of stage takeover. It was going to be something, for sure.

They needed some extra help at the meet and greet, so I was put in charge of running media on the screen behind the boys as they met the fans. It was an easy job; I literally just needed to queue music videos or play music off their new album. I was having fun jamming out in the back when I was pulled aside to do more work, and before I knew it, it was concert time.

Bangtan went up with RM's intro first, and I was backstage helping distribute water, fans, and other things they needed before stage. The guys' album was top class, and I found myself singing along to the lyrics, especially when Louder than bombs started playing. It was when I was given permission to sneak forward to take a look at the crowd that my breath almost stopped.

There was a sea of lights, all synchronized to the song they were currently singing, We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal. I saw people moving in rhythm, singing along with all their hearts. That big, bright, beautiful ocean of people and colors did something to me on another level, and I had to go back inside. The vibes I felt emanating from that crowd was something else, something I couldn't quite comprehend. I felt like tearing up listening to the song. I couldn't deny that BTS's music had done a lot for me; hell, it was how I got into k-pop. I wouldn't admit it to their faces, but their music was my gateway drug. Without having discovered them, I might not have ever moved to Korea, let alone gotten this job.

But I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me. As though time was moving in fast forward, the boys were already starting their encore. All I knew was that I wanted to get out there. I wanted to be in the middle of that sea of ARMY, to see what it was like; most importantly, I wanted to experience the girls' first concert stage in almost a year. And then I remembered: I was allowed to.

I approached Kim as Hobi started performing Ego. "I want to get out there."

"I thought you'd never ask," Kim said, grinning. She left for a moment and returned with the passes, which she'd fashioned into lanyards we could hang around our necks. "Let's go."

The path was a little roundabout. We had to exit through an employee door and circle around the stadium, come back through security, get our passes verified, and push through the sea of people chanting for an encore. The energy was infectious. We all knew that the boys would be performing an encore, but they chose the Western route of waiting until the crowd got loud enough to come back out. ARMY was singing Mikrokosmos all together now, and the feeling of the sound washing over me made me want to squeal like a six-year-old.

We arrived at our spots on the floor near the stage, and I ended up shoulder-to-shoulder next to a girl who's hair was done up in a long ponytail that looked a lot like Chaeyoung's hair for the Feel Special MV. She'd put on the glittery eye shadow and the pink lipstick. I noticed her TWICE stickers on the back of her phone case as she recorded the empty stage waiting for something to happen, and I couldn't help but say something to her.

"Hey!" I shouted over the general buzz from the crowd as the fan rendition of Mikrokosmos ended with a big cheer. "Are you a fan of TWICE?" I asked.

"WHAT?" she asked in English. "SORRY, HANGUGEOREUL JAL MOSHABNIDA!" she yelled back with a severe American accent.


"DO I!" she shouted back, her voice high. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIR?"

"YEAH!" I was kind of regretting my decision. She was giving me manic pixie dream girl vibes.


"YEAH, RIGHT!" It was kind of fun pretending to be oblivious.

"NO, REALLY!" she insisted. "I MET MINA AND CHAEYOUNG IN PERSON IN A LINE AT..." I couldn't hear the end of her sentence over a fan chant that rose from the crowd. "HERE, MY FRIEND WILL TELL YOU! CARLA, TELL THIS GUY ABOUT CHAE AND MINA!"

"HUH? OH, YEAH!" her friend yelled, putting her phone down. "IF SHE SAID SHE MET THEM, SHE'S NOT KIDDING! I WAS THERE!"

"WOW! THAT MUST HAVE BEEN AWESOME!" I said, thoroughly enjoying myself. Kim had picked up on what I was doing, and she just sighed and shook her head as I continued. "WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SONG?"

"DTNA'S MY SHIT, MAN!" the Chaeyoung double said emphatically.

"IGNORE MOLLY!" Carla said. "MINE IS TT!"



"I DID WATCH IT!" I ignored her statement about their music, evil laughter ringing through my mind. You have no idea. "WHERE ARE YOU TWO FROM?"

"BOSTON!" Molly said. "YOU EVER BEEN?"



I winced hearing about ticket prices. I'd always had an itch about getting tickets to fans that couldn't afford them; hell, not that long ago I was one of them. I needed to figure something out about that later. "I KNOW, HUH!"


"I GUESS I GOT SHIFTED HERE BY THE CROWD," I lied, trying to be inconspicuous. "WHY, IS SOMEONE ELSE HERE?"






"YOUR BROTHER'S KOREAN?" Molly questioned.



I wanted to laugh at her reaction. People never quite knew what to say when I said I was adopted, whether they should be glad or sorry for me. It was kind of funny, honestly. I hated my adopted parents, and I had zero desire to meet my birth parents. I suppose it was kind of a sad reality, but I never particularly cared.

Had I mentioned this before? I haven't, huh. Well, there you go, I guess. I've told you.

I should have told Nayeon when we first started dating, but I guess I always thought it was irrelevant. I never wanted her to meet my parents, and I doubted she ever would, so it was easier to just gloss over it.

But before I could get lost in my thoughts, the crowd roared in delight as the stage lights came back on.


Then the whistling started, and my eardrums began to bleed. Every fucking step the boys took raised a cheer so loud it could shatter titanium. V picked up the first part of DNA with ease.

Cheotnune neol araboge dwaesseo

Seorol bulleowassdeon geotcheoreom

Nae hyeolgwan sok DNAga malhaejwo

Naega chaja hemaedeon neoraneun geol...

The songs kept going one after the other, and I was singing my heart out to every one. At some point, Jin spotted me in the crowd, and he gave me a characteristic wink as though acknowledging my presence. I gave him a thumbs up in return, and he matched my gesture.

Molly squealed and turned to Carla as the boys wrapped up another song. "DID YOU SEE THAT? JIN WINKED AT ME! HOLY SHIT!"

Their encore was phenomenal. The boys were fantastic performers, and their stage presence alone was enough to elevate that crowd feeling to the stratosphere. Even though I knew the actual tracklist, it felt like their performance would never end (in a good way). Kim and I were hooked onto their movements, their attitudes, their mere existence on the stage. I wanted to cry, it was that good, but I'd never be able to live it down if I did. I just stood and enjoyed the concert with a smile plastered to my face.

This is why I love k-pop.

Half an hour later, Molly and Carla were both shedding tears as the boys finished up Mikrokosmos.

Shine, dream, smile

Oh let us light up the night

Ulin ulidaelo bichna

Shine, dream, smile

Oh let us light up the night

Uli geu jachelo bichna


But as they started vocalizing, I felt that addictive anticipation at the pit of my stomach, like I was looking down the drop of a roller coaster. Because I knew what was coming next.

The song was supposed to be meaningful, but it went by quickly, and soon the boys were holding hands in a line on the stage, looking out at the crowd. I observed each of their faces: the perspiration dripping down their faces; the gleams of satisfaction at a show well done in their eyes; and, deeper, almost imperceptible, that same sense on anticipation.

I knew what was about to happen as soon as Suga raised both his hands. He brought the mic up to his mouth, smirking slightly as he did so, and screamed louder than I thought was possible for him. "ARMYYYYYYY!"

A resounding cheer rose from the crowd, so loud that I couldn't deign to hear myself screaming over everyone else.

RM did the same thing as Suga had, and a deafening silence filled the stadium once more. "We can't thank you all enough for coming out tonight. You all give us the passion, the courage to make music, and I speak for all seven of us when I say I don't know what we'd do without you."

"Saranghae!" Jin added, blowing a kiss out into the sea of bodies that caused Molly to practically burst into tears. 

Kim just rolled her eyes in disbelief. "He knows exactly what he's doing when he does that, huh."

"They all do," I reasoned. "Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same."

"I'm going to refrain from answering that question."

"BUT!" RM yelled before the fans got too loud again. "We've got a surprise for you. It's a little something we've been working on for a few months... Would you like to see?"

I could barely process the screams this time, because my vision was tunneling. I looked straight ahead as the lights dimmed to black. The glow sticks started pulsing and shaking as a whisper drifted across the stadium. And then, the lights came on and the music started...

A/N: You know I had to do it to 'em.

As always, please comment, vote, add, and share.

WIth love,


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