Colossal Love - Female Humano...

By TyrantYokai123

400K 7.4K 1.9K

What if instead of being normal giant monsters what if the mighty monsters in the godzilla world were instead... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Potentially Upcoming Arcs
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 15

8.8K 186 21
By TyrantYokai123

The humans at the argo sit or stand in worry as noting seems to happen for a good while until loud roars can be heard from inside the hurricane and as flashes of light happen the crew of the argo can make out the large figures of the titans inside as the 5 of them battle it out.

Meanwhile inside the hurricane the male zero fires a gravity beam towards gojira who easily ducks under it but before she could counter with an attack of her own the second female zero goes in from an attack to the side however that is quickly stopped as the unknown titan fires his own atomic beam right at her, hits her right in the chest and knocks her flying back.

The unknown titan turns to the male zero and smirks as he dashes straight towards him to which the male zero prepares himself until the main female zero rushes the unknown titan from the side and bites down on his neck which makes him scream in pain until gojira charges in and punches the main female zero across the face which knock her off of the male titan who turns to her and nods and looks back at the zeros. The main female zero smiles at her two opponents with a sinister smirk as she raises her left hand into the air and just as she does this lighting shoots down towards her and hits her. The unknown titan looks in what's happening in confusion but gojira starts to brace herself as the main female zero starts to wrap her wings around for a good couple of seconds until she suddenly spreads her wings out and launch out a massive barrage of lighting bolts which all head towards gojira and the unknown titan.

Several of the lighting bolts hit the unknown titan in different parts of his body and sends him flying back however gojira on the other hand takes the lighting bolts somewhat well until the second female zero from her right fires a gravity beam and hits gojira's side which causes gojira in roar in pain a bit as she gets launched to the side.

As the two titans groan in pain the three zeros start to make there way over to them with the male zero heading over to the unknown titan and the two females heading over to gojira. The second female goes to reach for gojira but suddenly the ocean erupts behind her and just as the second female zero turns around she notices the small gojira-like titan from before leap onto her back and dig her claws and teeth into her causing the female zero to scream in pain as she backs away from gojira and tries to get the smaller titan off of her back. The other two zeros look over at what is going on but as they do this both the unknown titan and gojira quickly get up and fires both their atomic breath attacks at the male zero and main female zero and the attack hit the two right in the torso which knocks them back as the blasts explode.

The seconds female zero manages to get the small titan off her of by using her large tail to grab onto the small titan's neck and throw her to the side but as the titan crashes into the ocean it suddenly appears next to gojira within a couple of seconds leaving the second female zero shocked while she falls back to her twins. The smaller titan looks up at gojira with a little bit of wonder in her face as gojira looks a little similar to her but she quickly focuses back on the zeros instead.

The main female and male zeros get themselves up and stares daggers towards gojira and the unknown titan until all the zero look at each other, nod, look back at their opponents. then suddenly start charging up for an attack to which gojira and her allies charge up their own until all the zeros fire off their gravity beams while gojira fires her atomic breath, the unknown titan fires his atomic breath and the smaller titan's eyes suddenly flash and she fires out a large green fire blast from her mouth. All the attacks meet in the middle with a powerful shockwave going off as they hit which had enough force to launch out of the hurricane, make large waves and hits the argo which makes the crew inside fall over.

(Rick): What the hell is going on in there!?

Serizawa's eyes widen as the hurricane starts get larger and larger.


(Soldier): Right!

The crew acts fast and get the argo to turn around and fly away from the expanding hurricane while meanwhile inside the hurricane the blasts from the 6 titans expand a little more until the massive explosion goes off which expands enough to not only consumes all the titans but also get rid of the massive hurricane.

(Rick): We have got alot of radiation expanding behind us!

(Ishiro): Just keep going until it stops!

The argo speeds up as the explosion gets larger and larger until it suddenly comes to stop as the argo gets some good distance from the nuclear explosion.

(Rick): Okay it looks like it stopped but I would recommend getting a bit more away just in case.

(Soldier): Alright.

(Mark): Did they do that?

(Ishiro): It most likely was them.

(Rick): Okay people this should be enough distance so get this thing turned around so we can see the action.

The argo does a slow turn and as the humans see the massive smoke cloud they all look on in awe however mark and serizawa has quite serious looks on their faces.

(Mark): Do you think any of the islands got caught in that?

(Ishiro): No they should be out of reach.....however the radiation coming off of that could be another problem.

A long silence happens as they wonder just what to do until three large pillars of water shoot up in front of them which makes the crew jump in surprise. The crew of the argo look to see the three large figures of the unknown titan, gojira and the smaller gojira-like titan standing there unharmed in front of them as the three titans look towards the massive smoke cloud.

(Rick): Well at least there ok.

(Mark): Wait who is the smaller one.

(Ishiro): That is zilla, she is a titan that is somewhat like gojira however her species is much smaller and faster but not as strong.

(Mark): So like a subspecies?

(Ishiro): Maybe but I would say that the male over there is more of a subspecies than zilla is.

(Mark): Wait if they look like you think they can understand us?

Just as mark says this everyone looks at mark as if he is insane except serizawa who looks interested.

(Rick): Are you nuts?

(Mark): I mean they look to have humans ears so maybe we can kinda talk to them.


(Rick): No one has even tried to talk to them.....although that was mainly because no one wanted to talk to large monsters that were destroying things and also people decided to either attack or run away from them.

(Ishiro): It could be a risky move but it could be very helpful if it works out.

(Rick): Oh god please don't tell your going to-

(Ishiro): Yes we will be talking to them.

(Rick): Oh boy.......

(Mark): So....does this thing have a speaker?

(Rick): I will switch to better hope this works.

Mark runs over to rick as he passes him a small mic and mark takes a deep breath.


The sound echoes out from the argo and reaches the the titan who slowly turn around to see the argo.

(Rick): We are so died.....

(A/n): Done and done and now things get a bit funky with it going a bit different from the movie and sorry if the chapter feels a bit weird I was not feeling right while doing it but I hope you still enjoyed it as for I shall take a break from this book and start working on my main book tomorrow.

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