All's Fair in Love and War |A...

By Red__Ruby

199K 8.8K 3.1K

The Four Nations were at war with each other. Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Water Tribe, and Air Nomads. Or rat... More

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The Northern Wind Sanctuary

Snow Pinnacle: The Ghost Planet {4}

3.9K 191 33
By Red__Ruby

You accidentally slid and crashed into Sokka down a hallway.

"HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" He yelled, rubbing his head.


"Argue later you two!" Katara exclaimed. You and Sokka both grunted at each other before taking off. The four of you were caught in a dead-end with a Fire Sage behind you. You stood in front with Aang and grabbed more of your water.

"I don't want to fight you. I am a friend," the Sage said.

"Firebenders aren't our friends," Sokka said. Your bending faltered for a moment, but you refocused. The Sage walked up to Aang and bowed to him, deeply.

"I know why you're here, Avatar," he said.

"You do?" Aang inquired.

"Yes. You wish to speak to Avatar Roku." He stood up. "I can take you to him."

The Sage moved a light to the side, revealing a hidden hole. He firebent, which outlined a secret door. It slid open, revealing a staircase.

"This way," he said.

"Find him!" A voice echoed.

"Time is running out! Quickly!"
You grabbed Aang's and Katara's hands, throwing them down the stairs. Then you grabbed Sokka and hurled him down. You ran down the steps with the Sage closing the door behind you. You all descended down a dozen and one flights of steps.

"Avatar Roku once called this temple his home," the sage explained, "He formed these secret passages out of the magma." You looked around at the designs that came out of them.

"Did you know Avatar Roku?" Aang asked.

"No, but my grandfather knew him," the sage replied. You finally got to the bottom and walked along a path.

"Many generations of Fire Sages guarded this temple long before me. We all have a strong spiritual connection to this place."

"Is that how you knew I was coming?" Aang asked.

"A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku--its eyes began to glow."
You looked over at the others.

"That's when we were at the air temple," Katara said, "Avatar Roku's eyes were glowing there, too."

"At that moment, we knew you had returned to the world."

"If this is the Avatar's temple, why did the sages attack me?" Aang asked.

"Us," you corrected.

"Yeah, us."

"Things have changed," the sage replied, "The past, the Sages were loyal only to the Avatar. When Roku died, the Sages eagerly awaited for the next Avatar to return, but he never came."

"They were waiting for me," Aang said.

"Hey, don't feel bad. You're only 100 years late," Sokka put a hand on his shoulder. You used your water to whip him in the face. "GUAAGGHGK!"

"They lost hope that the Avatar would ever return. When Fire Lord Sozin was elected to the throne, and began the war, my grandfather and the other Sages were forced to follow him. I never wanted to serve the Fire Lord. When I learned you were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other Sages."
You raised your hand.

"What do you mean Sozin was elected to the throne?" You asked. The Sage looked at you.

"That is not something we talk about. It was a dark time for the Fire Nation," he replied.

"What happened?" Katara asked. The Sage hesitated.

"Before Roku became the Avatar, someone else from our Nation was the Avatar, albeit for a short time," he explained.

"I thought Kyoshi was the Avatar before Roku," Aang said.

"Yes." He nodded. "But something happened. Uyira L/n was known as the Dark Avatar." Your eye widened.

"The Dark Avatar?" Katara repeated.

"Yes. She managed to split the negative elemental forces from the positive ones. Before she could crush the Fire Nation, she, as well as the rest of her long bloodline, were killed."
Sokka noticed your expression.

"Y/n, you okay?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, yeah," you replied, "Just surprised someone like that existed."

"And Uyira still exists," the Sage said, "Uyira's grandchildren still live. One of which is still alive."

'Is he talking about me... or Yyn?' You thought.

"You must be careful," the Sage said to Aang. "The Dark Avatar is like an evil version of you. Be careful you do not run into her next life."
Panic started to set deep into your gut, but you pushed it down.

'Is Yyn... Uyira's incarnation?' You thought.

After that nerve-racking talk, the Sage led you to another flight of steps.

"We'll follow these stairs to the sanctuary," the Sage said.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Katara whispered to you. "You've been off ever since the Sage talked about the Dark Avatar." You nodded, giving her a smile.

"Yep. I'm perfectly okay," you replied, "Just surprised that a Dark Avatar exists."

"I am too," she replied, "It's scary... who knows what kind of power the Dark Avatar holds..." She looked at Aang.

"I hope Aang will be okay."
You placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be fine. That's why he's here. To talk to Roku and get more information."
She looked at you and nodded.


The Sage led you up a long spiral staircase.

"Once you're inside, wait for the light to hit Avatar Roku's statue. Only then will you be able to speak with him."

When you got to the top of the staircase, the Sage removed a piece from the top, walking into the sanctuary. He suddenly gasped.


"Shyu, what's wrong?" Aang asked as the four of you caught up to him.

"The sanctuary doors--they're closed," Shyu replied.

"Can't you just open them with firebending like you opened that other door?" Katara asked.

"No. Only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to open this door alone."
You looked up at the door, seeing the five open-mouthed dragon heads.

"Otherwise, the Sages must open the doors together with five simultaneous fire blasts."

"Five fire blasts, huh?" Sokka repeated, "I think I can help you out."

"Sokka... where did you get all this?" You asked.

"Don't ask," he replied from the floor. "This is a little trick I picked up from my father." He had a bunch of supplies on the floor with him.

"I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing. Shyu lights the oil-soaked twine, and ta da! Fake firebending."

"You've really outdone yourself this time Sokka," Katara said.

"This might actually work," Shyu said. Sokka shoved the bags into the dragon's mouths while the rest of you, save for Shyu, took cover.

"The Sages will hear the explosion, so as soon as they go off, you rush in," Shyu instructed. Sokka ran off and took cover behind you.

"Sunset's almost here. You ready?" You asked Aang.

"Definitely." He nodded. Shyu lit the strings and quickly took cover with Aang. Sokka crouched down and hugged your legs tightly to him. You deadpanned and looked at Katara who just shrugged. The bags exploded, and Aang ran into the smoke. You heard him grunt a few times.

"They're still locked!" He exclaimed.

"... it didn't work..." Shyu said. Your head turned to the open staircase. Your eyes narrowed. Carefully and quietly, you slinked away and crawled up the pillars, hiding there.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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