descendants ~sanders sides AU~

By _CandyCl0uds_

49K 2.2K 3.8K

⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS WILL BE POSTED BEFORE EACH CHAPTER⚠️ Patton and Roman are princes, sworn to protect at all... More

1 ~ Isle Kids and Personal Problems ~
2 ~ Invitations and Fights ~
3 ~ Family Arguments and New Kids ~
4 ~ Lollipops and Plans ~
5 ~ Hot Chocolate and Lies ~
6 ~ First Day and Magical Abilities ~
7 ~ Smoking and Flirting ~
8 ~ Coronation Plans and Arguments ~
9 ~ Break Ins and Slurpies ~
10 ~ Friendship and Locker Vandalism ~
11 ~ Magic and Morse Code ~
Quick Authors Note of me Being Very STUPID
13 ~ Fights and Realisations ~
14 ~ Sunsets and Ice Cream ~
15 ~ Headaches and Bad Feelings ~
16 ~ Mario Kart and Almosts ~

12 ~ Talks and Coffee ~

1.8K 111 461
By _CandyCl0uds_

A/N: Heyo! I've decided that since so many people (for some weird reason) like this, it needs a schedule! So every Wednesday and Saturday between 4:00 - 5:00 there will be a new chapter!

⚠️Trigger Warnings: Cigarettes and Self harm/Blood mentions (THIS IS A FLUFF CHAPTER I SWEAR)⚠️

Patton looked at Virgil, who was puffing on a cigarette and had a slight smile on his lips.

What made him really nervous, was that his jacket looked stained on the wrist with a dark liquid.

Suddenly, Virgil seemed to wake up from he trance, and his face morphed into a deer in the headlights look.

Patton smiled warmly at him, "Sorry I decided to follow you... I just wanted to know if you were okay."

The darkly dressed boy raised an eyebrow at Patton, "and why would you care?"

Patton looked shocked, "Well! Because you're my friend... well... at least I think I'm your friend... if you'd let me that is." When Virgil didn't say no, and instead looked even more confused, like he didn't know why anyone would want to be his friend, Patton held out his hand.


Virgil looked at the hand, then at Patton's hopeful smile, and then at the hand again.

He turned Patton's hand into a fist, and then gave him a fist bump, "Friends."

Patton smiled widely and clapped. "Well! Since were friends now! I have to tell you something."
He sat down on the grass and started picking at it.

Sure the happy teenager was trusting. And sure he was very oblivious, and maybe he got hurt whenever he would put his trust in someone and they betrayed that trust. So much so that it would throw him in a depressive state that led to him feeling alone. But no one knew that! Not even his brother.

He shook his head slightly, trying to clear away his thoughts that constantly ridicule him for every small thing he does.

"Okay..." Virgil said quietly.

"Okay, well there's this guy... whose like nice to me... and I want to be his friend more! But... we're so different, I have no clue how to talk to him." He said, still picking on the grass

Virgil looked a little confused, "And you want my help? Why?"

"See... that's the thing. You know him better than I do." He looked up at Virgil.

Patton watched at the gears in Virgils brain clicked, "You need help... Talking to Logan?"

Patton nodded meekly and turned to face the grass.

The Purple haired boy nodded, "Well. He's hella smart, and he likes coffee. I don't know, maybe be like, 'Hey I need help with math, wanna get coffee after school?' He loves to feel superior, if that makes sense." He finished the sentence with a shrug.

For some reason, Patton couldn't look in Virgil's eyes, so he chose to observe the scenery around him.

The garden was huge, with a brick wall blocking it from the rest of the island. The garden had flowers all along the edges, mostly Purple, Red, Light blue and Dark blue Roses, Pink Lily's, and Orchids all jumbled together. On the stone wall with golden flecks in it, there were vines and flowers growing, showing that the wall was very old.

Patton's favourite part, however, was the huge tree in the middle of the garden. It had leafs all around it, turning orange because of the time of year. The orange and green leaves grew to where it covered the whole tree, sort of like those Vines and trees that kept Rapunzel's tower hidden for 18 years. When you pushed the vines to the side, and walked into the hidden part of the tree. There was a small tire swing, the one Virgil was sitting on.

He finally turned his gaze to Virgil, expecting to see some form of scowl, or disapproving face,
Instead, he saw a soft smile on the boys face.

Patton returned the smile, "Yeah, okay, that could work." He said, mostly to himself, "Thank you, Virgil."

Virgil shrugged, "Honestly? I should thank you, you kinda made me forget about my trash life for a while." He said, returning back to his normal, gloomy, self.

"That's what I do best!" Patton said, his smile sincere. "But really, kiddo, if you ever need to talk, I'm here." He said a little more serious as he stood up.

Virgil thought about it, then nodded, "Tell your brother... I'm sorry, don't do it when I'm around him! But like later...?" Virgil rubbed the back of his neck.

Patton's was a little confused, why couldn't he say it himself? Why did he need to apologise? Why was Patton asking so many questions?

He decided to let it go, and instead he nodded, "see you in second hour?" Patton asked.

"No promises." Virgil smirked and gave a two finger salute to the Father like friend walking away.

Once Patton was outside of the tree, he sighed heavily... he didn't get why it was so hard to talk to Logan! He was just a person, Patton was normally amazing at talking to people! But every time he tried to talk to the nerd, he went full on Marionette Dupain-Cheng.

Patton mentally kicked himself and walked into Second Hour. His smile becoming bigger when he saw Logan, but wavering slightly when he saw Roman with their "Friends."

He tried to hear the conversation, sitting at the table next to Logan and behind the group of people he used to consider friends.

"Listen! All I'm saying is that the kid can't handle anything, I'd like to see him in a fight against any of us! He would lose immediately." Luke, the kid who spray painted Virgils locker, said to the group. Noises of agreement came from the all the kids... all but Roman...

"Roman what do you think?" Luke asked.

Don't do it Roman.

Roman looked down.

Don't do it Roman.

Patton saw Roman's face morph from a small frown, to a cocky smirk.

Come on Roman.
Don't do it.

Roman's smirk was clearly fake, to Patton at least, no one but Patton would see the sad gleam in his eyes.

Please Roman.

"I would like to see him try and take me, I bet I would squash him like a bug."

You did it. You really did it.

Roman's whole group laughed.

Patton turned away, he thought that Roman had changed, the way he stood up for Virgil...
Maybe he was wrong.

Patton looked at Logan and smiled, "Hey! Uh... I um... I am having a hard time in math... and you're so smart! And I uh..." He took a deep breath, trying to find some sort of courage, "Would you be able to help me with my math... Today, after school? At the cafe?"

Patton waited for Logan's answer.

"I suppose I could assist you in your math troubles over a cup of coffee."


- - - -

Patton entered the coffee shop, hoping to see Logan. He looked around and started to think that Logan decided to not show up. He was immediately proven wrong when he saw a small table in the corner with a very focused Logan, doing what looked like ELA work.

Patton took a deep breath and headed over to the table, sitting across from Logan.

"Hey Logan!"

"Hello Patton." He gave a small smile that made Patton's heart skip a beat, it's so weird, having a crush on someone who is the complete opposite of you, because you really never know how they express their feeling.

Hopefully Virgil could help him with that.

"So, do you have your math work?" Logan asked, snapping Patton out of his daze.

"Oh! Yes! Here." Patton got out his homework and Logan did the same.

"Yes. My Father taught me the proper method to these kinds of equations on the Isle." Logan adjusted his glasses and looked up at Patton.

"Really? My Dad hates math with a burning passion and my Pops tries to help but he's not good at showing his work..." Patton said in his normal peppy voice.

"Well, my father was far from Royalty, actually, did you know that Virgil is technically Royalty? His father was appointed 'king' of the Isle." Logan said.

"Wow! You learn somethin' new everyday!" Patton smiled at the fact that Logan looked satisfied at his answer.

Then his Dad walked up to the table,
"Hey Babes! Saw you over here and wanted to embarrass you."

"Dad!" Patton laughed and hit his dad jokingly.

"Well, as a king, I have to do, stupid important stuff or whatever, but I'm just here to get some coffee." King Remy said, not wearing his normal King outfit and instead wearing a leather jacket and a plain white shirt.

"Can you get us some too? I want my Carmel Iced Coffee, Lo what do you want."

Logan raised his eyebrow at the name and Patton blushed at it, Logan turned to Remy.

"I don't know, I've never had anything more than black coffee."

Both King Remy and Patton gasped, "Then
you have to try the caramel iced coffee!" Patton smiled at Logan.

"All right, I will, try your Coffee." Logan smiled slightly, the most he has ever to Patton.

- - - -

Roman was on the couch, flipping through some TV channels, when he looked in his hoodie pocket and saw a shine of silver.

He grabbed it and threw it in the trash,
"You have no right to hurt him."
He said quietly to the blade.

He turned his head and saw a VERY happy Patton walk in, holding his calculus work in his hand, seeming to be full of work.

"Woah, where were you?"

Patton turned to him and smiled, "I was with Logan!"

"Oh?" Roman said, wanting him to continue.

"Well we talked, and he helped me with my math! He's so smart, and nice, and he uses such big words!" Roman could see the love struck look on Patton's face.

"So... did you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

Roman rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at his brother, "That you like him goofball!" He laughed as Patton tried to catch the pillow.

"You can tell?" Patton tried to hide his blush.

"It's pretty obvious, I can tell when like everyone has a crush on someone... I mean... not like Candy... Candy somehow knows like everyone who's going to get together." Roman said, a little confused about how Candy knew everything.


"Yeah... she's freaky talented..." Patton said, remembering the 4 couples she predicted this year alone.

Just then, their Dad walked in.

"Someone has a crush? Is it Patton? Is it that cute boy from the coffee shop?" Remy asked, and Patton got red immediately.

"Dad! Shut up!" He hid his face in embarrassment.

Roman smiled, he loved his family.

They hung out for a little before Patton and Roman were the only two in the living room. They were sitting on the couch when Patton suddenly got very serious.

"Why did you do that?"

"What?" Roman asked, a little confused.

"Why did you say that about Virgil!"

Oh yeah... he thought... language arts...

"Was I wrong?" Roman scoffed, but Patton's was serious... and Roman had made a mistake.

Patton stood up, looking straight at Roman, "Why! I thought you changed!" Then his voice got low and quiet, and Roman could see the tears in his eyes, "I thought you were better..."

Patton turned on his heel and went to walk away, but before he did, he said, still not turning away.

"Virgil wanted me to tell you he apologises..."

- - - -

A/N: Hey! So that was a long chapter, some fluff, some angst, I really need to make like one chapter that's fully fluff don't I...

Okay see ya!

Fun Fact:
Logan loved the Iced Coffee.


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