Make Me. ~ T.Stark

By xxitssteverogersxx

2M 51.2K 79.8K

"I'm gonna need you to shut that mouth of yours before you say something you're gonna regret." "Make me." COM... More

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27.1K 836 646
By xxitssteverogersxx

"It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations."

Aphrodite Harper.

I looked at Tony in anticipation, nervous about what he would do.

He quickly lunged towards Bucky, but I stopped him by placing my hands on his chest.

"Baby." I said, worry written across my features.

"Please tell me you didn't know." Tony whispered, looking at me which a broken expression.

"I promise you, I didn't know. I promise." I said, placing my hand on his cheek and hoping he would believe me.

"You have to believe me. Please." I whispered, and he closed his eyes for a moment, opening them to meet mine.

"I believe you."

Steve grabbed the back of Tony's arm, making him flinch.

"Tony. Tony."

Tony had tears in his eyes, making my stomach drop. He turned to Steve, and let one fall.

"Did you know?" He asked, and I felt my heart tear in that one, fleeting moment.

"I didn't know it was him." Steve responded, looking apologetic.

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" Tony asked, and I held his metal hand, trying to keep him calm.

Steve looked at me, then back at Tony.

He looked guilty.


I let go of Tony's hand when Steve admitted to it, my blood beginning to boil.

Tony stepped away, and without saying anything, he closed his helmet he punched Steve to the floor, then quickly disarmed Barnes.

I watched Tony grab him and fly across the chamber, slamming him onto the floor and dragging Barnes while Steve looked worried.

I wanted to help, but Tony had every right to want to hurt them.

This wasn't my fight.

I looked back to the window to see Zemo walking away, and I looked between him and Tony, not knowing what to do.

This is Tony's fight.

Zemo needs to pay.

"Tony! I'm going after Zemo!" I exclaimed, making up mind.

Tones could take Steve and Barnes on by himself.

"Do your thing babygirl!" Tony shouted at me, flashing a beam of light at Steve.

The last thing I saw was Steve's shield hitting Tony, distracting him, but Tony managed to buckle Steve's feet together for a minute.

I jogged through the hallways, hearing the boys yell at eachother.

"Get out of here!"

"It wasn't him, Tony. Hydra had control of his mind!"


"It wasn't him!"

I found Zemo outside, listening to a woman's voice on the phone.

"You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you."

"Is this is all you wanted?" I asked, walking towards Zemo, eyeing him cautiously.

"To see them rip each other apart?"

I watched him put the phone down, pressing a button before staring into the horizon in front of us.

"My father lived outside the city. I thought we would be safe there." Zemo said, and I walked closer to him as he spoke.

"My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, 'Don't worry. They are fighting in the city. We're miles from harm'."

I felt my heart tug at what I knew was coming next.

"When the dust cleared and the screaming stopped, It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father, still holding my wife and son in his arms. The Avengers? You went home."

I stayed silent.

"I knew I couldn't kill them, more powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get them to kill each other." He said, trailing off.

"Vengeance has consumed you." I said, and Zemo shrugged.

He didn't care anymore.

"It's consuming them." I said, and he scoffed, still looking into the horizon.

"Justice will come soon to you enough." I said, and it was the moment I noticed he was holding a gun.

"Tell that to the dead."

I did a quick calculation.

A bullet will go through all of the elements.

He held the gun to his head, and before he could pull the trigger, I instinctively sent a gush of wind into the gun, knocking it out of his hand.

I quickly placed my arm around his neck, and started taking the air out of his lungs while he fought against me.

Not enough to kill him, but enough to knock him out for a few hours.

"The living are not done with you yet." I whispered in his ear, and he fell limp in my arms.

I grabbed Zemo, dragging him by the legs down into the building to find Steve, Barnes and Tony.

When I walked into the room we were in before, they weren't there.

Where the hell have they gone?

I heard talking through the vents, and immediately knew it was Steve.

"He's my friend."

"So was I."

I began jogging, lugging Zemo behind as I followed the vent pipes to find them.

"Stay down. Final warning."

"I can do this all day."

They're gonna fucking kill eachother.

I found a large opening, using a gush of air to safely carry Zemo and I down.

"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!"

My heart was beating faster than ever as I raced to get to Tony.

I found Steve carrying Barnes away from where I thought the fight was happening, and Barnes was missing his metal arm.

Steve froze when he saw me, but Barnes was too hazed to notice.

"Aphrodite-" Steve said, but I cut him off, dropping Zemo's ankle.

"Where the fuck is Tony?" I asked, glaring at him.

"I had to do it. I'm sorry."

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" I exclaimed, feeling my stomach drop.

Please don't be dead, Tony.

"He's unconscious."

"You're a fucking asshole. Your best friend killed his parents and what do you do? You beat him up and ditch him in another country! What if I wasn't here, huh? You selfish fucking jerk!" I yelled, feeling fire emit from my hands, and Steve's eyes widened.

I was just about ready to burn him, but I stopped.

Tony needs me, and I love him more than I hate Steve.

"Get out of here." I grumbled, and Steve looked broken.


"Only my friends call me that." I said, his teary eyes meeting my angry ones.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, still holding Barnes up.

I scoffed, looking at Barnes, then back at Steve.

"Leave, before I do something I regret."

With that, Steve gave me one last sorrowful look before dragging Barnes away, to god knows where.

I grabbed Zemo's ankle again, lugging him towards Tony, until I saw him.

Steve broke his arc reactor.

Tony couldn't move.

I ran over to him, checking his pulse, breathing a large sigh of relief when I felt one.

Tony and Zemo were out cold.

How am I going to get both of them back to New York?

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and looked at my contacts.

Clint? Prison.

Wanda? Prison.

Sam? Prison.

Steve? I would rather fucking die.

Georgia, Savannah or Beth? No way am I dragging them into this.

Nat? Ross is probably after her right now. I can't risk him finding me.

God forbid I call Ross either, unless I give myself up so Tony can be safe.

I could do that.

As I went to call Ross, I noticed I had a missed call from an unknown number.

I clicked on it, and the person picked up after a few rings.


It was Peter.

"Peter?" I asked, my heart beating faster.

"Miss Harper? I'm really sorry for calling you, I just remembered your number from when I used your phone at the airport to call Happy-" Peter started rambling, and I smiled.

"Hey kid, I'm kind of in a pickle right now, would you mind getting to the point?" I asked politely, and he gasped.

"I'm so sorry Miss Harper, I was just going to ask if I would be able to stay with Mr Stark for a while. My Aunt is in a coma and they said she's not going to wake up for a long time which is why Happy picked me up from the airport and I just can't be there right now. I understand if it's not okay-"

I cut him off again.

Tony would love to have Peter around, especially now that the Avengers are disbanded.

"It's more than okay kid, I'll have Happy send a plane for you." I said, and Peter let out a sigh of relief.

"Let me put you on hold." I said, not waiting for his response as I dialled Happy's number.

"Yes?" He asked, and I was thrilled he picked up so quickly.

"Happy. I need your help. Don't tell anyone. Don't do anything I don't tell you to do." I said, and he was already in motion as I heard a car start on his end.

"What do you need?"

"Send a jet to Queens. Tell the pilot to pick up Peter Parker. Send a jet to the Siberan mountains. If they can't find a landing spot just tell them to pack a ladder. Both as soon as possible." I ordered, and looked at both the unconscious men.

"Wheels are already up, you'll be collected soon."

"You're a lifesaver, Happy." I said, hanging up and putting the phone back to my ear.

"You there, kid?" I asked and I heard silence for a few seconds before I got a response.

"Yes! Yes I am."

"A jet is on its way to you. Pack a bag. Catch an Uber to the airport, I'll send you the money for it later. Can you do that?" I asked, and I heard a small, excited squeal.


"Anytime kid, see you soon." I said, hanging up.

I held some flames in my hand, keeping myself and Tony warm as I waited for the jet to come.

After a while, Tony began to stir, slowly waking up.

Zemo was still out cold, I had been making sure of it.

"Baby?" He asked softly, and my heart leapt out of my chest.

"I'm here." I whispered, placing my warm hands on his cheek, and he smiled at me, but his eyes showed he was in pain.

"How do you feel?" I asked, and Tony sighed.

"Everywhere hurts." He admitted, and I kissed him softly on the lips.

"And what about here?" I asked, placing my hand on his chest, drawing a love heart, and he looked up at me, sad.

"That hurts too."

"I'm sorry." I whispered, leaning down and resting my forehead on his.

"I have you. That's all I need." Tony responded, and I smiled sadly.

"I have you too."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, but it was comfortable.

I felt like no words needed to be exchanged.

Tony was tired, and I was just happy he was okay.

"Oh by the way, I have something waiting for you at home." I said, remembering Peter.

"What is it?" Tony asked, looking confused, and I smiled.

"Peter is going to stay with us for a while. He needs someone and so do you." I said, and Tony looked excited, but tried to cover it up.

"I like the kid. Why is he staying with us?"

"His aunt is in a coma. He needs parental guidance and companionship I guess." I said, and Tony looked content with my answer.

"Okay, where's Steve and his friend?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't know, all I saw was them leave when I raced to find you. I assume they're off the grid." I admitted, and Tony closed his eyes, sighing.

"You're okay. That's all that matters right now." I said, and he locked eyes with me.

"I would've died here." He said, and I shook my head.

"But you didn't. I've got you. A jet is on it's way." I said, smiling at him, and he smiling softly.

"I can always count on you." Tony whispered, and I know if he could, he'd be hugging me right now.

I heard the roar of the jet engines, making me smile.

"Our ticket out of here has arrived, Tones." I said, and he smiled at me.

"Before we get on the jet, do me a favour?" Tony asked, and I nodded.


"Kiss me?"

I leaned down and placed my lips on his, giving him a small, but meaningful kiss that he gratefully returned.

"You mean everything to me." I whispered, not wanting to leave the security of his lips.

"I love you."

I closed my eyes for a second, feeling the heat of his breath on my face, smiling to myself, content.

"Was that too soon?" He asked, sounding slightly panicked, but I shook my head, kissing him lightly again.

"Not at all, I just didn't expect it." I said, feeling completely at peace despite where we were and all of the events that have happened.

"I love you, Tony."

"I love you, Aphrodite."

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